241443� � � 2�����
� � ccuncil Fue xc.....'
� and
Theundereignedhereby proposeethemal�ingof thefollowingpublic�mprovement bq the Citq oi 8aint Psul,vis.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Portland Ave. from Pierce St. to Aldine �
St. and b�► doin� all other work which is necessar� and�incidental.to c�lete said
im�rovement•.---_........................................................... ............. ................................................._....
' Dsted thie... 23rd�....day of......................December __... 19 68
......... .. ..._�. .T.... .... ,+� ^�ry�"�- . , .
, Counoilman.
� , , , -
WHEREA$, A written proposal for the making of the following imprnvement; vis.: ' •� ,
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Portland Ave. from Pierce St:, to Aldine
St.��and�by.doingWall�other..work�which .is_.necessary.aad..incic��ntal..to��eo�,,I'��e�.�a�,i�d �
. . :...: :�
r _ _'-•- � - - + - -
- -� •improvement. ~-� , . � ' . ° � ` - t ' .
having t�een presented to the Counoil of the City of 9aint Paul..............._._._....._..............._....._..........._..._._...._.... �
therefore, be it
• R,E$OLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ie herebq ordered and diseoted:
1. To investigate the necesaity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. _
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated ooet of eaid improvement� and the total aoet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. -
4. To state whether or no�eaid improveffient ie aeked for on 4,he petition of three er more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Co oner of Finaaoe.
DEC 2 4�
Adopted by the e:ounail........................»....................... `���o
Y�se . .
Councilman .Carlson. pEC 2 4 1968
�_ . Approvecl....................................................._......._...
�atrd •
Meredith /
` Peterson
Tedesce --. . --..--.
Mr. President B.�r�rre ' ' Meyor.
�000 �-aa
�` � PUBLISHE� DEC 2� ����