233206 ��'�'���j . Counail �le No................_...._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of 8aint Paul�vis.: ...............:�._�.�-...��"'�_,x.:,�: ..:� ._._ ��...,..:��� � -<_-�..�..d.".:'`��-r--�"�""„'^� . , :.� _ •..' ,i ._ ,.....��,.... �__--.,,,.d.,. ��:_ �..................... ............ ...... -�-=�x� ��onde�niiig`�ri��-takin' ari_`�..� --�-_:-'-.- :�-�:= _', _ : , ;'_ _ ."ra�_ � � ...._.._.......�u€-s==atrd�'�i.i1�L'�;�� c�_i.iain' eas_e`rr�ent�iri„�t�e;-S�.nd::�iee�s�sary�f- x`" �..S �,��------------------- 'in g=��;gN�of��r'-em �w`- .. -. , _ r,�°:t�.�.,..-1'0" es sub ect°�lan8°� r^--- --.�,-.. _ -ay�a� woL:;:la�:�`ra:i�`su j ,.oar�. ��ia- d.er...,- '""'�--- -- -� PPort from � ...._:.......�..................:.,_r....._�-,:�i� �=��,i�.. thereof;.. - ..........r..--•------ _ occ�asi.o�d..b..........:......:.:�..�.�....-...._.�.....� or constr.u.c�4n,o`f=-.slopes in the r Y excavations thereof, ""_ adin . i m�terial...L�.B!�.St..-. �� ���-. ..,....g.---»...�g and_,sur�acing,..wi,th-..bituminons�__.._..._..-- __..�...� . from° � C S�t" �� �� gt .,_ . . _ � �sted thia..B�vrwAvenuauy of......----��to A . and !��Cn gt. fr?� �'gn gt. to __—_ _ — �___ — _ _ '............aw.....'/7����A� ��._ _ — .............."�f....!..��%_".���������-°- -•--•------.. �CounCilmaII. ��, ��, I . ` . . - - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the makin¢ of the following_�*wz:�;ew�a�� ,-;�:—�— — — � .,,n ...._..._. „Gon��g��d,��,ak�ng==�a:r e�se nt-i•n�yt e�a�d^•neee�ssarp�for�-"t�s•10 "es;--•°--°°-- ;:c s=�and,�f,,i1�.s.,r.3hcluding .rtght of�removal 'of lateral -su �ort � `� - � r .:' a.. �• , ,y �. ,�,.._+�� p:�c....:�rbttl ---"'--. �si�ts`j���"I'�nd"o� '�emai'nd'e"r.�E�ereot��occ s y, a a o s t�iereo���������� � a ioned��"[ir--exc v�"t=i n :�= , or co st_ra.�tion;:af�skcs}�a�i�:tlie;;g;rad;ing and�:surf,acix�g_.hi,tuminous.................. .......s....«. rT ". mster�81 "B�' St. fi'om "C" St. to "A" St. and "C" St. from "B" St. to • --•----,. ..[dh.i t.e..Beax•--Avenue e...._.....__..�.__...�.........................•--........._---...__._�........................_........._._� ....._._.. � --= havi��q been presented to th�Conncil of�ha G�ty_�f�w:u� ra,ui...-�.'----•---_- � -- --- -- — - — — -------------------------------�.._.__....--•--�..__...._-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieaioner of Public �Vorka be and is hereby ordered and directed: � 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of esid improvement. - =` 2. "To investigate the nature, extent a,nd estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the p�tition of three or more ownera. � b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commiseioner of F�nance. �PR 2 6 196T � Adoptedby the Council----------------•--=--•------•--------•--------•-----•---...--•-•------•---- YEes co,��ilman Dalglish qpR 2 6 196� ' Holland Approved........................____......---•----._...----.........---- XK�IX 1 Carlson 'r Meredith " Peterson � Tedesco ' ._�.-------- -• - - --- ._ ...__ ._.. . ._...... ...._ M$. Ps�stn�xr �[ g�e Mayor. '' a000 �-ss � ,� � PUBLISH-ED APR 2 91967