233253 ,' • '
�L'f �'� � ;����.�'e�_,j
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; � File No. 17148 �
- . ,
� . .
� , _In the Matter of � ' �
; , Condemning and taking a permanent easement 4 feet in width
' , on, over a.nd across Lots 14, 15 & 16, Bl.ock 17, A. Gotz�.s.n's .
. Reaxrangement�of.Bigel's Addition, �f�om Gotzier�Street to__��
� . the alley �n said Block 17, for the purp�ose of construetirig
. and maintaining a p�a'blic sewer, the centerline of' said �+-foo�t-wide �
� easement being described as fpllows; Co�mr►encing fram a p,oint �on
� ; the N. line �of said Lot 16, said point being 12 feet W. of the
' � • NE corner of said Lot 16;, thence SWly on a straight line to a '
; point.on the SWly line of said Lot 15, 16 feet SEly of the 3EZy _ �
. -corner of said Lot 1�. � , � ".
j und ' , ; ,
; . � �Also condeanning anc� ta.king temporary easements, 6• feet�in width .
� for construction purposes, o�;er and across' Lots 1�-, 15, and ,16, of Finance
: f1 .-_ •-up�} _ � t .
Bl.ock 17, A. Gotzian- s Reasrangement of Sigel s Addition, said
� is h� t easements being 'on each side of and imonediately ad�jacent to �provement
,i the above described permanent easement �om Gotzian Street
� � to the alley in' said Block i7, except those axea.s thereof
- � � covered by buildir�gs, and said temporary easements to remain
in effect for a_period of one year comunencing on the date of
r'atification of this condemnation order. h•
, - �.,a.-��z.x-ow,...._.a-,=-r___---.�=�,-�n�=:z--,�-rz M .
' � on, over, and �.cross Lots 14, 15 �& 16,, Block 17, A.� Gotziaxi's
. • � Reaxrangement of Sigel's Additi6n, f�am Gotzi��S�re_et to _�., _�_ _.�
_ � - '� �he�-a�ley~ji�=pa.3d,Block 17;for t'lie��piarpose of construatiug
and maintaining�a public sewer, the centerline o�• ssid 4-foot-wid.e
' easement be.ing described as follows: Counmencing from a point on
� _ �the N.� liae �of said Lot 16, said •point being V12_f�ety�l.._o�the�:��-_ �
� -�- .. - }_ .�
NE'"corn�r o.f._ said vot�-T6��-thence SWly'oii a straight line to a
. °point-=on-the�-SWly 1-ine..of said_Lot�15, 16�,feet_SEly of;the 9Ely -
;....G._..-�:.. �_.
' ' corner of said Lot 14. � �
•wi .. . � ' � . f �
, Also condemning and �ta.kin� temporary e�.sements, 6 feet in width
for construction,purposes, over and across Lots 1�+, i5, and 16, .
' Block 17, A. Gotzian's Reaxrangement of Sigal's Addition, said
easements being on each side of and im¢n�diately, a.d�acent to day of
the above described permanent easement �om Gotzian Street
� � to the alley in said Block 17, except those areas -thereof `- � � the Court
H give notice of
� � covered by buildings, and $aid temporary ease�ments to remain ,
" he� in �ffect for a period of one year cor�eneing on the date of e and place af
, ; L ratification of this condemnation order.
� , � . • , PR251961,
- � • COUNCII.MEN - ' ' Adopted by the Council
� � Yeas Nays �
� Carlson ' � - APR 2 5 �9�j -
Dalglisll j Appr ecL
Holland (�
' Meredith .� Tn Favor '
Peterson . - Mayor
-�edes�ee--- ' � , _ .
Byrne ' against � _
- 6-63 2M 8� R-1 �.y ,�et1���D ��Y 2 IJUF J
t { � ' RLl -
I .�: k . . ... - . .