233853 ` f � ����� ORIGINAL TO CI�Y CLERK � � � _ , CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` � COUNCI R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONE DATF I - � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, � that Chapter �+99, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, approved the _ I 16th day of May, 1967, entitled: � "AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL; AMENDING LAWS 1963, CHAPTER 881, SECTION 1, PROVIDTNG FOR AND AU�HORIZING SAID CITY 2'0 ISSUE ITS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR URBAAT : RENEWAL DEVELOPNNIENT PURPOSES. " � a certified copg of which is filed herewith, shall be and ; said Act hereby is in all things approved; � . � RESOLVED. FURTHER, Th�,t the City Clerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in form � prescribed by the Attorney General stating the essential ' facta necessary to said approval of said Act hereunder and i includ3ng a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. ' , � , I _ -, , . ., , . ��� APF� V � / �=`, � st, Corporation unsel � + . � JUN 1 � 1961, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas ; Nays ��, �u� 131961 : � �� pproved 19� H�rrd— \�Vleredith In Favor ' ; . � � h � �Peterson � �yor � Tedesco � Against � �r. President, Byrne � . , � PU�LISH�fD JUN 17 196� �22 � i � � ��1^� �J` r._r � �i— �--` ���?,� 1 I� 1�r/�� r` �,� f1 r'11+. � I ����{- ��� /► KY .i ���r �.��:i{sl��l:;l�"1:=' 1`�:'�.��'..I'1_ri.� 1.'_.I!, �'�.:!^I'�� rl.'���1�,:.'1- ^Y��",�l` ��S ���� f'7+E��?�Attb'"CA�.. L�f�}�9!�T�u:s:l��t� � �( � �� �� �:�:� '�'�; �� OF M jN � �.,��.. _�� �ca�� _ � NFSOT � �� �.� � � ,�r�� � 7.� � ,�/' � '° ��. s. � _ � • .�` ��� ,t '.�- � e ''� :�` � ��-°: _ .k �' _�. �. � ,� 5��: �: � ;. � __ � :��:�,;:�;:-. �.,�-� � ;.�� � �� =�������-� � � � ' ' ' '.�� " ';� �r��..��' = 4� '� . "� ,il. �� � I �I , �...�.,:���.� ;,�.:,, �; � � ������U-=���" � , _ � �_ ��� ��_ _ �� _� � � . _�� , • . . , . , , , . . , . , � . _ � � . - � , , ,. ., , , , , , , � -. � . . , . . , , - _ . : . - _ _ , �» - � - . • � - � . � � - . . • . . . . . - . � � • ' • �' :� �r �� ��. ^ � � _. � : � � �. � �� ;: � �-:. _ � � � :- � � =" �� �� :�= � � :�� � � _ � � :. � � � . a � -_ = � �': ti� �r !`� � _ ._ � � :. . � � -� � � _ � � ". �� �� _: � � ;:. �� � ti� � � � �- � �3 = g . . • . , , -. . • , . .� . . , . - , � . _. � �r:. �� �r �� � � -- �� -_ � =� � .- �, '� , ., , „ , � - ". � ��. ---_-_ ` �� . . , . ,j . � . , � , `�` � - . � • .�. , J \ i i i i I �i � . _ �� , ��i _�� —` - � � // I 6+ � i � �'_` , _ � '� \ `,\ ` , , a � '" ` � . __ �� . ' , � � � � � �\ - .- �r- .�� - � - � ` / ` �� � � � - � -�i � - - � , � . ;�`.�, � � . <��``�.��::�:.� �.s�\r� �,�� , 'r�S"�i,S �11u'�QiG'G19 610'Nu�'i F'w�Pu"�'E�'�L5�i Fuv�i:�J Pud Eii�f].i5��P�S'M��4'�'i Fiu�'eii��Q�'Cii�u�`i��� 3 fti�J��' nw il�,�,�„_,�,".��'�! Y��`�„l��i��,�;9�' •.��..,� �... �...� „� ,.� ,`�. ���.•.•.�,��i `siwst�F���� � t r ; i CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW � � BY OOVERNIN� BODY ' � t (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) , ' i STATE OF MINNESOTA County'of �MS� . TO THE'SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE TAI� NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the , ` ' City of Saint Paul (name of gbvernmental unitl _ DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 1967, Chapter � �+99 requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local ' � Cit Council governmental unit before it becomes effective, the Y ` � (deaignate governing body) at a meeting duly held on the 13t�day of J�e , 19 67, by resolution Council File No. 233853 did approve said Laws, 1967, Chapter �99 (Ii other thaa resolntion, specify) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof (Ayes 4 ; Noes � ; Absent nr-not-vot=ag 3 ) and the following additional steps, if any,� required by statute or charter were taken: xesolution published in the St. Paul Le�al Led�er, the official newspaper of the City of Saint Paul, on June 17, 1967. A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. � { Signed: . SEAL - �ty Clerk � (Oliicial deaignation of ofiicer) � (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by ! the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.021) *I,f extraordinary majority is required 6y the s�ecial law insert :fraction or ¢ercent� age he're. � � STAT� �� ��t��ESOTA ; n�u�rr�rt o� smAr$ 1'r' l �:C= D JUN 191967 f o��..-.... �� � SeCigtaiY Of$tQCe R � , � / �, 1 � � � � 7 �J .� ..�_ - . oZ � . , r . i � . S.�. Ro. 1835 , CHAPTER No. ' �� � � � � � � � � , , ' RELA`�'It�7� 10 T:;E CI'?�' OF SAIi�i PAtTj�; . '„ A�I�'�i\YG LAt1S 1963, C"riAPT:R 8`v'? , SECTION . # 1, PROVIDIfiG FOR .��ID AUt��iO�IZI'TG SAID � _ ' , CI'1'Y TO ISSUE 7TS GEi�'ERAL OBLIGATIOi� BO�JS � FOR LTi<BAN �'w:\�s�TAL�DEV�,L02P�Y3T P"ITRPOSES. , BE IT E�ACZED BY 'TTdE LE��SLA'1'iJ�, Or 1HE STATE 0� MIN�TESOTA: ; Section Io Laws 1963, Chapter 881, Section 1, is , • amended to read: � � Section 1. The city o� Saint Paul may issue its general obligation bo�ds for the ;�urpose oi and in tne amoun�s necessary for pay�ng not to e�ceed on�-thi-ra of the net project cost of 4each of the urban renecaal dev�lopment projects heretofore f designated by the housinG and redevelopm�nt authority of the city oi Saint Paul as the Downtocan, Cathedral, Riverview, HeY?•o��;-He33���-�.��a���e:�;-s�i�-�e���r-B��e Conco�� Terrace, and S ��it-L'niversi�y projec�s, and for pa.ying zny rem.aining costs of ;rn�nicipal buildinis and imnrovements to be construc�ed within or adjacen� to the project a-re�. 7'ne net project cost � re�erred �o in this ac� is the public rzdeveloprn�nt cost of the project less its capital proceeds , as those terms are _ __ _, defined in I�innesota Sta�utes, Sectio:� 462.5��5, and as the - � ar�ounts thereo� ar� estir�ated by the ci�y council prior to the � � delive-ry oF each series of bonds. lhe total �mount of bonds � . aut�:o-rized herein shall be ?im�tec'� to �:�3;�50;00£� 5192400,00�. , � - Sec. 2. Thzs ac�. s'�G?� bec.o�re efi�eL-i�,�c o:zly aft�r its ; app-roval by a �a�o�i�y oL tY:e gavern?n� body of the city o� ' Saint Paul and upon cor�p7 iance w�th the �i•ovi,�ic�ns of Minn�sotz S�atu�es , Sec�io� 6<<5.021. � • f � t ' . � . � . - . , ' i . " ' � ;�I� f' . • , � � ,'�a i �� . I . "� .' '"— � - - -- _ i . .- -- - - - — ' -- -- • i:ft ;i , � t � - - H.F. No. 1299 ��� .�� ' � • i . , ; • F � . . • . e • � } • i ' I . • i � ' � : ' L. L. Duxbu y' . � • Speaker of the House� of Rep-resentatives. r � _ . � , 1����� f � - ' � Ja s B. Goetz ' - � President off�he Senate. Passec t�� House of �epresen�.^t-ives this 13tiz day of � Ap�il in the year o£ Our Lord on� thc�sand nir�e hu��ci��cl and sixty-s...Cven . i � � � - ; � � � ��� �� � + �� �� Ed�oard A. Burdick , Chief Clerk, Hause of P.epresen�atives. Passed thz Senate this te��h day of r��y � in t� y�ar cv� Our Lord o� t'no�nd nine hunclred and sixty-sc��en . � � H. . Torrey � - Sec-re�ary of he Senate. . �j��" . Approved % !l�-� �, 1967 � • � � — — -- - - ! •. -- - - , ' - -- - - - - - - -- --.___ . . . t ��<� ���� , : C�..�'��� � -� -� . - ; . _ , . - � � . � I�arold LeVander � 1 Go��e-rnor of the St�ate of Minn�esota. ; , Fi1ed �� �� 1967 � . , �?� ' . r � F � . � . , s , . ' � C .Joseph L. Dor.ovan ; ecretary of the State of �linnesota. -- r�- - �f;Fy . . - � � ' ' .j;�� ' . k 2, ; . , i . . , . __.�.._._..� .. ._. .. � - . � - - � �