233349 1 � . � �Q�f�E��9
f CounoU Flle No...
. and
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublioimprovement bq the Citq of 8aint Psul,vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on the north side of Geranium Ave. from Ma.tilda St. to
the east ap�roximately_.132_ ftw.�and .�_doing..all bther work which is„necessary..and__.
incidental to complete said improvement.
Dsted thie.�....�..t..h..;........daq of..................M�y�........... ...�......... .....�.._, 19 67
?...f��"�"�..I.vL'�!`'c,�..... .._....... .......
4 Ci011II0� QII.
WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, v�.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on the north side of Gerani Ave. from Matilda St. to
.................._....................................................................._____...........................�...... ..... _ ......................................_..
the�east.approximately..132.wft: and by_ doing_all.other.work.which. is�necessar�►..andM
� incidental to_ complete said..im�rovement: .. .. ........... �..�.............�....��.��..��..�µ.W�� •
6sving been preaented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul....................................................................... _....
` therefore, be it �
• ftE$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or desirability of,.the maldng of eaid improvemeat.
2. To investigate the nature� extent and eatimated aoet of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof.
. 3. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. • .
4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie asked for on�he petition of three or more ownere. •
b. To report upon iill of the foregoing mattere to the mmiesioner of Finsnoe.
MAY 5 19.6.�
eaoptea by the �,�a�..._.........�......._.... ._............!�.........
Councilman .Carlson. � 5 19��
Da 1 1 ish Approved�........_..........:........ "
_ g . �A..._._._..�..:.........�-�--
�e�-�a�� .. • _
' Meredith .
� - • Tedesco ��� .-- --..-- � .......--
M�;�:6P�s'�d�n�:�B�i,�';;:� ' �G$ld�� Meyor.
. s:::ee: .
} " � �000 7.64Mr. Vice�President (Holland)
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� � pUB.IISH�D I�AY �.31967
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