241401 i , ORI6F�IAL TO CITY CL6RK � • )A��01 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�, r� 1 : � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE A ' COUNCI L+ TION EN�RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. �eterson r/ � _ C�MMISSIONE ATF ; - � i ; WHSREAS, In the matter of the contract with Hurley Construction Company for the construction of the PIERCE-PORTLAND-SUMMIT RELI�F SEWER, Project No. 68-S- � 1258, Comptroller�s Contract No. L-7058, which had a contract completion ; dat� of October 2, 1968, and ,; WHEREAS, The Contractor did not complete the contract work until October 25, 1968, ' and there is no showing that the failure to complete the work in the specified ; time was due to causes beyond the Contractor�s control, and ! WI�REAS, Section 1.54 of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction provides for payment of liquidated damages and the costs of engineering and , inspection to the City for failure to complete the work by the Contractor ' within the time specified, and j �9HEREAS, the K. M. Clark Engineering Company, Consulting Engineer for said project, has submitted a claim in the amounts of $989.04 for engineering and inspection � costs for the period from October 3, 1968, to October 25, 1968, which period covers the delay in completing the work, and � �REAS, The City did not suffer any other measurable damages due to the delay in, � completing the work; now, therefore be it � . � RESOLVED, That the City hereby waives liquidated damages and extends the contract � completion date to October 25, 1968, provided that the, Hurley Construction fCompany pays to the City the sum of $989.04 to cover the extra cost of engineering and inspection for the period of October 3, 1968 to October 25, � 1968, as claimed by the K. M. Clark Engineering Company, said amount of ; $989.04 to be credited to this project to cover said claim by the K. M. Clark f Engineering Company, and also pr.ovided that this resolution shall have no force f or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor�s bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. � � PPROVE �paati�n ,u�,,„� DEC 2 0 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays DE� 2 0 1968 Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor P�t�ri „�� �lating Mayor � A gainst :�� ,: ���::�::;s PUBLISHE� DEC 2 8 1968 ' .«t�. 77i.::ti * '�yir. Vice President (Peterson) . � �0 DUrLp�AT[TO rRINT6R 24�4 01 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY Robert �. Peteraon COMMISSIONER �ATF W�$R�:AS, In the a�att�r of the contract with Hurley Con�truction Co�pany for the construction of the FIBItC�-PORTLAND-SUI�lIT R�LIF.� S�TBR, Pro j�c� Ho. 68-S- 1258, Caeptroller�s Contract No. L-7058, which had a contract coxpl�tion dat! of Octobar 2, 1968, and WHLA�S, The Contractor did not co�plete the contra�ct work untfl Octob�r 2S, 1968, and th�re is no showing th�t the failure to cor�plete th� work in the gpecified ti.�e w�� due to cmus�a beyond th� ContraCtor's contml� end WHBREAS, Section �..54 of the Specifi.cations for Street and Seraer Constru�tian provides for p�ya�ant of liquidett�d deu�ages a�nd the co�ts of engine�riag and inspect3on to the City for failure to co�ple�� th� work by the Contr�etor Within the tiae +ap�cigied, and WHERSAS, th� K. M. Clerl� Lngineering Co�epany, Consult�.ng Engineer for �mid pro�ect, ha� �ub�itted a clai.c� in the asount� of $989.Oh for engin�ering and inspACtion coats for the period fros October �� 1968, to Octobgr 25, 1968, wh�ch period covers the del�y in «ro�pl�ting ttt� work, and WH$RBAS, The Ctty did not su£fer �ny other �aure�ble d�gea due to tt� delny in co�pleting the work, noW, tharefors be it RBSOLVED, That the City hmreby �va,ives l�.quidated d�ages end e�ttends the contr�et co�pletion date � Oc�ober 25,� 1968, �ravid�d th�t the Hurley Construction Coa�pany p�ya to the City th� st,tw of $969.04 to cover the �xtra co�t of engine�ering and inspectfon far the perfod of Oc�ober 3, 1968 Y.o October 75, 1968, as claised by the K. M. Clark Sngineering Co�pany, s�i�d ea�ount of $989.04 to be cr�dited to this project to cover safd clai� by the K. H. Clark �ngin��ring Co�p�ny, and elso provided th�t this re�olution ahall h�v� no forc� or �ffect unleaa tt� sur�ties on the Contractor'e bond cona�nt thereto �nd file such cone�nt in �riting with the CiCy �o�ptroll�r. e�C 2 01968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19— Yeas Nays �� � � 19 S g Carlson Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith n Favor Re�e�ava � � Mayor T�_ � A gainst :`�1'�'`��°�:���:ft 1ylr, Vice President (?eter�bu� �°�