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' � Opening, widening, and extending Lafayette Road (City Pro�ect P-347A) by con-
demning and taking the following described lota and parcela of land, a11 in the -
� City of St. Paul: � '
� �
All of Lots 1, 2, and 3, of Grey and Cobbs Subdivision of Lot Na. 6 in Bass's
Addition of �Out Lots to Saint Paul, except those parts the�eo£ taken for � i `
, Lafayette Road. ' �
- �
r� .
{' Also "that part of Lot 9 of Jarvis' Subdivision of Lot No. 3, of Bass's Addition
of Out Lots to St. Paul, and that part of Westminster Street vacated lying
" northerly and easterly of the following described line: �
Commencing at the point of intersection of the centerline of University Avenue
and the hereinafter described line designaeed as "Line A"; thence Westerly
along the center l.ine of University Avenue a distance of 131.56 feet to a -
point; thence Southerly at right angle a distance of 30 feet ro a point on
the Southerly line of University Avenue, said point being the point of be- �
, ginning of the line to be deacribed; thence Easterly along the arc of a ; ,
circle to the right tangent to the Southerly line o£ University Avenue aC 3,"'
said point o£ beginning with a radiva of 67 feet for a distance of 98.64 feet ��{;�•
to a point; thence Southerly along a straight line tangent to said arc to �the !r,,
point oF intersection with a line run from the Southeasterly corner of Lot 1, r `'
as platted, Grey and Cobbs �Subdivis�ion o£ Lot No. 6 in Basa's Addition of �'�n
��� � Out _Lots to Saint Paul, to the Southeast corner of�-,Lot ].0 of said Jarvis' +�
Subdivision o _I,ot No. ,3,- of Bass' Addition of Out i,ota to St. Paul,� and there a;�-
- --.' ter`nii`na`t ing..��_._4 - --.�� �- �r--•--r- ,---,--,-----,�,--�--,.---- •- --- - .. _ , _. -_.. .. �
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Also those parCs of Lots 11 and 12, Jarvis' Subd-ivision of Lot No. 3, of Bass' '
Addition of Out Lots to St. Paul, and Lot 2, Bass' Addition of Out Lots to the
Town of St. Paul� lying between the present West line of Lafayette Road and �
Westminster Street and a line run £rom the Northeast corner o�f said Lot 11 to i �.
the point of intersection of the South line of Lot 2 of said Bass' Additi.on, � �
- with the said p�esent West line of Lafayette Road. �' „
; I�
• . �
"LINE A" '' '„f
� Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Grove Street with the original . ,
center line of Lafayette Road; thence Northerly along the said center line of
; Lafayette Road a distance of 531.17 feet; thence continuing Northerly on the ex- '
� - tended aforesaid center line for a distance of 309.64 £eet to a point and there
i Also changing the grade of Lafayette Road along the property described as: `°
} Lots 4 and 5, Block 13 and all of Block 12, Warren & Winslowa Addition to the �
� Town of St. Paul, �
' to conform to the grade shown on the pro�ile on file in the Department of Public Works'. ,,.
; � ,.
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. 6-66-2M �O x.� . _ � PUBLISHED pE�C 21 1968