233245� . �s`����5 r , � . ( Couaoil File No............. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethem�ingof thefoliowingpublioimpmvement by the City ot Baint Paul�vis.: construct and/or reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Hazel St. from ' Maryland Ave. to Clear Ave. and from Cottage Ave. to Arlington Ave, and on the east side of Hazel St, from Ma.�land �Ave. to Sherwood St. and b� doin� all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. Dated thie._..?.�.th.........dsy of....................�a.r.�.J............. . ..... ........ , 19 .. ........... .... ..........._ _ � ... . Counoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER,EAS, A writtea propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: coastruct and/or reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of.Hazel St, from Maryland�Ave.:�_to Clear .Ave:.and�from Cottage.Ave:. to Arlington Ave:..and_o�he� ... ._...... � � east�side_of_.Hazel St: from Maryland .Ave�,to.Sherwood St:..and_by doing all other .� � work which is necessary and incidental to complete saidM improvement.M .M.w.M.� heving been preaented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul..........�..._.............................�....................... .._. therefore, be it . RE$OLVED, That the Commieaioner of Publia VVorke be and is hereby ordered and dirented: 1. To inveetigate the neceseity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated Qoet of eaid improvement� and the total aost thereof. � , _ 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketoh of eaid improvement. - 4. To et,�te whether or no�eaid improvement ie asked for on�he petition of three er more ownere. b. To report upon all of the�oregoing mattere�P�e2�oner of l�newoe. ly�/ Adopted by the �:ouno�...........:............»..........................-----................... � I Ynss Councilman .Carlson. �PR � � 1�� Dalglish , Approved.......... ......._.........._........._......._.. � Holland ., ' Meredith � � . �� � �� Tedesco �:"' �. �:e•�. r�....::•9 � Mayor. ��:�:;���i��.'a��;:�:�:-?���:�� ��� � ��Ir. Vicc I'resilent.(Peteraon) � Q � ' - cc� 6 196�' ; a �u���sb�D �IAY � . , � . , .