241499 . , , . 4t • d � at � . 241499 , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNGII� FILE NO ; Resolution App�roving Assessment By— and �ging Time of Hearing Thereon In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for construction or . reconstruction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: �• Contract 68-M-433, District No. 2, Levy No. 1 _ � ' _ -- �--� -.N�-- . : . � '.��' ;� ..�� _ � � .. _ �_ � ^ _ ' , • . '` ' ;1 � - - ti na7SFiSSL1D•'r•= r . - ._ ` . • �- _ e .t` _ . '_ _ _ - - . , r . ^�� ... -�;I - ,�_, � 'a� _ , ���' • -" 1 . ` ' '� - ' �'.�"_ '. _., _ . , . ty.'rt .I ` '- - : F-.O. -,�234QD2,--.Stewar_t�Ave.,� south�:side-from Bay St. to Otto=Ave.� � ' ' �° `;I � F.O. �237508 - Bayard Ave., both sides from Canton St.'to~BayrySt: � ' � -. _ ,.,..: FTO�.#237089 - Jefferson Ave., south side from Bay .St. to Arbor St. and on , ' both sides 6f Jefferson Ave. from Arbor St. to CQ&coQlaAve. ; - ' F.O. �237032 - piew St., both ,sides from Palace Ave. to Jefferson Ave. - �, � F.O. �236857 - Zexington Ave., both sides from Juliet Ave. to Edgcumbe Road. - , r F.O. �236856 - Albert St., both sides from Juliet Ave. to Jefferson Ave. ' � F.O. #237717 - Randolph Ave., both sides from Chatsworth St.� to the,west to.,�,„__„ - �xd�-��'�t+���+����}rcT�:&.c 3.5E,�r;igh t-of-wa�,.v,._��*+��'rn"�" ,_ _. �..._.._'�....._.r..:...,r..,.,.__, _ F�O. �236743 - Macaleater St., west side from Watson Ave. to Niles Ave. �,,0��#236982��:�Snelrling»Ave:;�;.eas,t-side;�xom�`�P.alace�Ave:"to=Jefferson Ave�and~'�'� ;1 �� • on the west .side of Snelling Ave. from palace Ave. to Juliet Ave. � � C�i�"1'�4'=CS��a�rr�CS�r-�-��� Y��Lv��.�Y—+-.�T~��`1�Mr���rfVJ��T E111��l1�N�►I��M �.�we+ MI�kM►`�.-.��K �I;��=� �. wTw W .0 •���� , NON-ASSESSABLEs ' , ' F�i;O��`#237�,O�ni Lgayard�Ave�;,tbotti�s�de�'�,�r"om?Caneon St.�to-Bay�S't:�`���': �,��='��tian p:i#k� F.O. #237089 - Jefferson Ave., south side from Bay St. to Arbor St. and on � ` . th� a�:ove impxo�te:�tcb:otha�s,i�les��:ofRJeffer"soii`Ave�%'=f`r"om��Ar`b�or��S t�`zto`�Os�'Ceovlg��An`Y��Qr����'`�� F.O. �237032 - piew St., both sides from Palace.Ave. to Jefferaon Ave. ' Y a��F,.0:u�23�6856��=` Albert��S't.;��lititliz'sfdes'�ffrom'Jul-iet Ave. to Jefferson Ave. � ! F.O.. �237717 Randolph Av,e._ , both� sides ,from- hats orth;St;,; to��the-•wes.t��tto'�, A�t��3LV�ta. '.�'�iTr�ne3�E�r'i,ght,Y.of=way;�.� ta�� :.�:Yi� �.. ..wr,.,,. _ �. � ! F.O:�#2�6743 ��;I�,a�cya�:este��,;,st.•�,�a,�es�;sidg �from.cWats:on� '�° � '�'���-.�,---- � •, „ Av�.• t'o•Ni1es�Ave._- •_�. ( day of Januarv, 1969 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fina.nce give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of � hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the paxticular owner to whom the notice is directed. . � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Q�C 3 1 196� CaYISOn Adopted by the Council � Dalglish ; Meredith D�� 31 196� Peterson App ve� Sprafka � ,Tedesco By�(18 Tn Favor . Mayor L� � Against PUBLISHE9 AN � 1969 Form R-2 2M 10-63 8�,