241330� � 2��`�30 '
; � co�a��ae rro..�.........
Theundereignedhereby proposeethemsl¢ingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the Citg of$aint Paul;vis.:
- - -- - — ��.-�,.�. ��_..---=_._ -` �;�"
Open�w den_and extend:CLEAR.Ad� .E-:�'from�240:24��ft: we.st�of•Whi`te,B��. Ave.
to W�i"ite :Bear Ave.�y'taking.and^condemn g or.street ,purpos.es t�iose;,pa:"�s=��
Commenci,ng"'at in�erseCtion westerly- l ine of ,Lot g,' Ames Acre Lots and. �the�"�
r......+.. � 4 i� � T_ .i; !' �. �. . . �.. rr. ' u '........:..»
south�.=1�i ne�°of�E.l�ear Ave. �as�,pened, thence-easteri�y��°on a sfi�ra•i°ght�;1^i neT-�fio a
��po`i.n,t�:on:_the westerly l�ine of yLot.t10;��Ames��Ac�r�e Lofs';`said",point�beiing=`30�feet y
south o'�"�t e-nort�j�ine o�_.said Lot�10, �.thence not-t�'e"ast��r��o a straight
. t-�.at, n ...,�,...� ., r �.�+
]�L�i�;n.et�to„aypo_?nx..,2Q�.feet.�easte:rTy,ro.f..�the„�wes,te.r,l y,�.l.i ne,Yo`fr;sa�d:-Lot 10, and 20
feet south of the no rth 1 i ne of sa i d Lot l 0,��the�ce�e�te�-1 y,+�on�a,�s t ra i ght
1'ine 20 feet southerly and paral lel ��to•-the�°north�••�l�i°ne of�-�sa-�•duL-�ot•�l°O�to��the-�-°-�-
easterly 1 ine of said lot.10. �� �� �� � �a°°�°�'
" Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land �necessary for the
�s°l°opes°;cuts�artd°�f°i-t�l°s;i�nc°l�nd°i n��i-ght°"of—remova°l—o�l=�te-ra�l—support�yf�rom� .
subject land or remainder thereof,, occasioned by excavations thereof or ;
. r,s, �a� +�.T� r� �xa-r- ;
construction of slopes in the��grad�ing�andt'sur-fac�i�ng with bituminous material
-lC'LEAR�AI�E ffi-om 240' west o� Whi te Be�r Ave to Whi te Bear Ave.
' ,�lfi F i H,A . �e t!?7^tttnrtf ri'rhY1L1+'?L �`n1_tAts tnnitnnrn nr .�a 4n risaS++er++.an+.rf.�u+r.ennt v�� a
,��.__ _..r_._y..-__� __.�—a� ..O'...j..v.-v...v..�� ..
w..«a�«.w..� ��w�.w.P+����V�A'ti •.�• •wMi ii��M H. �I�.r� µ.w��w�YV•��• •w�.N�• ��M���...�.v.w��.- i4W�+�i�w
Open,: widen and�extend CLEAR AVE.�from 240.24 ft. west of White Be�ar_,Ave.
� ------•=ta-�Wh�i;,te��Bea���Ave:by-••taki•ng••:and�-•condemrni�ng�dfor••s•treet��•pur•poses.•those'�.par-.ts��..--�
. of,Lo:ts..9 F�'�10;Ames"�Ac�e Co:t's-�1-y-i-ng�norfh_of the�fol,l owi ng descr irb.ed�-1'i nei=..� ,
' "�"'°Com'm'e"ricing"a��n'te'rs'e"c't`ion`westerly 1'i'rie'of'"L�`ot"g,''iame's°7�cre`Lo�s and'°fhe°°'�-`'4''''"`-'�
. s outti-l,�i ne�of�l earw�Ave�,�as; .o ned' thence easterl��� on�a strai ht l i ne-to a-:�
....... �1 _ : „ ._.__.. Pe.� . _..... z,;......,..:T-.�-r�....,.Y,...__.......w_..�.....9.....:.........�,�.t. -- r
poi°nt�"'on�,th-e�westerlyr,Line�;of."Lot,1�0; �Ames Acre Lots.,_ said point .bei'ng�30���eet�
haP�so�th?o�=-��fie''•�nd��`F��k i°;rie��f�s a`i d���[:b��t�'U�;��theiice-•no r tFieas te r-1-y�on�-�a-�s�tf�a i�gFi t--�--�------
the���iuR.e�;to}a point 20 feet easterly'-�of�the westerly 1 ine of said Lot 10, �hd 20
' .f�ee�tJsou.th of�gi te9"��im�i�neer of�-Sa>�ju�'�°c�t�n�' at�ea�ero y�ruraxyd unaa�iis�t,�ci�9ht
1 ine '20�'feet sou�ther y, and paral lel to t e nor h 1 ine of� said Lot 1`0 to the
� �.. easter�l=jl�-1�i_ne�of�sai�d`�7�ot`�n:0:r de�rab�7it�+cf,��ha��k�ngof csid i*nprovemc���
2, �ALso;�,q,�demn Lng,�;and�takirn.g,tan_',�easem�n_t�i r�tFse��l-and,�nece�sa�r�,yj�for3 tthe t��;�f,
n�O�oi'.��H's�a�=ciog�i�'-�r��4��dofn�g���,gh�to,�of��r�er�noval of lateral support from ,
� �ub�ect'land'or rema3nder thereof, occasioied by� excavationsNthereof or � -
- cons�t nuc�t-i on�of-rs�-1 opes•�-i-n�f tie�`g�ad+i�ng�andi su r-fa�i ng�w�i th�b i tsm"i�n"o�s�r�matei-='r`a 1 -
Adopted by the e:ounail..._...............................A�.C.d...l.3 196�.....
Y�e� _
Councilman .Carlson. (��Ci 1 3 196g
_ � Approved.....__.........................................._............. '
.,���bl-0.�.�� E�e�g'r� w
U � V Meredith
. � � .�
• Tedesco -.• __..... .._ _
M�;.e:P,x�s°i:d�en:t� ;_B;�ne:;::� � de#i�g Mayor. ' „
::�:: ::t.:::�:.::�:o :.. ::::..... ,
l000 Y-64Mr. Vice President � �
PUBLISHE� pE� 21 1968
. � , - - �