233680 R ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK �����(�� , CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS It appears that the proposed use by Suburban . Plumbing Supp�ly Company is not improper nor a burden on the City' s use of said property; it is there�ore � RESOLYED� That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a lease for a term of five (5) years with Suburban Plumbing Supply Gompany upon the terms and conditions as approved by the Corporation Counsel� provided further that Suburba.n Plumbing �upplq Company shall provide and maintain publie liability insurance contract in , which the City of Saint P�aul� is also named insured, the limits of whieh are to be no less than the statutory liability for a munieipality as limited by Minnesota Statutes� and provided further that said lease shall be sub�ect to termination upon giving ninety (90) days written notice thereof. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �AY �61���1s_� Yeas • Nays � Carlson (NAY 2 6 g���l� ' Dalglish , Approved 19-' Holland Meredith Tn Favor � �,.�__ ���, Mayor Tedesco .�Against �=:���:��;�'�:::' J U N 3 196�` ..�:: Mr. Vice President jPeterson) ��g��� �2z � DUPLIICATE TO ►RINTER �3(���� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ WHEREAS The City of Saint Paul owns the premises below the Selby Avenue �ridge where it crosses the right-of-way and tracks of the Chicago� Milwaukee� St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company described as followss � That portion of Section 3 Range 23 West� Township 28 �TJorth� beginn�ng at a point on the north property line of Selby Avenue� '798.1� feet west of the west property line of Hamline Avenue, thence southerly on a line parallel to the west property line of Hamline Avenue to a point 58 feet south of the north property line of Selby Avenue; thence westerly on a line para11e1 to the north property line of Selby Avenue for a distance of approximately 52 feet to the east right-of-way line of the Chicago� Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacifi� Hailroad Company; thence northwesterly on the east right-of-way 13.ne of the Chicago, Milwaukee� St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company to the intersection of the right-of-way line and the north property line of Se1by Avenue; thence easterly on the north property line of Selby Avenue for a distance of approximately 1�6 feet to �he point of beginning; and WHEREAS, The property under the bridge is not used by the City; and WHEREAS� The described property is ad3acent to land owned by Suburban Plumbing Supply Company� which company has requested permission to store non-combustible material under said bridge for its convenience and has offered to enter into a lease with the City of Saint Paul upon terms and conditions approved by the Corporation Counsel; and COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �za . � � �33��0 Dl1rLIGATE TO rRINTHR , r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS It appears that the proposed use by Suburban Plumbing Supp�y Company is not improper nor a burden on the City' s use of said property; it is therefore RESOLVED� That the proper City officers r�re hereby suthorized and directed to enter into a lease for a term of five (5) years with Suburban Plumbing Supply Company upon the terms and conditions as approved by the Corporation Counsel� provided further that Suburban Plumbing Supply Company shall provide and mai�itain public liability insurance contract in which the City of Saint Paul is also named insured the limits of which are to be no less than the statutory liab�lity for a municipality as limited by Minnesota Statutes� and provided further that said lease shall be sub�ect to term3nation upon giving ninety (90) days written notice thereof. COUNCILMEN MqY 2 619�� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish MAY 2 6 �9�� Approved 19_ Holland Meredith Tn Favor �e+PI�Ql�n O M8y0I Tedesco Against ]Y��:::�.����i'1.�::���`•.::G::� IVir. Vice President (Peterson) . �22