233640 .COIINCIL FILE NO. 233640
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In the matter of
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� Condemni:ng and taking a permanent easement ��+ feet in width �` �, ,
' on, over aiid'acros's Lots ��+,�°�5 & 16, Block 17, Ao Gotzian's
i Reaxrangement of Sigel's Addition, from Gotzian Street to
, under FtYie:a71�y�in�r.said_Block��17�,_for the ,purpose�of co�},struc�t�ng i��? �1 �
; and maintaining a public sewer, the centerline of said �+-foo�=wide �
Inten�eeas_emerit�Mbeing.descri�l5ed� as follows:� �,�,Commencing.�'�rom����nt on �
� the N. line of said Lot 16, said point �'being 12 feet W. of the
' �L�NE3i�orner3 ofs��.aid,cI,o,�:�16;�thence�;SW1yF,on.�a��s�t uaigh�t�li�ne�,to,a �h� C�oLacil having
f �ySW].y;;Lli�ne;�.of�ESaid°,�Lotrl5;,��16�f'eet�SEly��,o�f�t,h�e�SE�l�y��ered the eame;
heard� e,�poYnt�nonoithek , 11
thereiorccorneT of said,Lot 1�+. •
� , *�• ,� �, �em easem.en�s. 6, •f.eet in width , .
FLE��soFcond'emiiing3andl taki�ng;i�, _PQx�Y,��L=, ,�..,., ,.,.�p-t.c�..: u��iu��, t;��,.:,,,,�nd ��nd of im-
� provemE�o'r`-�donstr-ixc�i�oii:�pu�poses�,isover and across Lata 1�+, 15, and 16, , �
� � Block 17, A: Gotzian's Reaxrangement o� Sigel's Addition, said � �
''" ' � ''� ' easements being on each side of and immediately ad�;acent to
i � the above described permanent easement from Gotzian Street
f to�tlie;alley�in said�Block�l7;r_exe,ept�those areag;,thereof��
� coverecl�liy�buildings,�and said�temporary�,easeinents�toLremain�
+ ' in-eP�ect;.:�or.�a�periodl.of ,one�;yeax�f commenc3:ng�gn��ihe�date�o�
! �` ratificati:on�of�t}ii`s�cond"eh�na;tion;orde�.�p��s�'��` �b�;,�y-uc�i.r� �nd
and tl C zt�a�lltt�Tl�.�3 � a�L�1�'� `���-'i';- � � �s��t�r�_1•�� C.►�_r..�.i ri lx.�P�O+�T..*y�C---
� � easeanent being described as fo]1ows: Commencing from a point on �
_; "'�" RE9Cthe�Pl2 �l�ine''�?of Fsai`d>'Lot� 1�;��said'.�pdint�ybeing��l2-�fe'et,?W:�ofipthe�,d th�� eame are
. hereby i�r���e�corner::���said�;Lo�tt16�;��thenceTSWlyzoii.ca�:str.aight°yl3ne�to, ;a�pmvennente, vis.:
,` �point on the SWly line of said Lot 15, 16 feet SEly o� the SEly —�
' cor-ner of said Lot 1�+, �
�,Also�conde,mni-ng`w�nd;�,taking;;temporar.y��ea�ement's;�6 ,f.eet!ri�na width '
�for �construction�rpur,poses;_�,over tancl�acro_s.s2cL"o;ts �1?+,�'�rl�5;i?an'dr 16,
- LB1ock�37;;�A,�Gotzian!s3�Rearrangemen:t±��of�Si�gelx,s {Addi�3on; said
easemer�ts b�ei•ng�;�on�each sj.�de��of ;a;nd �3:mmediately;:,ad;jacenti;to
R� �the �abo,yea des�c,ribeda�permanent�easement7�fr_omli�tzian�5tree�,�t�wide 1�.�cted and
���� ��to;the,ja]:1eY61 ii��saiditBlock;l;j;X except Lthos_e_�;ar:eas��th"ereof��,r�t aj� �;e hereby �
authori� covered�by,�buildings;:��andxsaid,;temporarya:easeirients4to,lr�mai�ite ��• � �
� ?in �effect �for,.a�fpexiod�of on�-,fy_ear,Jcommencitng��on;�the�.date;co�
Ad,� �r�ati-�icatiop iof;�this�`cond.emnati:on,orcler:fs �cet �S�iy �f the SEIy '
. corn�r �f_s��t� ��' ?� - - - - - � � .� ^�_
���1i� �3��� ��
�,- Also condemning and taking temporary easemen-.ts, ,6 feet�in�idth �ity Clerk.
Appro��ed. -_...__..� , ]N �'/r�f� .
,,�, for constructi"on purposes; over�and across�Lo,t��4��,�5, �n��f 6y,��
, Block 17, A. Gotzian's Rearrangement�of�S�ige1 s Addi�tion, said '�-
. easements being on each side of and immediately, adjacent to,� ���ayor.
• ��:; �the above described permanent easement from Gotzian Street
°-�� �td.t�he alley in said Block 17, except those areas thereof ,
� Da �i5`' v r b buildin s and said tem orary easements to remain,_ �! 1 7
. 9 co e ed Y g , P �,�� ;+�.�� �,��t 2 7 96
- Hollt�ndin effect for a pe.r-�od of one year commencing on the date�of•
�SS° raGification�of this condemnation order. ' •�
MAfi-��i`tSr9R—����t�•#'. V' � .i,a.�-= ,� ,{�- --
, �Peters `� '
� R o�te.u�
, Mr. President, �
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February 23, lq 67
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary order of t he Counci 1 known a s Counci 1 Fi le No. 231992
approved Eebruary 14, 19 67 relative to
--- ._ -T
Condewning and teking an easement on, over nnd Rcross Lota 1G, 15 S 16� Blk. 17�, '
.. , ...... ... ... . ... ... ..... ..... .
'A:'�Gotzien!'s" Re. o£ Sigel�-s �dd. for'�Ehe purpoae af�conatructing and ,�-•-� • ,
�maintaining,a. public aewer..on e� 4 .foot ,strip of .land. the, centerline�of •said - ••-.
'4 foot strip of lend being described as f ollowe: Coo�encing £rom a`point' on the
' N. line- of•.L.ot-lb�-•Blk.�-17, A:• Got$ian�s ��Re. of Sigel�s�- A�dd.'� 'eaid�point being-'
12 feot �1:of the NErcorner`-of 'eaid Lot 16, Thence SHIy on a .�traight. ,line_ to_,.
' a point"on' the SWly' line' of Lot 15.'_Blk. 17. A. Gotzian's Re. of�. Sigel�s Add.�
� 16 f�at_.S�ly. of,:the .SBly c��orne=`.of'Lot ,14,_..Blk.,.-17�.�A�� Gotzian's���Re. of� Sigel's
� Add. , ' •� .
� Also condemning and taking a temporary eas�ment�"a►t;"t�Ve� gnd�'acroce'Lots�;1,4�.�15,
an�� & 16 for canstructi4n purpo8as on a atrip of land 6 feet in Width on. the Nfily , Y
eide and SFIy side of the above easement• from Gotzian 8[. to the alley �n' Blk. , reb
r e 1 17. A. Gotzian�a Re:� of $igel'e Add. � ��- -- - -. _ _.._ .. _ ....___ , �. ._. .._......
1. The estimated cost thereof is $� ,,,,, „
r{L�'L�+���,�, �
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4,�� FEB 1967 �`D
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2. A plan, profi le or sketch o� sa��P�'m�ver►�, t i s hereto attache
G �
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and made a part hereof. � v�
r��Q`b � ���
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of u ic Works X
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition ,�,
� C�Z.�J,t.,
; Commi ssi oner of ��l�e� s
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