04-98Council File # V �� CrreenSheet# �J�U�S� Presented By Referred '�o Committee: Date �$ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RESOLVED, that the Tree Tiimmer License held by Larry James Duffney, d/b/a Trees and More far the City of Saint Paul, located at 2726 17`� Avenue East, #33, in the City of North Saint Paul, is hereby suspended immediately for failure to pay delinquent license fees. Said suspension shall remain in effect until such time as all license fees and any late charges or penalties ha�e been paid in full and written notice of the lifting of said suspension has been provided to the licensee by the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection. This Resolurion and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the November 22, 2003 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Requested by Department of: Ll£P By: Form Ap�zc}ued by City Adopted by Council: Date • ��1'JYLCA� T, aG�d`� By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary by RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA //%„��//l�/L_I, _ .� , � _ � Green Sheet Green oy- 98 Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� Departmentloffice/council: Date Initiated: � -L��,�,�;o,,,�n�n�t 2&DEC-03 Green Sheet NO: 3009565 Contad Person 8 Phone- Ueoartrnent Sent To Person InRiaVDate Ginger Palme� � 0 icense/Ins ec[ioo/Eoviron Pro 2668710 q��y 1 "tvAttom Gin erPalmer -�� �.� Must Be on CoUncil {�qenda by (Date): Number 2 i¢ense/Ins ection/Environ Pro De artment Dir or �-1 L lC � � y- For � � Routing 3 a or's O�ce Ma or/Assistaut Order a ouncil 5 'tv Clerk i Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: That the 4ee uimmer license held by Lazry James Duffney, d/b/a Trees and More located at 2726 17th Avenue East, #33, in the City o1 North Saint Paul be suspended 'unmediafly pending payxnent of all delinquent license fees and any late charges or penalries. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Gontracts Must Mswer the Following 4uestions: Planning Commissiort 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnaity possessed by any wrrent city employee? Yes No Exp{ain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A letter dated October 29, 2003, from the Office of LIEP was sent to the licensee requesting payment of delinquent license fees. No response was received from the licensee. A Norice of Violarion was sent to the licensee on November 22, 2003, with no response. Advantages If Approved: Council action necessary to impose penalty and enforce payment of license fees. DisadvantapeslfApproved: DiSadVanWgeS If Not ApproVed: No penalty would be imposed for delinquent license fees. Total Amount of CosURevenue Bud eted: pa r r� n Transaction: g e,re„ ,�+ '� �,_",'?±�F Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Information: �y,�� � $ �o�� (Explain) o�f-9� OFF. OF THE CITl' ATTORNEY Mant�el J. Cervantes, City Attorney CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelfy, Mayor November 22, 2003 civit Division 400 Ciry Half IS West Kel(ogg Bfrd. Saint Pau[, Minnesota 5510? NOTICE OF VIOLATION Larry James Duffney Trees and More ' 2726 17`" Avenue N., #33 Saint Paul, MN 55109 Telephone: 651 266-8710 Facsimife: 651298-56I9 RE: Tree Trimmer License held by Lazry James Duffney, d/b/a Trees and More for the City of Saint Paul License ID #: 20010003086 Dear Mr. Duffney: The Office of License Inspections and Environmental Protection (I.IEP) has recommended adverse action against the above-referenced license. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 29, 2003 you were sent a letter from the Office of LIEP indicating that your license had expired and that you needed to submit license fees and late payments. You were given until November 7, 2003 to respond, but as of today's date, no payments have been received, nor have you indicated that you no longer wish to do business in Saint Paul. The recommendation of the Office of LIEP will be for suspension of your license until the insurance information has been submitted. At this time you have three options on how to proceed: If you do not dispute the above facts and wish to avoid further adverse action, you must submit payment for your license fees and late fees, to the Office of LIEP, Room 300 L.owry Professional Building, 350 Saint Peter Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102, no later than Monday, November 10, 2003. The information should be directed to Che attention of Ms. Christine Rozek. AA-ADA-EEO Employer November 22, 2003 Trees and More Page 2 b�-4$ 2. If you do not dispute the facts, but no longer wish to do business in Saint Paul, you may write a letter to that effect and send it to the address above. 3. If you do dispute the above facts, you may request a hearing on the facts, which will be scheduled before an Administrative Law Judge. At that hearin� both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence, and cross-examine the other's witnesses. The St_ Paul City Council will ultimately decide the case. If you have not contacted me by December 8, 2003, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts and will schedule this matter for a hearin� before the City Council for a consent agenda, at which time your license to do business in Saint Paul will be suspended until fees have been paid in fuli. , If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, � 1 "l/1��2�x.GC� - � �`�-C�vl Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP AA-ADA-E£O Empioyer oy- 9�s STATE QF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) 70ANNE G. CI.EMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on November 26, 2003, served the attached NOT'ICE OF VIOLATION by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Lury 7ames Duffney Trees and More 2726 17�' Avenue No. #33 St. Paul, MN. 55109 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. �� �� Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of November, 2003. � �i.�i �—� .. ' . ;�..�.a.. a� r- ��� R'* r „t 375SARD �: h. = MW;rESOTA :JR4"s.".:SS{OM ".� � : = 4 :at# 31, 2005 ?:-v_--x.-<s^+s..+. . . Lie�nse Groyp Comments Text liceasee: LpRRY JAMES DUPFNEY DBA: TREES AND MORE License#: ypp7ppp3p86 -� oy- q8 7 7l20/2003 t tl20/2003 No paymertt. No insurance, Ta CAQ for license suspension. CAR � 0/29/2003 Letter resent to new atldress eMending deadline to November 7. CMK. 10/15/2003 Letter sent to licensee stating license has expired. If fees are rai paid by Oct. 31, file will be sent to CAO for license suspension. CMK. 07/11/2001 Location of vehiGe storage: lakeville, MN ! caa oy- � 0�-9� � ��;��������:i��i � -----�- - �, ,�� � - --- Stle. � ' Lcrosa k Lt iYP�s 1 taVence � " BYM '" � " ` ` _.._. __ ___.. _______._._." _._. . f RaLm1Y � lltenstt !' iAwlikel '%N y FYBYOr ASIRXJCN. CQ4ME . � . .9reHk � 'AtNVSAtlMCmmerts � SbeelNema �)T1 C' � • 9 eeqil'P� 1�'��� – We[9ort `. ._ . � WLLM pn� UYi. � . ". .__ ' _. ." _ "._ "_ __ =�Y iPPL. .Lxa¢eWa4Cwmerlx 9tlC � IF 5510 : �enmsnAn�sm.fARNOmwmcqTOCAOM � : N6R0.VLetltt�aattor.ewmbcsse#eMrq � eto novembv ]. W!t —, .__._.__.'___". _'_.__`_____�—: M`+200 3Lelfa?p olo3c en R estetiqi c6�; ehex Ixersre Y.WM1ESCIFFlIEY lGenbe _. .M< FSaMUtx.P f4vT96t � �. ttttirmmp&1 VeFtk A %A32W1 ' 0].W/1W3 N jifi4N i .._ __ .. ___ ._,.. _`_......_.-"._... . .__ ..._—." ' TolaC� " fIHOB ;limmeN �OW3086 oY- 9� �; -r; '�::�"�xs...;FF�� �maew�..w.mwrrc. :.¢c; � ��.�.,�;a:.:�_ _ " Dan ataMatE 4e/• ' _ "'_ " ._.- � Lceiue �a�sa I lic rypes � hvvvn � eone �ReG - ' . LICC113UNYIIC JAKSDUFFIEY �'�;�° ��: > _-P . LBA REESP1aMORE s,�esr��a „< - ra.a.o�rr.�o,bscama��u0000 '=,&�� w,cnweaacr¢ mwwo aaua+ncRee¢ .muwu _ ,ur,�ca«ee¢ .v�.umWO attvr.axer OYV/wm lcmxx Frv�IHtlEReewns tlleft'I"ema�+9:A`"�.1Ye�'hF�TC�ceni�a'�[FLs�tAb�:�' R�hk�1FF4.�^8�.�`:ACtlm�.��de`��'? r Md TOfm1eR + ; f• pW ToCaiee : :�a^��,�s . ..._ 6....�,._:�.°�"`�.s":.... :�"_�'�,J`r�a,wn�ss � aec�ywma+�na�+ea C"� �. _.,� OFFICEOFLICENSE. R'SPECTTONSAND ENYIRONMENT�IL PROTEC770N Jm`ent Rosar. Direcior � �' �� � CTI'Y OF SAIlVT PAUL IAWRYPROFESSIONAG BUILDA'G Telephone: 651-266-9090 I�I RandyCKelly;Mayor Suite300 Fatsimile: 651-26G-9124 350SLPUerStreet Wvbsite:wxnv.7ieo.vs Saiu Pm`( Mfnnuota SSI01-I510 October 29, 2003 Lany Duffney Trees and More 2720 17t Ave. E. #�6 Saint Paul, MN 55109 RE: License ID #20010003086 fl 11 � j LtJ03 I � Yva -} �j �G t � ' � On 07/09/2002 your Tree Trimmer and 1 Vehicle License expired in the City of Saint Paul. The fees now due aze: $164.00 License Fee 80.00 Late Fees $244.00 Total These outstanding fees must be paid by November 7, 2003, or your file will be sent to the City Attorney's Office for adverse license suspension. Please note that you aze aiso required.to provide a certificate of insurance in the amount of $10,000 for bodily injury and $5,000 for properry damage. Please note that without a current license you are not authorized to conduct business in the City of Saint Paut. If you have any quesrions regazding this acdon or wish to notify this office of a change of business locarion or if you no longer wish to operate in Saint Paul, please contact me at (651) 266-9108. Sincerely, Ctuistine A. Rozek LIEP Deputy Director Y- :� t1� � CAR/cmk