233607 . �
�►� � - � - �- � . ' .���,+��`�
. - _� _ By .
" , . _ . . . •s - File No. S83?3 _
In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Selby Ave. from '
. - , � � �
Prior Ave. to Howell St. and by doing all other work which.is necassary and in-
cidental to complete said improvement. � � - , • .
� . . . � _ . �.- -. . .
, under Preliminary Order 233�96 approve� April 19, �1g67 y-
The Council of the City of-�St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
� upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:- -
1. That'the sa.id report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. � � � ' � .
- , 2. That the nature`of the improvement which the Council recommends is - -
� ,to recnnstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Selby Ave. from Prior Ave, to Howell �
_ St. and by doing aL1. other work which is necessary and incidenta,l to complete said . .
.. - . r . •
� improvement, except where good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist. e '
_ _ _ _ � .
�, ' _ ' � _ - ' �
I• . s .
�. . , . . . .
a -
w 'with no alternatives, and that�the estimated cost thereof is� $ 3•25 Per lin. ft. for 5r walk
; _ . _� 3. 0 per lin. ft. for 6' walk .
� - - ' ,, � - . ' � • . -
�j Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on sa.id improvement on the �� day of
� _ � Y
� June; 1g67 at the.hour of 10 o'c�lock A:M., in the Council Chamber of the Court
�- �
;' ` House and City Hall Building in the �ity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of
;� ' said meeting to the persons and in .the manner..provided by the Charter, sta,ting the time and place of -
°�� � hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
��, . . _ - -
. 19�+ .
. a� COUNCILMEN` • . � � � .�fll�Y �� . .
+� r ° " : Adopted by the Council -
A - Yeas �arison ' Nays � ' - " -
`�� � - . �Y 2 319�
- Dalglish . ' � Approve "
-_ �� : ' HoUand ' , . _ ,
_° Mered�th � _ • .
� ��' . Reterson Tn Favor_ _
. =,��4��SCO, :�' '"� ',i� , - � Mayor .
. 9 '�'�•'1d:��:i:�:eee��'e;�: ���eE's:::i3:') �,j - ,.
' e preeident (Peterson ci � p�g��g�D NlAY 2 7196�
, -# Mx,YaG . Against - -
� t. �O x.i � ' '- � ' • .
-ro.`� 8-66-2M _ '_ .
-i� ' ' ' . • . .