233561 `� ° -Osc¢Inel to City Clerk „ ' . ,+s' � � ' �" � ORDINANCE .; '� Y ` COUNCIL FILE NO ���� _- �� PRESENTED BY v - �¢2 " � . ORDINANCE NO ✓ An ordinance amending the �t. Paul �egislative �- Code pertaining, to Building Construction and Fences ; deleting �ection 33.04� subsection 6� and inserting a new �ection 4.04� subsection 14. _ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �AINT PAIIL DOE� ORDAIN: � . Section 1. That the �t. Paul Legislative Code� pertaining " `'* �' � �,�� to building construction and fences� is amended by deleting in " '; its entirety subsection 6 of �ection 33.04� and by inserting� in � lieu thereof� in proper sequence in �ection 4.04 the follo�ing� which will be known as �.04 - 14 - Fences : 14. Fences a. No person.� firm� or corporation shall hereafter construct or cause to be constructed any fence in the City of �aint Paul � except by obtaining a permit from the Bureau of Public Buildi s. � six�6) inches _ b. No fence shall be erected exceeding six (6)' feet-�ln height above the sidewalk or finished grade of any lot in a residence � district or on ar�y lot occupied residentially. �� �i � a�t rf' ji�e ����1 � 1��fii�i�� �ii■� �� All f enc e s erected between front property line and building line shall comply with �ection 62.02 of the 'St. Paul Legislative Code. If after investigation� it is found that site or terrain conditions make it � necessary to egceed the above height restrictions� the Buresu of ..` Public Buildings may vary the limitations aceordingly. � t c. All yards containing swimming pools shall be completely� enclosed by a fen�e not less than four (4) feet in height. The gates shall be of a self-closing and latching type� with the latch on the inside of the gate� not readily available for children to open. Gates shall be capable of being securelp locked when the pool is not in use for extended periods. , � ., d. PJo barbed -wire fence is to be constructed within the limits of the City of�°�aint Paul unless it eomplies with the following conditions : ' (1) No fence` which uses barbed wire may be built in � a residence distriet or on a lot oecupied residentially. (2) Barbed wir�e� not exceeding three (3) strands� may be permitted on the top of a fence, providing that the arms do not project over public property. The minimum height to the bottom strand of the barbed wire 5ha11 not be less than six (6) feet from finished grade. , Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council � Carlson Dalglish � 7n Favor Holland . ,_ . Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco � � ' ` ' Mr. President (Byrne) v Approved: � Attest: � City Clerk � or �� - � . Form approved Corporation Counsel By • - . ��'- � -r.. � - , . . �+; . , / - ,! � �' ,Or,iginal to City Clerk � ��� ��. � �� ORD' INANCE ����s1 - COUNCIL FILE NO ` PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO I � 2. (3) In all cases where a barbed wire fence is requested� an application shall be made to the Bureau of Public Buildings, who shall in turn transmit the same to the City Council� together with their recommendations� and permission of the City Council shall be required before constru�tion is permitted. e. A aertificate of Insurance indemnifying the City of �aint Paul shall be submitted wi�th the application subject to the approval of the Corporation Conr�sel as to form and in an amount as set forth in M.�.A. 466.0�. � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage� approval and publication. �� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council JUN 9 1961 Carlson , Dalglish n Favor � Meredith � a Against �e�ersrnr— �- m���.n- 196� �: Mr. P esident (Byrne) ��N 9 � ' Appro d: Att st: � ' " -,-, � City lerk Mayor �O � orm approved Corporation Counsel By . � ��� �11719 n�ollcate to Printer . � - �; � � ORDINANCE ������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordin,ance amending the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Building Construction and Fences; deleting Section 33.04 subsection 6� and inserting a new Section 4.�4� subsection 14. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAIIL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the St. Paul Legislative Code� pertaining to building cons�ruction and fences� is amen,ded by deleting in its entirety subseation 6 of Section 33.04� and by inserting� in lieu thereof� in proper sequence in Seotion 4.0�+ the following, whieh will be known as 4.04 - 14 _ Fencess 14. Fences a. No person firms or corporation shall hereafter construct ,� or cause to be cons�ructed any fence in the City of Saint Paul egcept by obtaining a permit from the Bureau of Public Buildings. six (6) inches b. No fence shall be erected exceeding six (6) feet /in height above the sidewalk or finished grade of any lot in a residence distric� or on ar�p lot occupied residentially. �t � iie r� � +ii1e ��1 � iiM fii� � ,�� °i#�. All f ence s erected between front property 13ne and building line shall comply with Section 62.02 of the St. Psul Legislative Code: If after investigation� it is found that site or terrain conditions make it necessary to exceed the above height restrietions� the Bureau o� Public Buildings may vary tne limit�tions aceordingly. c. All yards aontaining swimming pools shall be completely enclosed by a fence not less than four (4) feet in height. The gates shall be of a self-closing and latching type� with the lateh on the inside of the gate� not readily available for children to open. Gates shall be capable of being securely locked when the pool is not in use for extended periods. d. No barbecl wire fence is to be constructed within the limits of the City of Saint Paul unless it complies with the following conditions : (1) No fence which uses barbed wire may be built in a residence district or on a lot oecupied residentially. (2) Barbed wire� not exceeding three (3) strands� may be permitted on the top ot' a t'ence� providing that the arms do not pro�ect over public property. The minimum height to the bottom strand of the barbed wire sha11 not be less than six (6) feet from finished grade. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith A gainst Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk M�yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By Itupltnte to Printer . s �.G . ORDINANCE ���,��� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � ✓ 2. (3) In all eases where a barbed wire fence is requested� an applieation shall be made to the Bureau of Public Buildings� who shall in turn transmit the same to the City Council� together with their recommendations� and permission of the City Council shall be required before construction is permitted. e. A 8erti.Picate of Insurance indemnifying the City of Saint Paul shall be submitted with the app].ication sub�ect to the approval of the Corporation Counsel as to form and i.n an amount as set forth in M.S.A. 466.04. Seation 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage� approval and publication. - , JUN 9 �967 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C ci1 Carlson �?` Dalglish T� Favor � Meredith � A gainst �� J U IV 9 ���� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form appro�ed Corporation Counsel By . . � \\\ ` • ' � • I st - 2nd / Laid over to 3rd and app � dopted � 7 6 / Yeas . Nays Yeas , Nays � arlson ���` �arlson / r� alglish � b Dalglish �Molland � v F�Meredith � � � �AAeredith �J �,aJ��.P�� �� Peterson �F on (/� �) �� ,�edesco - T-��� (U \ , r. President Byrne � �O