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, ► � Councll File No. 233238—By Robert F.
� Resolved That upon the petltion of
' � the Comm�asioner of Public Works for
� ; � the City of Saint Paul, that section of;.
publlc street hereinafter described be
� + ' and the same hereby is vacated and
! discontinued as a public str,eet:
That part of Stinson Street lying
� I between the east line of North St.
Albans Street and the east line
of Lot 27, Block 1, Butterfleld
Syndicate Add. No. 2, extended - �
� southerly•
� � subiect expressly to t h e Pollowing
conditions and neservations:
1.That the description of the street
� to be vacated be described as fol-
lows: that part of Stinson Street
� St�AlbanseStreet and t�he eastr lirtne
' - of Lot 27, Block 1, ButterAeld
Syndicate Add. No. 2, extended
I, southerly.
2.That the vacation be subject to all
; ! the terms and conditions oE Section
. 228 oi the Legislative Code, as
amended, regulating the procedure
• � and conditions for the vacation of "
t. � public ground, streets, alleys, and
;� highways in the City of Saint Paul.
,� 3.That the flling fees for recording ;,
� R egis tergo f D ee ds be borne by he
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i I petition@r.
� , 4.That the petirioner, being the De- ,
paztment ot Publlc Works, by Com-
�; � , missioner R,obert F.Peterson,for the
City of Saint Paul; as approved by
� # C.F.g232266, dated March 1, 1967,
� vacatio n as compensation for the
t � 5.That a euitable barricade be erected i
. � St on wStreet d n t the portion of '
, � � vacation. paT� of the � i,
, { Adopted by the Councll April 28,1987.
_ : f Approved A�y 68�1987j.
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