233616 � � -
t ' _ � COUNCIL FILE N0. ������ R
, By .
� y � File No. �7132
In the Matter of ` - - - �
-- '`b• ' ''�
. - . ` �^:� . +
' f"�; Aconstructing p
ublic sanitary sewer in an easement to be obtained 20 feet in . �, �
—"" '---�• - � ' '" that rt of Lots 21 thru 30, B1k., 1, Merriam -
width, ;under, across a.rid-through Pa
=Park �+th Add.� except�that paxt for highway-purposes;the-centerline;;of- said-ease=M�
ment being described as follows: Co�encing at the intersection of`the center-
lines of Cleveland A�re. and St. Anthony Ave.; thence northerly a1onB the center-
-„� line of Cleveland Ave. �+04.25 feet; thence northwesterly on a deflection a.ngle
� of 64°31' to the left a distance of 37.5 feet to a point on the West property
� ��'� �line of Clevel.s.nd Ave. which is the beginning point of sa.id easement; thence .
� northwesterly on a deflection angle of 10°10' to the left a dietance of 156 feet;
,'thence northWesterly on a deflection angle to 9°5$' to the right a distance of , �
144 feet; thence northWesterly on a deflection angle of 1 21 to'the left a , ;
dista.nce of 275 feet and there terminating�. �
This sewer to be �own as SE4JER .IN EASIIdENT BLK• 1, MERRIA� PARK �+th Addit on.
..,-�����py-rvraered to be proceeded with. _ .
,- 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is �
; to construct public sanitary seWer in an easement to be obtained 20 feet in Width, �
_ `: '��"-� -under,' across and through,that part of Lota 21 thru 30, Blk. I, Merriam Park 4th �
• � Add. except tYiat part" for' highway purposes, the cen�erline oY. said easement -b�ing ° --i
described as follovs: Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of
Cleve]rsnd Ave. and St. Anthony Ave.; thence northerly along tfie centerline of �• °- -
� ..Cleveland Ave. �.25 feet; thence northWesterly on a deflection angle of 64'31' �
� to the left a distance of 37.5 feet to a point on the vest property line of
� Cleveland Ave. which is the beginning point of said easement; thence northxesterl,y �.�
'= ' oa a deflection angle of 10°10' to the left a distance of 156 Peet; thence _north-
�; . ;� westerly on a deflection angl.e to 9°58' to the right a distance oY 1�+4 feet;
; � thence northxeeterly on a deflection angle of 1°21' to the left a distaace of
�i� r275 feet and there terminating. • �-
"� This se�er to be l�oWn as SEWER IN EA.SE�HT BLK• 1, I�RRIAH PARK 4th ADDITI01�.�
:� ,
_, - ;� Resolved Further, That a public liearing be had on said improvement on the �th day of
June, 1967 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A:M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
sa.id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of �
hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
, ` • � �� � � ����
Adopted by the Counc'
Yeas � Nays - � �� �i��
Carlson ' , � -
Dalglish . . Approved ,
� Holfand - � .
Meredith ' Tn Favor_ -
- Peterson - . -
� Tedesco � , �-j _ Mayor
_ Byrne . � Against �U�1►�ED .�4Y 2 7 �9�� '
6-68-2M �� F�1 _ � � ---