233346 ��`�s`�����
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,�„ ___ Theundersignedhereby_pro�osesthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of 8sint Paul�v_iz.�_,� �
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r_: - _ �._.Improving.OHIO.--STREET._.fY�om+.West= Isabel,.Street to Bel1.e��Street by�grading,_paving-=a.nc1 �
; curbing;---by°•cons�ructing••a.nc�-°recons�tructfng�°sidewa:lk;•°by-�recons�tr�e�i�ng�•the��-inter-�--- ��-��:,�
�� secting street,`alley and driveway returns; by constructing and reconstructing water
� E mains; by constructing �and reconstructing sanitary�sewers; �by�coristructirig'and'-re="_
j � cons�r:ucting...storm.�ater,_.drainag�.,.facilities;.,.by.�_c.ox�s,t�u�tin.g.,�e:�r_er.,..�r�.te_r,.�,a,nd�gas.,,
j service co ections; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental
4 to c�amp�'fete'�s�id°i�nprovement:....�...._°-�.°.W.......--.°........ .. , 19 .
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� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
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` Improving_OHIO STREET_+from�West�Ieabel Street to-Belle_-Street by .grading,,paving-a.nd
- i>�t,:.s��-c�arbing;-••by•eonstructing�••and-reconstructi�ng��s�dew�lk;---by-��econstr-uctirig==�he°in�er--==�°=':,,�.� ;" '
� ���� � secting street, a11ey and driveway returns; by constructing a.nd reconstructing water - �
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mains• b cons�ructin an�"re cons�'rizc�in sa.ni't""""" ses,rers• b constructiri" and re- �`"1 y
.. ... .... ..___.......
� � Y 8 S �'Y s Y B
� constxuc,ting,,.sto�m.�rat�x.dr�iz�ge.,.f.ac�._].iti�e_�;.,,;b.y_.constructing,.sewer,_�rater,and gas
t ! service connections; a.nd by, doing all other work which is necessary a.nd incidental
� �0'�'8omplete`�saiFd�improvement of�ha L�ty af��int�'aui...................r...�._.......�.,..,.........---.. ._.,_......�.........._
4 I� there��re, be it
; ; _ RESOI.VED, �'1ns� the G�ommissioner Af P�bka �Porlcs Eze axtd ie�a�reby ordered and dirac�ed;
�� -- — 1�To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of esid-improvement. . -
! 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coet thereof.
� 3. To furnish s plan, profile or aketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commieaioner of Finance.
+ Adopted by the Council.-------•---------------•-----�i�-�-----.�.���'�---...----•----- �� C} 1��'
� YEA6
� �.'&Y'ZSO11
� Councilman Dalglish '
; Ho 11 and Approved.__----------------------__-----•-------------------•--...._..._......_
� _Los�_
� Peterson
. � ,
_.RosQa- Tedesco ._.------ ----_.._- ---------- - ---�.... .. ... ._ ._.._._.._
M$. P$EBIDIDNT-�ia�vo�li�_ Byz.ne Mayor.
( �
� 3000 T-64
'� Puaus�o MAY 6 19�7
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