233536 . - � � �3-5'3� Council File 'No. 23353 y Robert F. Peterson— � , 'Whereas, Paragraph three (3) df C.F. � �f� No. 232855, dated April 7, 1967, contairys . i+s * an inadvertent.error as to the condltion :.;,}�. . , _ . of the vacation of publlc ]ands; ; Therefore, Be It Resolved, That said ' - ParaBraph three (3) be amended to ; i� read as follows: . That the petitioner cause to be deeded to the City such lands as d'e- scribed below for the purpose of • - creating a cul-de-sac, to-wit: ., ' � . Those parts af Lots 22, 23, and 24, _ � Block 10, Rice Street Villas, lying westerly of the arc of a eircle with a radius of 50 feet with the rgdius Point thereof being located on the center line of Woodbridge Street at a point equidistant from the south line of E3oyt Avenue and the north • 71ne of Nebraska Avenue. Also, - •' those parts of Lots 7. g. and 9, �� �• Block 11, Rice Street Villas, lying � �r easterly of the arc of a circle with !! a radius of 5p feet with the radius point thereof=being lo,cated on the � center line of Woodbridge Street at • a point equidistant from the soutl� '•line of Hoyt Aveaue and the north line of Nebraska Avenue. Adopted by the Council May 17, 1987. Approved May 17,1967. �(May 20, 1967)