233573 - r ► •� ORIG NALkTO GIT`CLERK +. � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�r,��� 23���3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ • '�' U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE • DATF _� WHEREAS, there is now under consideration in the Con.gress of the United States a proposal to extend f6� two years the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) ; and WHEREAS, the House Committee on Education and Labor has proposed numerous amendments to improve and refin�_,, the • provisions of the Act; and WHEREAS, there have been proposed other amendments to replace the grant provisions of the Act with "block gran.ts" to states, to be distributed by State Departments of Education;and WHEREAS, the adoption of a "block grant" system would hav�. the following harmful effects : �- 1. By placing distribution of funds. in the hands of State departments of education, which are generally rural- dominated, it could lead to lessening of the amount or proportion of aids received by urban school districts ; 2. By lessening the proportion of total Federal aids � which must be spent for educationally deprived children, it • would permit diversion of these fun.ds from tYie educ`ationally and economically deprived to those more fortunate and less in 0 need of aid; � � 3. It would place ultimate authority for deciding the o D amount of aids to parochial school children in the hands of State o � departments of education, and could thereby result in a consider- able -loss to St. Paul, which educates one-third of its children _• in parochial schools ; v 0 4. It would considerably limit, if not remove, the � authority of the Federal government to deny aids to school - districts which fail or refuse to ,desegregate, thus removing a major and' important •weapon in. the fight against racial preju- dice ; now, therefore , be it COUNCILMEN . � Adopted by -the Council 19._ Yeas � Nays Carlson , Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland , � ' Meredith In Favor Peterson Msyor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne , ; , • • �mzz �r J� I ' T �y `�J ORIG NAL TO CITY GLERK �3�5�• (� ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ — Page 2. , RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul records itself in favor of the egtension of the ESEA and opposed to any attempt to replace its distribution provisions with a system of "block grants" to States ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Resolution to all members of the House and Senate from the State of Minnesota, and to the Saint Paul Board of Education. � �y� 2�,�96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ' �Y 2� 1�— Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland Meredith n Favor Peterson � , Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne i��,��p I�AY 2 719�� I �22 `! 'DUrLIGATE TO rRI�iER ������/ � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF v WHEREAS, there is now under consideration in the Congrees o� the United States a proposal to egtend fo�r two years the • ' Elementa"ry and Secondary Education Act of i965 (ESEA) ;. and Zti►HEREAS, the House Committee on EducRtion and Labor has pronosed numerous amendments to improve �,nd refine the provisions o� the Act; and WHCREAS, there have been proposed other a.mendments to , replace the grant provisions of the Act with "block grants'� to states, to be distributed by State Departmenta of Education;and Z�REAS, thQ adoption of a "block grant" system would hav�. the 3ollowing harmful ef�ecta : • 1. By plaoing diatribution of funds i� the handa of State departments o� education, which are generally rural- dominated, it could lead to lessening of the amount or proportion of aide received by urban school distriots; 2. By lessen�ng the proportion of total Federal aids which�muet be spent �or educationally deprived children, it would permit diversion of these funds from the oducation.ally and economically deprived to those more fortunate and less in need o� aid; 3. It would place ultimate authority �or deciding the a.mount o� aids to parochial aehool children in the hands o� State departments of education, and could thereby result in a consider- able loss to St. Paul, ��hich educates one-third of its children in paroehial schools; 4. It SVOUld considerably limit, if not remove, the authority of the Federal government to deny aids to school � digtricts which fail or refuse to desegregate, thus removing a ma�or and importa.nt weapon in the fight aga3.nst racial preju- dice; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays Carlson � Dalglish Holland Approved 19_ Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �z2 - - - . - . . ��-%` . :' "_ ' � ' - - *- ... � ' - • _�� ' • • .� ,. , . , . ' - ` _�. - - . . .�# - Y .. . . . . . , � , ^ ' . - , � - - " _ ; . _ � � , .� 4 - _ + y - • ' � C . �, � . -. � � i � - - . " _ _ _ �� � .. _ .. r � .. ; _ ' _ w - . -, _ � ' �y23� 1�'T . . . - , - , T .. ; , - . : ., , . � :. � . .. � ' - . � Independent� School• Diatrict No. 625` ,� . � � . -' - � _, , . � • City Hal.l, _ � - , . _ . ,.. � _ , _ . . 3t. Paul ` ." � _ - � - _ _ - - (3entlemen s - � - � - _ = " .- , � - " _ � _ The City Council today adopted the tache e8olution, Council� �'ile ' ' � .,fto. 233573� setting forth its oppos the so-ct�lied "c�uie Bill , - • � for the reatsona setrout in t eeolu o . " � . ^ . . _ . ' r ' > ' ` -- Yery. tru],y yaurs, ' , � � - � . s . - - - ' � - • - , , . , ' . . � c � � � : � � --City Clexk � � _ . • - _ � _ - -. _ . n� - - s _ _ . _ - . _ . _ - - - � . ' �- •- • . �. -':.� _ . " , - '- � � .- ' r - � - : ' _ - _ , _ . . . _ . , - : . . �- � �.- _ � - ,: _ - ; . - _ -. . . - . : ` - - ; - - � _ . _ _ _ . . ,. _ _ _ . , . . _ . . . . _. .. . _ - _ . � � -: - _ , - • _ ' " . y , � ' - .. _ 1 - - l ' 4' � � •' ` _ s • -• ' . . .� .. . " � ' - t , , ' � • '" T, l _ '- , � ' � . - _- -- i _ ' - . Y 4 _ ' - _ ' - � .� � - j�e,. , , � ' _ . . . � ` - . , _ . ' � • �. E, ' , ���+ ` ' , M - - - • • - - • ," - , , . � � ' - �`_ ; ° _ ` ' - - . - _ , � , • � _ � _' �. .. _ : . _ _ • , � . . � , - . - - _'' , � - - - . r � DUPLICATE TO rRINTER �.� 1J����1 � • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. � " . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � — Page 2. � RESOLV�D, Th�t the Coun.cil of the City of Saint Paul records it�elf in �avor o� the egtension of the ES�A and opposed to any attempt to replace ita distribution provisiona with a system of "blook grants" to States; and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is directed to � send a copy of this Reaolution to all members of the Houae and Senate �rom the StatQ of Minnesota, and to the Saint Paul Board of Education. COUNCILMEN �Y �� �� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Carlson Dalglish �IY � 319� Approved 19_ Holland Meredith ' Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �zz