233389 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 2��3 8 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL " FOENCIL NO. � �CE�rSE cor�Tr� .OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - � COMM SSDONE DATF �aY 9� 1967 _ R�SOLVED: That applic�tion for the transfer of Foodstuff-0riginal �ontainer� O�f Sale Malt Beverage and Cigare��e �,icenses No� 51�03, alel expiring January 31s 1968� issued to �'. T+i1. RamaleST & �o. (only) ht 664-8 Grand l�venue, be and the same axe hereby transferred. to F. W, Ramaley & �o. Trust at the sane address. � Off �ale Liquor �stablishment Transfer (change in name), � Informally approved Uy �ouncil May 2, 1967 . � �� 41967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson AA Dalglish Approved•'AY � �� 19_ Holland ' Favor Meredith • ' Peteraon � Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISF6ED �dAY 13196t , �22