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` ,. � - . } � ,� .✓ . ,--• - . �� . - 23�5�� • � '� �,�. , r . : j . � ' t . ��r�` FII�IAL " ORDER COUNGII. FILE N0. $y , - ' File No. ��� _ In the Matter of recon�ts�u.ctirig the $��.�ralk on both rsidea of 7.�invood Ave. P'x'on4 Grotto St. to OsceoZa Ave. snc� by do�g al�. other vark whir,h i� i,uecese�xy e,ud iricideatal to ;cdmpl�ete said-i�x�cavamen�G. . under Prelimina,ry Order 232782 approve—�P��- �� 1967 ' Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all Persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the said City is - ' to r�constzuct the a3dewalk on bG�b �i,�es oE �iawood Ave.� from Grotto �t. to - Oaceol,a. Ave. and by doing �, o�r work Whii.h is necee�a,ry ar�d. inciden�l to complete said improvement,. �xcep� Whez�e �ood and .auPf�c3ent poured side�a� - now sxi.st. ' . . - � , ' .,. � � - and the Council hereby ordera said improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FUR,TIi�R, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and _ directed to �prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proiper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to�pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Council—M�lV 7 3 1��� Yeas . Naya MAY 2 31�� � Carisort - DaigliSh Approver� Holland �� - - � �Tn Favor � Po+��.��_ . Tedesce � ' � � ����� Mayor �.. .. ... e::x:••:x• - - 79•':::?: C7 li»�2:::r:9:.... ...:::::i:e:i:�i�ee��i A gainst . 6Mr ZMViceBP��t�c��ter�on) . - PUBLISH�D MAY 2 '71967 �`��`- r Dist. No. 2 -� � � ` r+ . B.S. Linwood Ave. - Grotto St. to Osceola Ave. a� Q P,d4�q���� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISS IONER OF F INANCE �_`���` V �� April 7th. 19 67 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 232782 approved Apr. 4th. 19 67 relati,ve to reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Linwood Ave. frmm Grotto St. , to Osceola Ave. and by doin� all other work which is necessarv and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1, The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $3.80 per lic}. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft, wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mad part thereof. �w�� 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4, Im rovement is asked fo 'dn e tion ��� P g�P�� �z�`� �, ���� ���� s�� � ���� �' '� �, ,� a� <� r�����,� � ��, � o� � ° � � t�'��x�C'� :� Commissioner of Public Work ° l, �t'�i- , v �'. �;L`t,`� . C��1���`�� ' � '. :M' -.-. . , -` . v.-i�[. - .+4 - r-•�,: - na • ,a4 ...,--+A ' � s . ' :- , " ' - ` �_-� ': • . .y -�-.v� .,r�'r ^ - :'d._+�i'S a1��.�'.• E�y.�t.i"_+. �Y' <.." �• ^,�Y: :�a�-�';; T�„''��� �'-' � .. 'y` c;.' '.t''•r�. �; •�,� ik. -'y.,�� :� �'. �_ - _ ��.� _ --.;y;•-;'- " �+s ' :��f'?.7�• �:�;�::s ` ,vze� ��.�.y:�'+�•: ,a''� .e���'_'"�a��'"'i''-.y�•�r',:�r t;1�k 'a_�. - � , L , y ' , � er .y�i:� .� .._ .y.`..�. '. � .�:1},7 _ _ ' -- :`q. `� . - - .. : .S'� N lY ' � ♦���; £R • ` /r _. .^."� J . . .� �f r � �- :f _ ` . _:�.: 4 �}' 1.i'�,:� /� '�. ' , �4 ; " rj �' ' r�y`' +' ..� ��,-, .4 e > . Vp; � •�, • ''4 . t_' _ • �.. S ni' _�`' �. '_ „ ��r'-:. 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C'y - �st;..� �.f. �r ,�� t'�` =f.�� _ 2 `K.� '[ " Sr"L �;1 t' •M)`;� ti,�,� 1.... a � �c ��,? 1�s '� " .S_ ' ' ' " c; ` ' _)� __,. a4 .- - �:,T.J� • _'�'S' .,..�.''_'Sr_{ r�";f''i l�'a�i�`F�... _.,�tr��^�Y+�`�r�'i -�.`_,:_ .�_ -.. .i.�._'��_'�r` , .. - ` ' � . � f 1 � \ ` J� • � �F ��� ��� ���� INSURANCE COMPANIES QQQ� Q00� Serving you around the world .around the clock 385 WASHINGTON ST., ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 May 15, 1967 G; Mr. James J. Dalglish. Commissioner of Finance 113 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Dalglish: I have your letter of May 5 regarding the reconstruction of the sidewalk. on both, sides of Linwood �Avenue from Grotto to Osceola. My property at 715 Linwood has had a new sidewalk put in just a few years ago so this work will not involve me in any way, shape or manner, as it is a poured concrete sidewalk.. I'm simply giving you this notice so tfiat they will not tear it up as i.t is in first class condition. Sincerely, C��LG�j k�. H. Bancroft RHB:elm � ; . �' i; ' � . � � ; THE ST. PAUL INSURANCE COMPAMIES ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL MERCURY INSURANCE COMPANY . WESTERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY