233478 ' �� ,,,,';'+�...... � - � � , i -- ' --'- , . • � ` J T . �
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" %s. � FINAL ORDER '��A�•�- � ' � � COUNCIL FILE N0. _
. . _ . :,
. , � . By . .
- , File No. 58250 � � . .
' _ ' 'In the Matter of r�conetructi�ng, �he $idewal.i� o�t b'otA sides. o� Hasel Street fro� ��,�
� " ` - -
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, • Hirin�hali� ,�venue tp �rgartz Street and. hy doing :a�ll dther wo�c��wh�Ct� is zuce�sary _ ;'
`. � ana iaaidsneal to co�rleC� �aid i�pzavement - � _ � . , • � �
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�l . under Preliminary Order 23-�11 - approved t�tarch 2�, 196i ��'-�";�
, , . . :�
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< < Interinediary Order �-'� - approned � . Y.,
'. . A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council °%
, having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered f
- the same; therefore, be it � , - � � . _ - • .
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
' . provement to be made by the sa.id City is � ' - '�
. .;
, . - ..
' • - . � _ ,- . • '. . - �
" to raconstruct eh�, sfdaw�lk oa both sidea�of I�t�$ Str�at fr� �Ifnnehsha Aven� ' �Y
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� to �=g�=ec str@et �ana �q aoi,�� ail oCher woric ahich ia aeceesaryr end incident�l {
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; � to cao�pleta sei� impraae�ent, eacegt wherd good aad �fficfent pou�red aidQ�alks _�i.;
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� and the Council hereby orders sa.id` improvement to be made. �' " � � _ . .
, : RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
� directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for �
• approval; that upon said approval, the proper city of�'icials axe hereby authorized and directed bo1�
� ceed with the making of said impronement in accordance therewith. _ . {1IlP►� 1 .
. , ` '.. � � -. - - - . - - .� I�flAY 1619� .
, _ COUNCILMEN_ },. ' ; . - ' - , . Adopted by the Council � �
Yeas° Car�son rrays � � . , � , . . � .- .. . . �Y � 6196�
� Dalg:ish� 4, , � -. Approve •- -
- Ho,land�' � . � . . . _ .
- ' 'Meredith, . • - � � T . "
. ' Peterson � . J _ - � Tn Fa,vor - � `
' �, • Tedesco - � ✓ - - " - Mayor
� By ne . , � � `� � � - ' _- , .
- . � ; Aga�st - - v . � pUBLISH�D MAY 2 0 �1967
6-66-2M �� E^1 - ' - • t'-
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. . , ' � a - • .. , , •
._� . �,
.-� , Dist. No. 3
� �R
� � ' B.S. Hazel St. - Minnehaha Ave. to Margaret St. ��`j�
,�, ;
Y . • .
� 2334'7�
. .
April 3rd. 19 67
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: .
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 232711 approved Mar. 29th. 19 67
relative tq reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Hazel St. from Minnehaha Ave.
to Mar�aret St. and by doin� all other work which is necessary and incidental to
complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft.
wide and $3.80 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is h�- tached and made a
�,��� ¢ ��
part thereof. ��O � ��
`�, A PR o
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Work b �„��957 �
N � �� tp N
4. Improvement is asked for upon petitiori ° DEPT n c�
, a�..,�,�' N.A1vCE y
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Co�aaissioner of Public Works
. - 3% -
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, 9 7
City of St. Paul Minnesota
Department of Finance
113 Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota FILE 5.�3250 Pa�e 2
This petition is to advise the Council of the Ci�y of St. Paul that the�
undersigned'property owners residing on Ha,zel St. between Minnehaha Ave, and
• Margaret St, OPPOSE the 'reconstruction of the sidewalk as proposed by
P�eliminary order 232711. We hereby petition that the sidewalk NOT be
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