04-985Council File # 0 4" g � S Green Sheet # 3023344 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA g Presented Referred To Committee Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Loca12508 to continue the competency-based classification, 4 compensation, and employee selection pxocesses established for Information Services employees. Requested by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources By: Form Aunzoved�Liv Citv.aYtl�nev . _ L•3�E Pdot Eatee¢ion resoWtion wpd Adopted by Council: Date �G' ��! a�, ��� Adoption Certified by Coimcil Secietary By: ( �/� `° ° _ o�- 98S DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/WUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 3023344 Human Resources 10-11-04 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHOPiE: INi17.AUDAiE �� �� IIv�Ttai✓nA7'E 7ohn Shockley 266-6482 1 DEPA&ihffiNL D¢t D�_ < crrr couHCO. LeeAnn Turchin 266-6517 ASSIGNED 2C17YATTORNEY C37TQ.ERIC MUST. BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE NU'uIBER FOR ) ROUTING FQrqP�ppySExvDIIt FINntiCfAI.SERV1nCCCG ORDER 3 MAYOR(ORASSL) TOTAL # OF SIGNA'CURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City and the American Federation of State County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) I,oca12508 is requested. This MOA extends previously approved and extended terms and conditions of employment that wece first established by a pilot pro}ect in October of 1998 for employees of the Information Services Division, the Saint Paui Regional Water Services, and City Employees at the Raznsey County Department of Public Health. RECOMMENDATIONS:Appmve(A)orRejee�J�L ��� ONALSERVICECONTRACTSMi1STANSWERTEiEFOLIAWINGQUES110NS: �� ��� � tLis persoNSrm eva worked mder a conkact for thic deparhnenCl P[.ANNING COMMISSSON � a � es No CIB COMMI17bE 2. Has tfiis persoNfum ever bern a city employee? _CNII. SERVICE COMMISSION 0� J �� '1��� Yes No 3. Dces this persaNfirmpossess a sidll mtnomially passessed by any c�ment city emptoyee? � Yw No — � ' u �9��� � � � this P�oa/firma targeted vendorl Yes No Expiain au yes answera on separate sheet and attach to green sheei � INTTL4TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTLJNII'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): in October of 1998, the City of Saint Paul Infom�ation Services (IS), the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and the City employees of the Ramsey County Department of Public Health adopted a pilot project which established a competency-based classificarion and employee selection system for posirions worldng in the field of information technology. The position classifications and grades, first created in that original pilot project, have now been formally established in the conesponding union contracts and salary schedules. Also, the classification competency mahices have been updated several times and formally established by the employees and management. The selection processes and advancement in salary processes for employees have been extended twice by MOA. The employees and the City would like to continue the system. As the system processes require modification of several Civil Service Rules and the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensaflon, trris MOA is required. The MOA extends the system into 2007 witlx an automaric extension into 2009, with the mutual agreement by the parties involved. The documents explaining the system aze attached. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City and information services employees of the affected bazgaining unit will continue to receive the benefits of a ccripetency- based posirion classificarion, employee selection, and advancement in salary system that has been successful for almost six years. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DLSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: A successful employee selection system and advancement in salary process will not be continued . Reverting back to the old system may negatively affect both the employees and the management of Citywide information services. a . . TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOLIRCE: ACC[VITY NUMBER: DCT +� w� • FINANCL4L INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) G:VShared�HR-Competencies�Pilot.ProjectsUS.PiIotVS Pilot Factension.greensheet.wpd ' t�'f- ��S Memorandum of Agreement This Mexnorandum of Agreexuent (MOA) is made and enteied into this 17th day of June 2004, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter referred to as "Cit}��, and Local Union 2508, District Council 14, of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as AFSCME Loca12508). The purpose of this agreement is to continue the successful competency-based classification, compensation, and employee-selection processes initially developed as part of the pilot project tifled "Informarion Services Reorganizarion and Job Family Modeling ProjecY' dated October 1998. Those processes aze currenfly described in the attached document titled "Informafion Services Competency- based ClassificaHon System." The City and AFSCME Loca12508 agree that the sripulations contained within the attached document that affect terms and conditions of employment shall apply only to those employees of the City Office of Technology, Information Services Division (IS) and The Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) Tnformation Services Section (IS) who hold positions allocated to the IS Systems Support Specialist I and II classes and who aze represented by AFSCME Loca12508. Also, the City and AFSCME Loca12508 agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified herein, shall be used in the administcation of the competency-based classificalion, compensation, and employee-selection processes: 1. Civil Service Rule 8.A.2. (Reallocation Rule) This rule allows the Human Resources Director to authorize an appointing authority to promote an incumbent, without further competitive examination, to a classified position which has been reallocated to a different classification because of changes in j ob duties and responsibilities, which aze not the result of planned management action. This authorization may occur only if the incumbent has performed the critical duties of the higher level position for one year or more, meets the minimum qualifications, has promofion rights, and has demonstrated satisfactory performance in their posirion. This rule shall instead allow for the non- competitive promotion of incumbents in IS 3ob Family classified positions after an incumbent has demonstrated the critical competencies and performed the critical responsibilities of a higher levei posirion in an IS Job Family classification for six months or more, has promotion rights as defined in this agreement, and demonstrated satisfactory performance in the higher level posirion. 2. Civil Service Rule 7. (Eligibility Lists) When an examinaflon is scheduled for both promotion and original entrance, such examinations are commonly called "open exams." If such an examination applies to the filling of vacancies in IS 7ob Family posirions, there shall not be maintained a separate list for promotion eligibles and original entrance eligibles. Instead, there will be one list maintained for all eligible candidates. Promofion eligible candidates, as defined below, will receive addirional points for IS experience as part of the competency examinarion process. This process is outlined in the attached system document. 3. Civil Service Rule 14 (Promotion Requirements) Employees who hold certified IS Job Family posifions shall be eligible to enter an examination as a promotion eligible candidate after serving not less than one yeaz as a certified employee with at least 1040 hours of service on the payroll prior to an examination. This rule shall be used, as modified, only for open and promotion only exams used to determine eligibles to fill vacant posirions within the IS 7ob Family System and for determining eligibility for reallocarion to a higher level IS 7ob Family position under Rule 8.A.2. as modified above. 4. Civil Service Rule 22 (Lay Off) shall allow the class seniority listing of IS Job Family incumbents reallocated to higher levels in the IS Job Family System on the same date to be determined by the totai length of continuous service in all classified City positions. 5. Section E.1., E.1.(b) and E.1.(c) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation governing advancement in salary shall not apply to employees in positions allocated to the IS Systems Support Specialist I and II classification levels. Instead, for each 1040 hours an employee has appeared on the payroll in one posirion the employee may be granted an increase in salary of one step up to and including step nine of the assigned pay range. If the employee has received a ten-year increase the employee may be granted step ten. If the employee has received a fifteen-year increase the employee o�- �s� may be granted step eleven. If the employee has received a twenty-yeaz increase the employee may be granted step twelve, and if the employee has been granted a twenty-five-yeu increase the employee may be granted step thirteen. When an employee completes five years of full-time service, the employee may be granted an increase of one additional salary step however, the employee's salary shall not exceed step nine of the assigned pay range. The ten and fifteen-year longevity step increases defined in Section E.1.(d) and (e) of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation shall continue to apply for exnployees in positions allocated to the aforementioned classes, and the twenty and twenry- five-year longevity step incceases defined in Section E.1.(� and (g) for employees represented by the Clerical or Technical Bargaining Units, shall also continue to apply to such employees. In addirion, it is agreed that, in the event of a layoff, affected IS employees in classifications who were represented by AFSCME Loca12508 on December 5,1998, and who were promoted to higher level IS Job Family classes on that date that aze represented by District Council 14, of the American Federation of State County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1842, The Professional Employees Associafion (PEA), or the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO), shall be able to reduce to the IS Job Family level represented by AFSCME Loca125Q8, that conesponds with their previously held classification, and exercise applicable contractual seniority rights. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saini Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall conrinue to be processed through the procedure oudined in the current collecfive bargaining agreement between the City and AFSCME Loca12508. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said competency system sha11 also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive determinations of the Staffing Advisory Group or of the Office of Human Resources regazding reallocation to a higher level in the IS job Family shall be appealed solely to the Civil Service Commission. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall continue to be in force until June 16, 2007 with an automatic extension to June 15, 2009 unless the City and AFSCME Loca12508 mutually agree to end or modify said agreement pzior to June 16, 2007. Finally, it is agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be used to set, in any way, a binding precedent on eithern�the parties. w ._--� / �, J� � ' ^ / �ti ; � ,��� � Angie I�lezny � Human 1�'esources Dir ctor i` � � � �°� H e �ason Sc t ` Labor Relations Manager Ivl�rcie Schillinger President Locai Union 2508 AFSCME, District Council 14 AFL-CIO � _ �,�---�--__� Kurt Errickson Business Representafive Local Union 2508 AFSCME, District Council 14 AFL-CIO G:\Shared�IIt-Competencies�Pilot.Projects�IS.Pilot�IS Competency System Continuation Agreement 2508 May 2004.wpd ��'� i O �f' ! OS Defining Competencies/Competency-Based Systems Competencies are the knowledge, slfflls, abilities, characteristics, attributes, and behaviors associated with successful performance on the job. Some examples are project management, problem solving/analytical tlunking, communication, teamwork, leadership, and customer service. Competency-based classification systems allow organizarions to move beyond the old "box" on the organizational chart wtrich was a strict set of duties defining a job. Competencies promote more fl�ibility in assignments and keep up with constant change in the variety of work. They also allow the organization to develop other human resource systems, such as employee development, recruitment and selection, and performance management. Background In October of 1998, the City of Saint Paul Division of Information Services (IS), the Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS), and the City employees ofthe County Department ofPublic Fiealth adopted a pilot project titled "Information Services Reorganization and 7ob Family Modeling Project." The project was the result of a lengthy and thorough collaborative effort between employees holding inforxnation services positions and City management. The process was facilitated by an outside consultant and the staff of the City Office of Human Resources. The uutial result was the establishment of a three-year pilot project as allowed for by Civil Service Rule 8.A.6. The terms and conditions of employment and procedures established in the inirial project have been extended twice, through mutual agreement between the bargaining units representing the affected employees and the City. The IS Systems Support Specialist I, II, III, and N, the IS Information(Technical Analyst I, II, III, N, and V, and the IS Systems Consuitant I, II, III, and IV Job Families, also called job class series, and their conesponding pay grades were formally established in the salary schedules of the appropriate bargaining units by resolution of the City Council on October 28, 2001. These job classes have also been formally established in the corresponding bargaining unit contracts representing employees in positions allocated to the aforementioned job classes. In addition, the matrices describing the competencies required for positions in the aforementioned class series have been updated by both employee and management advisory groups following the initial project and the subsequent renewals. This document describes the current process involved in the administration of the IS and SPRW S Competency- Based Employee Selection and Position Classification System. This system continues to affect positions currently allocated to the IS Systems Support Specialist, IS Information/Technical Analyst, and IS Systems Consultant job fasnilies/class series. Page 1 of 7 For The IS Systems Support Specialist, IS Information/Technical Analyst, and IS Systems Consultant Job Families i The Continued Goals of the System • To ensure adequate and competent IS staff for the present and the future. �- Q85 • To administer an equitable method for determining appropriate classification of positions. • To provide flexibility and variety in duty assignment. • To provide cleazly-defined requirements for career advancement opportunities. • To define the requirements for successful job performance. • To assist in determining employee development and training needs required for successful job performance and cazeer advancement. Procedures For Administration of the System The following procedures have been developed for administering the IS and SPRWS Competency-Based Employee Selection and Position Classification System: 1. Selection of Candidates to fill New Vacancies In order to ensure adequate and competent City and SPRWS IS Unit stafffor the present and future and retain competent employees who have received City training, the selection process allows for vacancies to be filled from lists of eligible candidates created from training and experience (T&E) exams made up of both external and internal candidates who meet the minimum qualifications (See attachment 1, Minimum Qualifications Guidelines) for the announced vacancy and who demottstrate the required competencies through passing the examination. When an examination is announced as open to the public, cunent City employees who hold IS 7ob Family classifications in the Office of Technology Information Services Unit, the SPRWS Information Services Unit, and the Department of Public Health will receive additional points (See Attachment 2, T&E Example). All candidates who pass the test with a score of 75 or above will be certified to the appointing authozity. The employee selection process also allows qualified City employees faster promotion opporiunities. Certified City employees who have been employed for not less than one yeaz and have at least 1040 hours of accumulated hours on the payroll, may enter examinations announced as promotion only. Normally, such employees must haue served not less than two years and have, at least, 2080 hours on the payroll to be eligible to take a promotion only examination. In addiuon, certified City employees must meet the minimum qualifications for the posted vacancy, and have a satisfactory performance rating to take the promorional T&E examination. Finally, employees who pass and become Page 2 of 7 o�-�g5 eligible will be ceriified to the appointing authority in accordance with the provisions of Civil Service Rule 8.A3. There will be an IS Staffing Advisory Group made up of employee volunteers who hold classified positions in each of the three IS 7ob Faznily class series. There wi11 be two IS Systems Support Specialists, two IS Information/Technical Analysts and two IS Systems Consultants. Other members will include one representative of IS customers, one representative from the Office of Human Resources, and one representative from the IS Leadership Boazd. The responsibilities ofthe IS Staffing Advisory Group will be to review position information provided by the IS Leadership Boazd, IS Management, or Human Resources regazding vacancies and make recommendations to the Leadership Board, IS Management, and the Office of Human Resources regazding staffing. 2. Determining Appropriate Classification and Competency Level of Esisting Positions It is understood that the field of Information Technology is an employment environment that changes quickly. There has been and will be constant evolution in Information Technology and, consequently, there will be change and evolution in the positions required to operate, maintain, adapt, and recommend the technology for use by customers. In order to keep up with this change, the following procedures will be followed in detennining the appropriate IS 7ob Family, class series, and classification competency level of existing IS positions and their incumbents: Employees of the Office of Technology Information Services Unit, the SPRW S Information Services Unit, and the Department of Public Health who hold positions allocated to the IS Systems Support Specialist, IS Information/Technical Analyst, and IS Systems Consultant 7ob Family/class series may request a study of their positions and competencies for determination of appropriate job family/class series, and classification/competency level therein (See Attachments 3, 4, and 5, IS 7ob Family Competency and Shared Responsibility Matrices). When making study requests, such employees should provide information describing their assigned job responsibilities, assigned technologies, and the competencies being demonstrated. Such studies may be initiated by submitting to the Office of Human Resources a request for a study. This can be done either through email or an interoffice memorandum. Please make sure that supervisory personnel are informed of the request. Attached to the request, should be a fully completed questionnaire describing the incumbent's assigned positiou responsibilities, technologies, and the competencies being demonstrated. As an altemative, an incumbent who has previously submitted the described questionnaire and has had their position and competencies reviewed, may submit an addendum to the questionnaire describing any significant changes that have been made to assigned responsibilities and to the competencies that are being demonstrated. Questionnaires may be currently obtained from the IS internal information network or from the Office of Human Resources web-site. Upon receipt of all appropriate documentation, including a fully completed questionnaire or addendum, the Office of F3uman Resources will enter the study in Page 3 of 7 their records and inform the incumbent of receipt of the study request. As part of the study procedure, Office of I�uman Resources Staff will review the information provided by the incumbent. Interviews with the incumbent and supervisory personnel may be conducted. All information gathered about the assigned responsibilities of the position in question and the competencies being demonstrated by the incumbent will be thoroughly analyzed. Tlris may include comparisons of this position information with the shared responsibilities and competencies described in the various competency matrices. Also, a comparison of tlie position information may be conducted with similaz IS positions. As soon as possible following the analysis and comparisons, the Office of Human Resources will issue, to the appointing authority, a detemunation regazding the employee's position. This will include the appropriate IS Job Family/class series and classification and competency level therein. Possible outcomes could be, a- deternrination that the position shouid be allocated to a higher level, a lower level, or remain the same. Implementation of a determination made by the Office of Fiuman Resowces is the responsibility ofthe appointing authority and is subject to any filling of vacancies approval processes set forth by the Mayor's Administration. Human Resources deternunations recommending that an incumbenY s position be allocated to a ciassification assigned to a higher ma.ximum pay level is a promotion and may be implemented by the appointing authority through the process commonly known as reclassification. This process is set forth in Civil Service Rule 8.A.2. However, under the IS and SPRWS Competency-based Employee Selection and Position Classification System, employees who meet the afozementioned requirements for entering an exanunation as a promotional candidate and if the empioyee affected by the determination has already taken a T&E exam for a vacancy in the higher level classification as determined by the study, and is on an e�sting eligible list for the higher level classification, the employee may be certified for appointment. In the case of a an eligible list generated from a promotion only examination, certification would be made without regazd to the affected employee's standing on the list. Also, determinations resuiting in a recommendation of promotion may be implemented by the appointing authority through the process commonly known as reallocation. This process is set forth also in Civil Service Rule 8.A.2. However, under the IS Competency-based Employee Selection and Position Classification System, employees who meet the aforementioned requirements for entering an e�ca.mination as a promotional candidate and who have been performing all the significant higher level responsibilities and demonstrating all the sigrrificant competencies of the higher levei classification for a period of at least six months, mav be promoted to the higher level class without competitive examination. Page 4 of 7 b`�- Position allocation determinations made by the Office of Human Resources may be auaealed. They may be appealed through the process discussed in this document or through the process set forth in Civil Service Rule 26. Section 3.C.. regarding challenges to classification determinations. Initially, as is the process with all studies conducted by the Office of Human Resources, there is an informal appeal process. Following learning of the determination, the incumbent notifies the Human Resources staff person who conducted the study that there is disagreement with the detemunation. This notification should be made within five working days of the incumbent learning of the determination from the appointing authority. As soon as possible thereafter, a meeting will be held between the Human Resources staff person who conducted the study and the incumbent. At this meeting, the incumbent and the Human Resources staff person will identify those areas where there is agreement and those areas of disagreement. Additional information may be presented or requested by the incumbent, and questions may be asked. As soon as possible after the meeting the Human Resources staff person will analyze any addirional information presented and issue another deternunation. If the incumbent continues to disagree with the detemvnation and believes that their position and competencies were unfairly or inadequately audited, then the incumbent may issue a letter to the IS 5taffing Advisory Group stating the specifics as to why they believe their position was nat fairiy or adequately audited. Copies of the letter should also be sent to the appointing authority, and the Human Resources Director. This letter of appeal must be made within riventy calendaz days of the incumbent learning of the determination made by the O�'ice o£Human Resources resulting from the informal appeai meeting with the Human Resources staff person. The IS Staffi.ng Advisory Group will then review the letter and decide whether to act on the appeal. Within 10 days of receipt of the request, the Group will notify the incumbent as to whether they will conduct a review of the appeal. If they accept, the process will include a review of all public documents including the F3uman Resources nutial Report and Detemrination, and any subsequent appeal reports and determinations issued by Human Resources. The I� Staffing Advisory Group may conduct additional interviews with the incumbent, supervisory personnel, and the Human Resources staff person who conducted the study. The IS Staffing Advisory Group will then issue a recommendation regarding the appeal to the appointing authority. The appointing authority may then implement the recommendation, rej ect it, or may ask that the Human Resources Office recommend options for restructuring the position. If the recommendation is rejected, then the appointing authority will issue a detailed letter outlining the reasons for the rejection both to the employee and the IS Staffing Advisory Group. The above referenced appeals process is an altemative way to deal with issues involving appropriate allocation of positions and competency of incumbents in the Page 5 of 7 o�f-4�5 IS Competency-based Classification System. If the TS Staffing Advisory Group conducts a review of an appeal, the issues under appeai will be reviewed by employees who hold or have held posirions in the complex field of information technology. They also have a l�owledge of and have demonstrated the competencies required for successfui performance in these highly technical positions. If the employee decides not to appeal to the IS Staffing Advisory Crroup, or if the Group decides not to act on the employee's appeal, or if the appointing authority rejects the recommendations of the IS Staffing Advisory Group, then the appeal rights set forth in the Civil Service Grievance Procedure, Rule 26, regarding Classification challenges are available to the incumbent. This may include the right to a hearing before the Civil Service Commission. Fiowever, if the employee appeals to the IS Staffing Advisory Group and the Group decides to act on the appeal and issues a recommendation that is accepted by the appointing authority, the employee may not sppeal through the Civil Service Grievance process. 3. Advancement In Salary In order to accelerate the opporhxnity for advancement in salary as a result of ineeting or exceeding job performance expectations, the grades assigned the classifications within IS 7ob Families contain salary steps at six month intervals until employees reach salary steps considered to be based on longevity, or yeazs of service. Generally, this means that employees who meet or exoeed performance e�ectations based upan the competencies defined for their position by the IS Competency-based Classification System and IS supervisory personnel, may be eligible for a step increase after every 1040 hours on the payroll. The earliest a step increase may become effective, however, is the first pay period foliowing the anniversary of 1040 hours on the payroll. For employees in positions allocated to classifications level within the IS S, s� Supnort Snecialist and IS Information/Technical Analyst Job Families, employees may be eligible for step increases after every 1040 hours up to and including step nine. This means that an employee appointed at step one, who consistently meets or exceeds performance expectations, may take no longer than four years to get to the maximum step increase before a longevity step. Employees may also be eligible for longevity step increases after they have reached 10 yeazs, 15 years, 20 yeazs, and 25 years of service with the City of 5aint Paul. However, in no case, may an employee advance to one of these longevity steps without hauing served the conesponding number of yeazs. For employees in positions allocated to the IS Svstems Consultant I level in the IS Svstems Consultant Job Family, employees may be eligible for step increases after every 10 40 hours up to and including step 15. This means that an employee appointed at step one, who consistendy meets or exceeds performance expectations, may take no longer than seven yeazs to get to the maximum step Page 6 of 7 0 ��`I'� increase before a longevity step. Employees may also be eligibie for longevity step increases after they have reached 10 years, and 15 yeazs of service with the City of Saint Paul. However, in no case, may an employee advance to one of these longevity steps without hauing served the cosesponding number of years. For employees in positions allocated to the classification levels of IS 5ystems Consultant II, III, and IV in the IS Systems Consultant Job Familv, employees may be eligible for step increases after every 1040 hours up to and including step eleven. This means that an empioyee appointed at step one who consistently meets or exceeds performance ea�pectations, may take no longer than five years to get to the maximum step increase before a longevity step. Employees may also be eligible for longevity step increases after they have reached 10 years, and 15 years of service with the City of Saint Paul. However, in no case may an employee advance to one these longevity steps without having served the conesponding number of years. G:\Shared�IIR-CompetencieslPilot.ProjectsUS.PIlotUnformation Services Competency-based classification.document.2004.wpd Page 7 of 7 �`�-98� � F z � U F"� � A � V z O � N N � a y -T+ G-� � � � .� � � > W 0 on C .� O � � 4y W S7 O .� '� � � .� .� 0 D b O W � 0 � '� N Q ^.. .� � 'O � 0 U � y � � � � '� H � d .c � � U" • � � � .� � .� m � V .6+ w 0 N � .� � d N � � N � C�+ .� � V � � O y � � � ai � U w O ,p H � O O ,� Y •� � w `� o � � N � � � ro '�' � � � � � �. � � w^ �� � � .n � o �, w o � m � � Y . 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F � o y ti ? � �v� � � � a .^ � � O �� '� .� ? � � � '� N � � ti �i G r�r � N �-+ ►.� � ti C � C A � R � a� � � � : � � .�. � m v�i � � Q p O O r� U U � � � �r £ � � � � h � � � y � 1� i�a I� V�j � � � � � 5 y � � � �. ,� „ ,� w. � .� y a, � � .:' ,.:' � ea d' C �u a � � � � � � � j ai a�i d � F � � W y, 0 . w � w �'�'n H i-�+ r�i r� � rG � F l.F�q 1.��1 Y�V � � � � y � S'" ., '. " R :� � .� � � d °� O. � � � � � � V � (, O O O O a a �, a a r ,, a � � � � � y � � � � � v� « r y � � � � � o�-�8s IS Trai.ning & Experience Evaluation Outline Egample Some Suggested Rating Guidelines ATTACfiMENT 2 City of Saint Paul - IS Egperience If the candidate has one year or more of IS experience in a certified 0-10 points City job, in the Office of Technology, SPRWS, or Public Healtl�, add points. Education and technical training 0- 20 points (Points in this category can come from a single or multiple sources but may not exceed a total of 20 points) Fonnal Bducataon College T?egree IS, Business, Management 0- 10 Other college degree Technical School On the job Education Technical courses, seminars & certifications or on the job leaming Competency Rating Technical competencies (assianment relatedl 1. City or SPRWS technical environment 2. Assigned platform 3. Customer applications General competencies 4. Project Management(Prioritization/Planning 5. Problem Solving /Analysis � a Communication Customer Consulting TeamworWManagement/Leadership 0-5 0-5 0-5 0 - 70 points 0-5 0-10 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-10 Wei�hts assigned to the competencies may vary based on analysis of the vacancy. _ Total 0 -100 points For examinations announced as open and not announced as promotion only, all candidates who receive 75% or more aze considered eligible for interviews with the appointing authority. The appointing authority will decide who to interview from the pool of eligible candidates. G:�Shared�FIIt-Competencies�Pilot.Projects�LS.PilotlT and E Guide Attachment Z.wpd 0�-985 �. w b �. �a � 0 ' ,j ,, v m o � ,. �o o an "'' � ° '� � � � ° ro 3 � ++ � j� T T 0 T y m W� W 'C � y y bA ,x � � � � � o .� � o °� `� c �a +�+ a� tA �• o� � ai a� � m.� a� � y cd +� c� � �`� ° � 3 � �' � ; � � � �. � � � �.� c A `� `� '� -� a�i > � � � � >, �n„ , o Q, o � � � b o O vi ^ a� P"'' 7.. LL � N �... � 'U .� 'p^ �� � i. 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N O a�+ ,� .-�. s s�., ..r'�, r�, � � � '-' � � ° c � �i�. `�" � ° 3 c � " � ; „ � � °...�' ° w~ 3 � � >, ro � <., � � a� .� �� o. w a� � � � � o.� o E-i '��f � w � R. � � ° C � '" 4= N a`"i > q�w 0. � l 1 � c� o ( a�i � `� c�d �R. � � �'! ���� c`d t�. y O 'mFy� �1 .'��" � U C Y+ r�l N`.� 7`F� U Il GJ "��' � :..� b � � � ,�. U '�-' U C +'' '� �Q � � bA � m �+ L� �%-'�• ' O iC •• U� F.'S7 U F"'� :: � GQ V � F.+ c > y U �� b w O-C y� O c N �n'� � Q •� y `Y y � � Y z��tj U '� �� O� p p O d � ,� w, � � 9; .� � r i � yy � ..<�. Y H .� � IC C� O! C� 'f.�r` � U O+��+ s�. O'C" O s.�., � z � � E-+ � �7 � � City and SPRWS Information Services IS Systems Support Specialist Job Family Competency Matrix -May 2004 (Attachment Three) -� �'' Shared Systems Support_Specialist I_ Systems Support Specialist II $ystems_Support Specialist III Systems Specialist IV �-. Competencies (Each competency builds upon the other as (Each competency builds upon the other as the (Each competency builds upon the other as the class (Each competency builds upon the other as the � ' the class series progressea) � � class series progresses.) � series progresses.) - � dass series progresses.) �� � � - - - - . _ . . . Technical Eapertise Demonstrates the abiliry to quickly acquire a basic Demonsnates a good understanding of the assigned Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the assigned Demonstrates an expert understanding of the assigned Ciry and Saint Paul understanding of assigned azeas of information information technology environmen[/infrashvcture; information technology environmenUinfrastruchue; information technology environmenUinfrastructure; Regional Water Services technology environmenUinfrastructure; demonstrates a good understanding of information demonstrates an understanding of cuiren[ h in demonstrates the abiliry ro apply current trends in best (SPRWS) Technical demonstrates a basic understanding of informarion technology best practices and standazds; demonshates infomiarion technology best practices and standazds; practices and standards in assisting wstomers to mee[ Environment technology best practices and standazds; an understanding of the goals and objectives of the demonstrates an abiliry to apply this unders[anding to their future infotmarion technology needs.; demonshates the ability to acquire an assigned information services unit. work projects and processes. demonstrates an ability to assist the assigned IS unit in understanding of the goals and objec[ives of the setting goals and objectives. assigned information services tmit. Technical Expertise Demonstrates the ability [o acquire a basic Demonstrates a good understanding of the assigned Demonstra[es an advanced understanding of the assig�ed Demonstrates the ability to understand interrelated Assigned Platform understanding of an assigned information information technology platform. information technology platform and demonstrates the information needs on multiple assigned information technology platform. ability to recommend improvements to the technology. technology platforms. Technical Expertise Demonstrates the abiliry to develop a basic Demonstrates a good unders[anding of assigned Demonstrates a good understanding of the busiuess of Demonstrates an expert understanding of the assigned Customer App[ications understanding of assigied customer applications; customer applications; demonstrates the ability to the assig�ed customer and the related information needs; customer applications and demonstrates the ability to demonstrates the ability to provide A�S[C support idenrify and resolve common problems involving demonsh'ates an advanced understanding of assigned identify and resolve the most complex problems of these applications; demonstra[es the ability to assigned wstomer applications and report more customer applicafions; demonstrates the abiliry to associated with the work; demonstrates the abiliry to identify and address basic customer problems and complex customer issues to the appropriate staff. identify and resolve the full range of problems involving configure, insta.11, and test the most complex report more complex customer issues to the assigned customer applications; demonshates the ability applicarions and equipment and demonstrates an appropriate staff. to provide cross platform customer support; demonstra[es understanding of the full range of related processes and the ability to configure, install, and test a wide variery of protocols. applicarions and equipment. Page 1 of 2 ' Shared Systems Specialist I Systems Support II Systems Support Specialist III _, Systems,Support Specialist IV — — �- — � Competencies (Each competency builds upon the other as (Each competency builds upon the other as the (Each competency builds upon the other as the class (Each competency builds upou the other as the the class series Qrogresses.) class series progressesl) series progresses.) - � � ,class series progresses.) — -- - � - - . . - - - -- ,.. . . PYOJOCY Demonstrates the abiliry to follow assigied work Demonstra[es the ability to prioritize work and handle Demonstrates the ability to make recommendations and Demonstrates the ability to set priorities under Management, processes and priorities, and meet established mulriple projects and priorities as assig�ed. participate in setting work priorities: demonstrates the conditions of limited resources and competing deadlines. ability to plan and estimate all aspects of work projects; demands; demonsh'ates the ability to coordinate Prioritization, and demonstrates the ability to lead the analysis and solution multiple projects or projects having multiple phases. Planning of problems. Problem Demonstrates the ability to effectively analyze and Demonstrates the abiliry to identify and resolve Demonslrates the ability to effectively identify and Demonstrates the ability to effectively analyze and SOIVirig/Ana13'SIS solve basic work related challenges; demonstrates common problems associated with the work; resolve complex work-related problems; demonslrates solve difficult and complex work-related problems the ability to understand and follow established demonshates the ability [o appropriately define a the ability to interpret complex and detailed project using past experience, reseazch; and bes[ practices policies, procedures, and schedules; demonstrates problem and apply Imowledge gained from previous specifications and make suggestions for improving informafion; demonstrates the ability [o lead a group � the abiliry to deal effectively with conflict by problems and solurions to resolving current problem-solving processes. problem solving process. maintaining poise and seeking acceptable solutions cha]]enges. � based on common goals and objectives; � demonstrates the ability to ask for assistance from coworkers. Communication Demonshates good oral and written Demonstrates the abiliry to effectively interact with Demonstrates the ability to effectively interact with Demonstrates the ability to speak and write in a communication; demonstrates the ability to listen customers through listening attentively to customer customers, management, and stakeholders; demonstrates manner that can be easily understood by employees at attentively, be patient with customers, and produce needs, documenting customer issues,lracking the ability to act as a liaison between the customer and all levels within the City including the leadership level; easily understood work reports and other problem resolurions, and informing customers of the the assigned IS unit. demonstrates the ability to prepaze cleaz and documentation; demonshates the ability to ask status of projects. comprehensive projec[ proposals and plans; effective questions, give general work related demonstrates the ability to effectively represent the advice and d'uect more complex questions to City's perspective to other public agencies, vendors, appropriate sources of infoimation. and other enti6es doing business with the Ciry. CllStOIllCY Demonstrates a shong wmmitment to good Demonstrates the abiliry to develop a good Demonslrates the ability to understand and convey to co- Demonshates the ability to develop an understanding ConSUltlrig customer service; demonstrates the ability to understanding of customer information technology workers the business needs of the customer; demonstrates of the full range of the customer's business and identify basic customer informarion technology service needs. the ability to develop an understanding of the relarionship infoimarion needs; demonstrates the ability to identify service needs. beriveen the customer's business needs and infottnarion and resolve the full range of related issues. technology needs. Teamwork, Demonstrates the ability to be an effective member Demonstrates the qualiries of adaptability, flexibility, Demonstrates effective leadership within a work goup Demonstrates the abiliry to provide effecrive project Management, and of a cross functional work goup by following oral dependability, and accountability in everyday work through providing a positive influence in the work leadership by demonstrating support of the goup and written instructions, accepting assignments and in interactions with coworkers; demonstrates an environment; demons[rates the ability to give technical problem solving process; demonshates the abiliry to Leadership willingly, and complering assignments within understanding of one's specific role, responsibility, direcrion to less experienced staff. recognize posirive results, manage conflict, and ageed upon time lines; demonstra[es considerarion and expectations within an assigned IS work goup. negotiaze with coworkers and other project members of others, tactfulness, and support of coworkers. for satisfactory outcomes; provides effec[ive work direcrion to project members by demonstraring an ability and willingness to provide assistance through sharing of technical expertise and tivough promotion of positive work behaviors. i;:wnarea�cuc-competencies�ruotrro�ectsu�.ruo�ucevisea is �yscems �uppon �peciaust competency mamx may Luu4.wpa Page 2 of 2 Assists in establishing Provides customer assistance in accordance Same Makes recommendarions regarding setting Paxticipates in establishing procedural standazds and meeting customer with set service standards established for the service standards based on meeting the and guidelines for work projects. service needs and quality IS Unit so that customers can effecrively use customer's business needs; performs quality control standards. informarion technology tools; pxovides control assessments. assistance in coordinating the support activities of coworkers, vendors, and contractors. Keeps current in Same Reads publications regazding inforxnation technology May recommend new best practices, processes, Conducts specific research and evaluates new information technology and exchanges inforniarion regarding best practices and standards. systems, pracrices, processes, and standards; best practices, including and new technology with fellow ernployees and the recommends specific changes to meet customer � new technologies and people in the inforxnation technology field. business needs. � trends. o � Maintains a fleaible Same Same Same Same work schedule; works the hours necessary to complete projects. G:\Shazed�IIR-Competencies�Pilot.Projects�IS.Pilot�Revised IS Systems Support Specialist Shazed Responsibiliries May 2004.wpd Page 2 of 2 t .;,, _ �. City and SPRWS Information Services • . � IS Information/Technical Anal st Job Famil Com etenc Matrix -Ma 2004 Attachment Four Shared Info/Tech Analyst I Info/Tech Analyst II _ Info/Tgch Analyst III _ Info/Tech Analyst IV Info/Tech Analyst V, Competencies (E$ch competeucy builds, (Each competency builds upoq (Each competency builds upon (Each competency builds upon (Each competency builds upon ' upon the other as the class. - the other as the class series the other as the class series the other as the class series the other as the class series � , series progresses.) progresses.) �� progresses.) progresses.) progresses.) Technical Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates a�Od Demonstrates an�dv�a� Demonstrates an��P� Demons4ates an@�[l�AY Expertise ���� ���d u°derstanding understanding of the cuttently understanding of the assigned understanding of the assigned understanding of the City and Saint Paul °f the assigned informarion assigned information services unit informarion services unit �'o�rion services unit interrelarionship of the assigned services unit information information technology information technology informarion technology information services unit Regional Wafer technology emironmenUinfrastructure; environment/infrashvcture and the environment/infrashucture and information technology Services (SPRWS) demonstrates an understanding of ability to idenrify and resolve envuonmenUinfrastructure; the ability to idenrify and resolve environment/infiashucture; Technical the oals and ob'ectives of the com lex challen es associated with demonsirates the abiliry to g � p g the most di�cult and lughly demonstrates an understanding of Environment assigned information services the work; demonstrates an acquue a good mmderstanding cornplex challenges associated emerging lrends in informarion of information technology unit. understanding of cunent trends in �,y� the work. technology best practices and best practices and standards. information technology best standaz'ds; demonslrates the practices and standards; demonstrates the ability to apply ability to apply this this understanding to work projects understanding to the infom�arion and processes. technology planniug efforts of the complete organizarion. Technical Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates a�Od Demonstrates an A��c� Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates an @��@�t� Expertise ����� ��� �derstanding of an assigned understanding of an assigned understand complex interrelated understanding of all phases and Assigned Platform �����diR� of an assigned information technology platform information technology platform information needs on mulriple aspects of the progtani infom�ation technology and demonstrates the ability to and demonstrates the ability to information technology platforms. development process; platform. convey that understanding to recommend improvements to the demonstrates the ability to others. technology. maintain up to date laiowledge of innovationsininformation technology. TeChIIICaI Demonstrates the ability to Demonsuates a�d Demonstrates an Advfla� Demonstrates an understanding of Demonstrates the ability to make Expertise develop progams, interfaces, N&d�t�d[a� �f th� bu3i��S of understanding of assigned the full range of customer recommendations, on a and fixes on the assigned the assigned customer and the customer applicarions; informarion/data management organizarion-wide basis, as to the Customer customer business applicarions. related informarion needs; demonstrates the ability to systems and related processes and �efiilness of new information Applications demonshates a�d understand information/data protocols; demonstrates the ability tecLnology in improving �mdecstanding of the assigned management concepts. to resolve the most difficult and customer services; demonstrates technology and issues of complex challenges associated with yn understanding of best pracrices connectivity; demonstrates the the work ability to test customer business m information/data management applicarions. principles and demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding in resolving organization-wide challenges associated with the work. Page 1 of 3 � � � � Shared Info/Tech Analyst I InfolTech Analyst II Info/Tech Analyst III Info/Tech Analyst IV InfoYi'ecl� Analyst V__ -- - - — -- � � _ Competencies (Each competency builds (Each competency builds upon (Each competency builds upon (Each competency builds upon (Each competency builds upon upon the other as the class 1he other as the class series � the other as the class series the other as the class series the other as the class series . . ._�_ ----- -. _ ._.._– -----' --- --�--- ---., —_.- series progresses.) progresses.) progresses.) progresses.) progresses:) ProjeCt Demonstrates the ability to Demonsh�ates the ability to Demonstrates the ability to make Demonstrates the ability to set Demonslrates the ability to Managementy meet assigned work deadlines prioritize work and handle recommendarions and participate priorities under condirions of consider the impact of one's PrloYitizatlon� and priorifies; demonstrates multiple projects and priorities in setting work prioriries; limited resources and competing actions on the overall the ability to follow detailed as assigned; demonstrates the demonstrates the ability to plan demands; demonsirates the organization when setting work and Planning specificarions. abIlity to prepue and inteipret and estimate all aspect of a work ability to coordinate mulriple prioriries; demonstrates the project specifications. project; demonstrates ffie ability projects and projects having ability to consider contingencies to lead the problem analysis of multiple phases. for the unexpected when solution design. planning long term work initiarives. Problem Demonshates the ability to Demonstrates the ability to Demonslrates the ability to Demonshates the ability to Demonshates the ability to SolVing/Analysis effectively analyze and solve effectively analyze and solve effectively analyze and solve effecrively analyze and solve the effecrively analyze and solve the basic work related challenges; moderately difficult work complex work related problems; more difficult and wmplex work most difficult, technical, and demonsirates the ability to related problems on a variery of demonstrates the ability to related problems by using past complex work related problems; deal effecfively with conflict platFornis; demonshates the interpret complex and detailed experience, reseazch, and best demonstrates the ability to by maimaining poise and ability to appropriately define a specificarions and make practice information; recommend a number of solurion seeking acceptable solutions problem and apply lmowledge suggestions that provide demonstrates the ability to lead oprions to technical issues; based on common goals and gained from previous issues and workable solutions to problems feasibility studies that produce demonstrates iniriarive in objecrives; demonstrates an solurions to resolving a current considered as complex. useful recommendations. accepting accournability fox understanding of when to ask challenge. recommendations and decisions. for and an ability to ask for assistance from coworkers. CommunlCatiott Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates the ability to speak Demonstrates the ability to speak effectively communicate effectively interact with effecrively interact with and write in a xnanner that can be and write in an effective manner verbally and in writing; customers through listening management and other easily understood by employees with individuals at all levels demonsirates the ability to attenrively to customer needs stakeholders; demonstrates the at all levels within the within the assigned infoxmation create progfun documentafion and keeping customers informed abiliry to be an effective liaison organization including services unit. Tlas would that is appropriate and easily regarding the status of projects. between the customer and the organizational leaderslrip; included policy makers such as understood; demonstrates assigned information services demonstrates the ability to department and office directors, good interpersonal unit. prepare cleaz and comprehensive and elected officials. communication sldlls with project proposaLs and plans; customers and co-workers by demonshates an ability to listening attenrively, being effectively represent the patient, and displaying organization's perspective to appropriate body langnage. other public agencies, vendors, and other entities doing business with the organizztion. Page 2 of 3 �1 � � Shared Tnfo/Tech Analys_t I Info/Tech Analyst II Info/Tech Analyst III _ Info/Tech Analyst IV Info/Tech Analyst V COICij/0t0IIC10S ' (Each competency builds (Each competency builds upou {Each competency builds upon (Each competency builds upon ,(Each competency builds upon upon the other as the class the other as the cla series the other as the class series the other as the class series the other as the class series series progresses.) � �progresses.) � progresses.) � progresses.) progresses.) � CuStomeY Demonstrates a shong Demonstrates an ability to Demonstrates an ability to Demonstrates the ability to Demonstrates an ability to ConSUltiIIg commitment to good customer develop a thorough understand and convey to co- develop an understanding of the idenrify the customer's service; demonstretes the understanding of the customer's workers the business needs of the full range of the customer's information services goals and ability to idenrify basic informarion technology service customer; demonsuates an ability business and information needs; desired outcomes and manage information technology needs. to develop an understanding of demonslrates the ability to customer service expectations. service needs. the relarionship between the idenrify and resolve the full range customer's business needs and of related issues. informarion needs, TeamWOPk, Demonslrates the ability to be Demonstrates the qualities of Demonstrates effecrive leaderslup Demonstxates the ability to Demonshates the ability to Management, an effective member of a adaptability, flexibility, withiu a work group through provide effecrive project provide effective cross functional and LeadeCShlp cross funcrional work group dependabiliry, and providing a positive influence in leaderslrip by demonstrating work team leadership by by accepting assignments accountability in everyday work the work environment; support of the group problem encouraging individual willingly and completing and in interacfions with demonstrates the ability to give solving process; demonstrates the participarion and creariviry; is assignments within agreed coworkers; demonstrates an technical d'uection to less ability to recognize positive supportive of others and the upon time lines; demonstrates undexstanding of one's specific experienced staff. results, manage conflict, and goup decision making process; consideration of others, role, responsibility, and negotiate with coworkers and demonsirates the ability to tactfulness, and support of expectations witliln the assigned other project members for facilitate the group problem coworkers. informarion services unit. sarisfactory outcomes; provides solving process, xeco° ;'ing effective work d'uecrion to posirive results, xnanaging project members by conflict, and negotiating for demonstrating the ability and sarisfactory outcomes; willingness to provide assistance demonstrates the ability to be an through sl�ariug of technical effecrive member at the expertise and through promorion xnanagement team level by of positive work behaviors. promoting the aussion and vision assigned information services unit. (i:\Shared�liK-Competencies�Pilot.Yrojects�lS.Pilot�Revised 1S luf'orma6on.Technical Analyst Competencies 1-V May 2UU4.wpd Page 3 of 3 City and SPRWS Information Services IS Information/Technical Analyst Job Family Shared Responsibilities -May 2004 (Attachment Fourl ! ♦ Shared Info/Tech Analyst I Info/Tech Analyst II Info/Tech Analyst III Info/Tech Analyst IV Info/Tech Analyst V Responsibilities Provides support to Perfornis progtattnniug work Performs programming work of Performs complex programming Performs very complex Provides expert technical work of customers in meeting of basic complexity in support intermediate complexity in work requiring an advanced progammiug work requuing an the highest complexity for both their computer of an assigned technology support of information technology understanding of the City's expert understanding of the intemal and extemal customers. application needs. platForxn. projects that involve multiple informafion technology business of the customer and the platforms and applicafions. infrastructure. corresponding inforn�ation requirements. Meets with customers Consults wiTh customers; Consults with customers and Consults with customers on Consults with customers as a Consults with City IS to collect information determiues the relevancy of works on projects of average complex projects of a scope that business pariner in planning all managexnent and makes necessary to define information regarding projects �inPlexity and scope; prepares requires a thorough understanding aspects of information technology recommendaYions regarding scope of projects, that aze usually narrow in plans and makes of the assigned customer's projects to meet future needs. projects that xnay set the futttre establish priorities, scope, and usually involve recommendations. information technology needs. direction of informarion and the deadlines of specific programmiug technology in the City. projects. modules or processes. Participates in Performs basic progranmiing, Consults with customers to Consults with customers in order Consults with customers in order Consults with customers in selecting appropriate including coding, generating understand their information to assist in plam�uig for future to ensure the proper plamiing for technology solutions to meet ad-hoc reports, and debugging needs; works on projects designed systems improvements. configurarion, efficiency, and upgades; detemtines the value of defined customer basic prograxns on an assigned to increase operafing efficiency, security of City applications. the return on investment in new needs. infom�ation technology effectiveness or designed to adapt technology. P �� o � new operating requirements. Performs problem Performs program testing and Performs coding and problem Performs work on complex Performs work on the most Performs expert professional solving on assigned £ixes. solving on applications of systems and solves associated complex and advanced City level work on the most advanced City applications. average complexity affecting a problems; leads the analysis and applications requiring the technologies; solves problems broad range of projects. design of relevant databases and development of procedures to using the most soplusticated tools multiple processes witbin facifitate complex and corresponding solutions. business applications. iu�lementarions and disaster recovery. Parficipates as a Assists in gathering relevant Prepazes basic project plans and Advises and assists less Assisu other staff members in Serves as a member of the IS member of a work infoimation from customers makes recommendations on experienced team members in developing and implementing leadership team; provides work team. regazding projects; assists in infrastructure and process their development. technical solutions. direction to lower level writing progauuning solurions. employees and facilihtes group documentation or training problem solving processes. modules. Page 1 of 2 _, ♦ / Shared Info/Tech Analyst I Info/Tech Analyst II Info/Tech Analyst IlI Info/Tech Analyst IV Info/Teeh Analyst V Responsibilities Assists in establishing Follows set standards. Assis[s in establishing Participates in setting work Establishes procedural standards Makes recommendations and meeting quality measurements for determiuing priorities and standards for all and guidelines for work projects. regarding Citywide procedural control standards for success of projects. aspects of a work proj ect. standazds and guidelines to all projects. Management personnel. Keeps current in Reads publicarions regarding Same Maintams knowledge of current Same. Maintains a laiowledge of information information technology and best practices and trends in new emerging trends in best practices technology best exchanges informarion technologies and applies that and new technologies and applies practices including regazding best practices and lmowledge in recommending this lrnowledge to solving work new technologies and new technology with fellow solutions to work proj ect issues project issues and organiza6onal trends. employees and other people in and/or changes to processes. planning acfiviries. the informarion technology field. Maintains a flexible Same Same Same Same Same work schedule and works the hours necessary to complete projects. t�:\5nareaLLii(d:ompetenciesLL'ilot.rrojectsuJ.YilotUtevised 1J tntormation'1'echnical Anatyst Sharea xesponsibiGfies 1-v May Luu4.wptl Page 2 of 2 City and SPRWS Information Services ' " IS SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS Job Famil Com etenc Matrix -Ma 2004 Attachment FYve Shared� Systems Cousnitant I Systems Consnitant II � _. Systems Consultant IlI ___w _ S�stems Consultant IV — - -- � — -- - COIIlPOtCIIC109 (E$eh competency builds upon the other as (Each competency builds upon ffie other as the (.Each competency builds upon the other as the class (Each competency baitds upon the other as the, - -- ---- - - - - - - --- - — --- — - - - — = � - the class series progresses.) class series progresses.) series progresses )` � �' class series progresses ) - � Technical Expertise Demonstrates a basic understanding of the Demonstrates a good understanding of the Demonshates an expert understanding of the Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of the � City and Saint Paul assigned information seroices unit assigned inforn�ation services uniYs current assigied informarion service unit informarion Ciry information technology environment and � Regional Water Services �ormarion technology environment. information technology envuonmern and the technology environment and the related goals and emerging trends in the industry; demonstrates the Q (SPRWS) TechnicaZ related goals and objecrives of the information objecrives of the Infotmarion Services Unit; ability to apply this understanding in plaimiug for Environment services unit; demonstretes an understanding of demonstrates an abiliry to impart tlus expertise to the and meeting the City's future infom�arion emerging trends in utformation technology. other staff inembers. technology needs. TeChniCal ExpeYtlSe Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of Demonsuates an in-depth understanding of assigned Demonstrates an espert understanding of one or Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of all Assigned Platform assigned technical platforxn. informafion technology platform and current more information technology platforms or a information technology platforms and theu technology platforms, demonstrates an specialty area such as database adnilnistration or interrelationslup to assigned funcrional azea or understanding of the relafionship of platforms for network infrastructure security; demonstrates azeas. operafional purposes. corresponding hands on expertise; demonstrates an ability to impart this expertise to other staff members. TeChttlCal ExpeYtise Demonstrates a basic understanding of Demonstrates a good understanding of assigned Demonstrates an eapert understanding of assigned Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of the CustomerApplicafions assigned customer applicarions. customer applicarions; and demonstrates the customer applications; and demonstrates the ability customer applicarions related to assigied ability to do uutial infrastructure planning. to provide ongoing inftastructure planning; functional azea or areas. demonstrates an ability to impart this expertise to the other staff inembers. PYOjeCt Demons4ates the ability to handle mulriple Demonstrates the ability to focus energy and Demonsuates the ability to appropriately define Demonstrates the ability to manage all aspects of ManagemeIIt� and changing priorities as assigned; prioritize the work; demonstrates the ability to priorities in a changing environment, including a project or assigned functional azea having a PYIOYItization, and demonstrates an ability to plan and lead plan, coordinate, and monitor basic projects and one's own prioriries, and the priorities of others citywide impact; demonstrates the ability to small projects and installations; resources; demonsh�ates the ability to perform assigned to aproject; demonstrates the ability to idenrify wluch employee or technical issue Planning demonstrates the abiliry to define and effecrive feasibiliry studies on tecluucal projecu. prepare and work within project plans and budgets; requires immediate attenrion and plans for and measure results; demonsuates the ability to demonstrates the ability to develop protocols and takes effecrive and appropriate action. effecrively communicate the stams of standards based on industry best pracrices; projects to all parties. demonstrates the ability to apply previous experience and lmowledge to projects; demonsirates the ability to idenrify appropriate perfonvauce measuremenu in order to determine the success of projects. Page 1 of 2 ' � Shared ____Systems Consultant I Systems Cousultant II Systems Consnitant III �_ ;_, __ Systems Consultant IV - - — - Competencies (Each competency builds upon the other as (Each competency builds upon the other as the (Each competency builds upon the other as the class Each competency builds upon the other as the _ __ _ . ' the class series prog�resses.) class seriesprogresses.) , series progresses.j class series progresses.) Problem Demonstrates the ability to effectively Demonstrates the ability to conduct research of Demonstrates the ability to conduct research of Demonstrates the ability to assist Informarion Solving/Analysis �alyze and solve basic challenges; intermediate complexity and perform in-depth advanced co�le�ty and effecrively analyze and Services staff and customers in problem solving demonstrates the ability to deal effecrively problem solving. solve problems that involve mulfiple platforms and and analysis as an internal leader; demonstrates with conflict by maintainntg poise and applications or an area of technical specialty; the ability to select technical employees and seeking acceptable solutions based on demonstrates the ability to apply one's technical supervisory employees best suited for the common goals and objectives. specialry to customer problems; demonsirates the assigned functional area and demonstrates the ability to appropriately assess the risks involved in ability and skills necessary to effec6vely manage addressing problems with new technology. employee perfonnance. CommUniCatlon Demonstrates an ability to effectively Demonsirates an ability to effecrively lead Demonstrates effective writing and presemation Demonstrates the ability to speak and write in a communicate verbally and in writing; meetings; demonstrates an abIlity to effectively sldlls in preparing project proposals, pxoject plans, persuasive manner that can be understood by demonstrates the ability to create useful convey teckmical issues to systems users. technological and cost issues that can be understood employees at all levels within the City, including systems documentation; demonstrates good by a broad specmun of individuals including elected officials; demonstrates the abiliry to interpersonal communicaUOn skills with customers, department managers, and senior prepaze pluming documents that can be used for customers and employees in situarions that informarion services staff. a broad range of systems issues; demonstrates the may involve conflict; demonstrates ability to present information regazding the use of attenrive listening skills, parience, informarion technology in an effecuve manner to appropriate mannerisms, and adaprive senior City management. approaches in training customers. CuStOmCr Demonstrates the ability to understand Demonstrates skill in applying cross platform Demonslrates the ability to coordinate planning Demonstrates the ability to direct the planning Consulting customer operations and identify the l�owledge in plauving for the meeting of activiries within an assigned customer service azea acriviries within an assigned Citywide functional cotresponding informarion technology customer service needs. or azea of one's informarion technology expertise; area. service needs. demonstrates the ability to develop customer service standazds. TeamWOYk, Demonstrates the ability to be an effecrive Demonstrates effecrive cross functional work Demons4ates effecrive leadership of a work group Demonstrates effective leadership of an assigned ManageInent� aIId team member in a cross functional work team leadership by encouraging individuai by providing a positive influence to others and the functional azea; demonstrates the ability to LeadeYShip team by accepting assi�ments willingiy participarion, creativity, and support of the group work environment; demonstrates the ability to be provide effective work d'uection to subordinate and completing assignments within ageed decision maldng process; demonst�ates an ability impartial, give effecrive technical work direcrion, employees by promoting the mission and vision upon time lines; demonsnates consideration to effectively manage conflict. and assist in the management of work goup and of the unit and the desired work behaviors; of others, tactfulness, and support of individual employee performance; demonstrates the demonstrates the abiliTy to facilitate the group coworkers. ability to assist inanagement in providing a technical problem solving process, recogniziug posirive focus for the orgauizarion. results, managing conflict, and negotiating for satisfactory outcomes. (G:VShared�kiH-CompetenciesLL'iloLYrojectsLLS.YllotLLtevised 1S Systems Consultant Competencies 1-1V May 2UU4.wpd Page 2 of 2 ' City and SPRWS Information Services IS SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS - Job Family Shared Responsibilities - May 2004 (Attachment Fivel Shared Systems Consultant I Systems Consultant II Systems Consultant III Systems Consultant IV Responsibilities Provides leadership to other May provide technical direction and leadership to May assist the Office of Auman Resources in the testing May assist the Office of Auman Resources in the Assists Office of Hnman Resources in the testing and staff which may include lower level staff as assigned on a project basis. and selection of new employees; in the assigned area of testing and selection of new employees; in the selection of new employees; effectively recommends or seleMion, directiou, responsibility, may provide input to the assigned assig�ed area of responsibility, may provide input may hire employees; effectively manages employee � assignment, retention, information services unit management regazding the to the assigned information services unit performance through developing perfom�ance � performance management, hiring of employees, the development of pedom�ance management regazding the hiring of employees, expectations, providing regulaz performance reviews, � employee development. expectations, and the review of employee performance, the development of performance expectations, rewazds, and discipline; works with employees in o may act as a lead worker to a small work group of and the review of employee performance, may act developing their competencies; works with an assigned employees providing a specific service. as a lead worker to a moderate size large section of the CiTy Information Services Unit; departmental work team or functional work supervises subordinate personnel; may be involved in the team in a major application area ktaving differing grievance resolution process. levels of employee responsibilities. Meets with wstomers to Acts as a liaison between the Informarion Services Develops a thorough understanding of the assigned Performs as an expert in a complex information Oversees, plans, and evaluates the work of a lazge seaion determine customer Unit and an assigned client unit; develops a good client operations, usually at the depar[ment or lazge technology specialry azea such as database of the Ciry Information Services Unit providing Citywide information technology understanding of the assigned client operations. office/division level; provides pro�ec[ leadership of coordination and management or network information technology support; develops secrion needs and works with cross deparhnental work teaxns; ensures that the work infrashvcture security; defines the technical budget, monitors expenditures, and sets priorities. wstomers to establish team services provided meet or exceeds the customer's aspects of work projects; de[ermines priorities and projects to meet identitied expectations. assignments in an azea of technical specialty; needs; establishes stepsiu providestechnicalleadership within the assigned implementing projects, information services unit; may make negotiates deadlines for recommendations on employee hiring and completion of the projeMs, perfom�ance appraisals; monitors short and long and establishes staudards to term technical plans and time lines. measure projeM success. Communicates with Provides project coordination with a specific Provides customers with the assigned information Provides a broad range of customers with project Provides leadership, on a Citywide basis, in the assigned customers, on a regular and customer in accordance with the specifically defined services unit information technology perspective or informarion including depaztrnent and office Ciry Infoimation Services Unit informarion technology timely basis, as to the status implementation steps of the project. direction and coordinates the needs of a broad customer directors, division managers, and senior assigned functional support azea or areas. of projects and the base with that direction. infomtation services unit staff; advises customers � occurrence of any changes on project changes to avoid implementarion iu the implementatian problems. process. Through strong customer Provides analysis and problem solving services in Provides analysis and problem solving services in areas Provides e�cpertise in one or more information Provides expertise on a conceptual basis of all input, analyzes work flows, areas of work flow, methods and processes that are of work flow, methods and processes that are of an technology areas; provides mentoring and inforznation technology platforms and their work methods, work of basic complexity. intermediate complexiry level. technical assistance in educating infonnaiion intenelationship to the assigned City Information processes, and identifies services employees; acts as a resource to other Services Unit funcrional support area or azeas. problems. consultants in analysis and problem solving acriviries at an advanced level of complexity. Page 1 of 2 ' Shared Systems Consultant I Systems Consultant II Systems Consultant III "' Systems Consultant IV Responsibilities � � � , � � � � � Conducts research into best Assists customers in the selection and procurement Pariners with customers in detemrining appropriate Introduces best practices, processes, and Applies best pracrices to the assigned City Information practices in iuformarion of information technology applicable to meeting application of best prac[ices. protocols. Services Unit functional support area or azeas. technology and applies customer needs. � them when applicable in meeting the customer's Q� needs. ) �. Iustalls, configures, and Provides basic training in the effecfive use of Provides training of intermediate complexity in the Provides training of advanced complexity in the Prwides for the h assigned staff in the Q tests infrastructure and informafion technology [ools and coordinates effective use of information technology tools and installafion, configurnrion, and testing of installafion, configuration, and testing of infrastructure or department specific training and /or installa6on activities with vendors coordinates training and/or installarion activities with infrastructure and applications. applications related to the assigned City Informarion applications of i�formation and conlractors. vendors and contractors. Services Unit functional support azea or azeas. tecHnology. . Maintains a flexible work Same Same Same Same schedule; works the hours necessary to complete projects. ci:��narect�tix-COmpetencies�k'llot.Yro�ectsuJ.Yllot�Kevised 1S Systems Consultant 1-1V Shared Kesponsibillties May 2004.wpd Page 2 of 2 ' Ciry and SPRWS Information Services ' IS SYSTEMS SUPPORT SPECIALIST Job Family Shared Responsibilities - May 2004 (Attachment Threel Shared IS Systems Support Specialist I IS Systems Support Specialist II IS Systems Support Speeialist III IS Systems Support Specialist IV Responsibilities �� Providessupportin Provides entrylevelinformationtechnology Providesintermediatelevelinfom�ariontechnology Provides advancedlevelinformation Providesexpertlevelinformariontechnology meeting customer help desk support to customers; follows help desk support to customers; follows detailed technology help desk support and cross support and project leadership; serves as a information techno[ogy established routine procedures, processes, operating instructions and procedures to support platform technical support to customers; makes resource and liaison to customers, coworkers, systems needs; keeps and schedules; provides basic assistance over technical operations; provides both ovex the phone decisions based on protocols and previous and vendors; performs complex plauning, systems functional. the phone in resolving routine hardware and and hands on assistance in identifying and resolving practice; deternrines appropriate implementation, and mairnenance of informarion softwaze problems; refers more cornplex common hardwaze and softwaze problems; refers troubleshooting pmcedures; provides hands on technology infi'ashucture. problems to employees having a higher level complex problems to employees having a higher level assistance in idenrifying and resolving of expertise; may perform data entry work of eacpertise, complex hardwaze and softwaze problems. Communicates with Keeps logs and records customer issues Same Consults with custoxners to determine level of Consults with customers to detemnne bow � customers to determine regazding hardwaze and software support required to meet the customer's informarion technology system improvements Q nature of problems, malfuncrions; informs wstomers of the business needs; schedules and/or provides can enliance business perfomtance; researches provide information priority, progress, and time-lines of technical support as needed. new systems, conducts cost estimates; � regarding project coxrective acrions being taken; updates coordinates complex implementarion projects. priorities, progress, and customers regarding on-going hardware and completion deadlines. soflwaze installarion projects, service ageements and schedules, and other informa6on technology projects. Installs and maintains Provides assistance in the installarion of Installs and operates hazdware and software; performs Installs, configures, and tests a wide variety of Coordinates the acquisirion, configurarion, information technology software and hardware. troubleshooting; follows service agreements and hardware and sofrware, including complex installarion, and testing of new systems; performs tools as needed. service schedules. applications and technology tools; performs advanced lroubleshooting across technical 4oubleshooting on infrastructure faIlures. platforms. Works as a member of a Serves as a member of a cross functional Same Provides technical leadership to a work teaxn. Provides project and work group leadership. cross functional or work group; may serve as a member of a project work team, project work goup. Cross trains and May provide back up to coworkers. Provides training and assistance to less experienced Provides staff with traiuing in the installation, Serves as a mentor to other staff members. provides back up to staff and back up to coworkers. configuration, and testing of software and Provides staff with training in the installation, coworkers as assigned. hardware. configuration, and testing of new and/or specialized sofrware and hardware. Page 1 of 2