233728 .-. . ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK 23��2g ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N�. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � r�r COUN L�OLUTION—GENERAL FORM ; PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Carnmittee therefor, and hereby awards contract for flzrnishing'��,a.nd deliver�ng to the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Safety, Repair Shop, 1�+41 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for I � the St. Pau1 Fire Department, Or�e 1000 G.P.M., 5 man, Pumping Engine, General 1000 G.P.M. Class A Pumper, to GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, at a contract price of �28,967.00, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the � Formal Bid #2253 of said General Safety Equipment Corporation, such bid being the lowest meeting specifications and said General Safety Equipment Corporation being a reasonable ��� i and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is authorized to draw up � � i the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials are hereby directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint� Paul. Formal Bid #2253. ' i , _ , � - ""I I � j � N�AY � 1 19�� ; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �{ 19_ Yeas Nays ', Carlson . .. � ° - � ' R�AY 3 1 19�� ` ' Dalglish Approved 19 I Holland . Meredith , Favor � I �_ �e�ers-�r—� � Mayor � �• Tedesco Aga�t � . `���::�������:�:��.. .:__�:� �B�.s� � 3 19b�' ; ; •: Mr. Vice Yresident (Peteraon) , �22 ' '��/ 233'728 � DUrLICATE TO rRINTlR CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �' FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF AE.SOLVED„ 7hat the Coanc9.1. hereby approves the a,ward of` the Purcha�ing Coomm�ttee therefor, and hereby a.warda contraQt for f�irnis2�.n��and del�.ve��:ag to the City of 8a3nt Paul, Department of Pub].ic Safe�y, Repa�.r Shopa l�+l Riee Stre�t, Sa3nt $aul, M3nnesote,� Por the �t. Paul �.re Depar�ment? One 1000 QtP.M., 5 man, Pumpi,ng Engl.ne, General 1000 Q.P.M'. C1as� A Pumper, to C�RAI, BAP�Tl� �Q,UIpl�NT CpBppRATI�'� e,t s, contract Brice oP $28,967�00, in accordexice with C�ty apecifications therefor hereto attached and the Forn�a,1 Bi.d �2253 oP Sa,�.d General Ssfety Equ3pment Corporation� such b�.d being the laweet meeting speoi.f`icatiat� e�nd said General Safet�r �qu�panent Corpora,tion be3ng a reaaonable a.nd re73able b3dder and the Corpora,tion Cvunsel be and hereby i� Quthorized �o dra�w up the proper form of contract therefo� e.nd the proper City oPf`1.e3a1e are hereby direct�d to execute sa3.d contract an. behalf of the City of 3aint P�ul. Forn�,]. Bid �2253. i�►Y 31 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Carlson ��}( � j ��l n� , Dalglish Approved 19._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith �r.»_ ,� Mayor Tedesco A ga�gt ^4 i!se��o.,.,"'`.�",ee��3�,e�.�'..,�ie.,�,.,e.,���'•�,�.:;,3:� ;:.��Vice President (Petersonl �22