233336 ORIGINAL TO GITY GLERK ��1�����^I CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ��� �'��� OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUTION— RAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, as a municipa.l corporation, ' organized pursuant to the laE•�s of the State of Minnesota, has by its Charter and by nature of its function a responsibility to prepare for the continur� �ion of its governmental functions and . to provide proper services and guidance to the citizens of Saint Paul in the event of a civil defense and major natural disaster emergencies; and - � WHEREAS, The City, in attempting to discharge its aforesaid respons`ibility for the public safety and welfare of citizens within its municipal boundaries, has created a municipal Bureau of Civil , Defense; and ' WHEREAS, Said Bureau, by and through its:director and his staff, has prepared a civil defense Operational Survival Plan adopted by this Council and approved by the Mayor January 24�, 1963, pursuant to Council File 210950 and as amended by Council File 226483, approved December 31, 1965; and WHEREAS, Changing conditions dictate a continued re-evaluation of said Operatianal Survival Plan, said Bureau has revised Appendix 9, Activaiion_ of the Natural Disaster EOC; and WHEREAS, Albeit the Operational Survival Plan gives the director the authority to prepare such appendices, Appendix 9, Activation of the Natural Disaster EOC, is of such scope and impact on City emergency operations that it becomes an integral part of the Operational Survi- . val Plan, and City Council approval is required for said Appendix which has been circulated to affected operating departments, department �' heads and executive officers of the City of Saint Paul who have been � informed as to the contents of said revised Appendix; now therefore be o it w � 0 � RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby � a approve the revised Appendix 9 to the Civil Defense Operational Sur- d o vival Plan of the City of Saint Paul; and be it � N FiESOLVED FUFiTHEg, That Eesolution of the Council, Council o Q File No. 233312, approved May 3 , 1967, being incomplete, is � hereby rescinded. - ` MAY 419��, . COUNCILMEN . � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �`'�•,;, Nays Carlson �� 41�� Dalglish � - Approved 19— � Holland �� � Meredith �In Favor �� � Peterson , Mayor Tedesco b Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISH�D MAY 6 ���j� i-- �22 �