05-03Council File # �,�b�_ Resolution # �reen sheet # 30246'11 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Presented ay Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. §462.357 and Saint Paui Legislative Code §69.301 and §69.400 ff, Chris Kusch, Zoning File #04-18-092, duly petitioned to subdivide property legally described as the West 56.0o feet of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 29, Range 22, PIN 27-29-22-12-0038, commonry known as 1602 Maryland Avenue; and WHEREAS, the staffofthe Departmentof Planning and Economic Development, afterduly considering the comments of other City departments, recommended that the City Council approve the subdivision applicatio�; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the City Council on said subdivision application was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on October 21, 2004, and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property a�d properly situated wholiy or partly within 350 feet of the property to be platted; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was conducted before the City Council on November 3, 2004, where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard, and the City Councii, having considered ali facts and recommendations concerning the subdivision application, found the proposed platto be inconsistentwith the other parceis and residentiai uses in the surrounding area and potentially detrimental to adjacent propeRies property; therefore, the Saint Paul City Council does hereby RESOLVE, that the petition of Chris Kusch to subdivide properly legally described as the West 56.00 feet of the West Haif of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 29, Range 22, PIN 27-29-22-12-0038, commonly known as 1602 Maryland Avenue, is hereby denied. Requested by Department o£: Plannin & Economic Develo ent �,� By: Approved by Financial Services Adopted by Council: Adoption CertiEied By: L//i Approved by Mayo : By: Date EL�'�;�ZIsG%r�.�.�ulJ� 7 �COUncil Secretary By: Form Approved by City Attorney /2, , ^I�C—O by By: -� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � vepamnenvpmceicounen: Date lnitlated: PE — P���g & Economic Development 09-pEC-04 Contact Person 8 Phone: � Penny Simison q 66554 Assign i Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Numb¢r 2 For Routing 3 Order 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lorations for Signature) �-�3 Green Sheet NO: 3024621 lanoin n 'c evel � lannin & ono "cDevelo e artment i ector Attorn (�}/ �'�y'i a or's ce oNASSistant onncil C' Conn 't erk Ci erk To adopt resolurion memorializing City Council denial of subdivision applicafion for Ctsis Kush, Zoning File #0418-092 itlations: Approve (A) or Reject Pianning Commissioa CIB Committee Civil Service Commissian Contracts Must Answer the 1. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No , 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cur2nt city employee? Yes No Explai� ali yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet _ Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (WF�o, What, When, Where, Why): City Council denied subdivision application following November 3, 20Q4, public heazing. Resoluuon memorializes this decision. Advanppes If Approved: Memorializes City Council decision. Disadva�Yayes If Approved: Ciry CouncIl decision vaiU not be memorial'rzed. DisadvanTages If Not Approved: None ^ Transacfion: � Fundinq Source: Financiat information: (Explain) Cost7Revenue Budgeted: ActiviN Number: �������� DE� 14 2��� �� 0 � N a � B ����� �CCCIV�� DEC � � 20d4 , NlAYflR'S OFFlCE '�.�'r'd,�a`�?iG`� `S�'�"�:2p Q�C � 6 2Q04 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVEIAPMENT Susmi KnnBerlY, Dbec[m � 5 -�"� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C Ke1Iy; Mayoi October 18, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: zs west nmarh Saeet SamtPaul, MN55102 Teleyhone: 651-266-6655 Fnpimil¢: 651-2283374 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday No4ember 3; 2004; for the following zoning case: Applicant: Chi�is Kiisch FileNumber: #04-118-092 Purpose: Coinbu�ed �'lat to create twosingle-�'amiy, lots Address: 16021UI'aryland Averiii� Legal Descriprion of Property: PIN 27-29-22-12-0038 My understanding is that this public hearing will appear on the agenda for th�November 3,.2004; City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press. Please call me �266=6354 if you have any questions, Sincerely, Penelope5imison City Planner �: F�i��oa-irg-o9z Cazol Martineau Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Allan Torstenson Cazol Peshman xaric� oF rvsuc ar�xnvo The Saint Paul wiYi con- duct a public hearing on Wednesday No-. vember 3, 2�04, at 6:30 p,m. in the City Council Chambers, Ti�ird F7oor, City Hall, to consider the application ofCiuis Ktvseh for a Combined Plat to-create tx•o sin- P,le-familylots at 1602 Mary]yndAvenue. Dated: Oetober 19, 2004 MARY ERICKSON. " Assistant City eouneil secretary - - (o�t� 2i) — S1: PAOL LEGAI. LEIICER =Y�— 2208760T C:1Da:�aits �d SettivgclMmyEVocat SalOngslTemp\t6o2mffiyl�dwsge�L�'SjqFm�toya DEPARTMENT OF PLANNI.NG &ECON�MICDEVELOPMENT � SusanKimberly, tlirecior ..,,,,,,,,. � . c1� oF sArrrT Paur. Ra'uly C Kelly, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN55102 ?elephoae: 651-?66-6655 Facsimi[e: 651-228-3314 October 25, 2004 Ms. Mary Erickson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Iv tN 55102 RE: Zoning File # 04-118-092 Chris Kusch Combined Plat for 1602 Maryland Ave. City Council Hearing: Novembei 3, 2004, at 5:30 pm, in CiTy Council Chambers PURPOSE: To consider a preliminary and final plat proposed by Chris Kusch to create two lots for single £amily (RT2 and R-3) development and to plat unplatted land. Deaz Ms. Erickson: Chris Kusch has submitted an application for preliminary and final plat approval for subdivision of properry at 1602 Maryland to two lots. The pazcels will be developed anto single family homes. Attached are the staff report and the preliminary and fmal plat for City Council consideration. This application meets atl subdivision requirements and staff recoznmends approval of the preliminary and final plat. This peririon is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on November 3, 2004. Please call me at 266- 6554 if there aze any questions. Sinc Penelope Simison City Planner Attachments cc: , File #04-118-092 City Councilmembers Chris Kusch Larry Soderholm G'1S6ared\PEDVSi[nison\pLats\1602 maryland cover 4r.wpd AA-ADA-EEO Empioyer r� LJ • SUBDIVtS10N STAFF REPORT 1. APPLICANT: Chris Kusch p`, FItE #04'I 18-092 HEARING DATE: November 3, 2004 2. TYPE OF APPLfCATION: Subdivision (Combined P1at) 3. LOCATION: 1602 Maryfand Ave., befiveen Hazeiwood and Herbert 4. PIN AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PIN 27-29-22-12-0038, see subdivision documents for existing and proposed legal descripfions. 5. PLANNING DISTRICT: 2 6. ZONiNG CODE REFERENCE: §69.301; §69.406 7. STAFF REPORT DATE: October 27, 2004 PRESENT ZONING: RT2, R3 BY: Penelope Simison 8. DATE RECENED: June 22, 2004 DEADLiNE FOR ACTION: November 17, 2004 A. PURPOSE: Combined Plat for Kusch Addition to create 2 single-family parceis B. PARCEL SIZE: 35, 000 sq. ft. tofa( parcel C. EXISTING LAND USE: Single Family Residential C. St;RRG:lNQ4NG Lfi"d� USc: North: Mulfi-family residentiai (RM1) East: Single-family res+dentiai (RT2) Soufh: Community center {R3) West: Mulfi-family residential (RM1} E. ZONfNG CODE CITATION: §69.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision (1) creates five or more lofs or parcels each of which is 2%z acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, aileys and other pubiic improvements, or (3) is previousfy unplatted land. In this case, the subdivision is of previously u�piatted land. §69.406 pravides criteria for review of subdivision appiications. These criteria are covered befow under "Required Findings." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: There is no zoning history fior this site. G. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: No communication had been received at the time the staff report was prepared. H. REQUfRED FINDITIGS: § 69.466 of the Zoning Code requires that all of the following findings shall be made prior to approva{ of a subdivision: 1. A!I the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code a�e comp/ied with. City staff have reviewed the proposed piat and have determined that ali applicable provisions of city codes are met. 2. The proposed su6division will not Be detrimenta! to the present and potential surrounding land uses. The proposed piat is consistent with the surrounding land uses, and wiil not be defrimenta{ to present and future use of surrounding land. Surrounding land uses are either single-family residential, low-density multi-family residential or institutional. 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be p/anned and developed in coordination and compafibility wifh fhe proposed subdivision. The area surrounding the proposed plat is already developed and compatible with the proposed plat. • 4. The subdivision is in conformance wifh the comprehensive plan. The subdivision is in conformance with the chapter of the comprehensive plan, which has guidelines for sites for new housing, (Objective 5.4.4. of the adopted Land Use Plan) including sites close to amenities and along major fransportation comidors. The subject property is in ciose proximity 0 5�b3 to Phalen Village and is on Maryland Avenue, which is a major bus route. It also conforms • with redevetopment pians for the area. 5. The subdivisfon preserves and incorporates the site's imporfant ex�sting natura! features whenever possible. The site is in a fully-developed part of Saint Paul with no remaining naturaifeatures. 6. All land infended for building sites can be used safely wifhouf endangering residents by perf! from floods, e�osion, continuously high wate� table, severe soil conditiorrs or other rnenace. . The site is a flat, fuily developed area with no flooding, erosion, high water tabie or soil condition probtems. 7. The subdivision can be economicaily served with existing public services, including sewer and water. STAFF RECOMMEND"ATION: 8ased on required itndings 1 through 7, staff recommends approvai of the finat plat for Chris Kusch at 9602 Maryland Avenue, subject to the condition that thE applicanY sha{I file a copy of tfie Council Resoiution approving the piat witfi the Ramsey County' Recarder's O�ce. Attachments: Applicatio� Preliminary Plat Final Plat Site Location Maps � r � L_.� � �. SUBDIVfS10N REVIEW APPLICATION Deparhrzent of Planreing arcd Economic Ilevelopment Zoning Section I400 City HaZI Annex _ 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (65l) 266-6589 APPLiCANT Q�oQe�rv LOCATION � Lot Sp{it with Variance TYPE OF SUBDIV1SlON: � Lot Split � Preliminary Plat Address /��y� �.ex:na �n �ve_ /V E � City �or, L,a ��c� St� Yh� Zip SS30 y paytime Phone_ 763-3oo-9s�o Name of Owner ('rf Contact Person (i# Address / Location 1(o O� !'ha rv�a» �X Legal Oescriptio� Current (attach additionat sheet if necessary) � Finai Plat ��S V � Reg. Land Survey �ombined Ptat Appiicani's Signature ��i ,���j,r/I_ Date �D' .2 / y City Agent� b5-� 3 � a � A Q � 1 �1 � V1 �` , ^ I a � I � � A �F �'e FE . �u s a c € i Z ] �� �s Q3 S '°s 6� e� E3 :g e� i'd � � 5 F o g �3 6L E a :� 4 Y' '�� & 2� 3�°� z � � n p£ � i8 � ?t � pa' �E _ t� 5F ='a' >e 3 S a bz �� °E a � � � � � � ' I � ' � . � � � � � ' I / \ � I V ' � � w� ` � � � °C � a ; a �-----�---� ' 1 — ' � . � , -��--�� � s> � — � — � �iz ;r� t ��,� ¢ � � �?�se ;�! � � ����� � Ja��� � / \ � _ �t �, f � .;� i I -r, � — — -� � � �: � ! � �� :'�`=" ''� f � a �'_ �, ,,; � ;x',...,Pro.�.��-. �,� � � � ! a t 'ti�. / ass.eo.00s f t \ : � � � aa '" � e � i '_"aresn'_"_ � ; � � '�+� �-�_ I `. Z � u C e 1� e Y �o � � � a ,� T � �;v:� ly' � �� q �5 s� i2 �a FS �_ ¢F � �.701� — �— � — — '—.z+�.—_ _—_ --- 'rrtse . __ s.a�-x*..�.z�Py��.a. Y.8S.90AOS /�arw�n./�r.as�rew r ?ii:{li,.�Y� S3:v0� _-:A�SOi:� .. 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O � � A a � .c � U 4 ]� x ��n W= s w� w a ��� e �; t £�� b ` SA }� i# �°Av°�e S Y �i ag �' � Z p } Z � t '" � � J I •J 1 c�`�-0� � 5 '�- 3 CITIZEN PART?CIPATiO DISiRiCTS �. ' � Z a. cor�a l].HAMLINE-MIDWAY I2. ST. ANrHat�Y i3.M�RRi,4M PK.-�EXINCTON HAMLINE 14_6RQVELAND-MRCALESIER- iS.HIGHLAND �- 9b:SUMhiiT HILL 17. OOWNT04ih[ .� y • 7.TNOMAS=DALE S. SUMN;IT-UNITERSITY y �i� � 4:4lEST SEVEN�hi o CITFZEN PAR7ICIPAT.IQN RLA�NING BFSTRICTS 1.SUNRAY=B�TTLECREEK-H?6HW006 --��,�RERTER EAST SIOE 3.WcST' STDE" ,�, 4.OAYPON'S BLUFF . S: PRYNE-PNfkLEN. - 6. NORTH EhFB � � • J�� l �}----- I� � � � 05 � �o<. �>�„e '1��:��n.�...I��,-�; � � Il �`'"� � ,�__,; �' .�.�, � � __ ^ TE � '-�_ ��-__ �L�.Y� � mr� � __._. �� �� ::� . . � �� �� ::�; F�: �� GREATER.EAST SIDE �� �� � ,„ ,- ----_ �� /.: < � � _ - �— - , a�� , DISTRI CT 2 O�_�°° ' 00° 2 30 Op '-� ° $�AtE lN FEE� .������� ���� t�Y- �1�. � � \ � \ �________. � �� � � � a� � 3 � �i � � m O I � � � � a�i��a�o'sz � � Nd NOSNHO�' `L . ;-" �9 .`,�� \ � �� � � a � > W d � I � U � Z � � a - z � , � tl31S; — �Jt�F7F0�50000'8906Z ��--------------- � �I �. I � � � » s � - -� � � � �� � ti� � � ; _ � � _,." Q .: ' �o. � � � .a � ao"� :..� Q `.J' �/ :~-0 : yJ� . d I ��� O � - N � � �a � � �; � � _� �i � � � � `� - A6"�37�J�a666"�"` - � ;i^.. _ +:: � � - �ne��t --1�--. �z : �� d5-a3 �'��� �;��p, .,�� ��a4 //`T�a;� 6`�� Item=#14 needs the reasons for rejection read into the record. They are as follows: 1. The parcel's long and narrow layout is such that a cammon driveway would be necessary to access the rear lot from Maryland. A driveway that longg�g�nd so close to the house on the proposed front parcel is not consistent with other homes/parcels in the neighborhood. 2. The additional cars entering and exiting Maryland Avenue from an uncontrolled driveway cause more problems on an already busy street. Mary Erickson - Council decision on plat map for 1602 Maryland (� —a3 Page 9 From: Peneiope Simison � To: Sostrom, Dan Date: 11/23/2004 9:48:51 AM Subject: Council decision on plat map for 1602 Maryland Dan good moming You may recali that the Council denied the application for this plat map at 1602 Maryland at ihe Nov. 17 meeting. The law requires, when there is a staff recommendation for approvai and there is a vote for denial, that the resolution of deniai state the reasons for deniai. UnfoRunately, those reasons are not on the record prior to the Nov. 17 vote. They need to be on the record so that I can write the resolution of denial. Peter Wamer and I have confeRed on this and what we need to do is put the issue on the counci{ agenda again, simply so the reasons for denial are on the record. I have talked with Mary Erickson about this and it will be on the Dec. 1 council agenda. �f there are queslions, please cail. � Thank you. Penny Simison � Penelope Simison DepartmeRt of Pla�ning and Economic Development 25 West 4th Street, #1100 Saint Paui, MN 55102 651/266-6554 penelope.simison@ci.stpaul. mn.us CC: Eckert, Laura; Erickson, Mary; Kimberly, Susan; PED-Updates; Sanchez, Tom; Sederhoim, Larry; Sorstenson, Aiian; Wamer, Peier � b5-�� � Confinning City Council action taken November 17, 2004 denying the application of Chris Kusch for a Combined PIaT to create two single-fasttily lots at 1602 Maryland Avenue. � l� l� J