241416 a ORf61NAL TO CITY CLERK �A�/,�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `i `a � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. I COUNCIL R ION—G L FORM i' C MM195�IONE Robert F. Peterso F �. WHEREAS, Paragraph 1 .63 of Section 1 of the General Specifications applicable to all local improvements awarded by this Council , unless � expressly wai.ved provides, for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of all guarantees incumbent upon the Contractors, the retention of a Reserve Amount, for the period of one (1) year from the date of the Final Estimate, and - WHEREAS, The entire physicat work on the following contracts were �� completed well over one (1) year ago, although the one year period from . the date of the final estimate has, as yet, not expired, and no amount ' has been expended by the City for any maintenance or repairs thareto, !, RESOLVED, That the Reserve amount withheld on the following listed �� project be released at this time, Improve- ment No. Description Amount Comp. �� - . +; L-66g5-8 Paving of �hepard Rd. $1 ,500.00 Aug. 22, 1967 �i Elway to 'Rankin ! , i �' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Contractor for the above listed project ;, be and he is finally •released from this contract. i: . ' i� 66-P-318C-2 I' I; i I' - ,t -' - '- ' - ' ' '- - - �^"' - '- i' �I� , i� '� �` DEC 2 4 1968 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ' Yeas Nays car�son DEGr 2 4 196� �� A roverl 19—_ - Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor .' s�_ A gainst Tedesco DEC 2 8 1968 F, PUBLISHEa . 1Vir. President, Byrne �' � �O f nur�tcwts ro rRUtmt ,2����� f CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY Rd�l'� F� Petsr�on � COMMISSIONER DATF I�A�i�R�AS� Persgraph 1 .6� of SN►ctton 1 of tha� 6aner�l 'Sps�iFic��ions sppli�bl� to all 1oca1 im�rovem�ntt �++�rded by �hi� Cou�,cil ., unless �xpnasly w�ive¢ }�roiride�e�. for the �urpose o� enforcing xhs prov�islon�t of all gu�r�ntiss Incumb�nt� upQn tt� Contr�ctorsi ttw r�taritio+� af � Reserrrs Amou��, for �hs p�riad of one �1) y�ar t�raa� tF� dats of tha final Estt�at�i: and i�M�R�S, Tt�e �nt i Fa phy�i ci 1 work or� ths fol lowi nQ con�r�r�ts �ra cou�letsd weil aver one (1) yaar ��o, �lthc�ugh �he one ��r p��'fod fro� th� dat� ofi thm f i�l eati ima�ts ha:, as yiats not sxrai red, �n� no a�oant has ban axp�nckd by tt� C i�y for a�ny aia t nt�n�nc� o� r�tpa i rt rlkrtCot ��l:VE��, 'f I�at ths it��srwa �mount Ni thhs 1 d on ths f o 11 ow i ng 1 i st�d pro,��cC ba rel���d st thi� ti�e., iraprove- �sn�„t No� ,Os.scr i p,_t ior� .A��°uat „�,*:�. , l-6695*8 Paving of #t�pard Rd, � �1 ,500.00 11c�g. 2�, 1967 Elway to ftankin FURTH�� RH�LV�D� Tha�t th� Cont��ctar for ths �bove # ist�d proaect bi and h� ls fina�ly rel�ased f.rom thts contract. � � � bb��«318C�2 • 1 ' ' , � , . y , . . , . . . DEC 2 41968 COUNCILNlEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays DE� 2 4 1968� Carlson �}�� , Approved 19__ Meredith �Tn Favor Peterson a a �� Mayor Tedeaco A gainst Mr.President, Byrne ��