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� � + �j � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _
�, t;�, ► � � !� , ; �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK
I, ^ � , � .
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���# `PRESENTED BY � + ��� '� t ,� �� �s�
,f��� 'COMMI+kSiONEa � � t {r ,, �� ;IATE
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p � + ' E � RESOLVID, That the proper City officers are hereby
_� � 6 • authorized and �.ir'ected to execute o'n behalf of the City,
° � � � the agre'ement between the City of��St'.� Paul and the State
; � of Minnesota, Depaxtment of Highways, a copy of which is
� ' " attached hereto and made a part here'of, pertaining to the
i ! ,� � � 't joint acquisition;,of property in �,connection with the De-
� � � ;' partment of Public Works pro j ect �fto'open a.nd widen Kellogg
�± � � Boulevard between West Seventh Street and Smith Avenue.
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'i , i COUNCILMEN jf � �: Adopted by the Council 19—
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- Yeas Nays 9` �� ��Y g ����
; �� �6a,�1.� �� �'
�'• �• Dalglish ,� �;' �` pproved 19—
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3l ? , Holland a� j �
=� � ,� �� Tn Favor � ,
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'i �� Mayor
�; Peterson �� ` !� � :r
A gainst ` ''
� � `� Tedesco ;` ` ;
� Mr. President, Byrne 3� - �� �`
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� � PUBLISI�ED MAY 13 9967
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I� ' T'rIlS .tiGP�i:.�iEiJT, made this _- day o��� - � 1%'____�.��
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! p;j �nci ';��i•reer �he ST�,TE Oi' �•ffN T^SOT.�, actin� through its Co�ssior�zr of H�£,._�rays,
� i
� . ��ra:�.:�:.�z�:,cr r��'erred to as thr t'Sta�e", and trW City of St. �.'au1., P�Linnesota, actin;
jti�xo1,�;;�1 izs Ci�y Coun�ii, hereinafti�r referred to a,s tr� SPCity";
� f ' �
, T,��TITs'd.�SS�TFi:
� I '
! ! ?•1I��.N,AS, �che Co, 'ssioner of High*rrays, �ursuant to i�f.�.,!;,, , Seci�nn 161.20, as
e � I ! �.
t � �ar��.�::;:a�d, has determ�r�;d that iL is necessary �o,acqu�.re for `�r�..n1�: �ignvray purposes
� �-thc.�e �ands si-tuated in Ramsey Cou;zty, i•Zinnes o�ta, a� indicated in tY� color 91red° as
� i � .
�1 +s�zot•rn on �the map attachzd l�reto, marked Exh.i.bi-t "�f° and made G ?�rt ?-�reof, said
�lan�s -�o be used in connection t�rith Intersta�e Hi�h*.day No. 35� ��in� Rou.te I�ioo 39�'�; an3
! ��;Fi_�`,.�?�.AS, tl� City Counci.J_ of the City of Sta `Paul, I��inne�o�a, ��:suant �4 :.o:��a".,
f�;�40,0�, as a�ncled, has determined that it is neces�arJ to ac.,:�.:.r� �'or stree±, ��tir�asc�
. 1
�� tihase 7.a�ds situated sn Ramsey County, T•Zi.nnesota, a's indica�ed i.�� the color ���r�:er�°°
' c= �_� �!�p a-ttae?�ec; hereto, marlced EXhibit f�1�.9� and �ade a part ra�^��o±, said �2?'�� tio
i • �
E L� kseu in eonnec�ion ��t•rith the IC�11ogg Boulevard Connection to l.n�e�s�a�e H��ht:a�* i�:oo
� °
, � ���, �:^ tY�e City of S�te Paul; and
' ;���:;:Z�AS, tY� State and the Cit�r are des�.rous If enterin� in-to Gr_ :greer�nt z�^ t.�e
� �
{ jo�n�; acquis?tion of the tract of land outl�ned in the color i'broi•mt' an sai.d �:.���-�.�a��
, ; ,
' t 4;�E0. #
I �
- I �
1 :T,):;, TI��FOr�E, in consideration of th�-: ��neii:ts to accrue tio �:w,State and the
j "'_c;;r and �the mu�tual c:ovenants h�re��ith set fo?�tr, the State and the City a�'ee as
- i follaws: :`
I _�� -
!� ,�
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t TY�e Stiate and the City sha11, initiate and carry �o comple�tion_ in the nam.� of
- � ,
' ti�.,..� par�ies to -this agreerr�nt, acquisition oi ��hat trac-t of lanci hereinaftsr
' c�escribed under Para�aphs II and III in accordance �rith Chaptier 1610 '''1. 1�I.So�Lo �
� Th� sair3 lar�i so required by each� party sha11 comprise one parcel and shall be
desi�nated as Farcel 6D for the puxpose of this acquisitior_o
.I ' •
� , II.
, The State has determined that it is necessary to acquire for Trunlc Hight�*ay
� 4
,� parposes th� land indicated in the color '�red�' on the map attached hsreto, marked
�� Exhibit �'A" ar�l made a part here of, said larul being situated in Ramsey Gounty,
q ?�•.+innesota, and more particularly desc?^ibed as follows, �o�rit:
�� � s.�. 6280 (3�=390) 917
� � �arccl 6D _ Sta�e
� A11 Lhat part oi the follawing described tracts
� Lots 6 and 7, except Fifth Street and that part of Lot 8 lying
sou-th of Fif�h Street, Block 62, Ir�ine's Enlarg�m.�n� to Rice
.� and Irvine°s Addition to the T��m of St. �'aul, according to tY�
p1.at thereof on file and of record in the office of the P�egister
� of Deeds in and for Ramsey Coun�y;
� t�rrich. lies southt,resterly of a line run parallel with and distant 25 feet north-
ieas�erly of the nortY�as-��rly line of Kellogg Boulevard.
� Iu,
The CitJ has determined that it is necessary to acquire for City purposes tYie
land ir�licated in the color ��gxeen;� on tY� �ap a�tached hereto, marlced F�chibit '"A'�
_ anrl made a part l�reo�, the land being situated in Rarnsey Coun�y, i�,i.nneso�a, and
more par�ta.cularly described as folloz7s, to-•rit;
s.�o 6280 (35�=390) 917
� Parcel 6D �Cit.y
� 41.1. th.a� part of the f o1lc�sing described tract o
� I,ots 6 and 7, except Fiith S�reet and that part of Lot 8 lying
� s outh of r ifth Stree�� Block 62, Irvine's Enlarg�rr�nt to �ice and
i .
� , _z.,
�i � t .
�� .
�; . -
�, . , � ,
�! `�=' r
� Irvine's �?ddi��ion to the Tot•m oi Sto �c�al9 according to zY�
plat there of �on rile and of record iy� �I��^ o;'��?ce of the
�' Re gister of �eeds in and f or 3amsey C ounty;
ti-,hich 7_ies northeastsrly of a line run parallel taith and distant 25 feet north-'
� easterly of tre northeas�terly line of Kellogg Boulevard�
' � - .-
N ;"
; , .
T;z�t tre Sta-te shall er�leavor to acquire said lan,�s, covered in Paragraphs .
; II ar�l III of this Agreement, by Direct Purchase �'.cquisition. The Statie zo pay',
' out of th� Trunk Hight�ray Fund �9.�9 per cent �nd the City to pay out of itis fund
; � provicied ior that puxpose 50o jl �r cent of the amou.ni of said acquisition, Vritri
, r
! t t'.� S-tate to assume tl� cost of and the responsibil.ity for the removal ot' the
� strac�ures situated on sai:d lands.
, Vo
� ��en said amount paid for the acquisition of said 1.ands has been deterrnined,
� . '
���w State in the first instance shall issue its state Urarrant and make paymen�
' �hereo��' to the �rson or persons entitled thereto as provided by law, but before
said payra°nt is made, the City shall pay to the S�tate for deposit in tl� Trunk
Hioh.way Fund tne City's share.
� VI. �
!he State in the first instance shall pay for the expenses incurred relative
�a ;:�e appraisal fees on said properties and said costs or ex�nse so ir_curred shall
�s d:ivided equally bezween the contrac-tin� parties. The City, upon the request of
tr�e State, shall reimburse th� State for its share �hereof when ir.� p-roceedings have
been completed.
lhe salaries and office expense of �,ngineers, legal and office l��l_� incurred
inca.den-tal to said acquisition shall be borne by tre :parties hereto incurring such
er.p:nse a
R � '
� ' -3- '
. �
.i _ .
; � � -, ,
, :,
3; .; _ .
'� � ' 4
� ' , � VIII,
i ; � �
'� � ; �ne State shall make, or cause -to have ?°:a�e g a�. its so_le expense, any and
; ' all ��.tle searches and e�aminations as may be requised. ,
� �
� ..
� � IX.
� i:z �he event said 'property cannot be acquired by Direc•t Purchase Acquisition,
'; , :
� �� State and tY� Ga�t� shal,�. aoa,r�t�,_y a,nita,a�e ar�d cax�x�J to completa.on �n the n�n� �f
� j
� zr� o�rties to this agreement, joi.nt proceedings in eminent domain �pursuant to �I,So3e
� � .
j I � r:�.ap�e� �17, as amended, for the acquisi�ion of those lar..ds described under �a%•agrap:�s
' � ! IT and IIIo The said land so required by each �par�y shall comprise one parcel and
; f i
� ,� ,. shall be designated as �arcel 6D for the purpose of saul join-t condemnation �oceedingso
�� �� ; X.
� � Tha� -tl� -total arnount to be pa�d for the above described 1.ands, as determined
' i ,
I i by the �°epor-� -to be filed in said �proceedings by the co�run.issioners appointed by the
' ; � �i��r�.c� Court 1.n said ,7os.n-� esr�.nen-t domas.n proceeds.ngs, or as fina],ly determined
, i
' � ` �r_ ap�al from tiI� ati•rard contained in sa�l report or through settlement of said appeal
{ I or :�y jud�raent on verdicti entered therein, togeicher witn a�y and zll interest paid
; I �Y�ex�eor_, shall be divided as folloz•rs; The State to pay otz-� of the Trunk Highway Fund
� ,
, ,
+ � ��o'-:;' r�z- cen-t and the Cit;� to pay out oi its fund for that purpose 50o jl. per cent of
� � �Y� amctznt of t� at�rard, set�lement, or verdicto
� . XI.
' Tha�t the State shall assume the cwt of and th.a ?�esoonsibility for �he rernoval
� '
� : or: ir� s�ructures situated on said lands.
� XII. - -
� .
� � The State in the first instance shall pay all items of ex�nse incurred relative
� �
� � to tne insti�ution and �prosecution of said joint condemnatiion proceedings t�hich shall
I' include filing fees incurred in the office of the C1eMk of District Court, recording
1 -
fees, costs of publishing the Notice herein as provided by lai�r, costs incurred
inci�lental to service upor_ �the respondents narr,�d th,�reir_, compensation for the
� �
� .
� -j;•- -
� I ; �
�7 i , , n� 4� ,
I , ! '�
i � , .
� i �
! t ; co::_�issior�rs appointed by the Cot�� Tor �ch� �r7'�Y•�:a�ce of tY�eir duiies,
alcor!re:�sa�ion for ��ri�nesses �•rho shall pre�pare to tiestify or Vrho shall. be required
i � , tc rx; in attendar_ce at any hearings held herein from ��m.� �o tiasne and from place
,�+ � t:
( { to ,r,�ace, and any and a11 other items of expense r.ot enum�rated l�rein above. �Tn,e
, �
;i i ' co:to nr er.penses sa incurred shall bo divided equally l�tt•:een the contracting �paxties,
�� i
i I �r� C i u j� u�on tr.e request of -the S�cate, to reimburse th� State f or its share th�re of
j ! v�npr_ •.. __ rrroceedi.ngs have 'oeen completedo
i � XIII.
j i� ,. Para�raphs V, VII, and VIII d tihis agreement shall also prevai in conjunction
1 I i�ritn emir_ent domain proceedings for the acquisitiion of -the subject pro�rty.
� �
�' ' - XN.
'; �
' I sr�e S�ate, throu�h its l�ttorney Ger�ra? and throug?� its Corrffnissioner of Higl�rays,
; � shall prepare and prosecute saicl �proceedings to completion r,•rith such assistax�.ce as
II� � shal� be required �rom tim.� to time to be furnished by tr.� City's Corporation Council
,; ,
� ' and th� Gnief Engineer of -the Department of �ublic Trlor?cs, zr.e State to appear ir said
I � procecdi�i�,s through its �ttorney General and the Ci�y to ap�ar in said �'oceedings
i I tr:r•oc:gh its Corporation Council.
; � XV.
� '�1ze City sha�1 unc!ertake to furnish such assistance as shall be nece:sary in
1 I the opinion of tY� A-�torney General relative to the taking by t�:e City �n the z•ray
. 1
' � o� surveys, plans, exhibits or witr_esses in itis preparation oi sai.d joint proceedir_gs,
� ` and at any hearir_gs to be held therein as shall be had from time �o iim.� and from
. f place to z�lace, arxl that the City shall fur�l;'nsr undertake to place a� t?�� disposal
of the S-�a�ce such engineering and legal assistance as may be requiredo
Th.�s a�eerr�nt is mac?e on the un_derstanding tha�c the par�c�es rereto have funds
' ap�ropriated and available �o pay their res�pec�ive share of damages, costs, and
e��nse� incident �to tr,e prosec�ztion of this joi��t eminent domain p=oceedings.
I �
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,. � ,, �, T1 G•�IITI��SS I�IF�?,EO�, th� nar�ies l�ereunto Yk:�re �et t�W�ir hands on ths day and
�, �; ` year z�rs� above �Jrit�eno
:, �i I
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i . ; ��+..est: CITY OF STo PAUL
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, h ny Ey
" �; I City Clerk ���yor
� �� . •
',� �;� ��orcved as to Form:
_ �y .
I` �} C ow,missioner of Public Z�Torks
�` A, i . C orpora��on C ounci1 `
, �� i - C o u n t e r s i g n e d�
''. �'
� . By:
',, �; D�Y��n T��ii�ivT OF HIG���IAYS C ity C or.��ptr oller
� � S`i'ATE 0��' T�IINI�SOTA
' �' i
''' �` � ' F_eco�.�,ended for Approval:
�� �t i ST�±TE OF P�i�1AT�S GT�, �
�� i
,� �� � �n�`_neer of Ri�ht of �1ay By _ �
`' � Com.�nissioner of Hight•rays
. ;
� � ' Daie
d; j " Distir?ct Engi.neer
� �; j '
�` � Ap�oved: {SEAL)
• a� �
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� �� �e p�aty C ommissioner
� I
F x..pp�oved as to For� and �xecution:
� t I �
; �f I -
' � S_�cial Assistant Attorney General •
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