241242 ORIG�INAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 2�124.2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE Nd• �cII�1sE cot���rEE � UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �ecember 3� 1968 COMMISSIONE DATF v i RESOLVID; Th�at application for the transfer of On Sale Ziquor License issued to Frank C, Seventh _ Machovec at 995 �'�est/Street to Rowe, Inc, at the same address, and their application for Restaurant� Qn and Off Sale T�al-r,�everage and Cigarette licenses for the same location� b e and the same are hereby granted on the condition that within � � , days of this date said Ro��e, Inc. shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Police, and the License Inspector pursuant to the St. Paul _ Legislatxve Code arr3. all other applicable ordinances and laws. . � „ t. ,,, . � ��.� 1 � 196� COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas - ., Nayg ' ��c 1 � ���� � . ' Carlson ' �q��. : Approve 19— _ Meredith Favor F �te�rs�II— � 1 ����� Mayor S�,rafk�., � - .. A gainst - Tedesco , _ � � ' �,. � Mr. President, �yr�e— ; " PUBLISHED pEC 21 1968 � , � . f �o � f � . ,� � _ ��.4 . ' � CITY dF SAtNT PAUL Capital of Minnesota .�� . / �'� �e a�t�e�t o c��`ic �a et ��� �' - p � POLICS Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Depnty Commiesloner � _ DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN. Lleense Inepeetor December 3, 1968 Honorable �Iayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Rowe, Inc. is joined by FrankC. Machovec in making application for the transfer of On Sa1e Ziquor License No. 7313, expiring Januax�,� 31, 1969, from I'rank C. Machovec at 995 '�est Seveneth Street to Rowe, Inc. at the same address. Rowe, Inc.� also make application for Restaurant, On , and Off Sa1e I�1alt Beverage and Cigarette licenses for the same location. - The O�ficers of the corporation are William rZ. Schwartz, President and Treasurer; and Barbara K. Schwartz Vice-president and Secretary. • , � �'hey are the only t tao stockholders in the c orporation. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1933. Mr. Machovec had been licensee of this establishment since that time, e�cept a period. between 19b2 and 1965, tahen a corporation held the licenses. From 1961 to 1965 P�Ir. �Schwartz was associated with the Schwartz Grocer�f and from September 1965 to July 1967, he was in the servi co. Since that ti.me he has been emnloyed by the Northtuest Airlines. �4rs. Schwartz worked at the St. Paul Ramsey Hospital from June 1966 to Ju�� 1968, at St. Mary's Junior �ollege from 1965 to 1966, and at the Lindhurst Plursing Home in 196�.. Very truly ours� , . �� e �� License Inspector � ' �•x . . �O • Y .. ' ._ . � KELLY & FINLEY ', � ATI'ORNEYS AT LAW 920 MINNESOTA BUILDING � ST. PAUL, MINNHSOTA SS101 R.DONALD K&LLY . JAMES F.PINLSY � VOILLIAM W. THOMPSON • Phone: 222-6881 � November I8, 1968 -, ' � , � � � The Honorable Mayor and City Council � � City Hall . . ! St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 , . , ; Re; On-Sale Liquor License at 991-995 W. 7th Street , Gentlemen: - � � Please be advised that Frank C. Machovec, the holder of � - the on-sale liquor license at the above stated address , respectfully requests that you consider for approval the transfer of the said on-sale license to Rowe Incorporated.. Your early consideration in -this request would be greatly appreciated. , Yours very truly, - . , ' � KELLY & FINLEY BY . � R. Donald Kelly, Attorney for Frank C. Machovec RDK:ms '� cc: Mr. Daniel McLaughlin ' � 4 _ y . � ` . , • 1 • . � , � f � � � � y , ROBERT J. POLSKI : ' Attorney ao Law Public Accountant , C>05 COMMBRCH BLDG. ' SAINT PAUL 1, MINNHSOTA , � - CArirnt 4•0834 � , / ' • ' December 2, 1968 ' . �� • � �t: . ti. • , s ' , , ' ,= , , • �i � , . _� �, ; , , To the Honorable Council � ' � City Court House , ' _ - Saint Paul, Minnesota ' . � Gentlemen: Rowe, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation has purchased the on- . sale liquor establishment of Machovec Bar, mhich was formerly owned by Frank C. Machovec. Rowe, Inc. is leasing said premises ' � at 995 West Seventh•Street, Saint Paul,, Minnesota, from Frank C. . . Machovec. � Rowe, Inc. hereby respectfully requests the transfer of the licenses connected with said business from Frank C. Machovec, . , doing business as, Machovec Bar, to Rowe, Inc., doing business � � as Schwartz�s Bar. � Thank you for your consideration in this matter. ' Very truly yours, ' ' � ' - , -; � g . : -���C��.��..�,��'�.��.��-�_��- . - . : William M. Schwartz � President - Treasurer � - � � I ; '•�� . . � � • � 7=.q_.�� . , :':'';,.� C ITY OF SA}NT PAUL , ` � � '� - DEPART�dENT �JF P(TBI,TC SAFETY ' . .�;*:� :. � • LICENSE DIVISICIN -- � -., , ' - . , Date December 2 , _ .19 �68 . .t . •l. • Application for On-Sale'Liquor � '� License 2. .Name of appliQarit Willia� Ei. Schwarttc - - - - 3. •Businesa addresag9S W. Seventh St. Residence 1201 PortlAr�d Ave.� �t. Paul, Hinn. i _� T.. • 4. Trade x�me, 3f any 6�ehwartz�a �ar ' � ' � - ' . - '_'_ "_' _,_. _ �' '_' '___" _' " ' ._ _ r . 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail I,iquor Federal Tax_Stamp�_will�be "used. � � ,.. , . a � 6. C� what floor Tocated , Qrouad Number of ro�a used�. � Tcvo ' . - - --- - - -- --__.. __. _. - � . �•>. � ?. Betw�een what cross streets James 8a Rauclolph �hich side of atreet North ' - - .._ . . . . _ ,- -- --. _.. _. __ . � 8. Are premiaes now occupiectliea Wriat business On»�Ale Liquor Hoav long � 9. �re �premises naw unoocupied�j How long vacant - Previoua uss- � � � - . 10. Are you q new awner Yrs Have you been in a simi].ar busineas before �o • � iNhere V�hen 11. Are you going to operate this business personally Yes . If not, who will opar�te it � 12. �re you in. any other business at the present time No 13. Have there besn any csomplaints a�ainat your operation of this type of place No VPhen ' �here � l4. Eava you ever had ar�y license revoked No ylhat reason and date 15. Are you a csitizen of the IInited States Yes 1Vativ�e Ye� Natu�alized - -- . .�'— _ . , _ � . 16. 'PYhere w�ere you born 3t. Paul, M�.nnesota Date of birth tp;23-45 . - - ._- _ � . . _ , ._.._ . - , . � 17. -I am. �arried. �,p (wife's� ( j nams and addresa is__ _ � nR,�'[� �� ' H�7''B. Schwfirtz - 1201 Portland Aveuue L St. Paul. Efinnesota___ 18. (If married female) my maiden name is 19. Hav� long have you lived in St. Paul 23 y�ars �.� ` ` � 20. Eave you ev+er bean arreated ��f3Vio].ation of what-cr�m�r�1�..]a�.nr ordinance �i�'.i � « = � � - � , � . � L 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St. Paul ��8 Yea . , � No+ . ._ _. . . _ . , - - `. j� (Anewer �ullY�and completely. These a� �lioations are tl�orou hl chealfled aud. an falsifioatiom wil]. be cause for denial.� . � ' � • . . • AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ,. , ° , . F'OR RETA,IL BEER OR LIQU�R LICEN3E � Res On- Sale L / � � a R Lioenae Name of applicant . tiy�lliam M. Schwartz � Buainess addreasi 995 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, Minneaota Are pou the sole�own.er of this buainess? No , T�f not, ia it a partnership? No � oorporation? Ye8 a � , other� ' � , ... .,_ -- - .._ . _ _ _ __ _ Others inte�x�,asted in buainess, include those by loan of money, property or otherwise3 Name���chwartz Addre a s 1201 Port�.and Ave.�t� �� S09G Stockholder _ Frank_C. _Machovec 45B Oeceola Ave. St. Pan�eller-Pled�ed Stock If a corporation; give its name Rowe� Inc. ' Are yoiz interested in. any �ray in any other Retail Beer or Liquor buainesa? No , � . ._. - . - -- •- �- - As sole ov�mer? : Partner? Stoekholder? Otherwise� (Through loan of money, eta. E�plain) No Address of auch busineas and nature of intereat in same None � . _ .� _- --- - � ' Signature of applicant � Sta'te of �6inne sota) -- . )ss - County of Ramsey ) William M. Schwartz � � � being first-cluly sworn; deposes and says upon oath that he lias 'read tlie �foregoing affidavit��bear�cng-his signature and lrnows the contenta thereof; that the' sam� ia true of his- ov�'rn. l�.iowledge, exoept as to those matters therein stated�upon inform�tion and belief and �as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. /• ._ Signature oP a pplicant � � � Subacribed and,a'�torn to before me � this ' _day_of -�s,��. - 19 (o� � r � `r _. . ��:,la.�.-- Notary Public, � ey County,��dinn.esota �� . . . . . . ; , z� < • . M,p eommisaionfexp ir9s-- � ' � . 19 - � 'FNBERT�RGLLSK� Notary Public, RarriseY Gounty, Minn. My Commisslorn ExPires-Jan.21, 1969, . , . '�� ' ` • , STATE OF MINNESOTA � _ SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) . � : ► , � , � r ' �9flliam 1►9. �chtivartz , being first duly sworn, doth depose „ . and say that he makes this affidavit in. aonnecstion �vith applioation for '� On Sale'� liquor license (" � Sale" malt beverage licenae� a.n the Citq of � - - - • - - _ . ._ _. . _ _ . .._ .-_ Statv of B�inne sota. Saint Paul, Min.nesota; that your affiant is a resident of the - � - --- ---- . ;; and has resided therei.n for 23 yeara, 1 months, and ia � ._ - - - - - -- - - State noov and ha s been fbr the time ab ove menti oned a b ona f ide re side nt of sa id �E and that he now resides at N0. 1201 Portland Avenue, 3t. Paul, M3.nnesota , Minne s ota. � . Subsaribed and sworn to before me thia ��^'�- clay of v.�-�.� 19 �o� ' ��� y� � . �_�'�.- . - - - � . . , _ Notar�-Publia, Ramsey Coun.ty, Minnesota _ - My oommiseian expirea - � . RQBERT J. POLSKI � "- - NotarS+ Public, Ramsey County, Minn. ', My C�ommisston Expires Jan.21„ 1969.� iy1� � � ' �: • ' '° � - . . . ' , ': CITY flF SAINT PAUL • DEPARTMENT flF PUBLIC SAFETY � " � ZIGENSE DIVYSIUN " ' � , • � ' Date Uecember 2 • � 19 68 1. �pplication for On-Sale °L� uor � Liaense _ R - . , 2. Name of applicant BQ"`K. Sch�rartz 3. •Businesa addreas a9g �• Seventh St. Residence 1201 Portl�.ud Avenue, St. Paul� Hinn. 4. Trade name, if any � Sch�vartz�s Bax • . . ` 5. 8etail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp_��_____will be used. - - � . . . "� , - - 6. (� �rhat floor located �'a�d � Number of rocana used��. . illit '�`�0 � 7. Betw�aen �.at crosa streetsJamea & �tandolph �h,ioh side of street Nortt� -� 8. $re premiaes now ocaup3.ed 13�s What business0�-Sale Liquor How long � 9. �;�e.: premises no�sr un.oacupied�/a How long vacant . . -Previoua �use � . . _ .. _ �.--... _ - �- -� --- - . • - - - � 10. 'dre you a new awner Y�s Have you been in. a similar busineas before; �No ' � `9Phere Wfien 11. ,Are you� going to operate this business personal].y Yee /(/,� _ . ._ .. _ -.. - . If not, who will operate it �, L L i�.r.� �c Li w i���"z- 12. Are you in any other business at,the present t9me � No • , � ' _ 13. Have there been any complaints againat your operation of this type of place No When l�lhere � . . . _.. .,�---- --- - . , .; � 14. ��va you ever had any license revolfled No vPhat reason and date , �j` � , . _ _. - --- - - �T 15., Are you a citizen of the IInited StatesYea Nativ�e Xea Naturalized . .� �.__ ---�--- 16. Y�here w�are you born. �t. Paul, Minnesota Date of bir'th May 30, 1946 .r' � 17. �I am married. My (� (thusband's j name and addresa is ' � _ _ William Dt:= Schwartz, �201 Portland Aveaue, St. Paul. Minne�atA ' � 18. (If married fem�le) my maiden. nams is R��� � __ .i .. . . . - y=:, .- 19. Haw long have you lived in St. Paul 2�,,yeArs . � - ' 20. Hav�a you ev+er been arrested � �o Violation�,of what oriminal lavir_or��"ordinance�` „ - __ . f • . - : . • ' � � . . � _ . , 21. Are pou a registered �voter in the City of St. Plaul Yes, .. Yea '�\�� . i No. � 4 • '. . .•��•,-_ - �� (Anawer ful1Y and completely: JThese a� 'lioations are thorou h]. , checlflad and an � � falaifiaati�n will' be cause for denial.� � � ' � ' � . � _ t_ • � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT � . `' ' � . • � FOR RETAIL BEER OR LIQU�R LICENSE Res On- Sale G. / �Q v v!Z Liaense Name of applicant H. K. Schwartz - -� • - Business addreas 995 �est Seventh Street, St. Paul, Min�esota , - - - - - - - - . - - - - .'j ' Are you the sole oro�mer of this buainess? No . T�f not, is it a partnership? No c orporat ion?, Yes , other3 . � . , Others in.terested in business, include those by loan of money, propert�r or otherv�rises , _.�._... _ Paul � Name�Yilliam M. Schwartz Addrese 1201 Portland Ave. St: Hora 509(� Stockholder . Frank C. Machovec 4S6 Osceola Ave., St. Paul Se11er-Pledged Stock If a corporation, give its name Rowe. Inc. Are you interested in any way in any other 8etail Beer or Liquor buaines�? �o As sole ovsmer� Partner? Stoe�older4 � � Othex�rise4 (Through loan of money, eto. E�plain) No . . •, Address of auch buainess and nature of interest in same None " _--- �-. � _ ����i,, �ti?� Signature of applioan ' State of Minnesota) � � ' � �ss � CoLmty of Ramsey � B. K. Schwartz � � � � being first��cluly awor�i; deposes arid says upon oath that he has �read the �f oregoing affidavit�`bea'r�n.g�hi's signature and l�ows the contenta thereof; that the� sams�is true of his- ovnn l�aowledge, except as to those mattera therein stated�upon informgtion and belief and as to those matters he lie- � lieves them to be true. -- ��,��. � �1G'�/I� �i•i Signa ure of applicant � + y ' � Subscribed "and aworn to before me � this `�,�, aay of ' 19 G t� _ - , ���: - . _. . Notary�Publia, ey County, �inneaota . :f . . _ . My commisai(in expirea'` � 19 RODERT J.�P0!'SKI � '' ` Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn. _ My Commissfon Expires Jan,21� 1965L, r - r 1 1 I ' ~ • • ' r \ 4 i " ; STATE OF MINPIESOTA ) ) SS - _CO[JNTY OF RAMSEY ) ' B. K: 8chwartz � being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that6 he makea this affidavit in. aonnection �rith applioation for ° Oa Sale'� liquor license (" � Sa1e" malt beverage lice�.se) in the City of . _ . . - -- - � - - - - - -._ .- --- State of MS.nn.e sota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the , - -_, -- - and has resided. therein for 22 years, 6 months, and is � , - . .. ._ �_ . - � - � Sta�e now and has been for the time'above mentioned a bona fide resident of said � and that � he now residea at N0. 1201 Portland Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota ��X, �dinne s ota. . �,u ���" _ � � Subsoribed a�.d sworn �to before me • thia �ir...�- day of l�l.,�'i . 19 � � � �''ro--�"�' . . Notary Public, msey Coun.ty, Minnesota . �y oommisaion expires ROBERT :1. P Notary PubUc, Ramsey County, Minn. t,Ay Commission Explres Jan.21, 19��+. r _ . ` ,_ _ � � � - . - 1• _ �� � - � _ I' - ' _ t J . � '� �� ` t �,,,,_,r_.r'`'-`� , .r,' }', . ,