Council File # �' 9 b !
Green Sheet # 3023346
Presented b�
Referred To
Conanittee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Professional Employees Association
(PEA) to continue the competency-based classification, compensarion, and employee selection processes
established for Information Services employees.
Yeas Na s Absent
Benanav r/
Bostrom �
Harris ✓
Helgen �
Lantry ✓
Montgomery �
Thune f
Adopted by Council: Date �/�Jj /'.3G � � � °
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
BY� � i
Approved y ayor: Date ��
By: ".'.'„„`.` `
Requested by Department oE
Office of Human Resources
By: �
Form Appr d by Cin orney
By: � ?�.;� �, �.-.
P�btQS Pdot Ettrnsion resoWtion wpd
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Human Resources 10-11-04 '
7o17Il Shockley 266-6482 ! DEPAI[ihIENL DiR �/J� a cm couivcu.
LeeAnn Turchin 266-6517 ,� Zc�Ano� ��„�� cm«
MUST BE O1V COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROU7ING �,�aA� sExv nm � " r'avnxcw. s�cviaccrG
Approval of the attached Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and the Professional Employees Association
(PEA) is requested This MOA extends previously approved and eactended terms and conditions of employment that were first
established by a pIlot project in October of 1948 for employees of the Information Services Division, the Saint Paul Regionai Water
Services, and City Employees at the Ramsey County Depaztrnent of Public Health.
l. HasfiispersoN6rmeverworlcedmderaconhactforUtisdepaiNenYl
Cffi COMMIITEE 2. Has this petsoNfum everbeeu a city employee7
3. DoestLispersodfvmpossusasidllnotnomullypossessWbyanycurtmtcityenqiloyee?
Yes No
4. is this persodficm a tazgeeed vendoll
Ya No
Enplain all yes answus on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
In October of 1998, the City of Saint Paul Infomiation Services (IS), the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and the
City employees of the Ramsey County Department of Public Health adopted a pilot project which established a competency-based
classificafion and employee selecfion system for positions working in the field of informarion technology. The position
classificarions and grades, first created in that original pilot project, have now been formally established in the corresponding union
contracts and salary schedules. Also, the classification competency matrices have been updated several times and formally
established by the employees and mauagement. The selection processes and advancement in salary processes for employees have
been extended twice by MOA. The employees and the City would like to continue the system. As the system processes require
modification of several Civil Service Rules and the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, this MOA is required. The MOA
extends the system into 2007 with an automaric extension into 2009, with the mutual agreement by the parties involved. The
documents eacplaining the system aze attached.
The City and information services employees of the affected bargaining unit will continue to receive the benefits of a competency-
based position classificafion, employee selecfion, and advancement in salary system that has been successful for almost six years.
A successful employee seiection system and advancement in salary process will not be continued . Reverting back to the old
system may negatively affect both the employees and the management of Citywide information services.
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Memorandum of Agreement
This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "MOA'� is made and entered into this 21st day of
July 2004, by and between the City of Saint Paul {hereinafter referred to as "Cit�'), and the Professional
Employees Association (hereinafter referred to as "PEA"). The purpose of this agreement is to continue the
successful competency-based classification, compensation, and employee-selection processes initially
developed as part of the pilot project tiUed "Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling
ProjecY' dated October 1998. Those processes aze currently described in the attached document tifled
"Information Services Competency-based Classification System." The City and PEA agee that the
stipulations contained within the attached document that affect terms and condirions of employment shall apply
only to those employees of the City Office of Technology, Information Services Division (IS) and The Saint
Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) Information Services Secrion (IS) who holdpositions allocated IS
Information/Technical Analyst V and the IS Systems Consultant I, II, and III classes who aze represented by
PEA. Also, the City and PEA agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified herein, shall be used in
the administration of the competency-based classificarion, compensation, and employee-selection processes:
1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2. (Reallocation Rule) This rule allows the Human Resources Director to
authorize an appointing authority to promote an incumbent, without further comperitive examination,
to a classified position which has been reallocated to a different classification because of changes in
job duties and responsibilities, which aze not the result of planned management action. This
authbrization may occur only if the incumbent has performed the critical duties of the higher level
position for one yeaz or more, meets the minimum quatifications, has promorioa rights, and has
demonstrated satisfactory performance in their position. This rule shall instead allow for the non-
competitive promotion of incumbents in IS Job Family classified positions after an incumbent has
demonstrated the crirical competencies and performed the critical responsibilities of a higher level
position in an IS Job Family classificarion for six months or more, has promotion rights as
defined in this agreement, and demonstrated satisfactory performance in the higher level position.
2. Civil Service Rule 7. (Eligibility Lists) When an examination is scheduled for both promotion and
original entrance, such examinations aze commonly called "open exams: ' If such an examination
applies to the filling of vacancies in IS Job Family positions, there shall not be maintained a
separate list for promotion eligibles and original entrance eligibles. Instead, there will be one
list maintained for all eligible candidates. Promotion eligible candidates, as defined below, will
receive additional points for IS experience as part of the competency examination process. This
process is outlined in the attached system document.
3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) Employees who hold certified IS Job Family
posirions shall be eligible to enter an examination as a promorion eligible candidate after serving not
less than one year as a certified employee with at least 1040 hours of service on the payroll prior to
an exainivation. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for open and promotion only exams used
to detennine eligibles to fill vacant posirions within the IS Job Family System and for determining
eligibility for reallocation to a higher level IS 7ob Family posifion under Rule 8.A.2. as modified
4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Of� shall allow the class seniority listing o£IS Job Family incumbents
reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Faxnily System on the same date to be determined by the
total length of continuous service in all classified Ciry positions.
5. Section E.1., E.2.(b) and E.1.(c) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing
advancement in salary shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Information
TechnicallAnalyst V, and the IS Systems Consultant I, II, and III classifications. Instead, for each
1040 hours an employee in a posirion allocated to the IS Systems Consultant I class has appeared on
D� 9�'l
the payroll in one position, the employee may be granted an increase in salary of one step up to and
including step fifteen of the assigned pay range. If the employee has received a ten-year increase the
employee may be granted step sixteen. If the employee has received a fifteen-yeaz increase the
employee may be granted step seventeen. When an employee completes five years of fuil-time
service, the empIoyee may be granted an increase of one additional salary step however, that
employee's salary shalI not �ceed step fifteen of the assigned pay range.
For each 1040 hours an employee in a posirion allocated to the IS Information TechnicaUAnalyst V,
the IS Systems Consultant II, and the IS Systems Consultant III classes has appeared on the payroll
in one position, the employee may granted an increase in salary of one step up to and including step
eleven of the assigned pay range. If the employee has received a ten-year increase the employee
may be granted step twelve. If the employee has received a fifteen-yeaz increase, the employee may
be granted step thirteen. When an employee completes five years of full-time service, the empioyee
may be granted an increase of one additional salary step however, the employee's salary shall not
exceed step eleven of the assigned pay range.
The ten and fifteen-yeaz longevity step increases as defined in Section E.l.(d) and (e) ofthe Salary
Plan and Rates of Compensaiion shall continue to apply for employees in positions allocated to the
IS Information TechnicaUAnalyst V, and the IS Systems Consultant I, II, and III classes.
It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the CiTy of Saint Paul
Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the
procedure outlined in the current collective bazgaining ageement between the City and PEA. Any grievances
arising from alleged violarions of the procedures established in said competency system shall also be subject to
the aforemenUoned grievance procedure. However, because both parties aclmowledge that the City retains its
inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regazding the substantive determinafions of
a Competency Review Boazd shall be appealed solely to the Civil Service Commission.
It is further agreed that this MOA shall continue to be in force until July 20, 2007, with an automatic twayear
extension to July 19, 2009, unless and until the City and PEA mutually agree to end or modify said MOA prior
to July 20, 2007.
Finally, it is agreed that 60 calendaz days prior to 7uly 20, 2007, the City will nodfy PEA, in writing, that said
date is pending.
C' f Sai t P
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Angie �alezny ,/
Human sources D' �
/`� �
ason Sc clt
Labor Relations Manager
Professi Employees Association
Steven J. Olson
`.yi� %�/'..jate�
Mike Wilde
Business Representative
H:\USIItS\OLsansNUS Competmcy System Continua4on Agreemrnt PEA July 21, 2004.wpd
a�f- 9g"1
Defining Competencies/Competency-Sased Systems
Competencies aze the knowledge, sldlls, abilities, characteristics, attributes, and behaviors
associated with success£ul performance on the job. Some examples are project management,
problem solving/analytical thinldng, communication, teamwork, leadership, and customer service.
Competency-based classification systems allow organizations to move beyond the old "box" on
the organizational chart which was a strict set of duries defining a job. Competencies promote
more fle�bility in assignments and keep up with constant change in the variety of work. They
also allow the organization to develop other human resource systems, such as employee
development, recruitment and selection, and performance management.
In October of 1998, the City of Saint Paul Division of Information Services (IS), the Saint Paul
Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and the City employees of the County Department of Public
Heakh adopted a pilot project titled "Information Services Reorganization and Job Family
Modeling Project." The project was the result of a lengthy and thorough collaborative effort
between employees holding information services positions and City management. The process
was facilitated by an outside consultant and the staff of the City Office of Human Resources. The
nutial result was the establishment of a three-yeaz pilot project as allowed for by Civil Service
Rule 8.A.6. The terms and conditions of empioyment and procedures established in the uritial
project have been estended twice, through mutual agreement between the bargaining units
representing the affected employees and the City. The IS Systems Support Specialist I, II, III,
and IV, the IS Information/Technical Analyst I, II, III, IV, and V, and the IS Systems Consultant
I, II, III, and IV 7ob Families, also called job class series, and their corresponding pay grades were
formally established in the salary schedules of the appropriate bazgaining units by resolution of the
City Council on October 28, 2001. These job classes have also been formally established in the
corresponding bargaining unit contracts representing employees in positions allocated to the
aforementioned job classes. In addition, the matrices describing the competencies required for
positions in the aforemenrioned class series have been updated by both employee and management
advisory groups following the initial project and the subsequent renewals. This document
describes the current process involved in the adnunistration of the IS and SPRWS Competency-
Based Employee Selection and Position Classification System. This system continues to
affect positions curreritly allocated to the IS Systems Support Specialist, IS Information/Technical
Analyst, and IS Systems Consultant job families/class series.
Page 1 of 7
For The IS Systems Support Specialist, IS Information/Technical Analyst, and
IS Systems Consultant Job Families
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The Continued Goals of the System
• To ensure adequate and competent IS staff for the present and the future.
• To administer an equitable method for determining appropriate classification of positions.
• To provide flexibility and variety in duty assi�unent.
• To provide clearly-defined requirements for cazeer advancement opportuniries.
• To define the requirements for successful job performance.
• To assist in detemuning employee development and training needs required for successful
job performance and cazeer advancement.
Procedures For Administration of the System
The following procedures have been developed for administering the IS and SPRWS
Competency-Based Employee Selection and Position Classification System:
1. Selection of Candidates to fill New Vacancies
In order to ensure adequate and competent City and SPRWS IS Unit stafffor the present
and fixture and retain competent employees who have received Ciry training, the selection
process allows for vacancies to be filled from lists of eligible candidates created from
training and experience (T&E) exams made up of both extemal and intemal candidates
who meet the minimum qualifications (See attachment 1, Muumum Qualifications
Guidelines) for the announced vacancy and who demonstrate the required competencies
through passing the examination. When an examination is announced as open to the
public, cunent City employees who hold IS 7ob Family classifications in the Office of
Technology Information Services Unit, the SPRWS Information Services Unit, and the
Department of Public Health will receive additional points (See Attachment 2, T&E
Example). All candidates who pass the test with a score of 75 or above will be certified to
the appointing authority.
The employee selection process also allows qualified City employees faster promotion
opporhmities. Certified City employees who have been employed for not less than one
year and have at least 1040 hours of accumulated hours on the payroll, may enter
exanunations announced as promotion only. Normally, such employees must have served
not less than two years and have, at least, 2080 hours on the payroll to be eligible to take a
promotion only examination. In addition, certified City employees must meet the
minimum qualifications for the posted vacancy, and have a satisfactory performance rating
to take the promotional T&E examination. Finally, employees who pass and become
Page 2 of 7
eligibie will be certified to the appointing authority in accordance with the provisions of
Civii Service Rule 8.A3.
There will be an IS Staffing Advisory Group made up of employee volunteers who hoid
classified positions in each of the three IS 7ob Family class series. There will be two IS
Systems Support Specialists, two IS Information/Technical Analysts and two IS Systems
Consultants. Other members will include one representative of IS customers, one
representative from the Office of Fiuman Resources, and one representative from the IS
Leaderslup Board. The responsibilities ofthe IS Staffing Advisory Group will be to
review position informarion provided by the IS Leadership Boazd, IS Management, or
Human Resources regarding vacancies and make recommendations to the Leadership
Board, IS Management, and the Office of Human Resources regazding staffing.
2. Determining Appropriate Classification and Competency Level of Existing Positions
It is understood that the field of Information Technology is an employment environment
that changes quickly. There has been and will be constant evolution in Information
Technology and, consequently, there will be change and evolution in the positions
required to operate, maintain, adapt, and recommend the technology for use by customers.
In order to keep up with this change, the following procedures will be followed in
determuung the appropriate IS Job Family, class series, and classification competency level
of eacisting IS positions and their incumbents:
Employees of the Office of Technology Information Services Unit, the SPRWS
Information Services Unit, and the Department of Public Heaith who hold
positions allocated to the IS Systems Support Specialist, IS Information/Technical
Analyst, and IS Systems Consultant 7ob Family/class series may request a study of
their positions and competencies for determination of appropriate job faznily/class
series, and classification/competency level therein (See Attachments 3, 4, and 5, IS
7ob Family Competency and Shared Responsibility Matrices).
When making study requests, such employees should provide information
describing their assigned job responsibilities, assigned technologies, and the
competencies being demonstrated. Such studies may be nutiated by submitting to
the Office of Human Resources a request for a study. This can be done either
through email or an interoffice memorandum. Please make sure that supervisory
personnel aze informed of the request. Attached to the request, should be a fully
completed questionnaire describing the incumbenY s assigned positioa
responsibilities, technologies, and the competencies being demonstrated. As an
alternative, an incumbent who has previously submitted the described
questionnaire and has had their position and competencies reviewed, may submit
an addendum to the questionnaire describing any significant changes that have
been made to assigned responsibilities and to the competencies that are being
demonstrated. Questionnaires may be currently obtained from the IS internal
information network or from the Office of Human Resources web-site.
Upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, including a fully completed
questionnaire or addendum, the Office of Human Resources will enter the study in
Page 3 of 7
. � a�f- ��
their records and inform the incumbent of receipt of the study request. As part of
the study procedure, Office of Human Resources Staff will review the information
provided by the incumbent. Interviews with the incumbent and supervisory
personnel may be conducted. All informarion gathered about the assigned
responsibilities of the position in question and the competencies being
demonstrated by the incumbent will be thoroughly analyzed. This may include
comparisons of this position information with the shared responsibilities and
competencies described in the various competency matrices. Also, a comparison
of tfie position informarion may be conducted with similar IS positions. As soon
as possible following the analysis and comparisons, the Office of Human
Resources will issue, to the appointing authority, a deternunation regazding the
employee's position. This will include the appropriate IS Job Family/class series
and classification and competency level therein. Possible outcomes could be, a-
deternunation that the position should be allocated to a higher level, a lower level,
or remain the same. Implementation of a determination made by the Office of
Human Resources is the responsibility of the appointing authority and is subject to
any filling of vacancies approval processes set forth by the Mayor's
• Human Resources detemunations recommending that an incumbenYs position be
allocated to a classification assigned to a lugher maximum pay level is a promotion
and may be nnplemented by the appointing authority through the process
commonly known as reclassification. This process is set forth in Civil Service
Rule 8.A.2. However, under the IS and SPRWS Competency-based Employee
Selection and Position Classification System, employees who meet the
aforementioned requirements for entering an examination as a promotional
candidate and if the employee affected by the determination has already taken a
T&E exam for a vacancy in the higher level classification as detemuned by the
study, and is on an e�sting eligible list for the higher level classification, the
employee may be certified for appointment. In the case of a an eligible list
generated from a promotion only examination, certification would be made
without regard to the affected employee's standing on the list.
• Also, determinations resulting in a recommendation of promotion may be
impiemented by the appointing authority through the process commoniy known as
reallocation. This process is set forth also in Civil Service Rule 8.A.2. However,
under the IS Competency-based Employee Selection and Position Classification
System, employees who meet the aforementioned requirements for entering an
examination as a promotional candidate and who have been performing all the
significant higher level responsibilities and demonstrating all the significant
competencies of the higher level classificarion for a period of at least six months,
mav be promoted to the higher level class without competitive examination.
Page 4 of 7
Position allocation determivations made by the Office of Human Resources may be
aunealed. They may be appealed through the process discussed in tlris document
or through the process set forth in Civil Service Rule 26. Section 3.C..
re�arding challenges to classification determinations.
Inirially, as is the process with all studies conducted by the Office of Human
Resources, there is an informal appeal process. Following learning of the
determination, the incumbent notifies the FIuman Resources staff person who
conducted the study that there is disagreement with the determination. Tlris
notification shouid be made within five working days of the incumbent learning of
the detemunation from the appointing authority. As soon as possible thereafter, a
meeting will be held between the Human Resources staff person who conducted
the study and the incumbent. At this meeting, the incumbent and the Human
Resources staff person will identify those azeas where there is agreement and those
areas of disagreement. Additional information may be presented or requested by
the incumbent, and questions may be asked. As soon as possible after the meeting
the Human Resources staff person will analyze any additionai information
presented and issue another determination.
If the incumbent continues to disagree with the determination and believes that
their position and competencies were unfairly or inadequately audited, then the
incumbent may issue a letter to the IS Staffing Advisory Group stating the
specifics as to why they believe their position was not fairly or adequately audited.
Copies of the letter should also be sent to the appointing authority, and the Human
Resources Director. This letter of appeal must be made within twenty calendaz
days of the incumbent learning of the deternrination made by the Ofi'ice of Human
Resources resulting from the informal appeal meeting with the Human Resources
staff person. The IS Staffing Advisory Group will then review the letter and
decide whether to act on the appeal. Within 10 days of receipt of the request, the
Group will notify the incumbent as to whether they will conduct a review of the
appeal. If they accept, the process will include a review of all public documents
including the Human Resources initial Report and Determination, and any
subsequent appeal reports and determinations issued by Human Resources. The IS
Staffing Advisory Group may conduct additional interviews with the incumbent,
supervisory personnel, and the Human Resources staff person who conducted the
study. The IS Staffing Advisory Group will then issue a recommendation
regazding the appeal to the appointing authority. The appointing authority may
then implement the recommendation, reject it, or may ask that the Huxnan
Resources Office recommend options for restructuring the position. If the
recommendation is rejected, then the appointing authority will issue a detailed
letter outlining the reasons for the rejection both to the employee and the IS
Staffing Advisory Group.
The above referenced appeals process is an altemative way to deal with issues
involving appropriate allocarion of positions and competency of incumbents in the
Page 5 of 7
O�{- `� �
IS Competency-based Classification System. If the IS Staffing Advisory Grroup
conducts a review of an appeal, the issues under appeal will be reviewed by
employees who hold or have held positions in the complex field of information
technology. They also have a lrnowledge of and have demonstrated the
competencies required for successful performance in these highly technical
If the employee decides not to appeal to the IS Staffing Advisory Group, or if the
Crroup decides not to act on the employee's appeal, or ifthe appointing authority
rejects the recommendations of the IS Staffing Advisory Group, then the appeal
rights set forth in the Civil Service Cmevance Procedure, Rule 26, regazding
Classification challenges are available to the incumbent. This may include the right
to a hearing before the Civil Service Commission. However, if the employee
appeals to the IS Staffing Advisory Crroup and the Group decides to act on the
appeal and issues a recommendation that is accepted by the appointing authority,
the employee may not appeal through the Civil Service Grievance process.
3. Advancement In Salary
In order to accelerate the opportunity for advancement in salary as a result of ineeting or
exceeding job performance eapectations, the grades assigned the classifications within IS
Job Families contain salary steps at six month intervals until employees reach salary steps
considered to be based on longevity, or yeazs of service. Generally, this means that
employees who meet or exceed performance e�ectations based upon the competencies
defined for their position by the IS Competency-based Classification System and IS
supervisory personnel, may be eligible for a step increase after every 1040 hours on the
payroll. The eazliest a step increase may become effective, however, is the first pay period
following the anniversary of 1040 hours on the payroll.
For employees in positions allocated to classifications level within the IS Systems
SuQport Snecialist and IS Information/Technical Analyst Job Families.
employees may be eligible for step increases after every 1040 hours up to and
including step nine. Tkris means that an employee appointed at step one, who
consistentiy meets or exceeds performance expectations, may take no longer than
four years to get to the maadmum step increase before a longevity step. Employees
may also be eligible for longevity step increases after they have reached 10 years,
15 years, 20 years, and 25 yeazs of service with the City of Saint Paul. However,
in no case, may an employee advance to one of these longevity steps without
having served the corresponding number of yeazs.
For employees in positions allocated to the I5 Systems Consultant I level in the
IS Systems Consultant Job Familv, employees may be eligible for step increases
after every 10 40 hours up to and including step 15. This means that an employee
appointed at step one, who consistently meets or exceeds performance
eacpectations, may take no longer than seven years to get to the maximum step
Page 6 of 7
O�f- 98�
increase before a longevity step. Employees may also be eligible for longevity step
increases after they have reached 10 years, and 15 yeazs of service with the City of
Saint Paui. However, in no case, may an employee advance to one of these -
longevity steps without having served the conesponding number of yeazs.
For employees in positions allocated to the classification levels of IS Systems
Consultant II. III, and IV in the IS S�ems Consultant Job Family,
employees may be eligible for step increases after every 1040 hours up to and
including step eleven. Tlus means that an employee appointed at step one who
consistently meets or exceeds performance expectations, may take no longer than
five yeazs to get to the maximum step increase before a longevity step. Employees
may aiso be eligible for longevity step increases after they have reached 10 years,
and 15 years of service with the City of Saint Paul. However, in no case may an
employee advance to one these longevity steps without having served the
conesponding number of yeazs.
G:1Shared�HR-Competencies�PilotProjects�IS.PiIot�Information Services Competency-based classification.document2004.wpd
Page 7 of 7
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IS Training & Experience Evaluation Outline Egample
Some Suggested Rating Guidelines
City of Saint Paul - IS Experience
If the candidate has one year or more of IS eacperience in a certified 0-10 points
City job, in the Office of Technology, SPRWS, or Public Health, add points.
Education and technical training 0- 20 points
(Points in this category can come from a single or multiple sources but may not exceed a total of
20 points)
Formal Education
College Degree IS, Business, Management 0- 10
Other college degree 0- 5
Technical School 0 - 5
On the job Education
Technical courses, seminars & certifications
or on the job leaming
Competency Rating
Technical competencies (assianment relatedl
1. City or SPRWS technical environment
2. Assigned platform
3. Customer applications
General competencies
4. Project Management/Prioritization/Planning
5. Problem Solving /Analysis
6. Communication
7. Customer Consulting
8. Teamwork/Management/Leadership
0 - 70 points
Weights assigned to the competencies may vary based on analysis of the vacancy.
Total 0 -100 points
For examinations announced as open and not announced as promotion only, all candidates who
receive 75% or more are considered eligible for interviews with the appointing authority. The
appointing authority will decide who to interview from the pool of eligible candidates.
G:�Shazed�IIIt-Competencies�Pilot.Projects�IS.Pilot\T and E Guide Attachment 2.wpd
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`.�anat diqsiapeat aqa �aipnl�ucl.yi� ay3 ui�w s�anat IIE pue iauioasn� a� uaamlaq aosie�� e se a�e oa 6�iiiqe aq1 �u�� `sanss� aawo�.sn� Auuuaum�op `spaau a�npaid pve `siamWSn� ��m auaU�d aq Si�anyuaue
;� saa,fo�diva,iq poo;siapun.i�isea aq ue�;e�.tauuew sateusuowap `.siapioqa�s pua `;uawaReaeui `siaiuoisno iawo�sn� o;,C�an�l¢aus 8uivalsii q8non{1 siacuozsno uaasil o;l�iltqe a� sa�e.ys�owap `.¢o�;e�cunun.uo�
s ui a�um pue xeads o;.C�iliqe aq; sa3�3suomaQ q�im »eia�uc .S�anp�a�a ol �liliqe a� sa;e�suoivaa qlu+ l�a;ui .i�ani»a,�{a oa �iicqa ay� sa�eusuou�aa uauum pue �Zxo poo8 sal�lsuocuaQ IIOI;E�IAIIiAiI[O�
mog aoue�s�sse xo; xse o; �iiiqs ay� sa;eusuoucap
`.sang�a[qo pue s�eo� uounuoo uo paseq
�saRua�ieq� suo;;nios aiqe�da��e BmXaas pue asiod Rmuie3uc¢�u
ssa�oid 8ain�os maiqoid 'sassa�oad Ha�n�os-uzaiqoid ;uaun� Surn�osal oi suounios pue scua�qoid ,Cq ��i�w� �u�,Stan�a�a �eap o3,S;i��qe aq;
dno.� e peai ol �3FIFqE aq; sa;eusuouiap `.uoueu,uo3ui Fuinoidiui io3 saousa�Sns axeui pue suo�lEO3?�ads snoinaid iuog pau[e8 aRpa�moux.ildde pue cuaiqosd saleRSUOmap :sa�npaqas pue `saanpaaoid `sai�i�od
sa��y�ead �saq pue `.qo.ceasai `a�uauadxa;sed Ruisn ;oaCoid pa��e;ap pue xa�duzoo;aadia;ui oa �ciiqe aq; e augap �i�aacudosdde o� 63?[?qE ay� sa�eusuou[ap paqsi�qs;sa moiio; pus pveasaapun oa.u���qa aq; SiS.f Lu �UTA 0
suza�qoid paas�ai-xiom xa�dmoa pus ltn��p ae�os sa;zpsuomap `.suzalqoid palE[aa-xaom xajdmoa antosai `.xiom a�y �c� paxec�osse suialqoid uommoa saasusuowap `.saSua�laqo paisia.i xiom a�ssq anlos l V/ I S
pue az.Cisue,i�an�a�{a o;,i���iqe aql sa;e.qsuowaQ pue,C3Uaapi.i�an[7aa�a o;.C7itiqe a� sa;e.ysaomaQ anlosaa pue,tlquapi ol �1?t?QE a� sa;e.ysuowaQ puc azi�eue.ilanU�a,ga oa,Sailiqe aya sa;e.ysuouzaQ waiqoad �
'swatqoid3o SIIIUIIC(d �
saseqd a�dt;lnui Rmnaq s»a[oid io s;�a(o1d aldi;lmu uoilntos pue sis,S�eue aqa peai o;lyi�iqe a� sa;eqsuocuap c �
alEUCpioo� o�lai�iqe aq� sa�e.psuomap `.spus[uap `.s�aCoid xioro3o sl�dse ��e a;er.uµsa pue ue�d o; (ai�iqe �sauilpEap <�uatua��ueyQ
�uuaduio� pue sa�mosaz pa�auii;o suoycpuo� aq� sal�lsuouzap - saquo�d Xiom 3up�as m alEd[o[ued �pauRisse se saquoud pue s;�a[o�d aidUlncu paqsi�q�sa �aacu pue `sauuoud pue sassa�o.cd
iapun sauuoud;as o; ,C�it}qe ay3 saae�suo�uaQ pue suouspuawcuooai axew oi �i���qe aq; sa;eusuouzaQ aipueq pue xaom az�;uoud o;.il!1?qE aqa saaeRSUOUiaa Xzom pa�4isse mo��o3 0� ,�ciiqe ay� sa�e.ysaouzaa ;�0 fO.id
(•sassa�So�dsauas sse�a � (sassa�8oid sauas (•sassa.�80.�d sauas sseio (•sassai�oid sauas sse�5�aq; .
._.- --- � . _ - - � - - �-- - ---- �--- - ------ "
aig se iaq;o aq; aodn sp�mq ,fana;admo� qas� sse�a aq; se aaq;o aq; nodn sp�nq .fada;admoa qac�) aq; sa .�aq�o aq� nodn spl�nq ,L�na;admoa qae�) se aaq;o aq; uodn sp�mq ,Saua;admoa qae�) saiaua;adwo�
AI �si�ei�ad� ��oa8ng §uia;s,fs � �" �;s�siaeds �o�ang siva;s,fs u;"sr�s►5ads �.t�oddns sma;§dS I;sge►aads �.ioiIdns s�a;sXg � pa.�e�S
Z 3o i a2ed
•aas.bpaeq p� aaero�os pazRzt�ads
io/puz mau;o �sa; p� `aoqem8g¢o� - ase,ap�q •paa��sse se siaxlo.eoa
�oRE[[Eisa� acg uc ��ra� qa��s sapinoid p� aizmgos 30 �uqsaz pue `uoR��o� sra�iomo� o; dn ��eq p� �zas o; dn xaeq sap[noad
�ssaquiaca�ys ra�o o; io�uam s se sa,uag `aoqsn¢�s[n a� uc Su�ai¢R q3�,a��s saptnoid pa�uauadsa ssai o; a��sisse pue SumteR saptnosd •siaxiomoo o; dn x�Eq apTnoidley� pae sa;eu ssos�
- dno��xom;�aCoid •utealK.[om;�afoad
e3o iaqcuaca E se anias �feui `dnoa8 xiom io �eaoqaan3 ssoa�
�dccisiapeai dno�S �xom p� �oaCoad saptnosd - mza; xiom s oz dn�siapeaj teotuq�a; sapinoid aweS Isuou�un3 ssoi� e 3o iaqcuaux e se sanzag e;o .�aqwaui e se sK.�o�
•suuo�ejd •samjie; am3�nqs�gm uo 8uqooqsaiqnoq
je�mq�al sso�e �ucloousa�qnoA pa��npe suuo�ad :sjoo�l.�otouq�a; pue saoue�cidde •sajnpaq�s aoi.uas •papaau se s�oo;
suuo�ad `.sruazs,is mau3o �m�sa; pue `aoqe�je�sm xaidcuo� 8uipniouc `are�os pue aie.hpx¢q pue s�uauiaa�e a�i,uas smojio; `8mlooqsaiqnoq •arempaeq pue ase,�os ,S�o�ouqaal uo��ewao3at
`uoqemSguo� `uoqismb�e a� sa�eutpxoo� ;o �auzn apcm e s1sa; pue `sam8guo� `stjz�sui suuo�ad :aas,agos pue aiemp� sa;ezado pue st[��I 3o uoqziiqsac acg cn a�uezsisse sapino� saie;ureui pue spelsui
�s��aCoxd ,iSotom{�al IIoqe�uio3m
ia�o pue `sajttpaqos pue s;uacuaax3e
a�was `s;�aCoad uouelleASUi are�os •sau��peap uoua�duioa
pue aaempaeq �mo8-uo 4mpre8ai sxaui�sn� pae �ssaa�o.�d'sa�;�aoud
•s�oafoid uoue�uacuatc6zn xajduzo� sa;euipioo� sa;¢pdn'ua�¢y 8maq saou�E anq�azio� aaafold Su�pae�a.�
`sa�zuzqsa �so� s7�npuo� `s�ua�s�Cs mau �papaau se ytoddns Ie�tuq�a� ;o sauR-a� pus `ssai3ozd `,�uoud uoi;ewao3m aprno.�d
saqoieasai :a�uzuuo;sad ssauesnq aousyua ueo sapTeozdio/pue sajnpaq�s `.spaau ssacnsnq aq�3o siauzozsno s�uio�n :saou�mgjecu 'swa�qold3o aln;su
s;uacuanoxdun uxals.Ss ,S�ojouqoa; uoqeuuo,� s,iacuo;sn� au;;aaui o; pamibai uoddns are,x�os pue aiempisq 8ucpre8ai aunuaa;ap o; saawo;sn�
moq auauia;ap o; saacuo;sn� c�� sxjnsuo� 3o jana� auiuua;ap o; szauzo;sn� �rn� s�jnsuo� acues sanssc xauio;sn� spxo�az pue sSoj sdaax y;�m sa;eamnunuo�
•s�uajqoid are�os puz azempreq xajduzo� •asqiadxa3o �xsom,CRua e�ep uuo,�ad,Secu `.asc7tacUca;o
8mniosax pue 8uvC3quapt m a�u�scsss jaeaj iaq�iq e 8meeq saa.fojdwa o; swajqozd xaidcuo� janaj iaqBiq e 8u�neq saa.Cojduza o� s�uaiqoid
�aa��nuszz3ac ,f$ojouqoa; uo spuec{ sapcnoxd `.sampa�oxd 3uqooqsajqno.q sxa;az `.scuaiqoxd az¢�os pue azempz¢q uounuo� xaidcuo� aiocu sza;ai `.suzaiqoid aae�os �
uou�o,�?;o aousual�� p� `uoq¢�uauiajduR a�eudoiddz saucuua�ap `a�u���d 8u�niosai pue �m�i3quapt m a�ue�sisse uo spueq pue pue aaempseq auqnoi Sucnjosai uc auoqd a� •�euo�;aan3 swa;s,fs �
`8uiuueid xajduzoa suuo�ad :szopuan pue snotnaid pue sio�o;oxd uo paseq s¢ocst�ap auoqd ay� iano cgoq sapceoid `suoqezado Ie�nni�a� iano a�uezscsss �tssq saptnozd `.salnpaq�s pue sdaa� :spaaa swa;s.fs �
`siaxzomo� `szauio;sn� o; uosisti pue aomosai saxeiu `.szacuo;sna o� uoddns jeonaj�a; uuo�ejd �zoddns o� sampa�oid pu¢ suoqona�sm Suqziado `sassa�oid `sampa�ozd auc3noi paqscjq�sa .S�o�oaqaa; uopewao3m �
e se sanias :dn�siapeai �oafoid pue }�oddns ssoi� pu¢ }�oddns xsap diaq,CSoiouqoa� paiiu�ap smoito; :szacuoasn� o; uoddns xsap djaq smotio3 `•siauzo;sn� o; y�oddns xsap djaq iauioasna �m;aam �
.C�ojouq�a; uoc7zuuo� �ana�;.�adsa saptnoid uoqe�uzo�n �ana� paaaenpe saptnoid G�oiomj�a; uou�o,;cn �ana� aac�pamaa�a� sapTeoxd 63ojouq�a; uoueuuo�n lana� ,G;ua saptnoid a� a.�oddns sapinoaa �
AI 3siietaads �oddns swa;s,fS SI III ls��aads �oddns suca�s�fS SI II �st��iaads;.xoddns sma;s�fS SI I 3st�taads;aoddns su�a;s,fS SI Pa��AS
aazqy �uawq�e�� v00z ��L� - sai;►Iiqisuodsag pa.���S �I?��� qot .LSI�I��dS 1.2IOddIIS SL1i�.LS�IS SI
saagn.ras uop�vur.ro,/'ul S�IXdS Pu� �?�
Z 3o Z aSsd
P�'b00Z �EY�i sauijtqisaodsag paieqs zsciec�ads axoddns suza;s,(S SI pasina��olFd'Sn��aCoxd�;ojc�sat�ua�aduxo�-�paaeqs�:r,�
•s�aafoad aaa�dwoa
ol �a�ssaaau sanoq aq;
sa�lom :a�npayas �aom Q
auxes auxes auTeg aLass a�q�sa� e sn�e;a�ey� �C
spuaa; �
•spaau ssacnsnq �pjag �f�ojomj�a� uoqeruzo,gn aq� uc aidoad pue sa�8o�ouq�aa mau
zauto;sn� �aavz o; saSuzq� �gt�ads spuaunuo�aa ac� pue saa.fojdrua mojja3 ��,CBoiouc��a� mau pue �utpn��u� °saaqae.�d;saq
`spzepuqs pns `sassa�oid `saou��d `scua�s6s •spzepue�s pere sa�q�zid;saq SmpreBai uoqauuogn sa8ueq�xa pue ,C�o�ouqaa; uo�;swao}u�
�au sa�anieea pue q�reasai ��toads s;�npuo� `sassa�oid `sa�q�eid;saq mau puauuuo�ailey� .f3otom{�a� uou�o�n SucpreSai suou��?Iqnd spea� aures u� auaaan� sdaax
pue `siopuan `siaxxomo�;o saqinu�e
lioddns acg 8uqeu[pzoo� tn aaue{stsse
�sxuacussasse joAuo� saptnosd `.sioo; �f8oiocn��a3 uoc}acuio3m •sp�epae;s ioa�aoa
�ijenb suuo�ad `spaau ssauisnq s,zauxo;sno asn �ijaeu�a�a u¢� siaLUO;sn�;ey� os �nxR SI �t?[enb pue spaau aawas
�s;�afoid xiom xo3 satnjapm8 pue aq18cn1aaLa uo paseq sp,repue�s a�i,uas acg io3 paqs�jqe�sa spiEpu�s a�Tnias;as q�t,e aamoasn� �uyaam pue
spiepuu�s Iempaoosd 3xucqsijq�sa u� sa;edt�qred 8uq;as SmpaeBai saoqepuaunuo�ai saxe� aureg a�uepio��z ut a�u�stsse zavzo;sn� saptnoad �mqsRqaasa m s;s[`ss�
£ 3o T a�sd
- xiom aq� qave pa�ec�osse
sa�aaneq� ap�-uou�'�IIEBIo
Sucniosaa m 3mpuexsiapmt
s� 6Idd2 o;.ilfi4e -suoq�cidde
� sa��sao�ap p� saldi�ur.Td
;uama$aaecu s3EP/QO?3¢auo� m ssauisnq aacuolsn�;sa; o;
saop�ud zsa43o Smp�siapun � �Kaom a� aq; sa;zqsaowap `.dtin�i�auao�
q��,t� p�eraosse saBvaQeq� xalduioo ;o sanssi pue.f�oiouq�a;
sa;rs�saocuap `.sa�i,uas samo3sn� p�;jn�y;ip zsoui aq� anTosaa o� -syda�uo�;uama8suaui pa�isse ay;;o 8mpus�siapun
8mnoidcuc m.f3oiouq�a; ,{�tjiqE aq; sa;susuowap `s�a�o;oad �ep�oqeuuo;ur pue3siapun p� s sa;eusuouiap sum1natjddd
uoR�o� mau3o ssauin3asn p� sassa�oad pa;elai pue swa;sl+s o;,i��lcqe a� sa;ausuouiap `.spaau uo�ysuuo;ui pa;s�aa �suous�i�dde ssamsnq iamo;sn�
a o; se `sise a vn-uoq�zcne�io aawo1sn�
LIl q p. �uauiaSeueui zaep�uoqawao3u� :suo�eoqdda samo;sn� ac� pue iacuo�.sno pa�isse aq; pa�isse a�y uo saxg pue asu.�adx�
e uo `saoq¢puamaio�aa iauzotsno;o a8uei l�n; aq� pau8csse;o Suipueisaapun ;o �a�pq ��{�� �t�fl����R `sa�e�aa;uc `swe.�Soad doianap
axea[ o�l��[qe a� sa�2ASaoivaQ ;0 8uipueasaapun ue sa;r,.qsuo�uaQ p�g�pp� ue sa;e.qsuouiaQ �@@� s sa;vaysuowaQ o; �itcqs aq; sa;zysuoivaQ j�,IIIi[�a1,
uoqsuuo� m saouenoua[
�o a8pai,aomi a�zp o� dn m�mztu
o� �itiqe aq� sa�epsuouzap aq� o; sl��anoidiu� p ac`ua��aa o; Suipus;saapun;eq;.taewo '�o.�eid
:ssa�oid;uacudojanap ��o3�eid,(So�ouq�a; uou��o;u� o; aq� sa;eqsao�uap pue o; �i;ijiqe aq; sa3eRsuowap pue �f�ojouq�a� uoqz�uio3ac
cus.Bosd ac�3o s7aadse a�d�Inm uo spaa¢ ¢o�euuo3ui uuo3�aTd.f$oTouq�a; uoUSUUO3ui uuo3leid,i3otouq�a; uoi3EUUO;ui pau�TSSe ue;o ��p��g,�pu� ��a.f7bld PauBissd
puz saseqd Ije3o �mpu�siapun pa;ataua;uc xa�dmoo pue;saapun pa�isss us3o 8ucpueisiapun pau3isse ue3o 8uipue;siapun p@p� ����g asi;.�adx�
#a�t[�� ue sa�exisuocuaQ o;,�i�iqe aq; sa;ei7suo�uaQ ���g ua sa;eusuouiaQ p�� e sa;eqsuowaQ o; �titqe a[�{ sa;eASUOUZaQ �e��uqaay
•uoqezmeSio a�aid[uo� a�
3o s7xo�a 8n[nusidl.�oiomi�a� 'sassaooid pue
uoi;¢auo3m a� o; �mpu�siapun s�aCoid xiom o; �ucpue;siapun scc�
s�ljdds o;,i�ijtqa .Sjdde o;�S;ilcqe a� sa;e.qsuoucap
aq� sa;easaoucap `.spiepuels :spiepueis pus sa�i�eid �sp.repuu�s pue sa�R�zzd;saq
u¢ sa�q�r.�d;sa .f8o o�a; ' iom a � isaq.i:3o�ouq�a� uozlsuuo3m ,(go 0 oa; uoueauo 0
P 4 I mi �I ��. l�I 3� 3
ui spua.q;uaun�3o �mpueasaapun �;iun
uopeuuo,�n uc spuaA $�$iacua pa;eioosse saSuajjeq� xajdcuo� Fucpueasxapun poo� e aimb�z
ue sa;e.cisuomap :Kiom aq; sa�u.zas uoi;auuo;ut pa�csse ;uamuoatnug
;o �uTpuunsiapcm ue sa;eAsuouiap �CjqB� pu¢;�t�i�ip 3socu aq� o; ,f�Tjcq� aq� sa�sqsuouzap
�� pa;eioosse sa8ua�teqo xa�dma� aq;3o sanyoaCqo pue s�so� a� jn�guy�a,L
:ami�nqse.g[[cpuaun[onnua anjosai pue ,C3quapi o� �C7cjtqe aq� an osai ue.S ua � oi �i� ? E o 8u� ue�sia un ue sa;eysuowa `.am�npsY.gu�/�uauzuonnua (SMXdS� S
[ P 34 P. [ 0. 3 P P P saarn.ta
�t3oiouq�a; uoueuuo;cT[ pue amlonqs¢�/�aacuuonnua a ue aan�nusa ut uauiuoa�nua :am�on�yse ui uacuuonnua '��OI°Tnt�a1
;nm sa�i,uas uoqzuuo �C3o o�a� uouzuuo �; p � n � n uo euuo nm sa�i,uas dazv� pnuoi8ag
3� I Tn{ 3� ,LBo�ouqoa; uorisuuo;u� ,fBoTouq�a� uousuuo3ui ?� .� z. 1py yu�vs pun djt�
pac�isse a�3o dn�s¢oqsjassa;u[ �mn sa�i,uas uoueauo3m ;iun sa�UUas uoc;zuuo3ut �iun sao�as uoilauuo3ui pac�csse uoqeuuo3ac pau�csse a�;o
a�;o Su[pm�szapun pa�csse a�;o 8u[pu¢�szapun pa�rsse ay33o 3u�pue;ssapun .fi�ua.un� acg3o Suipue;siapun �utpu¢tszapmi p�� ����t�� as�a.�adx�
;d�d�� ue sa;eqsuotuaa �d��� ue sa�a.qsuocuaQ �qg��g ue sa;zRSUOmaa �� s sa�e.c}suomaQ o; ��[iqe ac� sa;e.qsuou[aQ Iea�uqaay
" (•sdssa.i$o.�d ` ('sassaaSo.id (sassai�oad (�sasse.i2oiiC (sassaa�oad sa�.�as
sauas ssa�a aq; se iaqjo aql sauas ssc�a aq; se iaqjo aqj sar�as sse�a a� se aaq;o aql sa��as ssc�a a[� se .�aq�o aq; sse�� iq; s¢ saq;o aq; uoiin
aodn sp�mq .fanaaadmoa qae� nodn sp�mq .faaa;admoa qas� uodn sp��nq ,fauaaadwo� q�e� aodn sp�nq.faua;adwoa qae� sp��nq ,foaa;admoa qae� sai�ua;aduio�
— — --
A lsdi�II� A�a7Jo3AI AI �s IeIIF� 9oa7J�3III III 3s,fieu� qaas/u3aI II is�fl�n� A�as/�3III I 3s�fjeaF� qaaz/o;uI pa.�eqS
anog;uaaiqaeu�' bOOZ �I�i- xia;sy� oua;a uzo� I?�u�,� Qot;s Ieu� I��tu�aa,L/aot;�uiao3AI SI
saatn.ras uo�nurao,/irl 5�1177dS Puv �:�
£ 3o Z aBEd
- aoq�a�aE�ao a� �w
ssamsnq Suiop saRUAa iac�o p�
`siopuan `sac�uz8a �c�qnd iaq�o -a8zn8�i,ipoq a;audosdde
o; aec{�adssad s,uoRE�p�jo �m.isjds�p p� `�uaqed
a� l�saidailtanq�a,�a 8maq `.�janquauz �maa;s�
o1 �1?IT.Qz ue salEUS¢otuap ,iq sia�iom-o� p� siacuo7sn�
`.saeid p� siesodoid l�aCoid I[{IA1 S�S IIOLlE�IIIR�O�
- s�ec�c�o paz�aja p� anisaaqaidmo� pue izai� aaedaid •;mn Ieuosiadia;u� pooS
`siol�ax�p a�c�o pue �uam�aedap oi �1?[?qE aqx sa;ra�saowap saoi.uas uoqeauo;m pa�isse sa;ra�saomap :poo�siapmi
se q�ns ssaxeca.i�tiod papni�cn `d�scapeai jeaoqez�ue�m a� pue iacuoasn� ac� uaa,xlaq �s��aCoid;o sn�¢�s aq� SmpieBai ,fiisea pue a;eudoidde st;e�
pinom siqs, �;mn sa�inias 8mpni�ui uoqezma8io uosietj aeqoa�{a ue aq o� ,f��cqe pauuo}m siacuo;sn� 8mdaax p� uouquamn�op vie�oid a�sara
uoqzuuo,�n pau�TSSe a� cnql?�+ a� mq�va s�anaj jte �E a� sa�zRSaouiap :siapioqa�s spaau iatuozsn� o; ,flanuIIauE o� ,C�?�Cqe a� sa;eqsaocuap
sianai Iie;e sjenptnipu� �t.t� saa�Coickua �Cq poo;siapun �Cjisea iaq�o pue �aauxa8e� �maa;sii q�nozq� saacuo;sn� `.$m;um m pue �fijeqian
iamzecu anq�a,�a uz m a�rca pue aq ue� �� iacn�eai e cn a;Tim pae cgtn+ ��eia�m ,fianq�a�a qa� �oeia�m ,fianq�a,;,;a a;e�mnunuo� .ftanu�a�a
a�eads o;,Cjijcqe aq� sa�eaqsuocuaQ �eads o� �tliqe acg sa�eRSaouzaQ o; �[j[qe a[g sa;�ASUOwaQ o; !.}ijcqs a� sa�zqs¢ocuaQ o; �tj[qz a� sa;zASaouxaQ uo1;L�[uttiuu[o�
•szaxzomo� vxox3 aoue�sisse
io3 xse ol �litiqe ue pue zo;
•suoTSt�ap pue suoqspuaunuo�ai •a�uajjet{� xse o� uaqro;o 8ucpuelsiapun
io3 ,Cl�qz�uno��e �u�yda��e •saouepuaunuo�ai in3asn •xaiduxo� se pazapcsuo� ;uaun� e$mejosai o; saounios ue sa�eASUOUxap `sanq�afqo
tn anqeqnn sa�exisaocuap a�npozd �e� saipn�s .C7cjtq?sea3 s�uajqoid o� saoqnjos aiqexiom pue sanss� snoinazd uxox3 patneS pue sieo8 uoLmuo� uo paseq
`.sanssc Ie�mqoa; o; suoRdo peai o� ��tqe aq� sa;eqsaocuap apTnoid;ey� suoqsa3�ns aSpaimoroi.Cjdda pue uzajqosd suoqnios ajqz;da��e �u�aas
uoqnios 3o zaqumu e puaunuooai `.uoqsuuo;uc a�u�Eid axecu pue saous�gtoads e augap ,fia1eudoidde ol �1?i?q� pue ascod 8aca��nrecu .fq
o� �Tjiqs ac� sa�eaqsuouzap zsaq pue `q�azasai `a�uauadxa pati¢Aap pue xaiduxoo �aidTa�uc ay� sa;va�saocuap 'suuo�eid ��c�uo� q�u� 6lanu�a,�a ieap
:s�uajqoad pa�zjai xiom xaiduzo� ;sed &nsn ,Sq suxajqoid pa;eiaz o; �ijcqz a�; sa�eRsuouiap ;o �auen e uo suzaiqoid pa;ziai o; ,q�iqe acg sa;e�saomap
pue `Ieoiuq�a; `;Ino�ip zsouz xzom xajdwo� pue;ln�t�p aiovz :suzaiqoid pa�eiai �iom xaiduxoo xxom �lnoy;cp .fia;ezapow `.sa�uaiieq� pa;ejai �iom �tseq
aq; aeios pue az,(jzae ,Cianu�a�a ac� anios pue az,ijeue �ijaeu�a,�a aejos puz az.ijzae .ijanq�a�a anjos pue azdizue .Sianq�a�a anjos pue az,ijeue .ijaeu�a,�a s�s�fi�n�/Sainiog
o� �iiiqe aq� sa�eqsuouzaQ o; �ttcqe ac� sa;eRsaouiaQ o; �iitqe acg sa�eqsuouzaQ o� �iiTqe a� sa;eaqsuocuaQ o; �ttiqe acp sa;eysaouiaQ wajqozd
�iom uua; �uoi BumaEid �u8lsap uoRnjos
uaqm pa;aadxaun acp io3 •saseqd ajdqlncu 3o sts�(jsue cuaiqoid ac� peai o;
sac�uaSuquo� zapTSUO� o; �cjiqe 8mnzq s�oaCoid pue s��afoid l.�iiiqe a� sa;eaqsuouzap `��aCoxd •suoqz�gc�ads;�aCocd
acg sa;eqsaouzap :sauuoud ajdqincu a�scnpzoo� o; �tjcqa xiom e;o;�adse Ije a;ean;sa pue ;aidza;u[ pue aredaxd o; �[lTqe �s¢oue�gt�ads $ AIAII � id p
xzom Suq�as uaqm uoRE��xo a� sa;zqsaouzap `spu¢ivap uejd o� �i�tqe aq� sa�z.qsaocuap ac� sa�eqsaoLUap :pau8isse se pajce�ap mojio; o;.ficliqe a� �aoi;ez[;I.[oud
ijeiano aq� uo saoq�e 8ucladuzo� pue saomosaz pa;nznj :sac}uoud xxom 8ur�as cn sauuoud pue saaafozd ajdujncu sa;eqsuocuap `.saquoud pue
s,auo;o;�edun acg iapisuo� 3o suoqipuo� iapun saquouci azediocued pue suouEpAaunuo�aa alp� pue xiom azquoud sau�jpeap xzom paa3issz;aaux `3IIauia�eu�y�
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(sesse�So�d (•sassa.�oid (•sassa��oid (•sassa]�oad (•sassa.i�oad sauas
sauis sse�a aq; se �aq;o aq; sauas sss�a aq; se �aq;o'bq; sauas sse�� aq; se iaq;o aql saF�as�sse�a aq; se aaq;o aq; s§e�� aq; ss �aq;o aq; uodn
uodn sppnq,faaa;admoa qae� -aodn sp��nq Ranaaada�oa qae� uodn spPnq.faaa�admoa qae� � uodn sp��nq.Saua;admoa q�e� "sp�mq.faua;adiaoa qae�) sai�ua;admo�
A is�jwaV A�a:L/�3III AI 3s�fjuu� A�a,L/o3�I III �s.�jeuV �I�aZ/a3nI II 3s�iea� �I�a.L/�3AI I�s�f��uF� R�a.L/o3III Paac4S
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sa�c.uas uoqEmzo;¢[ pau8isse
uo?stn pue uotssnu acg 8uqoucoxd •sioineqaq xiom anqisod;o
.fq ianat cuea; �uacua�eazw uoqouioad qSnoac� pue asruadxa
ac�;e iacnuacu anq�a,�a Ie�mqoa�;o 8uueqs q3nocq�
ue aq o; �tjiqe aq� sa�eqsaouzap a�ue�sisse apinoid o� ssauScniju�
`.saLao�;no �Cxo;�a;sqes pue �i�qe a� 8m{sqsaocuap
io; Saq�uo$au pue y�i�uo� ,Cq siaqcuacu �oafoid
Su�euecu `s;lnsai anutsod � uoc}�anp xiom aeq�a�a
Smzm�o�ai `ssa�oid 3cnnios sapTnoid :sacuo�;no ,Cio��¢;sues ��mn sa�i,uas uoueuuo3¢c �siaxxomo�
cuajqoid dnox� a[� a��tic�a3 io3 sxaqcuacu;�afoid za�o pau8isse a� ua�� saou��adxa 3o uoddns pue `ssau�n33�eA
o� ��iqz a� sa;eAsuocuap pue siaxiomo� cgt,a a;zqo8au pue `,f�tjtqcsaodsai `ajoi `sia�o 3o uouzzaptsuoo
:ssa�oid 8nnleai uasioap dno�3 pue `;�c�uo� a8suecu `s��nsax ;�eis pa�uauadxa �gt�ads s,auo;o 3tnpu¢�siapmi sa��qsaowap `sacn� aun� uodn
acg pue sxacgo;o anUaoddns anqtsod az�o�aa o; �ticqe ssaj o; aoq�a� je�t¢q�a; ue sa;e�saocuap �szaxzomoo paa�e uag� s;uacu�$isse
sc `�inusaz� pue uouedi�iued ay� sa;e.qsuouzap :ssa�ozd 3u�njos ani3 oz �tjiqe aq� sazzqsaocuap u3?�+ suoq�8ia;ut m pue �m1aI�T�� P� �i$�li?^+
jenpcnipm $ue$smo�ua cuatqoxd dnoB ay�3o �oddns :�uawuonnua xiom aqa xiom.fep�(iaea m�ijtq�uno�oe s�uann�tsse $uz1dao��,Sq diqszapeaZ pue
6q dn�ssapzai meay xiom &nlez�s¢ocuap �Sq d�szapeaj uc a�uan�cn anqisod z 8u�pinoid pue `,ijiitqzpuadap dnoz8 xzom Ieuoq�un3 ssora
jeuoq�mg sso� aeqoa,�a apteoid ��afoid anqoa,�a apinoid y3non{i dnox3 xiom z u�tn+ `�iiiqixa�{ `�tiiq¢�d�pe s3o iaqcuaui aeuoa�a ue `��aiva�euLy�
o� acg sa;eqsaocuaQ o; �[j[qe ac� sa;eASUOUxaQ d�siapeai anqoa,�a sa;zqsaouxaQ ;o sau?j�b acg sa;eqsuouzaQ aq o; !�[j[qE a[� sa;eqsaouzaQ `'�.IOMU1ea,L
spaau uoqzuuo,�n
•sanssT pa�ejax;o pus spaau ssacnsnq s,zauzo;sno
aSuzi Ijn; aq� aeiosai puz �quapi aq� uaa,tiµaq d�suouetai aq� •spaau a�inias
•suoqz��ad�ca aotnzas zauzolsno o� �Tjiqz aq� sa;ez�suozuap ;0 3utpuz�sxapun uz dojanap o� •spaaa ,S�otouqoa� uoqzauo,gn
aSeae�u pue sacuo�;no pansap :spaau uoqeuuo� pu¢ ssaucsnq �iicqe uz sa�eqsaoLUap :iauzo�sn� a�i,uas ,f3olouq�a; uoqauuo3m �iseq �uuapi o� 2�iicqz
pue slzo8 sa�i,uas uoqzuuo,;cn s,zacuo;sn� aq�3o aSuex i� ac�;o spaau ssatnsnq ac{� szaxiom s,zauzo�sn� ac�;o �cRpnu�szapun acg sa;eqsuouzap :aoi,uas
s,iacuo;sn� aq� �quapt aq�3o 8mpu�sxapun ue doianap -o� o;,(anuo� pue pnz�siapmi qSnoioy� e doianap iauio�sn� pooS o; �uauAnmuo� $II?31nSIIO�
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(•saesaiSoid (sassa.i�o.�� (•sassa.i80.id ('sassa.�o�d, (•sdssaa80.�d se�ias -
saFaas sse�a aq; se aaq;o aq; sai.�b§ sse�a aq; se .�a�o aq; §auas sse�� aq; se aaino a� sauas sse�a aq; se aaq;o aq; sse�a aq; se laq;o a� uodn �
nodn spnnq .faua;admoa qae� uodn sp��nq .Saua;admo� qac�) uodn spPnq .Sana;admo� q�e� nodn sp��nq ,faua3admo� qa¢�) sp�mq .faua;admoa qae�} sataua;adwo�
A;s�fleuF� qaaljo3aI � AI �s�fieaV A�a7J�3AI III 3s�i�� A�a.L/�.P�I II�s yaa.LIp3AI I�sSien� qaaZj�3III PazeAS _
Z 3o t aSed
•sassa�osd �ucnjos wajqozd 8uc¢ceR io uoqz�vamn�op
dno.� sa;��oe; p� saa,fojdrua �suoqnios �mmms�oid S¢clum
ianai samoj o� uoq�ax�p •saoqnios js�t¢q�a� ��uamdoianap naq3 ssa�oid p� axn��nx�sagnc ro sis�sse :sa�aCoid SmpaeSai •mea;
�iom sapinoid `.caea; diqsiapeaj dm;ua�aj� p� �mdoianap m siaqcua[u m2a� pa�uarxadxa uo saoREpIIamaio�ax sa�2c¢ saar¢olsno zuog uoqamzo� �iom e 3o saqmam
SI aq�3o iaqma� s se saniag m ssaqcaaux�{qs zaq�o s�sissy ssai sas�sse p� sastnpy pue saeid;�aCocd �cseq saaedard ;�najai 8ur.ia�s8 m s7s[ssy E SE Sd�EdiJT{.IEa
ia;sesip p� s¢oqe;uatuaidcm •saouz�tidde ssamsnq
- saounios �mpuodsauo� p� xajdcuo� a;e�fi�a; mqtve sassa�oid atdRlncu
sjoo; pa;aousR{dos �som ac� Smsn o; sampa�oxd;o;uacudojanap pue saseqe�ep;uenajai3o �tsap •s��aCoid;o a�uei peoiq
swaiqosd sanios 'saiSojoaqoa� a� 5urnnbai sao�s��dde pue scs.Sieae aq� speat `suxajqoad e$m;�a�z ,Cl�aid�uo� a8ziane •saor�e�i�dde ���
pa��npe;socu ac� uo xiom Ianai .i�t� pa��npe pue xajd�uoo pa;zi�ossz saejos pne scna;s,is ;o saoq���dd2 ao StRejos •saz� paa��sse ao �n�n�os
jeuotssa;oxd �adYa suuo�ad �souz a� uo xiom sruio�ad xaidcao� uo xiom suuo,gad ivaiqoad p� Smpo� sauo,�zad pue Suqsa� ure�oid suuo,�ad waiqo.�d swao3aaa
•sl��lmbai 8auesado Mau 'uuo,�ejd
'��I��[�a; �dsps o� pau8}sap ao ssauanzi�a,�a �oiouq�� uoueuuo;tn •spaaa
mau ut �uauqsanm uo uxn�ai ac� •saoue�i�dde �t�;o �un�as •,(�ua��a 8uueiado asea�au} ol pav8csse ue uo sme�oid �iseq aawo;sna paugap
3o an�n aq� samuua;ap :sape�dn pue °,i�uatat�a `aoq�mRz3uo� 's;uauianoidca� suzals,Ss pau��sap sy�a[oad uo sxiom :spaau $m�8nqap pue `suodax �oq-pe ;aaw o; suotan�os
.f3oiouq�a; xo3 8utausjd xadozd ay; amsaa o; am3n3 m3 �uimiejd uc �sisse o� uoi�euuo;ui zcaq� pue�s.rapun �u4�sauaS `Suepoo Sutpni�uc a;eudoadde �uqaa�as
m siacuo�sno c�im s�insao� iapzo ut siacuo�sn� c�� s�insuo� xapzo uc ssacuo;sn� q�u� s�insuo� o� szawo�sn� q�c,a s�insuo� `8utunue.Boid �tsaq sruio�ad u� sa;ed���;iea
•sassaoozd io sainpow •s;aafo.cd
�,i}c� aq� u�.fSojocn�oa� 8manus�oid �c3t�ads 3o sam�peap aq; pus
uoR�o�n3o uoq�a.np •spaau,i8o�ouq�a3 uocl�o3ui •suoilepuaunuo�a.c aejonm ,iliensn pue °ado�s �sa�;�aoud ys��qe;sa
aa�n; a�;as 6euz �s� s;�afoxd •spaau ainln3;aam o; s�a[oid s,iawo;sn� pa�isse a�;o saxscu pue sue�d u? Mouza,illEnsn aae;e[g °s;aafold }o ado�s
3ucpie8az suoREpuauiaio�ai ,(go�ouqoa; uoi;zuuo;m;o s;oadss 8u�pue�szapun y�noioq; e saambai saiedaad :adoos pue.tgxaiduco� s1�aCoxd Sucpxe8ai uoqzuuo3cn aa3ap o; ,Saessaaaa
saxeru pue;uacuaSzae�.n t�e �uiuue�d ui iauued ssau�snq ;ec� adoos e 3o sy�afoid xa�dmo� aSeiane;o s�afoad uo sKsoM ;o .C�useajax ac� saunusa;ap ao�;cwao3u�;aal�oa o;
SI �1?� LTl?�+ s;lnsao� e sa saauzo;sn� c�im sl�ns¢o� uo saauzo;sno cpero s;�nsuo� pue szacuo;sn� q;c,h s��nsuo� `.szauxo;sno [�[m s;�tsuo� saauioasn� q;�m s{aay�
uoc}eruio,� �mpuodsauo� �aan;onalsea3u� •suoueoi�dda pue suuo3;eid
a� pue iauzo;sno ac�;o ssautsnq .f8olouq�a; uoi�zwco;m aidc�incu ae�oem �ec� s;�aCoad 'uuo�}etd •spaau ao�;e�gdde
•siawozsn� Ieuia�xa pue jzuia;cn a�;o �uipue�saapun uadxa s�,�c� aq�;o 3u�pus�siapun .i8o�oaq�a; ao�euuo3a�;o y�oddns �ojouq�a; pav�csss ue3o .�a;nducoa acaq�
u;oq io; �ixaidmoo zsaq�n� a� us 3mnnba[ xiom $cc[uiuiea�oid pa�usnpa ue 8uumbaa xiom ui,utxaiduzoo a;etpauua�ut 1[oddns u[ �i7cxa[dcuoo otse0.3o Bm;aam ui s.�auio�sna
3o xxom jeo[uq�a; y[adaca saptnoxd xaidwo� .f.xan sauo,gad Sunuuxaz8ozd xaiduio� suuo3iad 3o xiom $unuruza8oid suuo3aad xiom �unmue.Bosd s�uso,�aa o� a.�oddns sap�noad
saqg�q►suodsag _
A 3s.fieu�' A�a.L/�3III AI �s¢l�a� R�a.L/�3QI III 3s.fiea� q�a.L/�3III II �S�I�� 9�a.L/�3III I 1s qaa,L/o3ui , paz�qg
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saatn.ras uo�vurao,/'ul SA1?IdS PT+n �7?�
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Pdh+'400Z ��L�i A sai;���q�suodsag pazeqS;s,f�su� �ea�uqaay ao�;ew.�o,�uI SI Pas�na�;oRd'Sns;aatoad•;oi��sa�aaaaadmo;�-�PaaeqS\��
a;a�dwoa o;.S.ressa�au
sanoq aq; sKaom
pue a�npaqas �.�on�
aureg au�es acueg ameS auzeg a�q�xa� e su�eymey�
saqtnq�E 3uanzejd �sassa�oad o; sa�ueqo so�pue uc a doad ca�o pue saa,to�duua 'spaa��
jeuoqezaie8io pue sanssi;�afozd sanssi;�a(oad xiom o� suo�n�os K.oila3 cgim,ffioTouqoa; maa Pue sa�o�ouy�a; mau
xxom $uteios o; a8paimomi s?� 3uipuau[ato�az uc a4pa�mocn� pue sa�ryoeid asaq SmpaeBaz �mpn�am saan�ead
satjddz pue sat3oiom{�a; mau pue ;ac� sattdde pue sac8o�occqoa� uoi;auuo;u� sa8ueq�xa lsaq .f�o�ouq�a;
sa�u�exd;saq m spua.q �m8iauza mau uc spuau pue saouoexd lsaq puel,�otouq�al uoi;euuo3u� uo�aem.�o,{u�
3o a$paimoroj 2 sut¢;u[ey� 'auTes 3ua.uno 3o a8pain+o� smu�uiey� ames 3uipa¢4az suoc;e�tiqnd spea� ui;uaaana sdaa}I
�Iauaosiad�uauxaSeuey� •s;aafozd pe
o; sauctapm$ pue spaspu�s •y�afoid xzom s;o s�adse 's��afoid3o ssao�ns .�o; spaepue;s �o.�;aoa
[empa�oid ap�c� &npreSai •s;�afosd xcoM io3 sau}Iapm3 pus tie zo3 spxepueis pue sa�;poud 3nacnwa;ap io; sluacuamseaui ,Sl��enb �m;aaui pue
suoqepuaunuo�ai saxey� spaepueas lempa�osd saqs�tqs;sg xioro Smuas u� sa;sdioysed Suiqsilq�sa ut s;siss� 'sp.repm�s las sx.oiio3 Sa�qsgqe{sa u� s;s�ss�
A�s A�aL/�3III AI 3S�I�� R�a,L/�3AI III 3s�fl�uF� A�aZ/o7III II 3s�f�auF� A�a�/�3III I�s�fieuF� qaay�o;nI paa��[S
Z 3o i a8�d
;o ssa��ns acg autm.ia;ap o� iapio uc s�uamamseacu
a�neauo�ad a�eudosdde l�uapi o; ,Ci�qa aq�
sa�ra�saomap :s��aCoid o� aSpaimomj pue a�uauadsa
snotnasd.fjddz o; ��qe aq� sa;eASaor¢ap •saqaed tie o� s�oaCosd
:sa�R��d;saq ,SRSnpuc uo paseq sp�p�s 3o snle�s aqa a;e�ianccaao� .fZanc��a�a
•uoq�e a;eudoidde p� anq�a�a saa� pue sjo�o;oid dojaeap o; ,ijc�qa acg sa;�saouzap o; �iiiqz aq� sa�eASUUCUap `.s�lnsai amseaui
pus io; saejd pae uoquauE a;eipauiun saimbai `.s�a�pnq pue s¢ejd ��aCocd uagu� xiom pue aiedaid •s��aCoid je�mq�az uo saipnzs �ijcqTSea; anu�a,�a pue am3ap o; �Tjiqs aq� sa;sqsaotuap $AIApe[d
anssi ��taq�a; io aa,ioidcua q�iqm,i3quapt ol �1?[?qE a[g sa�zqs¢ouiap `.;�aCoxd"e o; pau�isse uuo�xad o� �ttcqe ac� sa;eRsaoLUap :sa�mosai `.saoqe��sac pue si�afoid jjz[us �
o; �[j[q¢ a� sa;2ASaocuap `.;�edun ap[m�Syt� siaqao 3o saquoud acg p� `saquoud c[neo s,auo pus s��aCoid �tssq.co;t¢ouz pue 'a;eutpioo� `aejd peaj pus uejd o; �cjcqa uz sa;eASROUiap
pac uo�ez�;i.�oi.�d
s 8u�neq eaae re¢oq�� pau8tssa io;�aCoid a �ucpni�u[ �uaunzonnaa �ur�usq� e m sauuoud o; �ij[qz ac� sa�sASaouxap :xaom acg azquoud `.pau8isse se sauuoud SutSueqo pae �IIa�a$���I�
3o s;oadse tie a�eue�u o;,ilt�qe acn sa�exisuouzaQ aagap.fia;eudoidde o; �t�qe a� sa;eqsuotuaQ pus .f8iaua sn�o; o; , i3�icq2 acg sa;eqsaomaQ aidqTnui alpuet{ o; .i�cjiqe ac� sa;e.qsuowaQ ;�afO.ld
�saaqcuaui�e�s iacgo
acg o; asqzadxa s� }red�u[ o; ,il[lcqe ue sa�zRSUOCUap
•szaas io eaiE reuoR�mg :3unn[eid a.ml�n�se�n 8u�o�uo aptnoxd o; Bnn[aejd am7�nRsex� Isqim op o;l.ltiiqe
pac�isse o� pa;ejai suoqeoitdde zauio�sno .i�tjcqe a� s�eysuocuap pue `.suoqe�ildde zawo;sn� a� sa;eRSUOUZap pue `.suoue�tidds iauio;sn� �s¢oue�ttddz iauio�sn� pauStsse sa�oi�vap�ddy eauro;sn�
acB3o �mpu�szapun Isnlda�uoo s sa�zqsaouzaQ pau�csse 30 8mpu�szapun laadxa uz sa;eRsaocuaQ pau8iss�3o 3utpue�siapun poo8 e sa;eRsaouzaQ ;o Su�puezsiapun a�seq e sa;zqsaocuaa asi;aadx� ieatuq�aZ
,�e�s iaq�o o; asqzadxa s� aaedun ol �[j[qz
uz s�zqsuocuap :asqzadxa uo spuet� $mpuodsauo� •sasodxnd teuoclESado
•s¢are sa�eRSUOivap `..ilun�as a.m��n,RSe.guc xio�au =03 suuo3lQ[d3o diqsuoc;eTaz aq�3o ou�puu�siapun
io eaze jeao,yaun} pac�isse ol d�suou�jaxxa;cn io uouei}sta�aipe asequ�¢p se q�ns eaae .C}Iec�ads ue sa;e�suouiap °suuo3;e1d.iSotouqoa;
nacg pue suuo�ejd �CSoiom{�a; uoueuuo�n e io suuo;�ejd,i8ojouq�a; uoucuuo,�n aiouz ;aaun� pue uuo3leld,f8o�ouqoa; uoc;ecwo3ut 'uuo,�ejd leonn{�a� pac�isse ��o.fta/d PawST�'S'v
IIe3o ducpc�siap� Ienldaouo� z sa�ez{suouzaQ io auo3o �uipue�szapcm;aadaa ue sa�ERSUOCUaQ pau�csse 3o Suipue�siapun q;dap-ut ue sa3v,qsuocuaQ ;o Fmpu¢�siapmi �dap-u� uz sa;eASaomaQ ast;aadx� ie�iaq�ay
'spaau.f$ojouq�a; - siaq�uacu,�s zaq�o •�f8otouq�a; uoc}zuuo,�n tn spua.q 8ui8xaLUa
uoqeuuo� amin3 s,�Cyt� aq� 8uc�aaLU pue ac� o; ascuadxa sn� �sdun o; ,utiiqe ue sa�eAS¢ouiap 30 8mpuezsiapun ue sa�eASaowap `�nm sa�t,uas ;uazuuo.�gnUg
zo; 8muueid ui �utpuezszapun sn�� �ijdde o; �iiiqe :;nzn saoinzag uou�o�{u� ac�;o sanq�afqo uoueuuo�n acB3o sanqaaCqo pue sjeoS pa;eiaz ln�?�+H�aZ (5�177dS) �
a� sa;e.qsuouiap :6qsnpuc a� u� spuatl BuBxauxa pu¢ s�eo� p�sjas acg pue �uauxuoneua �4oiouq�a; a� pue �uauzaoz[nua .fSojouqoa; uoueuuo� �;uaLU¢onnua ,iSojouq�a; uoueuuo3[n saatnaag aa;v� jnuot$a71
ue ;uaunzonnua �o 0 oa; uoREUUO �i uouzuuo ;nm a�inzas uouz�uio au8isse �uazm� s,;mn sa��as uo euuo uc acu4csse �tun sa�inxas uoqzauo a�csse 7n�d luavs puv ��� '�
P I�TR 3�? � 3� .�T? P 4 3. P 3a? P
ac�3o Smpuqszapun jenlda�uo� e sa�eRsaouxaa a�;o 3mpue�siapmi a.�adsa u¢ saze.qsuowaQ a�3o 8ucpu¢zsiapcm pooS e sa�sRsaouiaQ ay�3o �mpue�szapmt a�seq s sa;xz�suouxaQ as�;aadx� Ieaiuqaa,i,
-- - - - _. . ,
(•sassal�o�d sauas sse�a (�sassa��oad sauas (•sassaa8oid sac�as ssela (•sassaa80.�d saua§ sse�a aq�
a� se .�aq;o a� aodn sp�inq .faua;admoa q�e�J sss�a a� se iaq;o ay� nodn spnnq .faaa�adiaoa qae�) � aq; se �aq;o aq; uodn spPnq .Sana�adaoa qaeg) sc saq;o aq; aodn sp��nq Raaaaadmoo qae� . S0I�II2�0fIW O�
---- - � - -- � - —., - - - -- � — — -
---- ---- ----
�;ae;insaoa swa;s S In;a�;insao� s�ua;s�fS II3Q�linsao� sma;s�fS' I;ue;insaoa sma;s�fs pa.�uqS
ant3;uacaqag�� bOOZ �L�i- xta;eyQ aua;a uioa I?��3 q�f S.LI�,L7I1S�i0a SIAZ�S.SAS SI .- ., •
saagn.taS uognuraojul S�1XdSYun �7P�
Z 3o Z aSsd
P�'h001 ��Ni AI sawaa;adiuo� 3oEtinsuo� sma�s.iS SI Pas�na2illoIId'SI�S7�afo
- sa�o�no l�o�e;sqes
io; �uqEUOBau p� y�c�uo� SmSsasat `s�lnsai - aoRezmeSio aq� io; sn�o;
anu?sod 8u[zra3o�ai `ssa�oid Sucnios maiqoid js�mq� 2 4mpu.oid ut �nawaSznern;scsse o� �c�qa ��
dno�S a[� a;qc��E; o; �fiqa a� sa;eASaocvap ac� sa;eRs¢omap `.a�nsmzo�ad aa�foidcaa Iettp�tpuc 3o uoddns pve °ssau�n�e� `s�aq�o;o
`.scou.eqaq �ioro pansap acg p�;mn a�3o p� dnox8 xiom3o;uacua�e¢em a� m;s�sse p� �;�t�{ao� a8a¢�,tjanq�a�ga o; uo�saapis�a� sa�eusuouiap `.samj amq uodn
uocscn p� uocssaa a� 8uqotuoid,iq saa.ioid�aa �oq�azip xiom Ie�iuq�a� anq�aga an� `iepiedcm �c�qa � sa�zqsaocuap ssa�oxd Su�eca uois��ap paa�e mq�r.a szvam�csse �uqaid�ao� p� diqs.�apea7
a;empxoqns o� uoq�azcp �iom aeq�a�a apinoid aq o� ���qe aq� sa�zqsao�ap :;uamaonnua �iom dno�S aqz3o uoddns pue `l.�inRaaia �oRedc�paed Stda�w s�uacuaSisse 8ac1da��e.fq rnea�
o� �c�[qe aq� sa;eRSaocuap `.zaie Ieuoq�m� ac� p� sca�o o� aouanBm anqisod 2 8mptnoxd .iq IenpTnipm �mSsano�aa .Sq d�siapeaj uiea; xiom Ieaoc�mg ssoia e m iaq�uacu mea; PIIe �IIatua�su�y�
pau�isse ue;o d�siapeai aeu�a�a sa;eASaomaa dno� xiom s3o dtqszapeai anu�a sa;eASaoLUaQ xsom IE¢oR�� ssoa� anc�a�a sa�eASaotuaa anq�a�a � aq o;,f�iitqe aq; sa�eASaomaQ `�[.�ommEal,
a��uas sacuo;sn� doianap o;.i3?[?qe ac� sa�sRSaowap •spaau a�was
�zase °.asqiadxa,f8oiom{�a� uou�o;m s,auo;o eaie io �spaau a�i,uas iacuolsn� l,�oiouq�al uo?lsuuo;u� 8uipuodsauo� $III�IRSIIO�
Ieaoq�mg ap�c� pa�csse � mq��a saqtnR�e saae a�tnzas iacuo;sn� pa�issz ue mt�w. saqTeu�e 30 �uqaacu aq� io; 8�cmeid uc a$pajmomt ac�,C3c�uapi pue suoc}eiado iauio;sro
8maazld ay� l�a� o� �i�qe aq� sa;eqsaocuaQ 3muQeTd azscnpioo� o� ��tqz aq� sa;eRsaouiaQ uuo�eld ssoa� �m,Clddz m Iinis sa�zRsaocuaQ pue;scapun o;,�c��qe acg sa;eASaouxaQ .iaWO;sn�
•siacuolsno �aiaiexi u� saq��oidde
•;uawa�eue�u �i� minas aeqdzpe pue 'svisuamtenc azaudoidde
o; zauu¢cu anq�a;;a ue uc �ojouq�a; uouzcuto�n `a�uaued 'sijnjs 8u�¢a;sii anquaus
;o asn a� BuTpreBaz uou�o;cn;uasaid o; �tjiqe sazz.qsuocuap `.�ot�uo� anjonu�.izcu
acg sa;eqsaocuap :sanssi s�ua;s,Cs;o a8uez peocq z ;�ezs sa�Tnxas uou�o3uc �e� saouen3is u� saa.Sojckua pue siauio�sn�
xo3 pasn aq ueo �ey� sluamn�op 8ucuusjd azedaxd aonias pue `szaSsueiu;uauqqieedap `siauzo�sno y�� sjtois uorle�?ununuoo Ieaoszadia�zn
o; .f�ijcqe a� sa�eRsaoivap :sisr�i�o pa��aia $u[pnj�uc sjenpcnipm;o mttqoads psoiq s�iq poo8 sa�¢i}saocuap :uoqe�uamn�op srua;s.is
&npniou� `�t}t� acg m�t.t� sianai II� �� saa�iojdaxa poolsiapmi aq ue�;zc� sanss[;so� pue te�t8ojouqoa� •siasn scua;s.fs o� sanssc Is���a; �fanuo� �asn a�zaio o; �iicqe acn sa;eRSUOUZap
,(q poo;sxapun aq us�;e� iauueui ancs¢nsiad `suejd z�aCozd `sjssodoid;�aCoid �mredaid cn sjjnjs .CjanR�a33a o; �cjiqe ue sa�zASaouzap `s8cnlaaw :8uqum m pue ,(jjeqian a;e�mnuuuo�
e cn a;� pue xeads o; �cjcqe acg sa�exysaouzaQ uoc}�uasaxd pue 8uqua� anq�a,�a s�eR�ocuaQ peaj �tianqoa,�a o; �f}ijiqz ue sa�e.RsaouzaQ �Sjanu�a,ga o� �i�[qs ue sa;s.RsuouzaQ IIO13L�IIIniutii0�
•a�nemzo,�zad aa�Soidrua �,iSoiom�oal �+au �rm seuajqoid 8mssaxppe
a8eueac �ijaeuoa33a o� dzsssaoau sjt�s pue �ijtqa ut panionu[ sKsu a[g ssasse .fia;eudozddz o; �zj[qe
aq� sa;eqsuoucap pue saxe Ieuoq�unl pau3zsse aq� sa;eASaouzap :suzajqozd zazuo;sn� o;,�jzi�ads •sanu�aCqo puz sieo8 uounuo�
ac� io3 pa;ins 3saq saa�ioiduxa .Sxostn iadns je�mq�a� s,auo .ijdde o� ��tqe aq� sa�xqsuouxap uo paseq s¢ountos aiqe�daooe 8u�aas Q
pue saa.fojd�ua Is�mq�a; ��atas o�,CUITqe ac� `�jei�ads Ie�ccn�oa�3o sase ue io suous�iidde pue asiod �unne�me�u,iq;��uo� q�� �
sa�e.qsuouzap :iapaai leaza�tn ue se sTS�f�eue pue pus scuao3�eid ajdu� an�oem;e� suzaiqoid anjos •Scnnios uza�qozd .Cjanq�a,�a jeap o; �i�Tqs a� saze.qsaocuap �
Su�nios uzajqoid m sxacuo;sn� pue�qs saoT.uag pue az,(jsue .fianq�a,�a pue �cxajdruo� pa�nenpe q�dap-ue uuo;zad pue �ncajdcuo� a;eipa�uaa;n� :saSuaj�o a�seq anios pue az,ireus sisBiea�/�uieios �
uou�o,� �sisse ol �iiiqz a� sa�eRSUOUiaQ 3o q�aeasai;�npuo� o; �tliqe acg sa;zqsaoazaQ ;o q�ieasai;�npuo� o�,Clijiqa a� sa;eqsuouzaQ .ijanq�a�{a o�,C1Tiiqe ac� sa�z.qsaouzaQ �alq��d �
--- - -
(•sasse.�o�d sauas sssja (sassai�o� sauas (•sassaa2oid saiias sse�a (•sassaa�oa�sauas ssej3 aq;
a� se .�aq;o aq; rtodn sp�mq .faua;admoa qae$ sse�a aq; ss �aq;o aq; aodn sp�inq .Cana;admoa qae� ai� se Saq;o aq; uodn spnnq ,faQa;admoo qoc� se taq;o aq; nodn sp��nq ,C�aa;admoa q�e�) sat�ua;adtuo�
AI �ue;lnsuo� snia;s,fS III �uw;�nsno� s�ua;sxS _ Ii;ue;insno� sraa;s�fg I;ue;iusuo� suia;sBg pa.�wqS
Z 3o I a$Ed
�(aixalduia�;o tana� paauznps ue xe sau!�u�e
Sa}nios cua�qoid pue sis,fleve ui s�uealnsaoa •smaiqoid
�sease io eaie uoddns �euoyounj �iun sa��,uag ia�o o� a�anosaa s se s�e `.saa,fo�diva sa�uuas sat�nap� pue �Sassaao.�d
uo�lemio;u�,S�i� pa�isse a� o; dtqsuouetaua3�� uo�te[uto;u[ Sat}e�npa ai a�¢e�sisse �niqaa; �lanaj.St�at�na� a;Etpamia;m �.C1ixa�du.[oo ayszq3o K�om �Spoq;aia Xion�
naq� pue suuo,�eld.SBo�ouq�al ao�;emio;m pue Sauoivaui sapcnoid `.seaas.i8o�om{�al ue;o ase;a� sassa�oid pue spoc�aui `mo� xioro;o aie teqx sassa�oid pue spoqtaui `mog xsom;o seaie `s,ao�{ x�om saz6�eue yndu�
��s;o s�seq len3daauoa s uo asu�adsa sapino� aoueuuo,gn aiom io aao m aswadxa sapinoid sea.ie uc sa�was 8uinios uia�qoid pue s�s�f�eue sap�noid u� sa��.uas 8mnios �ua�qosd pue sis,f�sue sap[noid lamo;sna Saoa�s q8no�qy
'�14 aoREloama�dun aq; m
aoyqua[ua�dmi pions ol sa8ueq� 7�aCold uo sa�asqa .Cus;o aaaa.unaao
siamo;sno sas�npe ;�eas;iun sa�tuas aoc}etwo3m �uoy�anp;eqi q3N+aseq aq; pue sy�afoid;o
�seaae io saie yoddns �a¢ou�unj pau�?sse ioivas puz `sia8euew uois�ncp `siol�np iamo�sn� peoiq e;o spaau aq; sa;suipioo� pue uoU�anp ��a(oid aq13� sdaas uoue�uawaTdwc sn;e�s aq; o; se `s�seq ,f�amn
.S3oiouqoax uo�e�o;u� x�un sa�i,uag uou�o,}uIlai� a�y;o pue;ua�Wiedap 8mpni�uc uoueuuo;uc io anp�adsiadl,�oioay�ax aoi7�o;ui 3?�n sa�was paugapl��e�yi�ads aqi qiu+a�uepio�os m laiuo;sn� pae �e�n8aa c ao `s.iamo;sna
pa�isse acp u� `siseq apu�i� e uo `diqsiapea� sap�noid ;oaCoid q��,t� siauio;sn�;o a8ue.c peoaq s sap[nad uoU�o3m pa�isse ac� q;i,t� siauio;sn� sapinoid ogi�ads e��,t� aoilEUipaoa� pa[oid sapinoid ��m saav��an[amo�
•ssaa�ns 3�foad aanseam
�sauii awu pue sue�d �z��uq�a� uual o; sp.zepae�s saqs��qs�sa pae
Suoi pue uoqs sso�iuoui `.s�esieadda a�ueuuo,�ad °s�aaPoad aq;;o am;a�dmoa
pue 8uucq aa,fo�duza ao suo[7epuaunua�aa ios sau��peap saleµo�au
aXem,SEUi `.i?un saoinaas aoueuuo;u} 's�aafoad 2a�laawa�dm�
pauS}sse aql u�ql?�+ diqsiapea� le�iuq�a; sapinozd a� sdaas saqs��q�sa Espaaa
`.�C�le[�ads �eoiuqoa;3o eaae ue u[ s;uawuF[sse 'suo�lea�adxa pa�µaapt aaaw o; s�afoad
pue saguoud saunuaa;ap `.saaafoid xiom3o saaadse s,�awo�sn� aq; spaaoxa io laaui pap�nosd saawas urea; qs��qzasa oa s�awo;sna
�sayuoud s;as pue `sam3�puadxa szoaiuow `;a8pnq le�iuq�a; aq; sauyap `.�un�as any�nyse.�m xiom aq;;eq; saansua `.swea; xsom IqaacWisdap ssoio q;u� sa�aom pne spaaa
uoi�oas sdo�anap `.7ioddns.SFo�ouq�al aoueuuo3ui xio�au io;uacua8eueuz pue uouzu[pioa� ;o diqsiapeai �oa(o.uI sap�no.�d `�anal uo�scnip�a��o �suoueiado xuai�o pau�rsse aqx;o Smpueasiapun ,f8oioaqaa; ao�3�aao;at
ap�q 8mpcnoid �tun sa�c,uas aoueuuo;uI,ui� aqi3� aseqa�ep se q�ns eais �Isi�ads.i8o�ouq�a; a�ae� io;uawuedap aq;;e �f��ensn `saouraado aaai�� poo8 e sdo�anap `.;iun l�ai�� pa�csse ue pue;ian .�amo;sna aapnaa�ap
uop�as a8.�� e;o xiom aq; sa;enlsna pue `sueld `saasaanp uouEU�o3u� xaidmo� e u� uadxa ue se suuo,�.iad pa�rsse a�;o 8uipuezsiapun q8noioq; e sdo�anaQ sa�rn.�ag uoysuuo;ui a� uaaeyaq uosieq e se s;�y o; saamo;sna q;i,a saaay�
•sapg�0.saodsai aa,fo�duia3o s�anal
�ssa�oid uonntosai a�uenap$ $[ILL2�IP $llIAEi� E21E IIOi�E�[[CICIE IOCEIli E iI[ WSJ�
aql ui pantonu� aq,S¢w `�aa¢osiad aaeu�pioqns sas�adns Kiom �cuo�an3 ao msaa Kaon+lc;uamy�cdap
`7!nR ��!�aS Q�!l�ao3nI �1!� aq�;o ao��aas a��uR az�s a;szapom e o; �axlon+ pea� s se �a��,uas �g��ads s 8u�pinoid saa,foidwa
pau8isse ue y�� sKsom `.sai�ua;adwo� ataq; 8¢ido�anap ;oe .feuz `a�uzauo,�ad aa,Co�dwa;o Mainaa a� pue ;o dno�� z�io,N ��s�ns e ol zaxiom pea� e se �e ,Cem
uc saa(oldzua y�� sxiom `amtd�osip pue `spaemai `sao��adxa aoueuuo�ad;o �uauido�anap ay3 °aoueuuo;iad aa,io�dcua3o mainai aq; pue `suo��adsa •aaamdoianap aaRo�d�a o
`smacnai aoueuuo�{iad iet�Saz Su�prnoad `suoc;v�oadxa `saa,foldu�a;o %uun� a� �uipre8ai;¢acuaSaueuz a�uzuuo�.iad;o;uamdo�anap ay� `saa�foldma;o �uuiq '�uama8eaeia aaasmaoy�ad �
a�neauoJ.iad 8uidoianap q�noi� a�ueuuo�ad ;iun sa��as uoyzuuo;uc pau$isse a� o; a� Su�pae8ai;uawaSeuer.0 t�un sa��as uoqeuuo;u� •uor�aa�az �uaiau8rsse �
aa.Colduza sa8euem 61anu�a�a `saa�Coid�ua anq ,Sem ;ndm apinoad 6ew `.C;t��qisuodsai3o eaae pauR�sse pau�issz aq; o�;ndu� apinoid,ieu� `�i�iqisuodsaz °QO�Waa�p °uo�aaias �
io spuaunuooai ,f�anrpa�a `.saa.Co�dwa mau;o uoi�a�as aq; u� `.saa.fo�dwa mau;o uoy�aTas pue 8ui;sa; ;o eaie pavScsse a� m`.saa,So�duia ,�au3o uoi;�a�as pue �siseq ��aCoad e�o pa�isse se�ezs �ana� iamo� apn��at Bc�u q��qm;;e7s �°
pue �uUSa� aq; ui sa�mosa� uemnH3o a�y�p s;sissy aql ui saomosa� uewng3o a��{p aq�;suse.izy� Rausa� ay� m saainosag uewng;o a��p acg ts�sse 6ey� ol diqsiapea� pue uoq�anp le�iuq�a; apinoad.Cey� �aq;o o; diqs.tapea� sap�noaa V
AI �A�;lnsuo� swa;s�fS III �A�;Insuo,� staa;s�fS II 3A�3lnsuo� stua;s�fS I;u�;insuo,� suia;s,fg paaeqS
an�;uamqaunl� tiooz ��rn� - sat;iiiqisuodsag pa.�e�{S �l?��3 q�t - S.L�'.L'If1Sl�i0� SI�i�ZSAS SI
saagn.�as uoipvur.eo,�ul S�1XdS Pu� �?.�
Z 3o Z aSad
P�'b00Z ��Y�I saucjiqisuodsa� pazeqs �-I �u2�insuo� scua�s�iS SI Pascna��oicd•SPs�oaCo.�•�ojt�sacoua�adcuo�-�paaeqS\�rJ
a;aidwoa a� .Gessaaau
sanoq aq; s��om :a�npayas
aureS awes aweg aweS �iom a�q�xa� s sa��n�ey�
ssaae io ea.ie uoddns �euon�un3;iun sa�wag •szo;oeu�o� pue siopuan ssoa�equoo pue ao,ysuuo;m;o sQO�;ca��dde �
uoqe�uao;ui �i� pau8csse aq; ol paas�ai suoc;�tidde �suopeoi�dde pae ain»npse.�ai I�LH S211NIJ�E IIOI�E[[E1SU[ 30/PI1C �LLIQIEIl S2JEiRp300� siopuan �u� sa,;inyos uoUeile;sm io� pue Suiuieu �g!aads aaamiaedap
ao ain»na�se.gm3o 8ucasaa puE `uouemFyuo� `uoyei�sac ;o �uusa; pue `uorl��yuo� `aous��sui pve stoo�,S�olouy�a� uoyeuuo;ui;o asn anu�a,ga sa;euips000 pue s�ool�o�ouq�a; uo�;evuo;u� pus a.��yan.iase�;u� s;sa;
a� ai;{zts pau3tsse;o Smaie.q aq; io; sapcnold a� m,i;ixa�duzo� paauenps;o Hucuma3 sapinad a� uc ,��xa�duza� a;e�pauua;m;o �u}aizu sapinoid ;o asn anu�a�a aq; u[ �utuiea} aiseq sapinoid pne `sain83ao� °spe;sui �
s�aaa�o;sna aq; °nu„aaw '�
ui aiqx���dda aaqm maAl
�spaau iamo;sn� sa�idde pac ,SBo�oaqaa;
�sea.ie xo eaae uoddns �suoi��un; �iun sa��ag s�o�o;old sa�qaeid �saq;o uoue�}Idde 8aqaaui o� a�qeoqdde ,i8o�onq�ax uone`uio;u�;o uousmio;ac a� sa�yaud
aousauo3uI ,izi� pa�tsse aqz ot saoi�eid �saq sat�ddy pue `sassa�oid `saoy�eid;saq sa�npo.qui a�zudoidde Suiunzua�ap ui siawo�sn� qi?�+ siawaed ;uamaan�oid pue uoiiaa�as aqi ui siacuozsn� s;s�ssy ;saq �a� q�aaasaa syanpao�
AI Ta�;lnsuo� swa3s,fS III lus;insno� siva;s�fS II �u�;insuo� swa;sBS I;ue;insno� swa;s�fs pa.��qS