241295 �--� - - � � . � _ y� . � � . � � � 2����5 .J [ � � � INTERMEDIARY ORDER � COUNCIL FILE N0. . � . . - � - By � File No. 1733 5 In the Matter of � : . � ��4,F'i..��'1rt` , . � ' ;r 'r' • , . ' . �.. i� ' - �-•4'.�y.�''_ ���j��fi-'.,6°'r.7` 1'-0.r,S� �,�•� •z� y �. 1 Y �i �+ F„ :�, �� �-�;�:s�Ib`�d�.y, 4r �y,F �.ti . ,,i . ! y • , . . . }5�i�x.. � Sa:�F�•, 4 .i 3,'�,••, ;� , ' '-�'�:,f R'�jy'�:"�. �,ti�'�,.' tyj ;i.• � , Openi�g, widening and extending Lafayette Road (City Project p-347A) by con= •� . ���?� and taking the following described lots and parc�la of land, all in ,` ' ' the City o£ St. Paul: • - � ' << 1 � �� ' , ' � � Those parta oP Lots 1, 2, 3 and �+, Block 7, in Warren 8o WiasloWS u ` add3tion to the ToKn oP St. Pc:ul, bounded on the southwest by the �� " ' northerly line of� Arkwri�ht Street, on the southeast by the nor�h- �� �� � westerly line o� the present Lafayette�Road, on the noz-�heas� by �"-��;` � 'the southerly line of Rivoli St., And on the nor�hwea� by a 11ne that �`"'� � is 37 �eet northwesterly of and para11e1 to the hereinaf'ter descr�bed •} line desi�nated as "Line B"� ; ` '; Also, those parta of Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, in Warren & Winslowa i - addition to the Toxn o� St. Paul, bounded on �he southwes� by the � �� _ nor�herly 1.3.ne of Rivoli St., on the southeast by the northWeaterly � - line of the present Lafayette Road, and on �he north by a stra3gh�. � - ± � line run P'rom a point on the northerly line o�' Rivol3 5�., said � ; ' point being 10 �'eet easterly �om the southwesterly corner oP sald : II ' Lot l, Block 9, oP said addition to the northeasterly corner oP sa3d ; �� ' 2l�ot 29 Block 9, oP said addition. � E' ; � . - SLOPE EAS�MENTS , ; '" � «� M � �. - .--_.___,I�lao condemning and taking easements in the land nece��t�ry �ox the alopea, _ � ' --cuta, and fil'ls, including xi�ht �f remova3 0�'--lateral aupport �rom aub�ec�L• �' " � -,��„ .: J.rxnd��or rernz�inder thereo� occr��loned by excavationa thexeoP or conatruct�,on � ' of alopc� in the gradin� und paving of Lafr�yette Road aa herein opened, the ; �- � I •elctent of said eaaemen�s to b� aa ahown on plana Noo 1807, pr. �+, on file �f", ' in the Depar�tment of Public Works� � t" � i� .z .... _ f ' __,_:v��-.._.;� ' _ � . •°---r-- -, - -T _7�� _ ._,__ �._-- --�--_-____� -- -�---- - - - -- ,.,T.. . �"t"^"' � _�...,y�+."�..._. + _ .-+�- `'� IIL�lYl� �,'.._ —�_., _ •'--•—'-., . _, .. --•--- _ --•_'l!;µT:" [. � � �, Corrmiencin� ut the poin� of intersection of the center line oP Grove Street and �he origin�il. center line of La.faye�tte Road; thence northerly alon� the , said center line oY T�zfayette Road a.nd the northerly extens3on thereo�' a distance o� 840.63 feet to the point o� beginning o� the line �o be described; �hence defl.ect to the ri�ht at a.n angle of �+5°03' on a straight line a distance ,. o� 662.79 feet to a point; thence on a �+°1+6.5' degree curve to the righ� , _ ' (delta an�l:e 7°02' ) uith a ra,djus of 1,200 feet, a dista.nce o�' ��+7.30 �'ee� �to a point; •thence northeasterly on a straight line �a.ngent ta the aforesaid ,curve a distance• o�' 28�+a20 �'eet �o a poin� and there terminat3ng. _ . � . 1�+^� - � . � Approve , � Sprafka � _ ,. _� Tedesco � Favor � , � �� � � , - . , � , ����� Mayor:• - . Against � , e-se-,.� �,O �1 '. PUBLISHE�. � DEC 2 1 ����