241371 �r / � "' Orl�inal to City Clerk i � J y ORD� INANCE . I� COUNCIL FILE NO �j� i � PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO / j; � 1' AN ORDINANGE SETTLING 2'I�E CLAIM OF � Q�ERTRUDE H. RICE AGAINST THE f1ITY OF SAINT i , PAUL _ . . . _ , i THE COUNGIIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seation l. That the proper City offiQers are hereby authorized and direeted �o pay out of the Tort Liabili�y i IFund oo35-�F21, to Gertrude H. Rice, the sum of $350.00, . � in full settlement of her claim for dama.ges and in�juries � + I sustained by reason of a fa11 on a defeetive sidewalk at ` or near the 3.ntersection of Seuenth and Robert Streets; � Saint Paul, Minnesota, on June 19, 1g68. j , : Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to �he said �� I, claimant upon her execution and delivery of a release in �,; fu11 to the City, in a form i�o be approved by the Corporation ��' Counsel, for all daxnages and in�uries austained in the I�' manner aforesa3.d . - • � '��• Section 3. Tha� �his ordinance shall take effect and be in force tkiirty days af�er its passage, approval and publication. � ' � , ;, ; � JAN � 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ' � Carlson Dalglish Meredith n Favor Peterson /1 1 Against Sprafka v ' Tedesco 3 1969 Mr. President (Byrne) App ed: J�1N A st: . �,-- _. - Ci Clerk Mayor �� % P Form approved Corporation Counsel By d�7 n �, -� o R...e j � PUBLISHE� JAN 11 1963. � DaDlleste to Printer � � ORDINANCE � 24�� � � COUNCIL FILE NO PR�SENTED BY ORDINANCE NO r � � AN ORDINANCE SETTLINC+ THE ELAIM OF �ERTRUDE H. RICE AaAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3AINT PAUL DOES ORDA�Ns Seation 1. Thati the proper City officers are hereby authorized and direated �o pay out of the Tort�Liability FuncT q03�-�F21, to 4ertrude H. Rice, the eum of $350.00, in full settlement of her elaim for damagea and in�uries su�tained by reason of a fall on a defeetive eidewalk at or near �he inter�ection of Seventh and Robert Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on June 19, 1g68. Section 2. That eaic� eum shall be pa3d to the said alaimant upon her exeaution and delivery of a release in full to the C1ty, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Couneel, for all damages and in�urles sus�ained in the manner aforeeaid . Section 3. That this ordinance aha.11 take effeQt and be in force thirty daya after its passage, approval and publication. JAN 319ss Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalgliah � n Favor Meredith Peterson E-� Again t Sprafka 3 196� Tedesco ,�A� Mr. Preaident (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counael By � � � /'J\ �S� / � 2� Laid over +o 3rd and app /a �dopted rL� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays arlson �arlson �— �alglish TAeredith �eredith � 2413� �Peterson eterson � �prafka Sp"rafka � \Tedesco �Tedesco Nlr. President Byrne � President Byrne �O