233793 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � 233'�g3 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - ; ,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — _� r COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY • , COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS , Norman L. Clark, an employee of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, was injured in a third party aecident on December 10 , ].965 , while engaged in the performance of his _duties for said Bureau; and � = WHEREAS � the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of 5291.00 therefor, and said employee was disabled from work for a period of time; being paid salary in the amount of $2 ,388..15 ; , and City Squad Car No.331 was also damaged in said accident to the extent of $602.14, for which Comptroller's Registered Bill 3-4912 _ was issued; and WHEREAS , a compromise settlement has been negotiated between said employee and the other party involved in said accident out of which the Citq will receive $2 ,500.00 of its subrogation interest by reason of injury to its employee and damage to the City ,Squad Car; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept in fu11, final and complete settlement of its claim herein � the sum of $2 ,500.00 and to execute any necessary releases therefor; that of said 'sum, $1,802.97 is thereby credited to the Police Salary - Fund; $94. 89 to the Wo�kmen's �ompensation Fund; and $602.14 in payment of Regist�red Bill 3-4912. :A�� L Corparation Counsel 9 196) � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUN 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �U� 9 1�� � Dalglish Approved 19— . / Tn Favor Meredith ' ' ..��e�� � Mayor A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISH�D JUN 17196�` �22 �' .(�) �°°� (((��� DUrLICATE TO rRINTER /�� /�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � � �{ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Y PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ' 1 S � I � � WHEREAS , Norman L. Clark, an employee of the Department of � Public Safety, Bureau of Police, was injured in a third party � accident on December 10 , 1965 , while engaged in the performance � of his �3uties for said Bureau; and WHEREAS , the City has incurred medical expense in the amount of $291.00 therefor, and said employee was disabled from work for a period of time , being paid salary in the amount of $2,388.15 ; � and City Squad Car No. 331 was also damaged in said accident to the � extent of $602. 14, for which Comptroller's Registered Bill 3-4912 } was issued; and � i ; WHEREAS , a comprom3.se settlement has been negotiated between ° said employee and the other party involved in said accident out of � which the City will receive $2 ,500 .00 of its subrogation interest by reason of in�ury to its employee and damage to the City Squad Car, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized to accept in ful.l, final and complete settlement of its claim herein � the sum of $2,500.00 and to execute any necessary releases therefor; � that of said sum, $1,802.97 is thereby credited to the Police Salary Fund; $94. 89 to the Workmen�s Compensation Fund; and $602. 14 in payment of Registered Bill 3-4912. 0 � J U N 9 196� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��N q 19�7 Dalglish Approved 19— �' ' Tn Favor Meredith � � Mayor - g Against 4 Mr. President, Byrne s �22 \ �