241271 �r OR[6JNAL'i0 CITY GL'SRK c�r� ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���.. ( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.�— COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE �� DATF WI�REAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul has approved on November 1�+, 1968, a prelimina.ry order, C.F. No. 2�+0934, instituting condemna.- tion proceedings to acquire certain lands�'or a fire station site; therefore, be it ` , , , RESOLVID That in accordance with Ord.inance No. 13851, C.F. No. 237405, approved Maxch 20, 1968, the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to hire, retain; and employ bnil H. Nelson and I,ouis C. Siebert, Realtors, for the purpose of appraising real property to be acquired for a fire station site as described in C.F. No. 240934, approved November 14, 1968, incorporated herein by reference, and the terms and conditions of the appraisal assignments being more f'u..7.ltiy� set forth on documents designated Appraisal Assignments Nos. 13�-A and 13�-B on file in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Pau1. � E�y�`� ' � � � � ��� � Cpc�°` �• i ' `` . ,� �E� 12196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carison p�(; 1 2 196� � Approve � 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Pp+°,� , � Mayor Sprafka �letl��'.� _ A gainst � Tedesco Mr. President, �e— PUBLISHE� � DEC 21 1�68 � �o �DUlLICAT6 TO rRINT'BR 24���� ,,� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N�i� NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WI�tEAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul has approved on Novamber 1�+, 1968, a preliminary order, C.F. Ro. 2§0934, instituting condemna- tion proceedings to aequire certain lands �or a fire station site; therefore, be it RESOLPID Tha.t in accordance xith Ord.inance No. 13851, C.F. No. 237�45, approved Nlarch 20, 1968, the Commissioner o� Finance i� hereby authorized to hire, retain, and employ Emil H. Nelson and Louis C. 3iebert, Realtors, fbr the purpose of appraising real property to be acquir.ed �or a �ire station site as described in C.F. No. 2�+0934, apprrnred Navember 14, 1968, incorporated herein by reference, and the terms and conditions of the appraisal assignments being more flilly set Porth on dacuments designated Appraieal Assignments Nos. 13�A and 130-B on file in the of'�ice oP the Comptroller ot the City o� 8aint Pa.ul. pEC 12 i96� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson 1 '� 1��� �h Approver� ��C • 19� Meredith ' Tn Favor P`tt�e�son Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President,��rne— �@ . ,,.- . •�-""_�'_'M .��,.�:,. ,___' - ,, �, ��� ' , �`f:� _Q� DRUPLICAT6'Pp DRPARTMENT 241?"7� � f ` • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �� F'OE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ^ATE �SAB, Tt� Council af the C i ty of St. Paul he�e approved on �re�er I4, 1968, a preliminary order, C.F. r:o. 2�U93�, inatituting Qoa�d�mne►- tion proaeediz�ge to acquire certai❑ la.�cls fc�r Q fii•e etation �it,�; ttlei'etoZ'e, be it RESOLVED That in accordance �+ith Ordinance No. 138g1, C.F. No. 2374pg, approved I�rch 20, 1y6�, the Co�iasioner af Finance ia hereby authc�ised to hire, ret�.a►in, and employ E�nil H. Nelso�a and Louie C. Si�b�rt, Rae�l�a�a, . t'or �he purpa�e of e.ppraigj:lg r�al lxraperty to be acquiz�d �fa� a tire � ertation site as deecxibed in C.F. �io. 240g34, e,pp�.o�,� ��, l�� 1968, �nnearpor�tted herein by rcference, and the tes�aa and c�ditioa�a ot th� � dppraiee.l aesir�ant� beir.� more t�l],y set fc�•�.h on documents 8eai },ed Appraisal Acsl.gnc�en�s i�os. 1 j0-A and 1.�0-�3 on file in the o�`tite ot� ` �a Coa�p�t'oll.er of the City of 5aint Pau1. ; 1 � , a 1 f J��, ,` � �.�'al��. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson ,��;��� �' Approved 19__ � 1Vleredith �� Tn Favor � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst IMr. President, B3�e�-- � �� �� `a � �« � ,, /�- / � G �� I , � , . I ' ' ._-� �O � � �� ' i `j� 1�. kr :� yr •, ,,, r, t� i ♦c ,���;k E`�,' i'�� ����:r.�, v -rk b+,n it G'�� '' � � Y4 �}) '�,, ,+i� ^�y k..�,� f�� 3��(t r Yx � ti;',�'� '�'��..s�� i�,� 6 ��.c r 1��t�S 'k;'�, t F ,�1'it , , . 4,?i i;`� t r�a '�.'� ; "�.; j '�y.• -�J� tu �j{�� y,..;' •1 :� t�� .r�� '�i�(: '!�}W,�t�;�+��'{�+z'�=7�, v�i��' ��{� 'p0.{,f,� .. . � � , t�. J. t �'�� erti . .,'r+��:.�,� ��t:� �� 1i r.�F'�r4 i��t-,:�'i'�'+��A .4J r� '�"� '�'.+�.+.. (r, . ` ,'j .;i ie.� �1 �'� �µ � �� 1 ( ^� 1_`ri.'�r��'�.r�r +Y�a'� a r H'y� ' � ` -,� �\. ��� . ' . � � �.' ,!i'tJ�v� -'t ilr tk .�► . T ' . r ` ',J r'.+4�:lz,�; �p' .e�1 �' ' - F,�.. ��, ` _ � � , - . �.�, k" � c�'<q . � � . � , � CT3'Y OF SAIN'r PAUL APPRAISAL ASSI�DII�EN� N0. 130-A , VAL�J�T�fltd �UZ��AU 286 C�TY HA.LL DATE: December 3, 1968 ST. PAUL, MT_NN. 55102 Fin. Dept. File No. 17338 Emil H. Nelson, Inc. Commerce Building Project- Fire Station Site ,_ ' St. Pau1, Minneso-ta Payne Ave. and Woodward Ave. � .o ���.�������� . � Au'thority: CF No. 241271 , � o cem e , 968 /z-/� -� � ,i� Dear Sir: �' ; Fund: 9167-149-001 � You are hereby requested to make appraisal,s of certain �arcels of real estate in the above referenced project located � „ I on Woodward Avenue between Payne Avenue and Brunson Street < <' ` said parcels being designated as follows: f � Parcels No. l, 2, 3, and 4 , On or before Jan. 31 , 19 69 , you will furnish tbe Valuation Bureau of the C�ty of Saint Paul, 2 copies of your appraisal report for each of the { above listed parcels. These apprai�als are to be made in accordance with the City of Saint Paul Valuation Bureau a�praisal speci.fications, a copy of which is attached hereto. tailure to provide documentation in accordance with { �these specifications will require resubmittal to the a�praiser for further ! support afi no additional cost to the City of Saint �aul. i � On receipt of your itemized invoices in duplicate and satisfactory completion of this assignment you will be paid the sum o£ Six-hundred dollars ($ 600.00 ) . � or on the following basis: -, - - - - - � � , .F. � ; , ��}�'"�''��.. �t• �V:,---I ..s4_ . . - ,i ---• . .. - - ... - .. --s�•tr' . . �, 'S�rs�;;: ' , �.*, � ,;,t hn•- �•.�y.��. 5'n•1 S �� j f� y �. �,c.. � � w{�;,� ,�: r t.a. ' f VY��`�','�.+ �" � . . ., � .. l� :� 4 1 '' N -:� . ..� �� av h i . . ' , . °-^ `� . � . . :V w, '�.,� - _ �,r ;�, ..i• *Ii �" , ` ! � e,� � . . � e • � �. . , . , ,. ,? . � . . � . , . y CTT3C OF SAINT PAUL APPRAISAL ASSI�NM.ENT N0. 130-B i VAL�ATI02� DiTtEAU � 2a6 C��.°Y HALL DATE: December 3, 1968 �� ST. PAITL, I�i?'NN. 55102 I Fin. Dept. File No. 17338 'I Mr. Louis C. Siebert � Cushing and Drisc oll, Inc. Project: Fire Station Site _ Pioneer �uilding Payne Ave. and WoodwardYAve. St. Pau1, Minnesota � ,���r��c�C,r�j �.,C;"� �Q ��ll!�..��;at.���� ���; � I �'' ` Authority: CF No. 241271 � �,Z,�j_ G y : Approved December 12, 1968 Dear Sir: .s� � �, Fund: �� 6��_1_4��0� You are hereby requested to make appraisals af certain parcels of real estate in th� above referenced project located I on Woodward Ave nue between Payne Avenue and Brunson Street _ _ � , - ' said parcels being designated as follows: parcels No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 � On or before Jan. 31 , 1969 , you will furnish the Valuation Bureau of i th� City of Saint Paul, copies of your appraisal report for each of the above listed parcels. These appraisals are to be made in accordance with the City of S�int Paul Valuation Bureau appraisal specifications, a copy of �ahich is a�Ltached hereto. �ailure to provide doeumentation in accordance with � these specifica�ions will require resubmittal to the a�praiser for further , support a�t no a�ditional cost to the City of Saint Paul, ' On receipt of your it�mized invoices in duplicate and satisfactory completion• , of this assignment you will be paid the sum of I Six-himrlrPrl rinll arG ($ fi fl_f]Cl � • � � or on the following basis: � - - - -- _ - - - - - � i � � ♦ � � � � � 1 - I ' .