241243 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 241243 , _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE C��TTF,� COUNCIL RE OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � December �.2� 1968 COMMISSIONE DATF / � RESOLVID: That application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale P�Ialt Beverage and Cigarette licenses made by Sandra Lee Dobry�ow at 158 Concord Street, b e and the same . are herebSr granted on the condition that within � � days of this date said Sandra Zee �obryenow shall comply wS_th all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police and the License Inspector pursuant to the �t. Paul Legislative Code and a11 other applicable ordinanes and laws. � �S-• • � � ��� � � 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � �' 1��� _ ,����5�� pprove � 19— Meredith n Favor , ��' Mayor S�rafku � i��t�nq' Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, �3�e-- . PUBLISHE� DEC 21 1968 �o .. CITY OF SA�TT �AUI. . . • Capital of Minnesota �L�1��� - �e a�t�er�t o kb�ic �a e� p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner` POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY. Deputy Commiesioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lleenee Inepeetor Il�ecember 12, 1968 Honoxable Mayor and CityCouncil ; Saint Paul, 14innesota � Gentlemen: Sandra Z. Dabryanow makes application for Restaurant, - On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for 158 Concord �treet, which is on the South side of the street bettaeen Robie and State Streets. This location has been licensed for a similar business since19�1. The present -licensee� Thomas R. wolff, has held such licenses since March 1960. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocks. The closest Qn Sa1e Ziquor establishr�ent is about one and. a helf blocks, and the,.,closest Off Sale I,iquor establishment is about two blocics a�aay. jhe nearest church is about two blocks and the nearest school ' is about four blocks away. Sandra �abryano�� was er�loyed at St. Luke's Hospital as a nurses aid from 1962 to 1965 and since that time was em�loyed at To�i's Loun�e, 266 Uni.ver�ity Avenue from 1965 to the present. Very trul yours� - . . ��� � � �� . t License Inspector � � � . y �O � i � �,.,�'.. , ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPAR�NT +DF PUBLTC SAFETY LICENSE DIPISI(7N �� ' Date� �fe-ir o�Q 19 �� 1. Appl�,cation for. ' License 2. Name of applicant S p/ ,� Q � �y 3. •Busineas address /�j,Q' C`��r�c,��� Residence � - -. . . 4. Trade name, if a� 7--�_�___ /�� �'i�-ea o R_. ._ _ _ 5. &etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�etail Liquor Federal Tax_Stamp will be used. 6. Un what floor located / Lg � Number of roa�na used�,� Pj 7. Betw�aen what cross atreets�p����- ��/f-�"QF Which side of street � So�-�-f-�- 8. �Are premises now oaaupied�Wtiat businese � „ °� How lqng � 9. �re premisea now un.occupied�Haw long vacant Previous use 10. Are you a new ovrnbr � Have you been in a similar business be ore�t . � - � , G��� �`� ,. �Phere h�« , �.,� .�!G Z�'%�"' Whan ��'/l — / �G 11. Are you going to�operate this buainess peraonally �e,QJ If not, �rho will operate it 12. Are you i.n any other businesa atYthe pre�ent tims �p 13. Aave there been any complaints against your oparation of this type of pl.ace��� yPhen �here � ' l4. �Eav�e you ev�er had a�y license revoked ''� y�hst reason an�l date - 15. Are you a cS.'tizen of the United St�tes �¢.y Natimez��Naturalized. . , .. 16. YPhere were you born ��j� �_ . 1� Date of bir'th °„����{ _ 17. �I am. /1/Df'married. My (tivife's) (husband's) name and address is � � ' 18. (If m�rried female) my maiden name is �r, y► �/A ���/ __ _ _ 19. How� long have you lived in St. Paul � 20+ Hav�a you ev�er been arreated�_Violation of what cr�m�rA1 ],aw or ordinance 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Phul es No. (Anewer fu11y� and complete].y. rThese a� 'lioations are thorou hl checlfled and an , falaifioation will be cause for denial. -_� . J IL fi `��� wy . , T , ' � r . * • � - . • • �' �+ ' ' - -- � ` ' .. .. . • � 1 , i . ' .1 , � � i ' y � ��. - � . � -�• a � 1. 1 i . • _�!- , . • _� . ... = , r STATE OF 11dINNESOTA � , ) SS � C(WNTY OF RAMSEY ) �d fl r f d L e..e a� �^ y iUpiil being first duly sworn., doth depose and say thatS he makes this affidavit �n oonnection zvith applioation for "�Sale° liquor license (" �,',� Sal.e" malt beverage license) in the City of � State of P�inne s ota Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the ansi has reaided therein for $` years, months, and ia - � - - - - , Sta te noaP an.d has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of �aid (� and that s he naw resides at N0. �G7,�, B6in.nesota.. . �� Su'bso�ib,ed and sworn to before me : r _ . . , . ,, _`'thia � ` day of�u���- 19 "'� : � � • Notary Pub , msey County, Mi sota - �l�dy oommisaion expires /a • a.�i97a DOROTHY J. MUI�KELWIrt� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mindl My,Commission Expires Oct 25, 1�9Z0.'