233387 } 23�3�� ORIGIN�L TO GITY CLERK ,.:� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ LICEI�SE COMMITTEE C UNCIL RES UTION—GENE L FORM COMMISS�IONE DATE I`�i� 9� 1'967 RESOLVED; , That gpplication J-15191 for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage� Tavern� Dance Hall� and �igarette Licenses, applied for by P4ichael Mash at 1175 West Seventh Street, b e and the a sa.me are hereby granted.� PRAVIDID� HOT�IEVER: That no music be pexrnitted on Sundays. , RFSTRICTI O�TS , NEtrJ - Informally �proved by �ouncil March 30, 1967 _ Old I,ocation �� � ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ , Yeas Nays ��� 9 ��� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19� Holland ' ��____In Favor Meredith � � Peterson Mayor A gainst Tedesco PUBLISH�ED �IAY �3 i967 Mr. President, Byrne • �22 _,. `- -• � 3 3 3 S � ? . . CITY OF°SAIN'T PAUL " Capital of Minnesota . �e a�ti�e�� a c�b`ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM � ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Comminaloner _ DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepector March 30, 1967 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota aentlemen: Michael Ntash makes application for �estaurant� On and Off Sa1e Malt Beverage� Tavern� Dance Hall and Cigaxette 13.censes at 1175 West Seventh Street. - ' This location has been licensed for a simi.lar business � since 1933. The present licensee� Ralph J. �urella� has held the licenses s3.nce January 2l�, 1967. . The Tavern and Dance Hall portion of the business has been assigned at this location only since January 1963 and Wa.th � certain restrict3.ons which consi�ts of "no music be pexmitted on Sundays.�� . - � There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The c�osest On Sale Liquor place is in the same block. The closes� Off Sale �3.quor place is about four blocks away. The neaxest church is across the street and the neasest school is abaut two blocks away. � Mr. Mash is a laborer working for the Rose Bros. Wrecking Co.s and the �tana�axd Construction �o. during the past five years. Very truly yours� , (� • � �� e . .�`/ A� / �i,� (� Ins ector cT � Li oense p l,�i�l � - G� � � � . � '° ,' �C ITY OF` SA]NT P11UL ' _ - � �, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAF&TY , • - , LICENSE DIV�SIQl+T ' ' / _ � Da�e / 19(� 7 �. `7' 1� �Application for� � � Liaense �.����__�-__�_�-- 2. Nama of applicant - 71 ' 3, Busine�s �aare�s � 7 .�1�. ?�� Residenoe--��--��--��` ' -, v � . 4, Trade na,me,� if any � � 5. Retetil Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta7n� will be used, 6. Qn what floo� loaated � � Nwnber of rooms used � ...._..._f. . . . . - 7. Betxeen what csrose s'treets � $.s Whioh aide of streot��, ��� _ ----r 8� Are premisea nauv ocoupied t business �.�iL%G�a.�` Hovr long _v1� , � " " _ � 9, � Are premises n.aw unoacupied��° Hovr lang vacant . Previous use ' - T` � �0� Are you a rlew awnsr i�'�j Eave you been in a similar buainees before � � W'here F � V�Thhan 11. Are you going to oparate this bueinesa�personally " p�� � � IF not� who will operata it -- 12. Are yoa�in any other. buainesa at,the present time ^��_ � � 15,� • Bav� there been any Qo�plaints 'against your operation of thia type of plao ���'Lp _ •Rhen ' VPhere • 14. Have �you ever �had any lioense revoked - � . 9Phat reason and date �. . '. ,y,.-.. . ; �� }` ..�t.,� . 15o Are you a oitiaen of tk�a.United Statea�N�tive_ -�� -Naturalited_.;��l �t_� . �_ •�.,,, - - . ��rr+'����� ,b,�' '��� � �: - I-'�'�•�' �^,�: �S � 16. Rhsre were you born���� ���.a,. Date of birth /� J ����`,� ��/- ���,-�.`= .. �.:- � -y. -��'. � 17. I am �rried* l.iy (wife's) (husband�e) �riame and addro s s is .����.� �--�`� �— - _ ��/;. T�;��`-_-_. �� . _ ^! ��--=- 1� � 18* (If msxr�Yed female) my maiden name is � - • 19, How loaig have you. lived in `St� Paul �D �� ' - - � . 20. Aave you ever been a#�reated�_Violati�what orim.inal lasv or ordinanae � �.-, d. _ . . .. . _ . . ,._ .21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City of St� Paul ')( ��- Yes �To� _ ----C--- (�nsever ful1V and oompletely� These -a' �licationa are thorou Iil. oheol�d and any . falaifiaation �rill be causa for denia��. � � ' . � - AFFIDAVIT BY APP'LICAIdT , •FOx � �. � RE�TL BEER OR LI�U08 LICEN3T � $e= �/Sa le �pn��� Liaense � Nam�d of 8�p13a�nt��, ��L�„I- - .—- - _ _,. � .,�,� . . .., Bu�iYa�i� �d�dr��� �' '� . �re you t� �to�e orrr�er o� thi$ bt�slnea+a4+�� Tf no�, �.e S�� � �ri�n.er�h3p7 pv��oz°�'��p�� , o�her't _ _ ...�_-�..��—==*.i'�-'�r. . ...�e.�u�.,.i .�; - ���e �u��et'+d iti b�tsi�e��, ir�o�ade t�hoee by loan oP mo�y, p�+��ie�lty vr otherwi�e¢ N�n� ' �ddr���.._. . . . . . . . . �� • •- �Yr ���1 -' I�r..r� ��' e! t�t��pore�t3on, give iba nam� . Are you intere�ted in_ �ay raay in �ny v���r ftetail Bebr dr �,iqnox b�sineas4 � �,� svle vwner? partner? StocsScholder�? Q�her�ri�d? (Through lo�n of money, eto. Explain) �ddreas of euah buainesa and nature oP intereat in same _ r.� _ _ _ _!" _ f'� __- - _ � � � . � g ure o a pp gta te of Mj.nn�e ata � ea , County of �meeq � - - - , - � " ' � eing firat duly sworn, deposes�and says upon oa�fi"�F"ia�"'�ie` aa re� 'orego ng Offidavit bearing hie aignature and lflo.ows the oonten�a �thereof� that the sam� i� true of his own lmoi+rledgm, mxcept a� to, those•„ matt;era t�hs�ro�n atated upon information and belief and as to tho e matt�re he bee lie�as �k�� to t� bru�o � � �' . g ure o a pp ean ': 1_��` � ' ._ ;'�. :� ,, b'�.ibearibed�a�d �i�roi�n.`to�-befoze�er_me this�day o�e.%��.�.�i9� 7 . -.� _ ---- . - ,- • r pry a, : -a�sey oun Y, ' eo <��° �� �dy oc�mnia�ioa_expire" � 19�� BERTHa KREiTLOW� Notary Public, Ramsey County, MIM. My Corttmission Expires Sept. 8, 197� - . . . � � � � � .. ,_ .. � _ . STATT OF MINNESOTg ' SS CtXTNTY OF RAMSEY - • +���c.C.�La� being firat duly a�vorn, doth depose . and say that he makea this affidavit in connection with appliaatian for • , — �� � " Sale" liquor lioense (", °�T, . aSale" malt beverage lioenae) in the City of gaint,p�u1, Minneaota; that your affiant is a resident of �the City of Saint Paul and has resided therein for � v� years, montha, and ia now and has boen for the tiu�a e►bove m,entioned a bona fide resident of said City and tha t he now re a ide s a t N0. l� S � �, � � „�• — � . Saint Psul, Minnesota. . � n � �% . / ,� � _, -:;�;`� _ , . �_.�,.w:� �_,C^.j _Snbsa'�ibed`'aend aworn to befora , � t me�thi:s .' �- ?'�day of �,.. 19 �0 7 - y,.,- �r.i�, _ o y� � �;io. . msey Co y, I�inneso a �r aam�mission expires d ' ' BERTHFC KREITL'OWw Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minll, My Commission Expires Sept. 8, 1�72 . TH.�'�� �kr�r EXC�i�i'T� FROi•1 I��,):_.. :: � . �- �.: .: 'i _ _'i':r: CC��;S'_?. Or PLrUi1C .`�.li,.k��'Y G�?r�:;i'Itit; �::r"O.�;l`►L �'i�i3(�V� , : . .'..; T:'...: r�r :" . �ETT�::� 2� Ti�� �:.,�i�i.a� 7�."i I9 '1'YP;;�7 ��s'.;:;�.,'-:s`k �HH. EIC�PT. . . . , . � �� - ; �� � , �, ��j . r�arc3� 3�, 1s67 �- , ; , � � �,� � 1 . F ,�� � ; � � e i - f • i � � , . j - . � , r g0]1• �II� �• �,'6;C`I.�Ol1 . � � � K C�o�r. of �ubii� SaP�ty ' , , �'��� • ` �b].ic Ssfesty Huildtng � , � i �,'`k. � � � �W i , . near sir s : Atte : Mr� �nar,iel MeT,aughlin . � � . � , T'he C�ty Coune9.1 `tod�;y ir�oz�m�a1],�r a -� �red t ol].awing ap�licatioaN ` F and iceques�ed tt�t ya��re�ss,�e the 'aus �oiutions 'cove�ing �t�e�a � �" - m�tter�t • � , . . ... �; , ��.k',t:..i-.r.r .. . . . !� � � " k Michael Ma�h ��t�ur ' i 0� i�PP "19a1e Ma1�:Be�ibr�ge.�__- - . $ �� - . ' Tavern�, ce #� and Cigeret� l�.�cen�e� . ; � : , — at �-7.75� W eyenth S�. . - � - ' • �7�, , ; - � - i - ., .