241269 �
' In the matter of Council F�ile No. 240378, approved by
the Council September 26, 1g68, a Resolufion approving plans
for the grading and surfacing with bituminous material of
the alley in Blk. 8, Northern Pacific Addition from Arlington
Avenue to Nebraska Avenue. .
RESOLVED, That the order in the above matter be and
the same is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded.
.��� 12' �9��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson ��� 1 � ��s�
�_ prove 19—
Meredith n Favor
P�tersas �
' ���g� Mayor
A gainst '
Tedesco t
Mr. President, �yrae— •
'P1JeLiSHEe p�� 21 1968
__.._. � ,. J -- ----—
' •,- . . �- . . � / r
Councii Filc I�o. 23E327—By Robcrt F. I Council File No. 23�J276— V :Council File No. 240378—By Robert F.
Peterson—' ' � Peterson—
In the Matter of condemning and APPROVAL OF PLANS �
\Vhcrcas, A wrltten proposal for the� taking an easement in the ]and nec- Resolved, That the plans as suU-
m�kinK at the following improvement,; essary for the slopes, cuts and fills, mitted for grading 8.: surfacin� �vith
�•��.: [ncluding right of removal oE lateral ��ituminous material the Alley in BIk.B
Gradc and surface w(th bltuminous support from sub�ect land or remain- Northern Pacific Add. from Arlin�ton �
mnecrfal the �Ilcy in IILK. 8, NORTfi- �cr thereof occasioned by excavations Ave. to Nebraska Ave. under Prelimi-
F,R\ PACIFIC ADUITION from Ar- thereof or construction of slopes in nary Order No. 238�J27, apProved June'
11n�ton Avc. to Ncl�raska Avc.; also thc grading and surfacing with bitu- 5, 1J68 and Final Order No. 2395�J5, ap- �
construC� Stortn �vater drainage facili- minous material the alley in Blk. 8, proved July 30, 1�JG8, be and the same, / w�
tles 1n tlic nllcy, havinl; bcen presented NORTHERN PACIFIC ADD. from Ar- are hereby approved and the Commis- / � )
to thc Council oC thc Clty of Saint: ��ngton Avc. to Nebraska Ave., under: sioncr of Publlc �Vorks is hereby dl- ' / � ^
P�ul; thcreforc, hc it � Prcliminary Order 238928, approved rected to order said work done under ✓ �� �
Resolved, Thnt thc Cmnmisstoncr of , June 5, 19G8. •� Public Wotks Contract No. 68-G-1663; i{y �
Pul�lic Works bc and ls hcreby or�cred ' be it '
ond dlrectcrl: The Council oE the City of St. Paul' Further Resolved, That the cost oi
1. To investl�alc thc necesslty £or, having received the report of the Com- the aUove improvement including en-
or desirlhllity of, thc making of s�id missioner of Flnance upon the above qineerin and inspection expenses to
improvcment. improvement, and having considered be inclu�ed�vith the assessment againv;
2. To Investtgatc thc naturc. Cxtent said repOrt, hereby resolves: benefited property. '
�nd estimatrcl cost of sald f�n��rove- 1. That the said report and the Adopted by the Councll September
�ment, nnd thc total cost tt�ereof. same is hereby approvefl and adopted, 2g, 1968.
3. To turnisli a plan,pro(ilc or sketch And the said improvement is hereby Approved September 26, 1�J68.
�p� s�ict lmprovement. , ordered to be procceded with. (September 28, lf?68)
q. To a4�tc �viic�hcr or not said im-, 2. That the nature of the improve- ,,,_��.,,, ,.,._.._.. � :•y-=--'••
provement 1s nsked for on thc petillon ment which the Council recommends is
pt ihI��F �r. mp�E o�yr�g�s. ' to conclemn and take an easement 3n �
6, �iu �rrw�i. Upotl nll ef ihe fee�,•, itN� (a��d �@ee�6ar•S� f r �l�o �lopes; gut �—•
RofnS mattcrs to thc Commissioncr of :,nd r�us, �ncludin� r�ght of P�intlV81 0� �
FLi�ncc. �lateral supPOrt from subiect land or
A<fopted by tlic Councll June 5, 1968. �remainder thereof occastoned UY exca-
A)�►�ro�'ed .iunc 5, 19GS. vations thereof or construction of�
(Jt�nc 8, 19G8) slopes in the grading and surfacings
i �vith bituminous material the alley in
`r-•� ' -•- _ --- -' ij I31k. 8, NORTHERN PACIFIC ADD., ,
from Arlington Ave. to Nebraska Ave.,
Councll Ffle \o. 2389�—SY Robert F: ;n �ccordance with the Ulueprint here-
Petcrson— io attached and made a part hereof,�
; • ' 1 the hatched portions showing the cuts
� �Vhcrc�s, A �vritten proposal for thd and the shaded portions showing the .
m�king ot thc following improvement, fills: �vith no alternatives, and that �
�(�.: t thc estimated cost thereof is S50.00.
Condemning and takinfi an easementr Resolved Further, That a public
In thc land nccessary for the siopes: hearing be had on said improvement ,
cuts�nd (ills,lnclud(ng right of removal� on the 30th day of July, 1968, at
of Intcral support Irom subJect land or the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the . .
,rem�inder tlicreof occasloned by exca- Council Chamber of the Court House
�vntlons thcrco[or construction of slopes and City Hall Building in the City of
In the Aracifng and surfncLng wtth bi- St. Paul. That the Commissioner of ,
tuminous matcrlal thc allcy in BLK. 8, Finance give notice of said meeting to
NORTIiERN PACIFIC ADD. from Ar- the persons and in the manner pro-
lin�ton Ave. to Nebraska Ave., having' vided by the Charter, stating the time , ,
hcen presental to tlie Council of the• and place of hearing,the nature of the
Clt,y of Saint Paul; theretore, be it �provement and the total cost thereof
Resolved, That the Commissioner of as estimated. �
Pul>lic 1Vorks bc and is hcreby ordered Adopted by the Council July 2, 1968.
and dtrecled: • Approved July 2, 1968. ,
1. �To invcstigate thc necessity ior, File No. 17299 S.
or desirabllity oE, thc,making oP snid (July 6, 1968) , �
lmprovemenl. , , . . ,. .., •
1. To investtgatc thc nature, extent -' ,
�nd estimaled cost of satd improve- .
ment, and thc total cost thcrcof. �
3. To iurnish n plan,proHle or sketch ; ,Council File No. 239595— ,
of snid improvc�nent.
4. To 'stntc whether or not said im- , 1 In the Matter of grading and sur-
� provement Ls asked for on the petltion I ;facing with bituminous material the
� of tttrcc or morc owncrs. allcy in BLK. 8, NORTHERN PACIFIC
l 5: To renort upon all of thc fore- :ADDITION from Arlington Ave. to
f �oinq mnttcrs to thc Commisslpncr oi Wa ersdrai age faciliticsninnthe llem
Ftnnncc. Y.
' Ado��tecl by the Council June 5, 19G8.' � under Prcliminary Order 238927, ap- '
Approved Junc 5, 19G3. � ;Proved June 5, 1968.
(Junc 8, 19G6) � i A public hearing having been had �
upon the above improvement upon
, •Councll F[lc No. 239277—' � due notice, and the Council having .
heard all persons, obiections and
In thc Mattcr of grading and surfac-� recommendations relative thereto, and
ing with Uituininot�s material the allcy� havtng fully considered the same; •
1n BLK. 8, NORTHERN PACIFIC AD-' therefore, Ue it •
DITION from Arlinston Ave. to Nc-I Resolved, By the Council of the �ity
Uraska •Ave.: also construct storm of St. Paul that the precise nature,
tvater drainagc facllities in the alley,• extent and kind of improvement to be
undcr Prcliminary Ordcr 238D27, ap-� made by the said City is to grade and
pro��ed Junc 5, 1JG8. I surEace with bituminous material the
alley in Blk. 8, NORTHERN PACIFIC
Tlic Council ot the City o! St. Paul' ADDITION from Arlington Ave, to
h�ving recclved the report of the Com-� Nebraska Ave.; also construct storm
; missloncr of I'lnance upon the ubove; water drainage Eacilities in the alley �
lmprovement, and having considered� and the Council hereby orders s�id
.� sa�d report, hereUy resolves: i improvement to be made. •
1. Tliat tlic sald report and the+ Resolved Further, That the Com- �
s�me !s hcreUy approved and adopted.� missioner of Public Works be and 1s '
nnd thc sald improvement 1s hcreby� hereby instructed and directed to '
orcicrccf to Ue procceded with.� � prepare plans and speciRcations for '
' 2. Tl�at thc nature of the improve-; said improvement, and submit same to � '
ment tivlilch thc Council recommends is: �e Council for approval; that upon .
to �r�cic and surface �vith Uituminous; spid approval, the proper city officfals
m�tcrlal tlic allcy in Blk 8, NOATH- are hereby authorized and directed
rRN PACIFIC ADDITION irom Ar-� to proceed wlth the mnking of said �
I�n�;ton Avc. to NcUra'ska Ave.; also �provement in accordance therewith. �
construct storni tvater drainage facili- ' - �
tles l�i thc allcy, �vith no alternatives, . Adopted by the Council July 30, 1888. ,
and lhnt thc eslimated cost thereof; Approved July 30, 1968. i �
is S2,atG.30. : Flle No. 17299 G. -
Resolved Furlhcr, That a pubifc• . „ �_,_,�„�August 3, 1968) , ^ " . ' • �
hcartn� Uc liad on s�ld lmprovement• � • ' �
on thc 30th day of July, 19G8, at; ' . • ' �,
tho hour o1 30 o'NoNc A.M., in the; �
Council C1��mUcr o[ ttie Court Housc
nnd Clty II;i11 FiullcUn� ln the Clty of� � . .
St. P�ul. That the Cnmmfssioner ot I . ' , ,
F'In�nca Rive noticc of sald mceting to
tliu perso�is ancl ln thc m�nner pro-( � ' .
vtdccl by Uic Ch�rtcr, s[aUng the ttme •
nntl pincc o[ hcaring, thQ naWre of the'� .
(mpru�•cment nnd pte tot�l cost thereof
pa nsthn��ted. ' -
Adopl�•d 1iy thc Cowictl July 2, 1968. '
ApPryYctl Jttl)' =. 1909. ,