241236 -� .
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Counoil File No.. ..
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I _ _ _ �Theund'eraignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefollowingpub�provement by the City of 8aint Psnl,vis.• - _ _
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' `'�" _.` _�point�Iocated _at.a bearing`of_:N �9°,,_32�� T+l. and:�a"distsnce,�ro£`214=feet°=from".`th�e`NWi' . • .aF�
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"'�istance of �00 fee`t`,•"�thence�at a bear.ing-of S'�45 26 E�a distance of 450.00 feet;
- �.t�_,er�cg,.,_.ax,�l�eax.ing,eo�.,�];.55°'�..9':�.�a,.,distanc.e�o�f.��25_0.£eet,;mar_e�.or<..l.es.s,..�to,..the.,.�.....,.�:
existing Troutbrook Sewer, and all to be known as the TROUTBROOK-CASE AVENUE SEWER
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_____ WHEREA$,__A written propoeal for the maldng of the following improvement, vis.t
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�� �°-.s.:;,Const�uct� .a�relief�sewer whose -centerline is .desc�ibed as follows; beginning at a�`" �.,
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• ° ����,, �r..gpiiYt.�]:o�cated.�at�.a..b.ear�,ng...o�-..N.:.8�°::-32•.�•-.W..a�d���a�d;L-st��ice��o-€-'21 -feer.,- • _ ; _ �'
= �4� from•-t�he-�NW:..--�_
�-�-='-- -=� w��cor�.e�. o�f��the NF.�, of the SE '�.o.f:=Section�.3Q., T29I�-=�R22W' thence�a��a,beariRgyof---:'�-b.:�:�''
;�_ « ,�t - �.�-.:.. --�._.--.....�... .,..--.�-_
• � distance of 300 feet; thence at a bearin of S 45° 26' E a distance of 450.00 feet•
+thence�at a�bearing�of N 55°�19' E a�distance of 250 feet�more or less��to the�� ""''F
� h�e�ist37ag��r.t��3fh'r8okh�Se�re�;�Iand�all��:t8lb"etiknofaii�as�-tt�enT&OU•TBROOK-CAS�EuAVENUE��-SEWER,
tLS�rl�?��;A s it '.
' `--��` -R.F�OLYED,�Tfiat ttie Co -m n�estoner oI'YUDiio w orice oe-and�is�aereoy-orderea anu u'uvo�i: —
1. To investigate the necessity for, or deeirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
� � 2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated Foet of esid improvement� and the total ooet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile�or eketch of said improvement. � •
- 4. To etate whether or ao�eaid improvement ie aeked for on�he petitioa of three er mo� ownere.
b. To report upon sll of 4,he foregoing matters to the �mmiesioner of F�nsnoe.
Adopted by the Counoil........................»....... ��� � 1968
Yns� -
Councilman . DFC 6 196$
Da1 g 1 ish �PProved....._..................._....................................--
,��y� �
� Peterson
Tedesco • • � ° •~
Mr. President B.�t�rre ' Mayor.
woo �-sc �
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PU�U�HE� ��G 14 19b$