05-06COUNCIL FILE #: lJ �' lJ�tl GREEN SHEET #: 2 �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SOLUTION CITY OF AIN'T PAUL, iV� Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation collects revenues for the support of the Como Campus from Como Zoo donarions, Como Zoo & Conservatory Sociery's shaze of wsts, and class fees for educarional offenngs; and WHEREAS, revenues received from the aforemenrioned sources have exceeded the amounts as budgeted in the 2QQ4 Como Campus fund (380) by $290,D00, $49,000, and $32,000 respecrively; and WHEREAS, revenues from other items within the fund have not met the amounts as budgeted in the 2004 adopted budget in the amount of $94,000; and t5 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation requests that the balance of financing required to bring these budgets into balance be covered by the use of fund balance accumulated from prior years in the amount of $69,480; and WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation desires to amend the 2004 Como Campus Fund 380 to account for said additional revenues and to establish an appropriate spending plan; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriarion, funds of $346,480 in excess of those estimated in the 2004 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayar recommends tt�at the following additions be made to the 2004 budget: FINANCING PLAN: 380 - Como Campus 33137 - Como Campus Support 5104 - O'Neil Rides 5417 - Facility Rentals 6905 - Contriburions & Donations 6927 - Other Agency Share of Costs 6999 - Other Misc. Revenue NOC 7499 - Transfer - Intrafund 9830 - Use of Fund Balance SPENDING PLAN: 380 - Como Campus 33137 - Como Campus Support 0299 - Other Misc. Seroices CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 115,000 (25,000) 90,000 171,000 (20,000) I51,000 245,000 (30,000) 215,000 so,000 �as sa,000 25,000 (19,000� 6,000 28,000 193,330 221,330 0 69,48Q 69,480 664,0�0 140,810 8a4,81� 598 140,810 141,408 598 140,810 141,408 G:IFMIQ7l�rkalResolutions, AOs, Green SheetSlReso/utionslComo Campus Resolution '04.x1s Page: 1 of3 COUNCIL FILE #: Q� r GREEN SHEET #: �a �,� (� t� RESOLUTTON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 38 FTNANCING PLAN: 39 380 - Como Campus 40 33139 - Como Zoo Support 41 6905 - Contributions & Donations 0 290,000 290,000 42 6927 - Other Agency Shaze of Costs 40,000 40,000 80,000 43 40,OQ0 330,Q00 370,OQ0 44 SPENDING PLAN: 45 380 - Como Campus 46 33139 - Como Zoo Support 47 0112 - Full Time - Not Certified 0 4,800 4,800 48 0299 - Other Miscellaneaus Services � 40,000 40,000 49 0384 - Food for Zoo Animals 0 52,464 52,464 50 0439 - Fringe Benefits 4Q297 1,350 41,647 51 0799 - Transfer Out - Inh 0 231,386 231,386 52 40,297 330,000 370,297 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 FINANCING PLAN: 380 - Como Campus 33141 - Zoo/Conservatory Education Programming 5199 - Concessions NOC 5299 - Fees NOC. 6927 - Other Agency Share of Costs 7499 - Transfer - Intrafund SPENDING PLAN: 380 - Como Campus 33141 - ZoolConservatory Education Programming 0132 - Not Certified 0219 - Fees-Qther Pxofesional Services 0389 - Other - Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0 120,000 120,000 88,000 (88,000) 0 0 37,000 37,000 0 33,OS6 38,056 88,000 107,056 195,056 0 48,500 48,500 6,O�Q 33,136 39,136 5,000 25,000 30,000 15,087 420 15,507 26,087 107,056 133,143 70 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to flie 71 2004 budget. G:1FfvnQ7lWi�kalResolutions, AOs, G�een SheetslResolufionslComo Campus Resolution 'D4.xis Page: 2 of 3 COi3NCIL FILE #: �� GREEN SHEET #: �jQac�fo � RESOLUTION CTTY OB SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: Requested by_ Adopted by Council: Date: p� Adoptlon Certified by Council Secretary Division of Pazks and Recrearion By ���' ��^�� Approval ReCOmmended by Financial Services Director: l � Q� �Y � � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � , \ ; Bv: t �., n, _, , _ /1 � .A i Approved bp�1VIa�pr: Date: c" C �6proved �y l�Iayor for 7 IE �//` / / G:IFMIQ71Wi(1calResolutions, AOS, Green SheetslResolutionslComo Campus Resolution '04.xis Page: 3 of 3 � d / � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green 5heet Green Sheet � PR — P�Ics ana xecrearion Co�d Person 8 Phone: Jill Cremers 2666435 on Council qqenda by (Date): 07-DEG04 1 Green Sheet NO: � Assign Number For Routing Order (�'� 3024564 DeoartmeM Sent To Person IniGallDate 0 IPa la and Recreatiun I / 1 ar an Recr tiou e a nt Dic r '� 2 rue 3 or's Otiice vorlASSistaM 4 nn 'I 5 i C er CY Cler 6 a ks n R rea' n JiIIC e Total # of Signature Pages _� (Clip AII locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution authorizing changes to the 2004 Como Campus Special Fund budget. Recommendations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission � Personal Service Contracts Must 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciiy employes? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? - Yes No Explairf alf yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Changes in revenue line items has necessitated a change. m Advantages If Approved: Budgetazy level of con4ol xna.intained. DisadvantageslfApprovetl: None /�EC �. 4 2004 --- - ��Tl (��A �PS�arr,h �°��t�t f�ECENED Disadvantages If Not Mproved: �� L L V LUU9 I,oss on budgetary level of contcol. � I�IiAYOR'� �F�SS�� �' Total Amount of 4 _ . . Transaction- 346�480 CosURevenue�Budgeted: Fundins� Source: Multiple Activity Number: 380-33137, 380-33139, 380-33141 Financial Information: Addirions from donarions, CZCS shaze & class fees. (Explain)