241387 � 24138'� � � � . co�o��e xo..._�._.�........_.. I . ; PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - I . � and I � j PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby pmpoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the Citq of 8aint Paul�vis.: Condemning and tak3�i��. an.easement in the land necessar� for�the .slopes, cuts and fi11s, including r i ght �qyr��, c�f, l�,�gr�l„_�,yppo.r�#rgr�„��b,'��c�1 and or rema 1 nder thereof occas i oned by_excava- tions fihereof or construction of slopes in the radin and surfacing with bituminous material the .....................___.........................................................�...........�...................»..................................... ........._...... E-W alley in BLK. 4 UINBY PARK and BLK. 5 LOVERING PARK from relocated Fairview Ave. to the N-S a11 ey i n Bl k. �, Qu i nby�Pe rk..........................................._....... .�...........�........�... ........_................__�_........ Dsted thie.,........U.�h...»dsq og......................P.���m��r..... . lg ................. .... ..........��.... . ....... .............. Counoilman. PRELIMINARY OItDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Condemn i n�__and tak i n�,ani easement, i n_.the._1 and�necessary_ for the s 1 opes� cuts and f i 1 1 s,� i ncl ucl i ng r i ght of_.remova 1 of..l atera 1 support.,f rom sub�ect..l and or�rema i nder thereof occas ioned by excava- .r ............... ..... ..... -- -.... .. .......____.. ........ ..... . ... .. ._.. , .- -- - - . t i ons thereof or construct i on of s 1 o�es_ i n._the__�rad i_n�._and surfaci n�.wi th.b i tumi nous mater i al the E-W a 1 1 ey i n._BLK:,.4�.._QtU I NBY,.PARK and BLK. _��.,LOVER I NG PARK f rom rel ocated Fa i rv i ew Ave. to the N-S ' a 1 1 ey i n B 1 k. 4, Qu i nby Pa rk. .................____. .......---------•-•-•--............................._......._..... hsving been presented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul......._.._.._...................................................._..�...__.... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Publia Worke be and ia herebq ordered and direoted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature� extent snd eatimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. • � 4. To state whether or ao�eaid improvement ie asked for oa�he petitioa of three or more ownere. b. To report upon ell of P,he foregoing mattere to the L�mmiseioner of�nanoe. Adopt,ed by the �:ounaii...-................................. DEC 1�9 196�.._.. ' . Y�se Councilman .C----�,- DEC 1 9 196� Da1 g 1 ish �PProved.........._......._.....__......................._.......... : � } : �d .. .. . ....�.1 . Meredith � P n t n�++�v�— •^ , Tedescow � � � •�:" :�. ' d� ��D Mayor.`{` et:aj�'�����^i ..�sa:�w�:..�.r�.'.r.ee~ . � �-Q�r. �ice Presideat (Peterson) '� � �— C1 �PUBUSHE� DEC 21 1968 �; ° . y