04-1234�N(�ND�D — t�(�ic7� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, �IIINNESOT Presented Referred To Council File # �'y �a �� Green Sheet # ���9�g Committee Date � RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE EXPANSION OF WIRELESS AND OTHER HIGH SPEED, BROADBAND TNTERNET t1ND OTI3ER TELECOMM[JNICATIONS ACCESS OPPORTiJNITIES FOR PRNATE BUSINESSES, INSTITUTIONS, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC OF SAINT PAUL 4 WHEREAS, recent technological changes, including the introduction of wi-fi networking, internet telephony 5(VOIP), high definition video and farther expected breakthroughs have greatiy ixnproved opfions for 6 transmission and receival of high speed broadband internet and other telecommunications signals; and 7 10 WFIEREAS, while an estimated 25 million Americans currently use some form of high speed broadband, the lack of cable and DSL connection access in some geographic areas, including Saint Paul, and prices that have remained largely constant over the past five years has now seen us nationaliy drop from first to 13�' in the world in proportion of access; and 11 WHEREAS, the role of high speed broadband access for business, educational, health, tourist, governmental, 12 recreational and other informational ar communication putposes has become increasingly important with the 13 resulting lack of access for those unable to share its benefits for economic, geoa aphic or educational reasons, 14 crearing what is laiown as a"digital divide;" and I S WHEREAS, numerous cities, municipalities and communities across the nation, including our neighbor, the 16 City of Minneapolis, have recently undertaken ox completed projects to promote reduced cost wireless (wi-fi) 17 netwarking covering broad geographic areas; and o�t-ra3-� 1 WI�REAS, included in the potenrial benefits is cost savings and improved service opportunities for public 2 safety, schools, inspecfors, pazks, public works, and other governmental depariments; and 3 WI�REAS, we have similar needs and opportunities that require ail Saint Paui businesses, governmental 4 insfitutions and residents to have full access to state-of-the art broadband internet and other communications 5 facilities at affordable prices, and other groups, such as the Saint Paul Broadband Access Project and the Twin 6 Cities Wireless Users Groups, have emerged as potential allies in such efforts; and �.�.. � �. ; � • � � . .• . �• - � - - _ , : - - - - . .� . -- - ' - . - - ,• • :• - .�__i � � ' - . - � .. . - - -. . � � • u �. ... - . � Requested by Department oE � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councit: Date ��L�f.f.t..'1/ �a o21�CJS Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � ➢ate � Approved � Apptoved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � o -� -�a3�-- Insert, page 2, line 7: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED. that the Saint Paul Citv Council requests that the Administration thzou�h the D'uector of the Office of Technology work with Council Research to devel� tll an inventory of existina City telecommunications infrastructure. and (2) a �roposal for a studv of the options for�ursuine the creation of a wireless infrastructure with the capacitv to serve the entire citv As appropriate cunent service providers industry experts r�resentatives of labor and other interest groups m� be invited to partici�ate in the development of the re�ort andpronosal The report and pr000sal shall be delivered to the Citv Council no later than A�ril l. 2405; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council requests that the Administration, throueh the Director of the Office of Technoloev ensure that Saint Paul interests are represented in discussions of inetronolitan-wide wireless infrastructure options and opportunities. D�- la�� GREEN SHEET � Dave TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �:=1 � it_'-�`1L� ��•�, No 2Qfi97$ i J�P�I�_ll ❑ fl1YATTONMEY ❑ CJIYCLFRK _� ❑ Hi4NG4lbFRVCEYqR ❑ HYNCW.iERV1ACCT6 ❑1WYORloRA99s!lAM� � {CLIP ALL LOCATlONS FOR StGNATURE) That }he City of Saint Paul directs staf£ to ensure Saint Paul interests are represented in discussions of inetropolitan-wide opportunities, such as one currently presented in ccnjunction with the City of Minneapolis initiative to promo[e reduced cost wireless (wi-fi) networking covering broad geographic areas. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMiTTEE CIVfL SERVICE CAMMISSfON APPROVED Has thi, personffum ever warked uMer a contrac<for this CePa�meM? YES NO Flas this De��lm evef 6een a ciYY emPloyeeY YES NO Dces this pe�sonRnn eossess a SW�� not nama�lypoasessed bv am cunen� citv �u�ov�� YES NO Is this personRrm a targeted ventlo(t YES NO �lain all ves answers on senarate sheet and attach to nreen sheet OTAL AMOUtiT OF TRANSACTION JNDING SOURCE COST7REYENUE BUDGET£D (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER 1`/#�.t7 JPNCIAL INFORMA't1�N (IXFIAIN) .C• l�l �.�:1: Betow a;e coirect mutings forthe si�c most frecgienttypes of documeuts: CONTRACTS (A�*� authoiized budget'exis(s) 1. Outside Agencq 2. DepacqnentDirecror 3. CiryAttomey 4. Mayor/Assistant (for contracts over $25,000} 5. Human Rights (far contraott over $50,000) • 6. Office ofFin�cial Services - Accoffiting ADMINISTRATTVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) 1. ActivityManagerorDeparmientAccount�t 2 DepmimentD'uector 3. Office ofFinancial ServicesLlirector 4. City Clerk 5. Office ofFinancial Setvices -Accountiag ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. DepazUnent Director � 2. Citp tlttomey 3: Office of Financiai Services Director 4. C:ity Clerk courrCU, xssoLUitorr E�ena �uas��et s�) I. DepmtnentDae tctoi' , � � � 2. Office ofFinanciat Se�vices Dicector 3. CitpAtbomey � � � � � � � 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. City Comicil , 6., Office ofFinencial Services - Aocounting COIINCII, RESOLtTPFON (all othersand Ordinances), 2. DeparhnentDuectoi 2. City Attorney , 3. Mayor/AssisFant 4. Cfty Council EXEGUTI,VE ORDER I. DepaitmentI3'uector 2_ City Attomey 3. Mayor/Assistanf ' 4. City Clerk � � � „ TO,TAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PA(�S �� Indicate the # of pages on wLich signatu�es� are requned and papezcUp orflag each ofthese pages. � � � � ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the PmlecYhequest seeks m, accomplish iu either chronological order or order of im�witance, whichever is - � ePP�Pna� fo� flie issue. Do not write complete sentences. Besm each item inyour list wrth a verb., RECOMMENDAITONS Complete if the issue in question has been pnsented'before aa3' �Y; Publlc ar private. ' PIItSONAL SIItVICE CONFRACTS � � � � � � � � � Tlns infoimstion will be used to determine the city's liabBity forwo;kers compensation claims, t�ces and propei civil ' servicehiringrules.' � � R�I'PIA�'ING PROBLEtv� 7SSUE, OPPORTUNITY E�cplain the siMa[ion orconditions that created a needfor your project ot request ADVANPAGESIF,APPROVID � ' � � � � � � 7ndicate wfiether'fhis,is simply an annuai budget procedare required by lawlcharter or wfiether there are specific ways in whicti the City of Saint Paut, and its citizems wiIl bene&t from this project/action. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negetive effects or mejor ehauges, W e�sting or p'ast ptnce.ss'es might'Uvs pmject/reqaest produce if it is passed �(e.g., tigffic delays; noise, tax increases or assessments)P Ta who�tr7 Wheu? Farhoiv�lon'g? ' � �� � DISADHANTAGES IE NOT'APPROVID � What will be 1he negative cousequences if the promised action is not apptnvecl? Inabiliry to deliver seivice7 Continue high ti�c, noise, aecidenY rakeT Loss of revenue?' FINANCIAL I[v�ACT Alt}tovgh ywi must tail� the information you provide here W the issueyou are add;essing, in general ywi must a�w� , two-questiom4: How mnch is it going to co�t? Who is going to pajR �� � „ � , �� � „�_. _�.. �