241254 Od¢In�l to City Clerk ° ' •, , '�
�"�� ��� �:- ORDINANCE 241254
� . .
= �, Page 2.
2. That the own.er of said real estate, within the period of
sigty (60) days next succeeding the publication of this ordinance,
shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully egecuted cou.nter—
parts , said own.er' s written acceptance of this ordinance,
incorporating, among other things, said own.er� s grant unto said
City of Saint Paul of a negative easement affecting said real
estate, for the imposition, maintenance and en.forcement o� the
aforesaid conditions, restrictions and limitations upon the
employment and use of the property described herein, approved as
to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and recordable
in the office of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement
and restrictive conveyance shall be drawn. to exclude all uses
permitted in "B" Residence Districts, "C" Residence Districts and
"C-1" Residence Districts.
3. That, in addition to other requirements therefor, said
` ownerts written accieptance and grant of negative easement shall
incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance, and immediately
upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause
one of such counterparts thereof to be filed o� record in the
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Section 3. -This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
- � < - - - - -.�-_ --- .
, �,
; �-
- , -� - .�
��� 2? 1968
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Me� n Favor
�/ Peterson �
� �ga,inst
. President e DEC 2 7 1�5�
A oved:
Atte t:
- �
'° = Ci Clerk Mayor
�� 6' � _ '
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
• � 'pUBLISHE€ JR� �
....Dqvltcate to Printer ' ' '.
_ - ORDINANCE �,��.��
An ordinanae amending the •
Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inolusive, b� the Saint Paul �
Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Dietriots, Height Distriota
and Rezoning o� certain proper-
ties in the City of Saint Paul,
as amended.
Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chaptera b0 to 64, incslusive, .
o� the Saint Paul Legfelative Code, pertaining to IIse Districts,
Height Distriots and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of
Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same i� hereby further amended so
as to rezone the following desaribed property on the terms and
conditions egpreseed herein from "C" Residence Dietriet to Commeraial
Distriot, to-wits
Lota 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace
Park Addition tu the City o� St.
Paul, Ramsey County, State o�'
situate on the northwest corner o� Oakland Avenue and La�,rton Street
in the City o� Saint Paul.
Seotion 2. The property desoribed above i� sub�ect to the
�ollowing terms and conditionss
1. That, sub�ect ta any turther reolassitioation of the
hereinabove described real edtate by virtue o� prooeedings therefor
hereinaYter instituted, conducted and oompleted according to the
applicable provisions o� said Zoning Code, e�feotive as oY the date
ot said petition for reclassi�ication and the appliaable pro�rieions
oY the statutes o� the State of Minneaota, hereby, the emp�.oyment of
said real estate henoe�orth is restricted and limited to the �ollow-
ing speci�ied use, to-wits
Commercial Distriat �or the opera-
tion o� an antique shop on the
first floor and reeidence use on
the second floor by the petitivner
and property awner, sub�ect to all
applicable �tatutes, 'ordinances,
rules and regulatione pres�ribed
�nd promulgated by gavernmental
agencies having Qognizance.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �
Dalglish Tn Favor
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk 1Vlaqor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� 1�aD1��+��Printer � � '. ,
. � ORDINANCE 2412��
Page 2.
2. That the o�rner of said real estate� within the period of
eizty (b0) days nezt s�icceeding the publiQation of this ordinanee�
shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully exeouted counter-
parte, said own.er' e written acceptance of thia ordina.nce,
ineorporating, among other thinga, eaid owner' s grant unto eaid
City of Saint Paul of a negative ea$ement affeoting said real
estate, tor the imposition, maintenance and enforcement of the
aforeeaid oonditiona, restriQti.ons and limitations upon the
employment and use oY the property de�cribed herein, approved se
to Yorm and ezeoution by the Carpor�tion Couneel and recordable
in the o�fioe of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement
and restrictive aonveyance ahall be drawn 'to egolude all uaes
permitted in "B" Residence DistriQts, "C" ftesidence DistriQtg and
"C-1" Reaidence Districte.
3. That� in addition to other requirements there�or, said
owner' s written acc.epta.nae and grant of negative easement shall
incorporate a aertified +oopy of this ordinanee� and 3mmediatel�
upon the aforesaid filing of the eame the City Clerk shall csause
one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the
o�fiQ� o� the Reg�.�ter of Deeda in a.nd �or Rameey County, Minnesota.
Section 3. This ordinance ehall take e��ect and be in foroe
thirty (30) days from and a�ter ite passage, approval and publication.
DEC 2 � 196�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Mer�1� n Favor
Peterson �
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: DEC 2 71�68
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
/ � ..� � .. � • � r: • �
;;` � '�. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��✓ � .
� Y
J Note: The�' signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petitiot�. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 22'3-4151.
(Please type or print) 'Ij
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall '
City.of Saint, Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�a or more of
the. frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
, ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace Park Addition, commonly described as
547 Oakland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, ���� Q �� � �'� � _ �O rn�
from C Residential District to Commercial Distr ct, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(descri�be briefly the proposed facility) `
l ,
Subject Propert ; ' �
' �� lRnfi-w� dZ- � �
y7 0 � �
16 a a
a o
15 8 Terrace Park
� �
.�`� /� .
�i '�� ��-�� Gy - Terrace Park
v'�y.�-�y� "-'�'��-n-� �-'� i3' ����-u-�� 15 12 Terrace Park
54 Lawton Ste s , if"�'�
�� �� �� �� G� NW 25'
15 12 Terrace Park
5'G�� 5G s o���l�N c/ " .
� -
563 & 565 Oakland
� 05, .
State of Minnesota ( �' � �-�G�`� �
County of Ramsey (
s s �--_._._ . �" ' '� �
_. .
• '•-�.
Doris Appelbaum � _ ; being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
. 'is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of t pages•
that the parties described above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name;- that this petition was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true �
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
. Subscribed and sworn to before me �
this 4th day of September� 1968. :��
, �7G�/h/ h Address: 1072 (#�o rich Avenue
Albert D.. Levin � Telephorie No. 225-07T0
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn: �
My commission expires May 27, 1972. � Approved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65 ' .
� " „
� ,.
, : • � � ' �
,_... y
` °��� 7��
� - .
. �
� � ,
. �
``� THIS INDENTURE, made and executed this �t� day of
'�� ,,, � ��� �,� , 196�, by and between Donald Windish an.d
, Shirley M. Windish, husband and wife, of the County of Ramsey,
� State of Minne�ota, he�etinaf��er d'esignated "t�ie '�first; parties" ,
and City of Saint Paul , hereinafter designated "the second
party" ;
o C�%
� �
� W
� � WHEREAS, The first parties , on and for a considerable
O7 ,�
� period of time next preceding the 4th day of January, 196g,
N �
x (.'� were� and ever since said date have been the contract owners
Q x .
-Z o
� � of all of the following described real estate situate in
� the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota,
to-wit : •
- Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace �
Park Addition to the City of St .
• Paul, Ramsey County, State of
Minnesota, situate on the north-
west corner of Oakland Avenue an.d
� Lawton Street in the City of
. � Saint Paul ;
WHEREAS, Said real estate on said date and for a consider-
able period of time negt preceding the same, was zoned and
� classified in "C" Residence District under and by virtue of
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, Zoning Code, Saint Paul �Legislative
Code, as amended, and pursuant to the petition of the first
parties the Council of the second party, according to the
� provisions of said Zonrng Codc, as'"amended, and� the Statutes
of the State of Min.nesota, in such cases made and provided, with
the written acquiescence of the owners of two-thirds of the
several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet
- �(���j' �,�n�� �*��E �F�D �b�
� 4285 � � �..� �► saaE A
1' � • • 1 � • r
of said real estate, duly enacted City of Saint Paul Ordinance
No. 14070, C. F. No. 241254, approved December 27, 1968, and
� published in the Official Newspaper of the second party on the
� 4th day of January, 196g, amending said Zoning Code, as amended,
� .
�-�= ' so that said hereinabove described real estate was thereby
� and thereun.der rezoned and reclassified from "C" Residence
m District to Commercial District, subject to especial exceptions
�and conditions in the nature of especial restrictions upon the
use of the same whereby the use and employment of said
hereinabove described real estate was restricted to the
follow�:ng uses and employments , subject to further rezoning
and reclassification o� the same by virtue of proceedings
therefor thereafter instituted, conducted and completed,
according to applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, as
amended, and of statutes of the State of Minnesota, to-wit :
Commercial District for the operation
of an antique shop on the first floor
and residence use on the second floor
by the petitioner and property owner,
subject to all applicable statutes ,
ordinances , rules and regulations
� prescribed and promulgated by govern-
mental agencies having cognizance;
WHEREAS, The first parties , for themselves , their heirs ,
administrators , executors and assigns, intend hereby to accept
said Ordinance No. 14070, and to provide for the imposition,
maintenance, and enforcement of such especial restrictions upon
the use of said hereinabove described real estate to run with
the land and to grant unto the second party, in.. further com-
� �
pliance with the conditions of said Ordin.ance No. 14070, a
negative easement therefor;
NOW, THEREFORE, the first parties , as such owners of said
hereinabove described real estate, for themselves , their heirs ,
, , - .
� administrators , executors , and assigns , do hereby covenant
� and bind themselves , their heirs , administrators ; executors
{.� and assigns , unto the second party that , in accordance with
�^ ,
� said Zoning Code, as amended, particularly as the same h�a,s
m : been amended by said Ordinance No. 14070, said real estate
has been effectively restricted and limited in respected of
its use an.d employment and shall henceforth be restricted
and limited in such particulars as follows , to-wit :
1. That , subject to any further reclassi-
fication of the hereinabove described real estate
by virtue of proceedings therefor hereinafter
instituted, conducted and completed according to
the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code,
effective as of the date of said petition for
reclassification� and the applicable provisions
of the statutes of the State of Minnesota, hereby,
the employment of said real estate henceforth is
restricted and limited to the following specified
use, to-wit :
, Commercial District for the opera-
tion of an antique shop on the
first floor and residence use on
the second floor by the petitioner
and property own.er, subject to all
applicable statutes , ordinances ,
rules and regulations prescribed �
an.d promulgated by governmental
agencies having cognizance ,
and the said first parties , for themselves , their heirs ,
, �
administrators, executors and assigns hereby grant, convey and
warrant u.nto the second party, said City of Saint Paul , as such �
municipal corporation, in trust for the ben.efit of the public,
. �
` 3
� ' • �
� �
� administrators , executors , and assigns , do hereby covenant
� and bind themselves , their heirs , administrators ; executors
+,� and assigns , unto the second party that , in accordance with
�i.^, .
� said Zoning Code, as amended, particularly as the same Yt�a,s
m been amended by said Ordinance No. 14070, said real estate
has been effectively restricted arid limited in respected of
its use and employment and shall henceforth be restricted
. and limited in. such particulars as follows , to—wit:
l. That , subject to any further reclassi—
fication of the hereinabove described real estate
by virtue of proceedings therefor hereinafter
instituted, conducted and completed according to
the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code,
effective as of the date of said petition for
reclassification.� and the applicable provisions
of the statutes of the State of Minnesota, hereby,
the employment of said real estate hen.ceforth is
restricted and limited to the followin.g specified
use, to—wit :
Commercial District for the opera—
tion of an antique shop on the
first floor and residence use on
the second floor by the petitioner
and property own.er, subject to all
applicable statutes , ordinances , , '"
rules and regulations prescribed • � '�
and promulgated by govern.mental ; ��
agencies having cognizance,
and the said first parties , for themselves , their heirs ,
administrators, executors and assigns hereby grant , convey and
- warran.t unto the second party, said City of Saint Paul, as such
� mun.icipal corporation, in trust for the benefit of the public,
i �:�r�^. �
� 3
' � • . .
.., � • ° . .
� ,
'� a perpetual negative easement in and to said hereinabove
Q � described real estate and all thereof, for the imposition,
� maintenance and_ enforcement by the second party, as such
i,� .
e--I :
� , municipal corporation, oY the aforesaid restrictions and
m limitations upon the use and employment of said� hereinabove
� described real estate, to run with the land, and for good
; and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency
whereof by the first parties hereby are acknowledged.
FUR.THER, the first parties make reference to said
Zoning Code, as amended, and by reference incorporate the
same herein; as part hereof, with the same intent, purpose
and effect as if said Zoning Code, as amended, were fully
set forth herein; and make further reference to said
, amendatory Ordinance No. 14070; and said first parties ,
for themselves , their heirs , administrators , executors and
. assigns , hereby accept said amendatory Ordinance No. 14070,
and every provision, term and condition of the same without
reservation or exception.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, said first parties , Donald Windish
and Shirley M. Win.dish, husband and wife, have set their
hands to this instrument as of the day and year first above
I Presence Of: ,
' �, _ .
Do a d Windish
' � ` � • •
, Shirley . Windish '
� st. Corporation Counsei 4
.J r . • � • J
' �
• ' �
�� -
Q � SS•
--, -
�ti✓ ,
� On this ���h day of �,�,��,�,�,,�� , 196�, before
m me, a notary public within and for said County, personally
' appeared Donald Windish and Shirley M. Windish, to me kn.own
to be the persons described in, and who executed the fore-
going instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the
same as their free act and deed.
C, -
,. i
� ��,'I��tiM, �r
� ary Public, Ramsey Co �;`�'�' �'�;n:°°��
�r' � d'� ,� � 4�`�
s,'`�, +,� �
My commission expire's�'y����`��;�,�,,• '��-' '�
,��°�`'�,t�s����!'�� � f�r!,p rf;,� �' }�t,
�AMES E. KNUTS� N'���'� �,"[�,'.�+ �'i�'1�Iy?r;�.� „ +
. Natary, Public� Ramsey Coun fi ',itlrigk t��g � ,*;�;}�. ,
Ivly, Commiasion Expires :1�' • +`�$��' �Y,{','']jry����3 '� ,
,-� ����,,�.rS�`y��'l4tT�:�F'S4� S�"��1i.t
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� �v �a
December 2_,• 1968 �
; Mr. Harry E. Marshall � \
City Clerk �
- Room 386
. City Hall
Dear Sir:
'I'his is written in response to the petition of Donald Windish
to rezone from "C" Residence to Commercial, property located on the
northwest corner of Oakland Avenue and La.wton Street. This property
is further described as Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace Park Addition.
The petitioner proposes to establish an antique shop on the first
' floor and residencer;use on the second floor. Since this use is not a
_ home occupation and the proposed' antique shop would occupy more than
" twenty-five percent of the axea of one floor, its establishment is
, • dependent on rezoning to Commercial.
. The Board of Zoning considered this matter at its Idovember 7, 1968
meeting. The staff reported that the proposed used would not be detri-
_ mental to adjoining higher density residential uses and could enhance the
• historical value that the existing structure might have. On the other
, ° hand, the proposal would be spot zoning and a commercial use other than
the proposed could be detrimental to adjoining residential uses.
Mr. Levine, representing the petitioner� stated that the struc�ure has
an historical value and that it will be restored and refurbished.
� It was the findings of the Board that the proposed use would be' a
' good development and would continue and enhance the historical value of
the site.
Consequently, the Board of Zoning recommends approval of this petition
to rezone, provided, however, that the commercial use be limited to an
antique shop as proposed by the p.atitioner preserving this historic
structure and that a negative easement be filed with the Register of Deeds
incorporating these conditions. Mr. Levine said that �his was satisfactory
to his client as that is what they intended to do.
. Very truly yours, cJ���L
� `
" '�� .�,� r , >G �
George G. McPartlin
GGMcP:cv �
CIS � ��"
Z.F. #6609 � � �
: "`� �i
� �
n � . .. . �
�rcy.E.�Nlarshall GiTY op Albert B. Olson
` City Clerk and Rq� �y Council Recorder
Commiasioner of Repistration o �
.�L ��. '� 7
• �B M hC
888 City Hall
SE.Paul,Minnesota 6610�
Sept. 25, 1968
Zon.ing Board, •
" Commerce Bldg.
The City Council referred to you for recommendation the
att�ched petition of Donald Windish and Shirley Windish to rezone
Lots 16 and 17, Block 8� Terrace Park Addition, located on the
northwest corner of La.wton St.-and Oakland Ave, to Commercial District.
Very t uly yours,
City lerk �
� �
• � �
� � �
SEP ��� D
Cl;fy � 1968
S�A��1�1ry� �
., _� . . � , ;
• • • MINNESOTA' '
113 Court House,bb102
JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner
LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223�3646
September 25, 1968
To the Council
City of Saint Paul
: I have checked the attached petition of Donald Windish and
Shirley Windish, filed in the matter of rezoning,
Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace Park Addition. The
property is located on the northwest-corner of Lawton
Street and Uakland Avenue,
from a Class "C" Residence District to a �'Commerical
District, and find that s8�d petition is sufficient.
Yours very truly,
ames J. lglis ,
Commissi er of inan
Re: X-592
, c.c. Mr. Ames
N. R. Seiden
z . -
, ��
' I30ATtU Ol�' ZONING. 1t�P0IZr ANll AC'�ION �. November 7•, 1968 � Plat ni�p 6
' Aci;ing under Legis].ai;ivc Codc Cl�apter 60 tbru 64 . rile No. �
passed Augusi: 2�, 1922 �s amended to Augusi: 24, 19G4 6609
� Also
1. APPLIC/1NT'S NANI� • Donald Windish -
2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Ap�eal. ❑Permit ❑ Oi:her
• �.
3. PURPOS� . • Rezone "C" Residence to Commercial to allow antique shop
4. IACATION � Northwest corner Oakland Avenue and La�aton Street
5. LEGAL D�SCRIPTION � Lots 16, & 17, Block 8, Terrace Park Addition .
• 6. PR.�SENT ZONING . "C" Residence
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.06 Section: Paragraph:
A. SCFFICIENCY: A letter from the Finance Department dated September 25, 1968 has
declared the patition sufficient with 5 of a possible 7 owners having signed
the p�tition or 71.4�.
C. PROI�SED USE: Use one existing apartment as residence and furnish house with
antiq e furniture for display and sale.
D. FRO;ITAGE AND AREA: 90 feet along Oakland Avenue with average depth of 125' and
an area of 11,250 s�}uare feet.
• E. AREA ZONING: The ar�a east and west along Oakland Avenue is zoned "C" Resid�nce; .
north of the bluff is "A" Residence .
F. COtPREHENSIVE PLAN�: Rscommends this and surroundino pronerties be developed under
steep slope conservation and scenic driveway. R-4 in adjacent areas.
G. _STTE CONDITIONS: Site is located at the base of an intermediate bluff and is
approximately four feet abovs Oakland Avenue and the slope from west to east about
. two feet and three feet down from north to south.
• H. AREA CONDITIONS: Oakland Hill is developed with multi-family uses from the
vicinity of Ramsey Street. west to the end of the bluff. South is a park and the
right-of-way of 35E. • .
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval � Denial Council Lt.
Moved by: McPartlin Yeas Nays
� x Ames
, Seconded by: Gadler Cohen Date of Hearing
' 'x McPartlin Council Action
Secretary's remarks: Haarstick - Alt.
Negative easement x Gadler Date
- x Maietta
• ... n ,� t' ,
� 113 Court House 55102 ,
4 November 22, 1968
City Clerk
File X592, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing wiil. be held in the
Council Chembers of the City Ha1Z and Court House in the City of
St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on December 5, 1968, on the petition of
Donald Windish and Shirley Windish to rezone from a "C" Reaidential
DistricC to a "Ccommercial District" the following property: Lota
�6 and 17, Block 8, Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, ,
Raansey County, State of Mimiesota. The property is �ocated on the ' •
northwest corner of Lawton Street and OakYan� ,Aveny�,�. -
For further information contaet Planning Board, Room 1030 Comonerce
Building or phone 223�4151. �
Commiseioner of Finance
: _ _ . . � . - _ , . . �
' - . , _ . i's.�,'Iz + f, ' „ ° _ ` . � - �_ ' '
�- i . � ' + � 4 • �
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-, _ ' , - , ` . . + � : , ' , - � ., ` . , --.
. " . ' " ` . , . . ' - - � a`, -
" . ' � , i - - -°. , T ." : -� Janua.ry► 6th, 1969 ' � - . .'. i .�. ' .' � = _ -� ,
� . � . � . ; - . . . . -_ _ - _ - . , -
. , . . • � � _ - . : . ° , -
- � _ . , � - - . - _ . .:: _ . - �_. _ - - - --
- _ , . - _ � _ _
_ - - � _ . � , . -
- - - � Mr. Albert'�D.'�Levin -. „� , . ` - . .. '' , , . . - -
+Attorney �t LaW � - - - - � ' - _ � - . � .
Coamerce Building _ - -. - - , . � --- -- • . .
_ 8t. Paul, Minneaota° , � ,:,
� . _. .q , . ' . _ '"` ^ �
. - LGGii ►7ii i ' • • � _ = n. ' , . ' '
,�. _ • " ' .
' Enclosed ia a copy�of an orcli e re�on Lots 16 and 17, Bloek 8} . - - -
' Terrace Park Addition,_at the_ hwee rner o� Oakl�nd Ave: nnd - ,- - - .
La�rton St.� to Commercial �ietri eat� to ca'rta,in conditiohe � ' - • � �
as eet• out in the ordin - . , _- ' , -
. . - . � _ . � � -> - . _
_ We cdll your �_apeQial tention Par �p$ 2 �hich reguires the �• -
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�1 070—BYeVict r4J. T desco— ce No.
An ordinance amending the Zoning
Code, Chapters 80 to 84, inclusive, of
the Saint Paul Leg'islative Code; �is-
taining to Use Districts, Height
tricts and Rezoning of certain proper-
ties � rr�e city of se�t ra,u, as STATE OF MINNESOTA
The Council of the City of Saint Paul (�pun�jl of Ramsey 88.
Does Urdain:. .
��/� That. the Zoning Code, Chapters BO
u.� to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Leg-
� islative Code, pertaining to Use Dis- �,p F,i'. �,rshall �'
t�iots Height Districts and Rezoning of I r�!..._.._............._..._.,_.........................._..._City Clerk
W certa�n Properties in the City of Saint f°°----°............................
Q Paul, as amended, be anid the same is
o.- hereby further amended so as to re-
zone the following described property of the Ci of Saint Paul, Minneaota do hereby certify that I have
`� on the terms,and conditions expressed �
herein from "C" Residerice District to
t,y� Commercial n�:r��c, to-Wit: compared the attached copy of Council File No....._...__....____�._.s _.. .�
r,.� . i,ot� is and i�, siook a, Terrace 2�+12 �F ..bein
Park Addition to the City of St.
�j pa„i, Ramsey co�t�, state of Ordinance No. 1�F070�
x Minnesota; as adopted by the City Council._.__.?�cember 2'j
� situate on the northwest, corner of ____________________�._....._........_.19.._._s___._...
� Oakland Avenue and Lawton Street in
the City of Saint Paul.
sECZZOrr z and approved by the Mayor--------------�cember.27x----_--.........._19_..�..-•--•-
The property described above is sub-
ject to the following terms and �an- �� �e original thereof on flle in my office.
1. That, subject to any further re-
classiflcation of the hereinabove de-
scribed real estate by virtue of pro- ,
ceedings therefor hereinafter instituted. ..-------..._-------------------°-----------...--------°---°--------.....-----...---...--°------
conducted and completed accordinB to•
the applicable provisions of said Zon-
in� Code, effective as of the date of
'sazd Petitian for reclassiflcation and .°--°°-----------------------....._............_------------°°°--.......°----------------°-----•-°--°--.......-----°.....--
the applicable provisions of the statutes
of the State of Minnesota, hereby, t1'ie
employment of said real estate hence-
forth is restricted and limited to the ----------°.......................°--°°---------------------°-----°--.._..----------._._.
following specifled' use, to-wit:
Commercial District tor the oper-
ation of an antique shoP on the ----°-----------------°-°°--...--------------------°-.....---_._.
first floor and residence use on the """'"'"'"'°"""""""""'°°""""""°"""""'
second floor by the petitioner and
property owner, sub7ect to all ap-
plicable statutes, ordinances, rules __..__................................._.
and regulat�ons Prescribed and -------°------------------------------------°°----------°-----------......_.......------
promulgated by governmental agen-
cies having cogruzance.
2. That the owner of said real estate, ._-------------------------°----'------•-----------^----°°--------°-------°-------------°----°---°--•-----^--
within the perlod of sixty (60) days
o dinanceee shall hflle uwith i the f City
Clerk. in two (2 )fully executed coun- --°--°----^-°-°-------_.....-°---------°----°--•°-------------------------°---°--------.....................--°--•
terparts, said owner's written accept-
anong other things�said owner'srgrant
unto said Cit of Saint Paul of a nega- --------•------------°------------°------------------------°-----------•------.....__...---
tive easemen affecting said real estate,
enforcem nt�of i the aforesaid ccond i �
tions� restrictions and limitations upon --------------------------------------------------^°----.....--°...----°------------°°-...--°------
the employment and use of the'prop-
erty described herein, approved as to
iorm and execution by the Corporation
Counsel and recordable in the offue ----------•------------------°-----------°----°--•--°°-°----------_--.....------
of the Register of Deeds and said nega-
tive easement and restrictive qonvey-
ance shall be drawn to exclude all "'I�further certifq that said copy is a true and conect COpy Of
uses permitted in B" Residence Dis- '�'^' ��_ �z��?,. .� �
tricts, "C" Residence Districts and �{r �'°"L:^ t ,.� ; 5 !y 'S
"C-1" Residence Districts. ����3b r a��!!j� '� � .��',!��`�^
s. Ttiat, in addiUon to otlier require- , said �original and the whole thereof.
ments therefor, said owner's wr�tten „y.„; ', �'j���°x"�� -
„ ,�;,.5 1 � .A
acceptance and grant of negative ease- �.�';�_�-��; ; �j � ,��,��,�I��,�4 `,,,,-
ment shau �ncorporate a cert�&ed Copy �so•'�',t��j'::�,.�!:'����5 mq hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.�
of this ordinance, and immediately ,,rq+°,;�,� a�,�.�yy �,
upon the aforesaid filing of the same : '�,�' I� M'6���"'. f;'��p'��o�. ���� '
, � � ,�..,. 'Y�' ' �
the City Clerk shall cause one of such•�•�-r' �� �3'.� � . ^ ,�rMS�� '" �]L18,�� 6g.
counterparts thereo4 to, be filed of��K,- �a ,r,Ys� �''d; ; �°''�' -` �.',�r .�_.A. D.
record in the office of the Register of�;'.�� .. a;1;y'�'t'' 8-- -�;-�-..._..�._...(� Of-----•-------- -•-------------• -- ----
',� ` � -----
Deeds in and for Ramsey County�, Min- ;, a �. } '�h � � �� ! �p�'�,,•'��%
nesota. -t}�^���:� y.,�,,r{��y. ,�t �'��,' �`,.� 1�L �� - - - - �
SECTION 3 • '' q}1ifJ�, ;°!'.�Oti ;,.,rx'a i�f�� - •---
�:� g �`' .
This ordinance shall take efYect and; ,' � �� '����.i► , r ' � � �a .Ci� Clerk.
be in force thirty (30) days from and� , 4'+�`�E,�h u,G ,�„�'+�d'� `� � �
� after its passage, approval and publl-kr ti�y,'�{'� �„�+'�',° �,� �'�r',�'�?,f)�" �, ' ' y
��,i1e,�t�_� ;s�� �,T "��5� t�. ��}r•
�cation. �` f.�
i�q,;� F,�� :�:! ;'
Passed by the Council December 27.� y- � 4j `�"+��'{;�`�' `�;��/�'�"`'
1968. 1 ��"i.r�s�lc?�R'��y� 4 � .(i i.-?,;'�'r�,
.'�!' ;: c ���+1 �,�?�+
Yeas—Counciimen Carlson, Meredith,��.M��..�x = . ,�,,�?,,:�{"_3*, �����y�'°►'`{p t`-�
Pzterson, Sprafka, Tedesco, Mr. Presi- ,?�; 1�:,.k;.`� ���:�"v�{' �a�s�� �'►''
dent (BYrne)-6. . ' � .'��, a ,���°.��i�,,.�-,
Nays-0. •a�"*'�k� y 3� 4
Appxo�ed December 27, 1988. �''�"� "�f'7n"�''�+�"'�;i
a 1
�,� �.� ,.,. IA�
- Mayor.
�` Attest:
City Clerk. •
(January 4, 1969)
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OriQlnal to Cit�Clerk '' ' " .
PRESENTED BY . ����'` �i � ORDINANCE NO �� � �—
An ordinance amending the
� Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Districts, Fieight Districts -
and Re�oning of ce�rtain proper–
� ties in the City of Saint Paul,
as amended.
Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive,
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts,
Height Districts and Rezoriing of �certain properties in the City of
Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amen.ded so -
as to rezone the following described property on the terms and �
conditions expressed herein from "C" Residence District to Commercial
Distr.ict, to–wit: '�
, ' Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace
Park Addition to the' City of St.
� ' Paul, Ramsey County, State of
� Minnesota; �
situate on the northwest corner of Oakland Avenue and Lawton Street ,
in the City of Saint Paul. �
.. ,
" Section 2. ThE .property descri�be�d` above ,-is• subj ect to the , ^ ��''
followirig� terms and conditions : � � � ,-���.,,, , ' , - ,
, '_.._._..r __ . __.r_.�.�, �-- -—_-- . . -.... _.- ..�_.� _ _ � _ , --....�_;,Si� 'u ,t.:•.��:.�:i;._.�,.
1. 'That, subject to any further reclassification of the "
hereinabove described real estate by virtue of proceedings therefor
. � hereinafter instituted, conducted and completed according to the
� applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, effective as of the date
' of said' petition for reclassification and the applicable provisions
of the statutes of the State of Minnesota, hereby, the employment of
said real estate henceforth is restricted and limited to the follow–
ing specified use, to–wit:
� Commercial District for the opera–
tion of an antique shop on the
first floor and residence use on
' the second floor by the petitiorier
and property owner, subject to all
applicable statutes , ordinances, ,
' rules and regulations prescribed
and promulgated by governmental
agencies having cognizance.
Yeas Councilmen Nays ,,.,, , , . Passed by the Council
Dalglish T� Favor
Peterson ,
Sprafka Against
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk 11 3 r
� �O — ..
� Form approved Corporation Counsel By
I • ' '
Od¢In�l to City Clerk ° ' •, , '�
�"�� ��� �:- ORDINANCE 241254
� . .
= �, Page 2.
2. That the own.er of said real estate, within the period of
sigty (60) days next succeeding the publication of this ordinance,
shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully egecuted cou.nter—
parts , said own.er' s written acceptance of this ordinance,
incorporating, among other things, said own.er� s grant unto said
City of Saint Paul of a negative easement affecting said real
estate, for the imposition, maintenance and en.forcement o� the
aforesaid conditions, restrictions and limitations upon the
employment and use of the property described herein, approved as
to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and recordable
in the office of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement
and restrictive conveyance shall be drawn. to exclude all uses
permitted in "B" Residence Districts, "C" Residence Districts and
"C-1" Residence Districts.
3. That, in addition to other requirements therefor, said
` ownerts written accieptance and grant of negative easement shall
incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance, and immediately
upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause
one of such counterparts thereof to be filed o� record in the
office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Section 3. -This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication.
- � < - - - - -.�-_ --- .
, �,
; �-
- , -� - .�
��� 2? 1968
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Me� n Favor
�/ Peterson �
� �ga,inst
. President e DEC 2 7 1�5�
A oved:
Atte t:
- �
'° = Ci Clerk Mayor
�� 6' � _ '
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
• � 'pUBLISHE€ JR� �
....Dqvltcate to Printer ' ' '.
_ - ORDINANCE �,��.��
An ordinanae amending the •
Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inolusive, b� the Saint Paul �
Legislative Code, pertaining to
Use Dietriots, Height Distriota
and Rezoning o� certain proper-
ties in the City of Saint Paul,
as amended.
Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chaptera b0 to 64, incslusive, .
o� the Saint Paul Legfelative Code, pertaining to IIse Districts,
Height Distriots and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of
Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same i� hereby further amended so
as to rezone the following desaribed property on the terms and
conditions egpreseed herein from "C" Residence Dietriet to Commeraial
Distriot, to-wits
Lota 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace
Park Addition tu the City o� St.
Paul, Ramsey County, State o�'
situate on the northwest corner o� Oakland Avenue and La�,rton Street
in the City o� Saint Paul.
Seotion 2. The property desoribed above i� sub�ect to the
�ollowing terms and conditionss
1. That, sub�ect ta any turther reolassitioation of the
hereinabove described real edtate by virtue o� prooeedings therefor
hereinaYter instituted, conducted and oompleted according to the
applicable provisions o� said Zoning Code, e�feotive as oY the date
ot said petition for reclassi�ication and the appliaable pro�rieions
oY the statutes o� the State of Minneaota, hereby, the emp�.oyment of
said real estate henoe�orth is restricted and limited to the �ollow-
ing speci�ied use, to-wits
Commercial Distriat �or the opera-
tion o� an antique shop on the
first floor and reeidence use on
the second floor by the petitivner
and property awner, sub�ect to all
applicable �tatutes, 'ordinances,
rules and regulatione pres�ribed
�nd promulgated by gavernmental
agencies having Qognizance.
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �
Dalglish Tn Favor
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved•
Attest: �
City Clerk 1Vlaqor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
� 1�aD1��+��Printer � � '. ,
. � ORDINANCE 2412��
Page 2.
2. That the o�rner of said real estate� within the period of
eizty (b0) days nezt s�icceeding the publiQation of this ordinanee�
shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully exeouted counter-
parte, said own.er' e written acceptance of thia ordina.nce,
ineorporating, among other thinga, eaid owner' s grant unto eaid
City of Saint Paul of a negative ea$ement affeoting said real
estate, tor the imposition, maintenance and enforcement of the
aforeeaid oonditiona, restriQti.ons and limitations upon the
employment and use oY the property de�cribed herein, approved se
to Yorm and ezeoution by the Carpor�tion Couneel and recordable
in the o�fioe of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement
and restrictive aonveyance ahall be drawn 'to egolude all uaes
permitted in "B" Residence DistriQts, "C" ftesidence DistriQtg and
"C-1" Reaidence Districte.
3. That� in addition to other requirements there�or, said
owner' s written acc.epta.nae and grant of negative easement shall
incorporate a aertified +oopy of this ordinanee� and 3mmediatel�
upon the aforesaid filing of the eame the City Clerk shall csause
one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the
o�fiQ� o� the Reg�.�ter of Deeda in a.nd �or Rameey County, Minnesota.
Section 3. This ordinance ehall take e��ect and be in foroe
thirty (30) days from and a�ter ite passage, approval and publication.
DEC 2 � 196�
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci�
Mer�1� n Favor
Peterson �
Sprafka Againat
Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: DEC 2 71�68
City Clerk Mayor
Form approved Corporation Counsel By
/ � ..� � .. � • � r: • �
;;` � '�. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��✓ � .
� Y
J Note: The�' signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi-
fication before signing this petitiot�. For further information about the
rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 22'3-4151.
(Please type or print) 'Ij
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall '
City.of Saint, Paul, Minnesota
Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of
two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of
the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�a or more of
the. frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow-
, ing described property; (legal description and street address)
Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace Park Addition, commonly described as
547 Oakland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, ���� Q �� � �'� � _ �O rn�
from C Residential District to Commercial Distr ct, for the
purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following:
(descri�be briefly the proposed facility) `
l ,
Subject Propert ; ' �
' �� lRnfi-w� dZ- � �
y7 0 � �
16 a a
a o
15 8 Terrace Park
� �
.�`� /� .
�i '�� ��-�� Gy - Terrace Park
v'�y.�-�y� "-'�'��-n-� �-'� i3' ����-u-�� 15 12 Terrace Park
54 Lawton Ste s , if"�'�
�� �� �� �� G� NW 25'
15 12 Terrace Park
5'G�� 5G s o���l�N c/ " .
� -
563 & 565 Oakland
� 05, .
State of Minnesota ( �' � �-�G�`� �
County of Ramsey (
s s �--_._._ . �" ' '� �
_. .
• '•-�.
Doris Appelbaum � _ ; being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he
. 'is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of t pages•
that the parties described above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed
immediately following each name;- that this petition was signed by each of said
owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true �
and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described.
. Subscribed and sworn to before me �
this 4th day of September� 1968. :��
, �7G�/h/ h Address: 1072 (#�o rich Avenue
Albert D.. Levin � Telephorie No. 225-07T0
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn: �
My commission expires May 27, 1972. � Approved as to form 1/4/65
Office of the Corporation Counsel
FGI 1/5/65 ' .
� " „
� ,.
, : • � � ' �
,_... y
` °��� 7��
� - .
. �
� � ,
. �
``� THIS INDENTURE, made and executed this �t� day of
'�� ,,, � ��� �,� , 196�, by and between Donald Windish an.d
, Shirley M. Windish, husband and wife, of the County of Ramsey,
� State of Minne�ota, he�etinaf��er d'esignated "t�ie '�first; parties" ,
and City of Saint Paul , hereinafter designated "the second
party" ;
o C�%
� �
� W
� � WHEREAS, The first parties , on and for a considerable
O7 ,�
� period of time next preceding the 4th day of January, 196g,
N �
x (.'� were� and ever since said date have been the contract owners
Q x .
-Z o
� � of all of the following described real estate situate in
� the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota,
to-wit : •
- Lots 16 and 17, Block 8, Terrace �
Park Addition to the City of St .
• Paul, Ramsey County, State of
Minnesota, situate on the north-
west corner of Oakland Avenue an.d
� Lawton Street in the City of
. � Saint Paul ;
WHEREAS, Said real estate on said date and for a consider-
able period of time negt preceding the same, was zoned and
� classified in "C" Residence District under and by virtue of
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, Zoning Code, Saint Paul �Legislative
Code, as amended, and pursuant to the petition of the first
parties the Council of the second party, according to the
� provisions of said Zonrng Codc, as'"amended, and� the Statutes
of the State of Min.nesota, in such cases made and provided, with
the written acquiescence of the owners of two-thirds of the
several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet
- �(���j' �,�n�� �*��E �F�D �b�
� 4285 � � �..� �► saaE A
1' � • • 1 � • r
of said real estate, duly enacted City of Saint Paul Ordinance
No. 14070, C. F. No. 241254, approved December 27, 1968, and
� published in the Official Newspaper of the second party on the
� 4th day of January, 196g, amending said Zoning Code, as amended,
� .
�-�= ' so that said hereinabove described real estate was thereby
� and thereun.der rezoned and reclassified from "C" Residence
m District to Commercial District, subject to especial exceptions
�and conditions in the nature of especial restrictions upon the
use of the same whereby the use and employment of said
hereinabove described real estate was restricted to the
follow�:ng uses and employments , subject to further rezoning
and reclassification o� the same by virtue of proceedings
therefor thereafter instituted, conducted and completed,
according to applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, as
amended, and of statutes of the State of Minnesota, to-wit :
Commercial District for the operation
of an antique shop on the first floor
and residence use on the second floor
by the petitioner and property owner,
subject to all applicable statutes ,
ordinances , rules and regulations
� prescribed and promulgated by govern-
mental agencies having cognizance;
WHEREAS, The first parties , for themselves , their heirs ,
administrators , executors and assigns, intend hereby to accept
said Ordinance No. 14070, and to provide for the imposition,
maintenance, and enforcement of such especial restrictions upon
the use of said hereinabove described real estate to run with
the land and to grant unto the second party, in.. further com-
� �
pliance with the conditions of said Ordin.ance No. 14070, a
negative easement therefor;
NOW, THEREFORE, the first parties , as such owners of said
hereinabove described real estate, for themselves , their heirs ,
, , - .
� administrators , executors , and assigns , do hereby covenant
� and bind themselves , their heirs , administrators ; executors
{.� and assigns , unto the second party that , in accordance with
�^ ,
� said Zoning Code, as amended, particularly as the same h�a,s
m : been amended by said Ordinance No. 14070, said real estate
has been effectively restricted and limited in respected of
its use an.d employment and shall henceforth be restricted
and limited in such particulars as follows , to-wit :
1. That , subject to any further reclassi-
fication of the hereinabove described real estate
by virtue of proceedings therefor hereinafter
instituted, conducted and completed according to
the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code,
effective as of the date of said petition for
reclassification� and the applicable provisions
of the statutes of the State of Minnesota, hereby,
the employment of said real estate henceforth is
restricted and limited to the following specified
use, to-wit :
, Commercial District for the opera-
tion of an antique shop on the
first floor and residence use on
the second floor by the petitioner
and property own.er, subject to all
applicable statutes , ordinances ,
rules and regulations prescribed �
an.d promulgated by governmental
agencies having cognizance ,
and the said first parties , for themselves , their heirs ,
, �
administrators, executors and assigns hereby grant, convey and
warrant u.nto the second party, said City of Saint Paul , as such �
municipal corporation, in trust for the ben.efit of the public,
. �
` 3