233355 , � � 33-,.-�j .�5 , , , Councll Flle No. 233355—By James T. Da1gIL§h— , the eHousing��a Redeve opment�Au� j , thority of the City of Saint Paul, that sectioa of publlc alley hereinefter de- i scribed be and the same hereby is • • vacated and discontin�ied as a public � alley: � . All of'the alley in Langevin's Sub- division of Lots 10, 11 and 12 of Block 10 in tlie pr�g�al Town ap ; Saint Paul, commor►�y called Saint Paul Proper; #� subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: E 1.That the description oP the alleq to be vacated be correct�y described as: t dlvLsio nofeLots�lOL i1�eW,d,912uof Block 10 in the Original Town of i Saint p8�, �o�only called Saint � Paul Proper, according to ti�e plat thereoE on ffie in tiie.pff�ce of the Register of Deeds in the City, of St. Pa�1� R�amsey County, gtate of f 2•T at the�vacation be subject to all f ' the terms and conditions of Section � � 228 of the Legislative Code, as amended, regulating the procedure and conditions for the vacation of public� ground, streeta, alleys, and , highwaye in the City o4 Saint Paul. 3.There appears to be a private catch bssln located in the area to be vacated, whlch vviii remain the re- sponsibility oP the petitioner; and if l ; seme is to be abandoned, it shall be under conditions a�groved by }�e ' Department of pubhc Works. i , 4.That the Rling tees for recording the vacation in the Office of the Register of Deeds be borae by {�e petitioner. � i b.That the petitioner, being the FIous- r and Redevelopment Authority op the Ctty of Saint Paul, a publlc agency, . pay to the City of Saint Paul the - . sum of$1.0p as compensati6n for the vacation, because of the proposed - , dedication oP lands in the area for street purposes. � + ' 6.That in lieu of a boad the City op - Saint Paui be provided with a wrif_ � � ten covenant conditioned to inderri- ' �Y and hold the City harrnless from anY and all damages, claims � � for damages, costs, charges, judg- , •ments, and exp enses o4 every kind - � ' . and nature arising and/ar growing - out of the vacation of the alley aq � described in Condition No. 1. Adopted by the Councll May g, 1987, E • Approved May 5, 1987. , � � (May 13, 1987) t t � , . - - � ; , � , f � , � , - � 4 : � ` � , t � � � E � ; � . E � .