233297 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ����(�� ' ! CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� , ��. �' � FICE T E CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ U L ES LI�T N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . COMMISSIONE p',7F REAS� The American National Bank� through inadvertence� paid to the City of Saint Paul the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty- Two and 24/100 Dollars (�7�2.24) as a tax on electrical energy for 1965� and said a.mount was reflective of a tax calculated on the total bill to the American National Bank Building from , Northern States Po�er Company whereas it should have been calculated only on the basis of electrical energy received and in consequence thereof the a.mount which should have been remitted bp sai:d bank to the City should have been in the amount of Three Hundred Sixty-Six and 03/100 Dollars (�366.03) � resulting in an overpayment to the Citp in an amount of Three Hundred Eighty-Six and 21/100 Dollars (�386.21) ; and WFiEREAS� Said error was called to the attention of the Commissioner of Finance together with a request for reimbursement , of the overpayment by the American National Bank; now� therefore� be it RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to refund to the dmerican Natior�al Bank the sum of Three Hundred Eighty-Six and 21/100 Dollars (�386.,:21) reflective of the aforesaid overpayment� such refund to be charged to Refund and Repayment Aceount No. 0999-482. FQ� PROV D ��� �� �/l � Ass Cor�oration Counsel � �Y 2 ��6�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���' � 1967 ' Dalglish , �� � Approved 19— Holland � ,}��}�� fn Favor Peterson � ' Mayor Tedesco A gainst . Mr. President, Byrne PU�LISHFD MAY 6 196� � � �22 DUrLICATE TO rRINTHR - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL o 6��- ���'� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO•, ;., ;�;4 •;.y•; � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS The American National Bank, through inadvertence� paid to the C�ty of Saint Paul the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty- Two and 24/100 Dollars (�752.24) as a tax on electrical energy for 1965� and said amount was reflective of a tax calculated on the total bill to the American National Bank Building from Northern States PoWer Company whereas it should have been calculated only on the basis of electrical energy received and in consequence thereof the amount which should have been remitted by said bank to the City should have been in the amount of Three Hundred Sixty-Six and 03/100 Dollars (�366.03) resulting in an overpayment to the City in an amount of Three Hundred Eighty-Sig and 21/100 Dollars (�386.21) ; and WHEREAS� Said error was called to the attention of the Commissioner of Finance together with a request for reimbursement of the overpayment by the American National Bank; now� therefore, be it RESOLYED� That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby suthorized and directed to refund to the American National Bank the sum of Three Hundred Eighty-Six and 21/100 Dollars (�386,�21) reflective of the aforesaid overpayment, such refund to be charged to Refund and Repayment Account No. �999—�+82. �IAY � ��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— - Yeas Nays �'.a r----�m=r Dalglish Approved �AY � �� 19— �iolland ` ��� �� v In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne �2a