241475 ' OR161NAL TO CITY CLHRK �I�� �'7Q�„ \' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF l i ' WHEREAS, Carl W. Woods and Judp M. Woods have filed a alaim � fbr damages resulting from a collision between the3.r vehiale and � r an emergency vehiale operated by Donald Drobinski and owned by � the City of Saint Paul on April 29, 1968, at �he intersection of ; Snelling Avenue and S�. Anthony Avenue; and � WHEREAS, the co113.sion was primaril.y the fault of another � vehicle which collided with the emergency vehicle first, so the t City of Saint Paul and the claimants Carl W. Woods and JudyrM. { Woods have resolved their difc�erences without eonaeding or � admi�ting any 1iab3.lity on the par� of �he City; and � f ; WHEREAS, as part of the settlement of the action, it was � agreed that the claim of the 03.ty of Saint Paul for dama�es �o � its vehicle would be cancelled and released as to Carl W. Woods ' and Judy M. Woods; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are authorized and + directed. to execute a release of that eertain claim of the City � of Saint Paul for damages to its utili�y �ruck arising out of , the mul�i-vehiele accident on April 29, 1968, reflected by � Registered Bill 3-5911, dated December 18, 1968, in the axnount � of $2,000.00, and said Registered Bi11 and claim is cancelled as � _ to Carl _W.,_Woo_ds and_ Judy__ M_. _Woods._.. _ _�._ , _ ___ _. � _ , ..,. ' FflR VE� . r A�zt� Cor� tion CounSeF � i � . . I � � , ; ; . , pEG � 7 1� { COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— I Yeas Nays i Carlson �EC 2 � 1�6� ! �.}� � Approved 19—_ � Meredith Tn Favor ; Peterson ` Sprafka U Mayor ` A gainst � Tedeaco ' PUBLISHE� JAN 4 �9� � Mr. President, Byrne � � f �O � i � � o��L��,T���R�►� CITY OF ST. � PAUL �o�N�a NO ���� � � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER nArF WHEREAS, Carl W. WaodQ and Judy M. Wood� have filed a ola�.m for damage� resulting froin a c�ollieion between their vehiale and an emer�ency vehiale operated by Donald Drob3ngki and owned by the City of 3aint Paul on April 29, 1968, at the inter�eotion of Sne�.l3.ng Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue; and WHEREA3, the oollieion wa� primarilq �he fault oF ano�her veY�.ia1e whieh o0�.1�.ded with �he emergenay vehl�le fir�t, Qo the City of Saint Paul and the cla�.mante Carl W. Wood� �nd Jud�r M. Wooda have re�olved their dif�erena�� without oonoeding o� admi�ting any liabslity on the part of the City; and WHEREAS, ae part of �he eettlement o€ the �.ction, it waa agreed that the alaim of the City of Saint Paul for damagee �b ite vehiole would be aaneel�.ed and releaeed as to C�,rl W. Woods and Judy M. Woodef now, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the proper Cit�r offiaere are authorized and direoted to execute a releaee of �hat oerta3n claim of the Cit9 of S�,int Pau1 for damage� to it� utility �ruak arising out of the multi-vehiole aavident on April 29, 1968, refleated by R�gi�tered H�.].1 �-5�11, dated Dacember 18, 1g68, �.n the �noun� of $2,000.00, and said Registered Bi11 and cslaixn �.a osnaelled ee to Carl W. Wovd� and Judy M. Woods. , DEC 2 7 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��— Approvec� DEC 2 7 1��� 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ��