233320 ������ co,�a��e xo..._._................ , PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby proposeathemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of�sint Paul,vis.: — .„ _ _ _t, � .�-.r-==_- - - - �r - • — - -- �-_-T-� - -- """�'...`."°'"C'o'risti�i,ict'puliric s�orm ancl��saiiitary se�rers in'a platted 30���oot�s�ide������������ _, EASEMENT,,,;the�centex7,�_me.G�.,��id,.e�s�ment..l�eing,.,des.cribed„BS..�ollo�rs:. .,. . .-,. .�.-. ' � beginning at a point..on :the east line oP Winthrop Street �+51.3 �eet.south' - . ^' .; ----��of the°�centerline�=of•Hill.sdale°�Avenue�•=as°measured�:alo`ng�-the°•center]:tne°�oP�'�Y""""'�' Winthrop S'treet; •thence east a distance of 723.65 feet to a point on the � """"West"'1`ine�of�`Ki:pl3:rig��Street said�poirit l�eing 355 Peet south of the soutli�~��M����� �:i�1e3o�.ieHillsdsl�.�Avgnue..asnmeasur.ed...along�.the:�zes,�4�line.�o�'�Kipling Street;� also additional easement beginning on the eaet�,7:ine�oYfKip�`li�tg�Str et� distance of 355 �eet south of' the south"lirie�of"`Hi]:l'sdale Avenue;°'then,cue`_ii���"""° east a distance �f 225' along a line par�1�7, to the south line of Hillsdale Avenue to the point of easement ending. These sewers to be known as the � � BA'I�IE�CREEK'-EAST�APARTMENI.'S"5�4dER.,SYS�P�I'. ._______.___4_�.`.__.�_ �� _ Q n, PRELIMINARY ORDER. . `, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mal�ng of the following impronement, viz.: _ _ _ _ � ' �,.,.���_�..�*-••+Construct�public ~atorm and �sanitary •seNers in�a•.platted 30 foot.�ide�, �� F . -•-•--•EASEMENT;the-•cen�erl�ne-•of°sa�d°�asement betng••described'°as°Yollt�ws:°""'°•""'�"°'� beginning at a point on the east line of Winthrop. Street �+51.3 feet south _�......... ..... ............ _ . ..._.._.- -- ....... .................................._.._.........._.......-------..__�....... ...---... ..., ........ ..... .. -of"�h,e center�ine o�"I�illsdale Avenue as measured along the centerline of _,,.,,,. Wintkirop.�$tr.eet;,,thence_.eastna..distance.�o�..723.65,.-feeta.to•-a-point�.on�-the�-��rt.••,-�.-•�.- west line of Kipling Street said point being 355 �eet south ofl the south t''a��line�'of�Hi�llsdale°Aiienue �'ae�ea�ureci��altbng�"the-w�gt'�Tirie°of'Ripliiig"S�'reetf"'""'"" thercaleok�ad'ditiona7. easement 'beginning on the east ltne of Kipling Street a �diatance�p��3�5��fee�t,.�so,uthIIofafthe�u,south,�line,�,of;�Ht�l:lsdale>>Aven�e;�thgnce �W:..1�iJ�l71'� ) J ..�.��..... �.. I east a diatance �f 225' along a line par�l�7, to the south line oP Hillsdale Avenue'�t�'oi'the�o°int`'�oft`easementg'ending.O1t `TYiese se�iers'''to be�"�lfliown ae the �BATr�IEflCRE�K�EABTaAPARTMENI'8'-SEWER�BYS�Ni: cf s�id impra�vement� aa� the to�at c�st t��..*e:f. �. To furniah a olan. orafile or�eket,ch of ssid im�roveuient. � 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownera. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiseioner of �nance. APR 2 7 196� Adoptedby the CounciL•--------------------••------------_...----•--....-----.._..--------•----- YEea Councilman na�gi�8h � APR 2 7 196� Ho11 and Approved--------------------_....__-----•--•--.._..._.--•--•--•----•---..___ L�ss� Meredith Peterson Re�aea�- __._.. . '_._. .._..... ........_-- -- -- - - -- - -- - -- M$. P$BSin�rrr Va�aerH���y�,� Mayor. 3000 7-b4 0 � — � PUBLISfi�D aPR ��:�9�.�