233452 y - — - • _ ,. . ���� ��� L� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23�45� � .+ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 3 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . �, PRESENTED BY E�' COMMISSIONE DATF a� ii ' � RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby . authorized and directed to enter into an Agreement with St. Paul Figure Skating Club for the u.se of the Auditorium Arena, with ice, for their summer skating school during the period from June 19th, 1967 through August 20� 1g67, • copy of said Agreement being a'ttached hereto and mad.e a part hereof by reference. � i �� AP_P_ROVE " A�st��CcNpor?t�on -— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �AY � � ����9_ Yeas Nays Carlson (�� � 1 19� Dalglish , Approved 19— Holland . Meredith �In Favor Peterson � � � ' �yor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne p�g��g{.�D �NAY 131967 �az .�� . , ' ` �M ' � � • a� , � � `° i A �, , � ��� � AGREEMENT 452, p H ti � THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 10th ' �; day of May, i967, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, { I a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, party o� the �irst part, hereina�ter designated a�� the "City" , , and ST. PAUL FIGURE SKATING CLUB, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, party of the second part, hereinafter des,ignated � as the "Club" , WITNESSETFI• That with the exception. hereinafter noted, in . consideration of the payment to the City by the Club 'of the sum of Five Hundred Twenty—two Dollars (�522. 00) per week, payable weekly, the City hereby grants to the Club the daily use of the Arena Ice at the Saint Paul Auditorium, for the Club' s summer sessions from June 19, 1967 through August 20, ig67. It is further agreed by and between the parties that during the period from July 31, i967 through August 6, 1967, the rental dates set aside for the use of ' the Auditorium Arena by Jan Tour Corporation, the Club � � . shall not be permitted to use said Arena; provided, however, that if during the period from July 31, 1967 through August 6, 1g67 Jan Tour Corporation does not use the Arena, the ice will be made available for use by said Club. The Club further agrees that during its use of the . Arena, that it will assume all liability arising from damage to person or property by reason of its use of said Arena during the term of this Agreement, and that it will save harmless the City from all claims or suits for damages to person or property arising out of such use of the premises by the Club. ,_ - , � . � �; ; . � f ; , � , , , 1 ' - �- - - ----- • --- . ... __ . .,...�...�.,-..-..- _ . �. .....�. . ' , i 1�� u � ' •., ~f ,_ . —.. _ . I�' . �, 9 � � P, C a � ,� h, b -� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto p' set their hands and seals at Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the ,� . � day and year ���st above written. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' BY Mayor Commissioner of Libraries , Auditorium and Civic Buildings - City Clerk Countersigned this day of � May, 1967 . City Comptroller In Presence of ST. PAUL FIGURE SKATING CLUB By � �� . Form Approved: ` � l C� � t ��..t,��. �. , Asst. Corporation���sel Approved as to form and execution this day of May, 1967 . � ' Asst. Corporation Counsel � , . • 2 - -- . ---_ ---. _. _ _. . -- - - �- --_.-....,...._..,�.�--. • . , � u. .