233243 i � . � � � .�������.�: � i , _ �z� Counoil File No..... i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � . and , - + PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingofthefollowingpublicimprovemeat by the Citq of 8aint PsW�vis.: . construct and/or reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Hazelwood St. from y E. Minnehaha Ave__to�Reaney�•Ave�and�b�,doin� all other work which.is. necessary �_M. and incidental to com�lete said..im�rovement� � .............................................................. .................... __.._. jDsted thie.. 28th.......dsy of........................A,pril............. .... 19 ..67 � � .............. .... ....� .... Counailmtw. 1 = PRELIMINARY ORDER. � . + WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the ma�ng of the following improvement, vis.: ' construct and/or reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Hazelwood St. from ; ...........................................................................................---_.................................................... _ ..........................._........._.. ' E. Minnehaha Ave. to Reaney AVe. and by doing all other work which is necessary ; .......................................................................___......._..................................................................._......_......................_.... } ' and incidental to complete said improvement. � ...._.............................................................___....................................................................._..............._.............................. � i � .............................__...........................................----, ............................................_............................................. '` hsving been preaented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul.........._............... ......................................_... ...... ` therefore, be it ; � RE80LVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and is herebq ordered and direoted: , 1. To inveatigate the necessitq for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement. � ' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said imprnvement� and the total aoet thereof. i � 3. To furnieh a plsn, profile or eketoh of eaid improvement. . 4. To etate whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for on�he petition of three �r more owner�. � b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the �mmiesioner of l�nnnoe. , � � � 2 81967 � ; Adopted by the C;ounail..._..............................._...._A......_..................... Ynse Councilman .Carlson. APR 2 8 ��� Dalglish , , Appmved.................................................................. Holland .. � Meredith � �- .� , � � Tedesco --�--• ••-• � 1��:3eEEP:��e�:i��5��::�:��;:.' � }�°-g, Mayor. A7:GWitG:7:[:::I:..:..::::�:L.u:i:....... ..5�• ��" l000 7-dldr,y.�ce President (Peterson� � � �}�qL15H£D MAY 6 1961 � � ;