241276 Couaoil File No.....�...���i�� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN7[' . and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Theundereignedherebq pmpoeeethemslaingof thefollowingpubliatmprovement bq the City of Saint Pt�ul,vis.: �� reconstruct the sidewalk on both eides of Cleveland Ave. from Carroll Ave. to Roblyn ..........................____......................................... ..... ...................................................................._............... , Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said i�m .rovement�..__ ..............................................�.w... . ..................�.�...�.�....................................................... ' Dated thie..........lOth:..day o�...............................December / 19 68 ............�.....���_��P��:�--- ........... , connoilman. r � PRELIMINARY ORDElZ. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.: i • � reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Clevelaad Ave. from Carroll' Ave to Roblyn ; ..............._...........................................................................___.....---........................................... . ............._......:...............__ ' Ave.NandNbyMdoing.a1lMother..workrwhich.is, necessary.and incidental .to_ complete said ` � im�rovement. , . , .. ............. .............................................___....................................................................._..............._.._........................... r ! having been preaented to the Counoil of the Cit of........~........................_........--M-�._......-....--...�.............M. .y.�.. y Saint Paul.. ...................._.... , therefore, be it , RESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Publio Work� be and ie hereby ordered and direoBed: � 1. To inveetigate the necesaity for, or deairability of,.the making of eaid improvement. � 2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated ooet of eaid improvemont� and the total ooet thereof. j 3. To furnieh a plsn, profile or sketch of eaid improvement. • i4. To state whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeked for on�he petition of thx�ee or more ownere. '� ± b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner o€Finanoe. + Adopted by the e:ounaiL..... ���` � � �96� ; ......................... ............_.............�...... ' xnes � G?�� � 219�� Councilman .Carlson. r $�e�' ApprOVed..............................».......�_..........._.......... ��V�'�� �}}� . � Meredith ; • ' P et-ersatr . � Tedesco -- --- -- --�---- � Mr. President & .�rsire-- ����� Mayor. , � �.� ,1 ✓U ; v� � PUBLISHED pEC 21 1968 i . f '